
From Wikimon

The self-proclaimed "Explosive Artist" who loves explosions more than anything else. Its sole governing principle is about how beautifully the bombs it creates will detonate, and has no feelings regarding the damage caused by their explosions. It is capable of generating its standalone "BB" bombs by snapping the fingers on its left hand. The BBs receive Bombermon's instructions, move to the target of the explosion, attach themselves to the target, and then detonate. The explosive power of the BBs varies depending on Bombermon's emotions; the higher its spirits are, the more powerful they will be. During battle, it uses its "Combo Blast", in which it attaches multiple BBs to a target and sets off a chain explosion, and its "Limit Explosion", in which it detonates a single BB, for different purposes. "Combo Blast" is not very powerful, but has a short detonation time and is highly responsive, and while "Limit Explosion" takes a certain amount of time to detonate, it is extremely explosive.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Combo Blast [1] コンボブラスト Konbo Burasuto Combo Blast[1] Attaches multiple BB bombs to a target and sets off a chain explosion.[1]
Limit Explosion [1] リミットエクスプロージョン Rimitto Ekusupurōjon Limit Explosion[1] Detonates a single, very powerful BB bomb.[1]


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]




Video Games[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Vital Bracelet BE[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Bombermon vpet vb.png
Vital Bracelet BE

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes