Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A close combat specialist renowned for being an angel that descended to earth. It is always bright and cheerful, and adorns itself in a fashionable manner, and has a lovely personality that enjoys eating delicious things while walking about. However, Lovely Angemon contains the data of magical fighters who engage in hand-to-hand combat, and deals fiendish enemies that it can never forgive with a breathtaking combo of combat techniques. No matter what sort of crisis arises, it will overcome the predicament with its spirit of never giving up, and achieve victory at any cost.
Its Special Moves are putting all its strength into its fist and dishing out a seven-colored punch (Marble Impact), and jumping high into the sky and kicking while spinning (Dream Hurricane). In addition, its “Lovely Shower”, where it punches its fist and fires heart-shaped energy shots at the enemy, has the effect of purifying the enemy’s evil heart.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 地上に舞い降りた天使と名高い近接戦闘のスペシャリスト。いつもは明るく元気でオシャレをし、美味しい物の食べ歩きを楽しむ可愛らしい性格である。しかし肉弾戦を行うマジカルファイターというデータを内包しており、ラブリーエンジェモンが許せない悪逆非道な敵には息をつかせぬ格闘技のコンボをお見舞いする。どんなピンチが訪れようと、決して諦めない心で窮地をはねのけ、必ず勝利をモノにする。 必殺技は、渾身の力を拳に乗せて七色の正拳突きする『マーブルインパクト』、空高くジャンプし回転しながらキックする『ドリームハリケーン』。さらに拳を打ち出してハート型のエネルギー弾を敵に撃つ『ラブリーシャワー』は敵の悪しき心を浄化する効果も持つ。
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that contains the data of "magical fighters who engage in hand-to-hand combat".
⇨ English 「肉弾戦を行うマジカルファイター」というデータを内包したデジモン。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Dream Hurricane
Dorīmu Harikēn
Jumps high into the sky and kicks while spinning.
Marble Impact
Māburu Inpakuto
Puts all its strength into its fist and dishes out a seven-colored punch.
Lovely Shower
Raburī Shawā
Punches its fist and fires heart-shaped energy shots at the enemy that have the effect of purifying their evil heart.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Lovely Angemon is the Digimon partner of Shinjō Michi.
Lovely Angemon first appears in Chapter 12 of Season 2.
After Shinkai Sara is able to get Michi and Angewomon out of Grand Dracumon's hypnosis, they both apologize to each other, Angewomon for her weakness and Michi for leaving her own partner aside for her problems. With her strengthened ties, Angewomon is finally able to evolve into her Ultimate form, Lovely Angemon.
Lovely Angemon and Michi immediately leave for where Rasenmon is fighting Grand Dracumon, who is trying to turn Natsuyagi Kazuma and Bearmon into ice statues. Lovely Angemon joins the battle by attacking him, in response Grand Dracumon begins to absorb the energy of the Dark Area to increase its power, managing to block the attacks of the two Ultimates and hitting them. However, Sara and Mugendramon join the battle, with the three Ultimates managing to oppose Grand Dracumon and finally launching a triple attack that causes a huge explosion and allows the entire group to escape from the Dark Area.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional Information[edit]