
From Wikimon

The T.A.L.E., short for Translation Another Life Engine (dub: Transportive Another Life Engine), is a device in Digimon Liberator. It is a fully immersive metaverse gaming pod created by I.D.E.A. available at amusement facilities all over the world used to enter VR simulations, with its main use being games such as Digimon Liberator[1]. Its lead developer is Kazuki Keisuke, husband to debugger Kazuki Suzune[2].


The Translation Another Life Engine (dub: Transportive Another Life Engine) is named after its purpose of transporting users to another life. The abbreviated name, T.A.L.E., alludes to it giving users the opportunity to experience stories firsthand.

Diverging from existing VR technology, the devices fitted inside this pod do not rely on actual physical movements, instead reading brainwaves and motor signals and projecting them onto an in-metaverse avatar. This facilitates a fully immersive metaverse experience.

This device is currently popular in facilities like amusement centers in Japan and elsewhere around the world. User numbers are expected to increase globally following planned updates to the automatic translation feature, providing support for even more languages.

Along with this increase, there are also plans to expand the number of software titles available. When T.A.L.E. was first released, only I.D.E.A. developed software for it, but after development was opened up to third parties, the number of available titles rapidly rose, reaching over 50 at the end of last year. Hit titles such as Digimon Liberator have driven this trend and a steady growth in the line-up is expected.[3]

Home T.A.L.E.[edit]

Digimon Liberator - Home TALE EN.png
Digimon Liberator - Home TALE JP.png

After a delay in development, I.D.E.A. is developing a home version of T.A.L.E. for general release. It aims to utilize the goggle-like device found within existing T.A.L.E. devices as a base to create a device at a size and cost that's feasible for personal use.

With regards to software, I.D.E.A. is in the middle of making tweaks for titles requiring peripheral devices, and intend to make it possible for many of the titles previously only playable in amusement arcades to be played at home.

Although up until now T.A.L.E. has been developed as a metaverse pod for gaming, the at-home T.A.L.E. will also facilitate office needs. By establishing a new and secure connection for safer communications, work can be undertaken in a virtual corporate space.[3]

A prototype for the Home version exists in the development office at I.D.E.A.. However, as its synchronization for Digimon Liberator in it is not yet complete, it is not considered ready to be used.[4]


To enter Digimon Liberator through a T.A.L.E. pod, the user must set their D-Storage in a specific slot for it in the T.A.L.E. Said D-Storage must also be activated by reading a Digimon card with it. Once inserted, it'll perform a buzzing sound. Afterwards, the user must sit in the pod and put on the goggles-like device found within the device. This activates the device, which then reads the user's brainwaves and motor signals and projects them onto an in-metaverse avatar.[1]



Digimon Liberator[edit]

Kazama Shoto and Kinosaki Arisa use a T.A.L.E. pod to enter LACUNA in Digimon Liberator: "Welcome to LACUNA".

Due to a lack of T.A.L.E. pods, as they were all in use, Cool Boy intends to use the prototype of the home version to enter LACUNA in Digimon Liberator: "RAID ON THE WORLD (Part 1)". While Yao Qinglan warns him against it, as its synchronization with Digimon Liberator is not yet complete, Cool Boy decides to use it nonetheless due to the crisis situation caused by Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode (Black) and its Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (Black) corpses. Unchain offers to debug it on-the-fly to make it possible for him to enter LACUNA and search for Shoto.


Digimon Liberator[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Liberator (Comic and Novel)
Main Characters (Comic) Kazama ShotoKinosaki ArisaOwen DreadnoughtViolet InbootsYao QinglanCool BoyUnchainCloseZenith
Partner Digimon (Comic) MuchomonPteromonShoemonElizamonGhostmonSangomonOmekamonSunarizamonBEMmon
Main Characters (Novel) YuukiSaikiyoRyutaro WilliamsKazuki SuzuneAltea
Partner Digimon (Novel) ImpmonFunbeemonTyranomonYukidarumonEspimon
Other Characters Oumi ReinaHoraiji ChitoseGazimon
Antagonists Freezing KnightAruba DokusonDeep SaversSam the Clown
Terms Digimon Card GameLACUNAD-StorageT.A.L.E.I.D.E.A.NPCUnique Emblem
Other List of Chapters (Comic)List of Chapters (Novel)List of Characters (Comic)List of Characters (Novel)LIBERATOR