Name & Etymology
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Digimon Reference Book
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⇨ Japanese Although it looks like a Bird-type, it is a Plant Digimon whose body is packed with juices with high sugar content like that of a fruit. For that reason, it has many natural predators such as Bird and Insect Digimon. Despite having wings, it is mainly active on land because its flight speed is so slow that it becomes defenseless.
When it senses danger, it protects itself with "Rapid Seed", in which it spits out countless seed-like bullets from its mouth. Its "Fruits Rush", where it curls up and speeds off, is often used as a means of escape rather than an attack.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 鳥型のように見えるが、果物のように体内に高糖度の果汁が詰まった植物型デジモン。そのため鳥系・虫系のデジモンなど天敵が非常に多い。羽根は付いているものの飛行速度が遅く無防備になってしまうことから、主に陸で活動している。 危険を感じたときは口からタネのような弾丸を無数に吐き出す「ラピッドシード」で身を守る。体を丸めて突進する「フルーツラッシュ」は攻撃よりも逃走手段として用いられることがほとんどだ。
⇨ Japanese Although it looks like a Bird-type, it is a Plant Digimon whose body is packed with juices with high sugar content like that of a fruit. When it senses danger, it protects itself with "Rapid Seed", in which it spits out countless seed-like bullets from its mouth. Its "Fruits Rush", where it curls up and speeds off, is often used as a means of escape rather than an attack.
Toei Animation | Digimon Adventure:
⇨ English 鳥型のように見えるが、果物のように体内に高糖度の果汁が詰まった植物型デジモン。危険を感じたときは口からタネのような弾丸を無数に吐き出す「ラピッドシード」で身を守る。体を丸めて突進する「フルーツラッシュ」は攻撃よりも逃走手段として用いられることがほとんどだ。
⇨ Japanese Although it looks like a Bird-type, it is a Plant Digimon whose body is packed with juices with high sugar content like that of a fruit.
For that reason, it has many natural predators such as Bird and Insect Digimon. Despite having wings, it is mainly active on land because its flight speed is so slow that it becomes defenseless.
Today's Digimon
⇨ English 鳥型のように見えるが果物のように体内に高糖度の果汁が詰まった植物型デジモン。 そのため鳥系・虫系のデジモンなど天敵が非常に多い。羽根は付いているものの飛行速度が遅く無防備になってしまうことから、主に陸で活動している。
⇨ Japanese A Plant Digimon whose body is packed with juices with high sugar content like that of a fruit. For that reason, it has many natural predators such as Bird and Insect Digimon. Despite having wings, its flight speed is slow, so it is mainly active on land.
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⇨ English 果物のように体内に高糖度の果汁が詰まった植物型デジモン。そのため鳥系・虫系のデジモンなど天敵が非常に多い。羽根は付いているものの飛行速度が遅く、主に陸で活動している。
Pomumon's original design is based on the dragon fruit or pitaya.
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Rapid Seed
Rapiddo Sīdo
Spits out countless seed-like bullets from its mouth.
Fruits Rush
Furūtsu Rasshu
Curls up and speeds off.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
In "Strike! The Killer Shot", several Pomumon were hunted and turned into fruit by Toropiamon and its Flymon underlings. One was saved by Takenouchi Sora and Birdramon, and from there, the Pomumon rescued several others, and all joined forces to kill a Flymon and stop Toropiamon's Tropical Venom by sealing its mouth with their Rapid Seed and Sora's soccer shot, letting Garudamon and Metal Greymon finish it off.
The Pomumon reappeared in "The Tears of Shakkoumon" and "The End of the Adventure".
Pomumon in Digimon Adventure:
Pomumon in Digimon Adventure:
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]