Pteromon (Liberator)

From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana プテロモン
Human Partner Kazama Shoto

Pteromon is the Partner Digimon of Kazama Shoto in Digimon Liberator.


Baby I Yolkmon
Baby II Fluffymon
Child Pteromon
Adult Galemon
Perfect Grand Galemon
Ultimate Zephagamon
Medieval Dukemon


A new type of Digimon who loves freedom and thoroughly enjoys being unbound by anything.

It was supposed to be a wild Digimon not part of Digimon Liberator, but after meeting Kazama Shoto, it decided to become his partner.

Convinced that it is the elder brother figure in their relationship, it frequently attempts to establish its seniority. It possesses a unique set of values stemming from its nurturing nature and self-confidence, and believes that "the strong must protect the weak".



Digimon Liberator[edit]

At the beginning of "DigitalGate Open", Pteromon flew downwards in LACUNA, separating various sights.

As Kazama Shoto attempted to surrender his battle against Freezing Knight, he was interrupted by Pteromon's sudden appearance from the sky who challenged the NPC to pick on someone its own size and proclaimed this was its island and it made the rules there. It introduced itself as Pteromon and decided to help Shoto as that was what it did. Pteromon's appearance caused two of Shoto's cards to appear, those of his Partner Digimon: ST18-05 Muchomon and his newly-obtained ST18-04 Pteromon.

Pteromon's first full appearance
Pteromon and Muchomon in Shoto's hand


Digimon Liberator[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]


Pteromon2.png Pteromon.png
Digimon Liberator Digimon Liberator

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Liberator (Comic and Novel)
Main Characters (Comic) Kazama ShotoKinosaki ArisaOwen DreadnoughtViolet InbootsYao QinglanCool BoyUnchainCloseZenith
Partner Digimon (Comic) MuchomonPteromonShoemonElizamonGhostmonSangomonOmekamonSunarizamonBEMmon
Main Characters (Novel) YuukiSaikiyoRyutaro WilliamsKazuki SuzuneAltea
Partner Digimon (Novel) ImpmonFunbeemonTyranomonYukidarumonEspimon
Other Characters Oumi ReinaHoraiji ChitoseGazimon
Antagonists Freezing KnightAruba DokusonDeep SaversSam the Clown
Terms Digimon Card GameLACUNAD-StorageT.A.L.E.I.D.E.A.NPCUnique Emblem
Other List of Chapters (Comic)List of Chapters (Novel)List of Characters (Comic)List of Characters (Novel)LIBERATOR