Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Digimon whose cruelty is unrivaled, it prioritizes its own interests above all else. Feared as the "Reaper of Dust", it has excellent eyesight such that it can shoot its targets even in sandstorms. It wears its camouflage cloak in open areas, hides itself and waits for an opportunity to arise. Then, it quietly brings down the enemy using the outstanding silencing performance of its "CND-96" rifle, which fires compressed sand.
Its Special Moves are shooting at the opponent's vitals with the CND-96 on its right arm (Reaper Strike), and tearing them to pieces with the scythe attached to the CND-96 (Desert Deathscythe). When cornered by masses of enemies, it turns the tables against them with its "Wither Wing", in which it shoots out hordes of condors made of sand.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English なによりも自分の利益を優先する冷酷無比なデジモン。砂塵の死神と恐れられており、砂嵐の中でも標的を狙撃する優れた視力を持っている。視界の開けた場所では迷彩マントを纏い、姿を隠してチャンスを待つ。そして、圧縮した砂を撃ち出すライフル「CND-96」の優れた消音性能で静かに敵を仕留める。 必殺技は右腕の「CND-96」で相手の急所を撃ち抜く『リーパーストライク』と、「CND-96」に取り付けられた大鎌で敵を切り裂く『デザートデスサイズ』。大勢の敵に追い詰められたときは、砂で作られたコンドルの大群を撃ち出す『ウィザーウィング』で返り討ちにする。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)