Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
⇨ Japanese As the newest model of Monitamon, it outdoes Monitamon in fighting strength, analytic power, and intelligence-gathering ability, and is an Ace of Monitamon that displays unique abilities. Due to the fact that it always has a grasp on all of the latest information in the Digital World, as well as governing the legion of Monitamon to always lead them to triumph, it holds the alias of "Black Electromagnetic Wave", and the deep trust of the Monitamon. It performs detailed analysis of its collected information and transmits polished tactics to the Monitamon, but its sole flaw is that it sometimes gets too passionate and doesn't stop talking. The "Denji-maru" it holds in its hand is a weapon that generally excels in both offense and defense, as it is able take the power of its opponent's blocked attacks and turn them into particles, then fire off its "Deneireppa", which covers the Denji-maru in those particles. The techniques of Monitamon that are struck by particles from the Denji-maru, which it uses as both a weapon and as a conducting Gunbai, are able to be enhanced to the utmost limits of their power. The "Koudensappou-no-Jin" emitted from the antenna on its head synchronizes the surrounding Monitamon with itself, so that it can operate the Monitamon as its own body. The movements of the perfectly synchronized Monitamon take the shape of a battle formation that makes sport of and brings down the opponent in perfect order. Also, it is a Digimon rich in variations like "Goukadan", "Bakusuiryū", "Boufūsha", "Raidenjin", and "Shunsakuteki", and aside from the healing technique "Itenkou", which is not from Monitamon, these are all enhancements of Monitamon's techniques.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 最新モデルのモニタモンで、戦闘力、分析力、情報収集力のいずれもモニタモンを凌駕し、類い希なる能力を発揮するモニタモンのエースである。デジタルワールド全体の最新情報を常に把握し、モニタモン軍団を束ねて常に勝利に導くことから、『黒い電磁波』の異名を持ち、モニタモンたちからの信頼も厚い。集めた情報を綿密に分析し戦術を練りモニタモンたちに伝えるが、時折熱が入りすぎて話が終わらないのが玉に瑕。手に持つ『電磁丸(でんじまる)』は相手の攻撃を受け止めた力を粒子化し、その粒子を電磁丸に纏い「電影烈破」を放つことができる攻防一体に長けた武器である。武器と共に指揮する軍配としても使用され、電磁丸からの粒子を受けたモニタモンたちの技は極限まで威力を向上させることができる。頭部のアンテナから発する「光電殺法之陣」は周囲にいるモニタモンたちを自分に同期させ、自分の分身としてモニタモンたちを動かす。完全に同期したモニタモンたちの動きは一糸乱れず敵を翻弄し仕留める布陣を形成する。またモニタモンにはない回復技「癒天光」を持つ他、モニタモンの技を全て強化された「業火弾」、「爆水竜」、「暴風車」、「雷電閃」、「瞬索敵」とバリエーション豊富なデジモンである。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)