Aruba Dokuson

From Wikimon
Aruba Dokuson
Aruba Dokuson
Kanji/Kana 或馬読尊
Age 28
Date of birth February 17
Height 174 cm
Weight 65 kg
Deck Type Lucemon Control
Digivice D-Storage

Aruba Dokuson is a character in Digimon Liberator (Web Novel).


A bank employee who worked at a megabank until a colleague's blunder caused him to be transferred to a provincial partner branch. Although usually serious and sincere, he has been acting maliciously in Digimon Liberator as a means of relieving work stress.

He is as perceptive and articulate as you'd expect of a capable bank employee, and it was these abilities that allowed him to gather together the rogue group whose actions in Digimon Liberator could be called dubious at best.

He has been interested in Digimon since his student days, way before the game's release, and was even a regular player at card shop events.


Dokuson uses a Lucemon Control deck that includes the following cards:




Digimon Liberator[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]


Aruba dokuson.png
Digimon Liberator

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. While not stated, these Lucemon are likely BT18-034, as that is the only Lucemon card with an effect identical to the one used by them.
Digimon Liberator (Comic and Novel)
Main Characters (Comic) Kazama ShotoKinosaki ArisaOwen DreadnoughtViolet InbootsYao QinglanCool BoyCloseZenith
Partner Digimon (Comic) MuchomonPteromonShoemonElizamonGhostmonSangomonOmekamonSunarizamonBEMmon
Main Characters (Novel) YuukiSaikiyoRyutaro WilliamsKazuki SuzuneAlteaUnchain
Partner Digimon (Novel) ImpmonFunbeemonTyranomonYukidarumonEspimon
Other Characters Oumi ReinaHoraiji ChitoseGazimonHackmon
Antagonists Freezing KnightAruba DokusonDeep SaversSam the Clown
Terms Digimon Card GameLACUNAD-StorageT.A.L.E.I.D.E.A.NPCUnique Emblem
Other List of Chapters (Comic)List of Chapters (Novel)List of Characters (Comic)List of Characters (Novel)LIBERATOR