Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese The Digimon which best understood decorum among the Royal Knights. It is a perfectionist, and competes with the other Royal Knights Digimon for the top two mission completion rates for Yggdrasill's orders. When fighting with an opponent, its policy is always to defeat it with one-on-one combat, and if the opponent is a formidable enemy, its delight is supreme. Craniummon's armor had its code modified by Yggdrasill, and was changed into Black Digizoid. It has become possible for it to generate a weapon and shield from its armor by accessing its data.
The effect on Craniummon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
The Black Digizoid covering its whole body has become even sturdier, such that regular attacks inflict damage back upon the attacker rather than injuring Craniummon itself. Also, it has stowed the strongest magic shield "Avalon" on its back to show off its confidence in not needing to use it.
Its Special Move is removing the blades on both of its arms and throwing them as tomahawks (Grand Gríðr). In addition, it spins the "Kyūkyoku Senjūken Dáinsleif", transformed from its magic spear "Claíomh Solais", at the speed of light, reducing targets within a 3 km radius to ash (Hjaðningar Waltz). It is said that those who have witnessed this technique are turned to data dust without even realizing that they were "attacked".
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English ロイヤルナイツの中で最も礼節をわきまえたデジモン。完璧主義者であり、イグドラシルの指令に対しての任務達成率はロイヤルナイツデジモンの中でも1・2を争うほどである。敵と戦うときは常に一騎打ちで打ち破ることが彼のポリシーであり、敵が強敵であればあるほど彼の悦びは至上のものとなる。クレニアムモンの鎧はイグドラシルからコード操作されており、ブラックデジゾイド化している。彼自身が鎧のデータにアクセスすることで、武器や楯を鎧から生み出すことが可能になっている。 ■X抗体によるクレニアムモンのデジコアへの影響 全身のブラックデジゾイドは更に頑強になり、並大抵の攻撃では傷を負わせるどころか攻撃した側にダメージを負わせる。また最強の魔楯「アヴァロン」を背に仕舞っているのは自分に使う必要がないという自信の表れである。 必殺技は、両腕のブレードを外してトマホークとして投げる『グランドグリーズル』。そして、魔槍「クラウ・ソラス」を変形させた「究極戦十剣ダインスレイヴ」を光の速さで回転させ、周囲3キロメートルの目標物を灰燼と化す『ヒャズニング・ワルツ』。その技を見た者は「攻撃された」という自覚すらないままデータの塵に変わってしまうという。
⇨ Japanese The Black Digizoid covering its whole body causes regular attacks to inflict damage back to the attacker rather than injuring Craniummon itself. Also, it has stowed the strongest magic shield "Avalon" on its back to show off its confidence in not needing to use it.
Digimon Linkz
⇨ English 全身のブラックデジゾイドは、並大抵の攻撃では傷を負わせるどころか攻撃した側にダメージを負わせる。また最強の魔楯「アヴァロン」を背に仕舞っているのは自分に使う必要がないという自信の表れである。
Digital Monster X
X Ver.3
⇨ Japanese Since regular attacks are unable to leave a dent on it, it has stowed the strongest magic shield "Avalon" on its back to show off its confidence in not needing to using it. Its Special Move is spinning its "Kyūkyoku Senjūken Dáinsleif", reducing the targets around it to ash (Hjaðningar Waltz).
Digimon Web Official Twitter
⇨ English 並大抵の攻撃では傷を負わせることはできず、最強の魔楯「アヴァロン」を背に仕舞っているのは使う必要がないという自信の表れだ。必殺技は「究極戦十剣ダインスレイヴ」を回転させ、周囲の目標物を灰燼と化す『ヒャズニング・ワルツ』
⇨ English 魔槍「クラウ・ソラス」を変形させた「究極戦十剣ダインスレイヴ」を光速回転させ、周囲の目標物を灰燼と化す『ヒャズニング・ワルツ』が必殺技だ。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Hjaðningar Waltz
Hyazuningu Warutsu
Spins its Kyūkyoku Senjūken Dáinsleif Dáinsleif at the speed of light, reducing targets within a 3 km radius to ash. Those whose have witness this technique turn into data dust without even realizing that they were "attacked".
Kyūkyoku Senjūken Dáinsleif
Ultimate-Battle-Crossblade Dáinsleif
Kyūkyoku Senjūken Dainsureivu
Grand Gríðr
Gurando Gurīzuru
Removes the blades on both of its arms and throws them as tomahawks.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Craniummon (X-Antibody) evolves from Andromon. Its Special Move is Hjaðningar Waltz.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The radiance emitted by its ultimate battle crossblade turns its enemies into scraps of data!
Quote (⇨ English): 敵をデータの塵と化す究極戦十剣の燿光!
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]