Ryutaro Williams

From Wikimon
Ryutaro Williams
Ryutaro Williams
Kanji/Kana リュウタロー・ウィリアムズ
Dub Name Ryutaro Williams
Age 27
Date of birth October 11
Height 190 cm
Weight 92 kg
Deck Type Dinosaur Stompy
Partner Digimon Tyranomon
Digivice D-Storage


A professional gym trainer who harbors the dream of becoming a real-life hero, which has led him to become deeply involved in bodybuilding.

He finds joy in helping beginners and tirelessly travels across LACUNA to assist various players.

His sense of justice only intensifies after meeting the hot-blooded Tyranomon.

With a geeky nature and extensive knowledge to boot, Ryutaro is also surprisingly the brains of the debug team.


Ryutaro uses a Dinosaur Stompy deck that includes the following cards:

Card Game Evolution[edit]



Digimon Liberator[edit]


Digimon Liberator[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]


Ryutaro williams.png
Digimon Liberator


Digimonliberator novel chapter 3 promo illustration.jpg Digimonliberator novel promo illustration summer.jpg Close violet cardgamex.jpg Ryutaro williams cardgamex.jpg
Illustration by Shoyama Seihou Illustration by Shoyama Seihou Illustration for the Digimon Card Game Official Twitter Illustration for the Digimon Card Game Official Twitter

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Liberator (Comic and Novel)
Main Characters (Comic) Kazama ShotoKinosaki ArisaOwen DreadnoughtViolet InbootsYao QinglanCool BoyCloseZenith
Partner Digimon (Comic) MuchomonPteromonShoemonElizamonGhostmonSangomonOmekamonSunarizamonBEMmon
Main Characters (Novel) YuukiSaikiyoRyutaro WilliamsKazuki SuzuneAlteaUnchain
Partner Digimon (Novel) ImpmonFunbeemonTyranomonYukidarumonEspimon
Other Characters Oumi ReinaHoraiji ChitoseGazimonHackmon
Antagonists Freezing KnightAruba DokusonDeep SaversSam the Clown
Terms Digimon Card GameLACUNAD-StorageT.A.L.E.I.D.E.A.NPCUnique Emblem
Other List of Chapters (Comic)List of Chapters (Novel)List of Characters (Comic)List of Characters (Novel)LIBERATOR