Freezing Knight

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Freezing Knight
Freezing Knight
Kanji/Kana 氷結騎士
Dub Name Frozen Knight
Deck Type Ice Suit[1]
Digivice D-Storage

Freezing Knight is an antagonistic Battle Type NPC in Digimon Liberator.


As a Situation Battle NPC, Freezing Knight can start battles against players with special conditions even against their will. Due to unknown reasons, it can exist in areas where Situation Battle NPCs shouldn't, and is chasing Shoemon.

As explained in "Kazuki Suzune", Freezing Knight was in fact an NPC hacked by a wild Blucomon, who drove it berserk. After being defeated, Blucomon left.


Freezing Knight uses an Ice Suit deck that includes the following cards:



Digimon Liberator[edit]

In "DigitalGate Open", an NPC with a red glow appeared from a broken wall, alongside a Blucomon. With a glow from its hand, the NPC initiated an Encounter, causing Kazama Shoto's D-Storage to glow red as well and start up on its own. The Encounter became a Situation Battle between Shoto and the NPC Freezing Knight, who shot a red beam into the sky that caused a battlefield to form, trapping Shoto with it. NPC Freezing Knight declared the opening of the Digital Gate, as Shoto panicked as he didn't initiate the battle and could not leave the battlefield, wondering if it was a bug. Shoto's shock only increased as he looked at the cards in his hand and realized they were blank. The shock turned to fear as he realized he could not win or even fight with those.

An explanation of Situation Battles then started, showing the difference between Normal Type NPCs and Battle Type NPCs such as NPC Freezing Knight, with Situation Battles being incorporated into some of the latter. In them, the player faced challenges such as the opponent starting with their Digimon already being on the battlefield or being given unusual decks or cards, as a test to overcome a situation designed at the start of a battle.

NPC Freezing Knight took the first turn with his Partner Digimon, Blucomon, starting on the field as per the Situation Battle rules. Kinosaki Arisa pointed out that Situation Battle NPCs should not be in that area, but it didn't matter as the battle had already started and Blucomon performed a Security Attack on Shoto thanks to the Situational Ability Rush, releasing its Baby Hail from its mouth. Arisa complained it was unfair how they already lost a Security Shield on the first turn. However, Shoemon called out to them to be careful as its turn wasn't over and it used it to evolve Blucomon into Paledramon, lowering its Memory to -2 and thus finally ending its turn. Shoto was frozen in fear at NPC Freezing Knight's mercilessness and how he couldn't do anything with his worthless blank cards. He attempted to surrender but was interrupted by the sudden appearance from the sky from a green, bird-like Digimon who challenged the NPC to pick on someone its own size and proclaimed this was its island and it made the rules there. It introduced itself as Pteromon and decided to help Shoto as that was what it did.


Image Gallery[edit]



Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Liberator (Comic and Novel)
Main Characters (Comic) Kazama ShotoKinosaki ArisaOwen DreadnoughtViolet InbootsYao QinglanCool BoyCloseZenith
Partner Digimon (Comic) MuchomonPteromonShoemonElizamonGhostmonSangomonOmekamonSunarizamonBEMmon
Main Characters (Novel) YuukiSaikiyoRyutaro WilliamsKazuki SuzuneAlteaUnchain
Partner Digimon (Novel) ImpmonFunbeemonTyranomonYukidarumonEspimon
Other Characters Oumi ReinaHoraiji ChitoseGazimonHackmon
Antagonists Freezing KnightAruba DokusonDeep SaversSam the Clown
Terms Digimon Card GameLACUNAD-StorageT.A.L.E.I.D.E.A.NPCUnique Emblem
Other List of Chapters (Comic)List of Chapters (Novel)List of Characters (Comic)List of Characters (Novel)LIBERATOR