Elizamon (Liberator)

From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana エリザモン
Human Partner Owen Dreadnought

Elizamon is the Partner Digimon of Owen Dreadnought in Digimon Liberator.


Baby I ?
Baby II ?
Child Elizamon
Adult ?
Perfect ?
Ultimate ?


A new type of Digimon, but similar to others in that it has a primal instinct of "fight and survive." As soon as Elizamon met Owen Dreadnought, it was captivated by his strength, and, acting on its desires as it always does, it resolved to remain at his side, convinced that it will become stronger by doing so. It deeply admires Owen's way of life as well as his philosophy.



Digimon Liberator[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]


Elizamon liberator.png
Digimon Liberator

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Liberator (Comic and Novel)
Main Characters (Comic) Kazama ShotoKinosaki ArisaOwen DreadnoughtZenithViolet InbootsYao QinglanCool Boy
Partner Digimon (Comic) PteromonShoemonElizamonBEMmonGhostmonSangomon
Main Characters (Novel) YuukiSaikiyoRyutaro WilliamsKazuki Suzune
Partner Digimon (Novel) ImpmonFunbeemonTyranomonYukidarumon
Other Characters Oumi Reina
Antagonists Freezing KnightAruba Dokuson
Terms Digimon Card GameLACUNAD-StorageNPC
Other List of Chapters (Comic)List of Chapters (Novel)List of Characters (Comic)List of Characters (Novel)