Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Digimon born from the Jogress between Durandamon, the strongest sword among the Legend-Arms, and Bryweludramon, who is said to be the strongest shield. It is said to have been born when an evil being lurking in the depths of the Dark Area awakened, and the Digicores of the two Legend-Arms resonated with each other. Its main body, formed from the fusion of the Digicores at a higher plane, was made in the image of "the knight that would wield them" as imagined by Durandamon and Bryweludramon.
While Ragna Lordmon is a Jogress form, it is unusual in that it still retains Durandamon and Bryweludramon's consciousnesses, while the main body itself has its own, separate consciousness. The sword and shield hover and move out of their own wills without coming into direct contact with Ragna Lordmon; they make sport of the enemy with the way they enact their offensive and defensive maneuvers like three separate beings in one body. Their level of coordination is stunning, giving rise to its absolute defense and sudden and unpredictable, yet powerful attacks, which are nigh impossible to overcome.
Its Special Moves are bisecting the enemy in a single stroke by cleaving its sword down from a high altitude (Direct Smasher), and spewing extremely high temperature flames from its shield, turning its surroundings into a sea of fire (Ignition Prominence). Not only that, its greatest technique "Duel Edge-Flowsion", in which it impales the enemy with its sword wreathed in its shield's flames, completely incinerates the enemy's data right down to their Digicore and erases them without a trace.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 「Legend-Arms」の中で最強の剣「デュランダモン」と、最強の盾と言われる「ブリウエルドラモン」がジョグレスして生まれたデジモン。ダークエリアの奥底に潜む邪悪なる者が目覚めたとき、2体の「Legend-Arms」のデジコアが共鳴することで誕生すると言われている。デジコアが高い次元で融合することで作り出された本体は、デュランダモン達が疑似的に「自分たちを扱える騎士」として作り出したものである。 ジョグレスでありながらもデュランダモンとブリウエルドラモンは自分たちの意思を保ち、本体もまた別の意思を持っているという稀有なデジモンである。剣と盾は、ラグナロードモンが直接触れずともそれぞれの意思で自由に飛び回り、三位一体の攻防で敵を翻弄する。抜群な連携から生まれる、予測不可能な間合いから飛び出す強烈な攻撃や絶対的な防御を攻略するのは至難の業だ。 必殺技は遙か上空から振り下ろした剣で敵を一刀両断にする『ディレクトスマッシャー』と、盾から超高温の火炎を吐き出し辺り一帯を火の海に変える『イグニッションプロミネンス』。また、盾の炎を纏った剣で敵を突き刺す最大奥義『デュエルエッジフロージョン』は、敵のデータをデジコアごと灼き尽くし、跡形もなく消滅させてしまうという。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)