Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
⇨ Japanese A Beast Man Digimon of proud justice. For some Leomon, who go through repeated training day after day in order to defend justice, it is a form that acquired power over the cold in the freezing lands of the Digital World's Ice-Snow Area, and evolved. By being in the cold, it tempered its mighty will and body, and they cannot be broken by any attack. Its Special Move is firing a fist packed with cold air (Hyoujūken).
The effect on Panjyamon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Called the "Cool-headed White Lion", it exterminates those devoted to evil for the sake of justice, and it's starting to be said that those battles are unparalleled in their ruthlessness. Its "Yuki Hanabi", an axe said to be cut from ore of the legendary rare metal, "Mithril", holds the power to easily pulverize the permanently frozen icebergs which hinder its path like a series of skyscrapers.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 誇り高き正義の獣人型デジモン。正義を守るために日々トレーニングを重ねる一部のレオモンが、デジタルワールドの氷雪エリアの極寒の地において、冷気の力を身に付けて進化した姿である。寒さの中で鍛えられた強い意志と体は、どんな攻撃にも挫けることはない。必殺技は冷気を込めた拳で放つ『氷獣拳』。
■X抗体によるパンジャモンのデジコアへの影響 “冷徹なる白獅子”と呼ばれ、正義の為に悪を徹して退治し、その戦い様は冷酷無比とまで言われるようになっている。伝説のレアメタル“ミスリル”の原石から削り出されたという斧『雪花火(ゆきはなび)』は、高層ビルのように連なり行く手を阻む永久凍土の氷山を軽く粉砕する威力を持っている。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)