
From Wikimon

One of the "Legend-Arms", who are capable of transforming themselves into weapons. A legend about the Legend-Arms goes, “if held by an angel it will save the world, and if held by a demon it will destroy the world.” Zubamon carries the ”Twentiest” data, and often shouts out “I am the Twentiest!” despite not understanding what it means. It despises crookedness, and is constantly seeking sharpness. A day where its battles, jokes, and sharpness turn out well will leave it in high spirits. Although it has a technique, "Twenty Dive", in which it charges head-first, Zubamon's true power is exhibited while it is in its weapon form.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Twenty Dive [1] トゥエンティダイブ Tuenti Daibu Twenty Dive[1], Twentieth Dive[3] Charges head-first at the opponent.[1]
20 Scratch [2][N 1] ツオスクラッチ Tsu O Sukuracchi


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Ghost Game[edit]

Zubamon from Digimon Ghost Game.
Zubamon from Digimon Ghost Game.
Zubamon in his Weapon Form.
Symbare Angoramon wielding Zubamon in his Weapon Form.


Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

  • Field Guide Number: 36
  • Level: Child
  • Type: Vaccine
  • Attribute: Neutral
  • Memory: 5
  • Equip Slot: 1
  • Support Skill: Legend-Arms (Increases damage dealt by Light and Dark skills by 10%).
  • Evolves From: Tunomon
  • Evolves to: Zubaeagermon, Bao Hackmon, Gold Numemon, and Ginryumon.

Learnable Skills:

  • Twenty Dive - Special Skill (Level 1)
  • Heavy Strike I (Level 6)
  • Attack Charge (Level 12)

Digimon Linkz[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Zubamon is raisable in the Japanese PS4/Switch versions, and the western Switch/PC versions.

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digital Monster Ver.20th[edit]

Digivice Ver.15th[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th[edit]

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]



The "Twentiest" member of the race capable of transforming themselves into weapons.

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Zubamon vpet dm.gif Zubamon vpet dv.gif Zubamon GP.png Zubamon Weapon Form.png Zubamon vpet vb.png
Digital Monster Ver.20th Digivice Ver.15th D-1 Grand Prix
(Digital Monster Ver.20th)
D-1 Grand Prix
(Digital Monster Ver.20th)
(Weapon Form)
Vital Bracelet Digital Monster

Additional information[edit]

References Notes
  1. 20 is pronounced as "Two O"
  2. BT17-102 (DCG) treats Greymon's name as the same name as any Lv.3 or lower Digimon in its evolution cards, which could be any Lv.3 or lower card in the game.
  3. BT17-102 (DCG) treats Greymon's name as the same name as any Lv.3 or lower Digimon in its evolution cards, which could be any Lv.3 or lower card in the game, and BT11-043 (DCG) can transform any Digimon into a Scumon who retains the Level, Traits, Effects, and Card Text of the original Digimon.