Name & Etymology
Appmon Reference Book
Anime & Manga
Video Games
⇨ Japanese The owner of a dangerous ability capable of leading the world into a crisis depending on how it is used. It sees through a program's vulnerabilities at first glance, and immediately unlocks even strong locks.
Appmon Reference Book
⇨ English 使い方次第で世界に危機を招く、危うい能力の持ち主。プログラムの弱点を一目で見抜き、強固なロックも即刻解除してしまう。
⇨ Japanese As a hacking app Appmon, it is good at tampering with computer programs and seeing through their weaknesses, possessing dangerous abilities which allow it to bring about disaster to the world at its will!
Bandai Games Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
⇨ English ハッキングアプリのアプモンで、プログラムの弱点を見抜いたり改ざんするのが得意で、使い方によっては世界に危機を招く危うい能力の持ち主!
バンダイゲームス|デジモンユニバース アプリモンスターズ
⇨ English
デジモンユニバース アプリモンスターズ
⇨ Japanese A hacking app (System attribute) Appmon. It possesses dangerous abilities which allow it to bring about disaster to the world at its will. It identifies weaknesses in programs in just one glance, and is able to undo even sturdy locks in an instant.
⇨ English ハッキングアプリ(システム属性)のアプモン。使い方次第で世界に危機を招く、危うい能力の持ち主。プログラムの弱点を一目で見抜き、強固なロックも即刻解除してしまう。
⇨ English 「ハッキング」の能力を持ち、システムを破壊することができる危険な存在。プロテクモンとアプ合体し、進化をすることができる。
| Hack
1)v., To sneak into a computer system to steal data or compromise its security.
2)v., To cut or chop ruthlessly.
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Vanquish Claw
Vankisshu Kurō
Power Claw, Vanquish Claw[6]
Converts its claw into a gigantic version of itself with hacking utensils coming out of its fingers, which it can extend to hack any enemy they hit.
Strange Hack
Sutorenji Hakku
Sneaky Hack
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Hackmon is the Buddy Appmon of Katsura Rei.
Debuts in The Character I've Raised is Naked!? Ropuremon's School Dungeon!.
Hackmon in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Hackmon in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Hackmon in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Hackmon is the Buddy Appmon of Katsura Rei.
Debuts in Protagonist Launch!!.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hackmon is an enemy Appmon.
Appli Monsters Card Game
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Having attained the abilities of a guide, its maximises its efficiency in hacking.
Quote (⇨ English): 案内能力を得て最短ハッキング。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It opens even the sturdiest locks in an instant with just the tip of one finger.
Quote (⇨ English): 強固なロックも爪先一つで即刻解除。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It intervenes with data using its dexterous, mechanical claws.
Quote (⇨ English): 機械精緻なツメでデータに干渉する。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It possesses dangerous abilities which allow it to bring about disaster to the world at its will. It identifies weaknesses in programs in just one glance, and is able to undo even sturdy locks in an instant.
Quote (⇨ English): 使い方次第で世界に危機を招く、危うい能力の持ち主。プログラムの弱点を一目で見抜き、強固なロックも即刻解除してしまう。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It uses its ferocious claws for its Vanquish Claw attack, instantly overwriting the program of anything it scratches and destroying it.
Quote (⇨ English): 凶悪な爪から繰り出されるヴァンキッシュクローにひっかかれると、たちまちプログラムを書き換えられ破壊されてしまう。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It overwrites programs wherever it goes without discrimination. There are times where it strengthens the security instead, such that even the owner of the data is unable to undo the lock.
Quote (⇨ English): 行く先々で無差別にログラムを書き換える。時にはセキュリティをより強固にし、データの持ち主でさえも解除できなくしてしまう。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A prideful warrior who refuses to accept help from others. It believes and does not for a second doubt that hacking other programs is its proof of existence.
Quote (⇨ English): 何者にも被らない孤高の戦士。他のプログラムをハッキングすることだけが、自分の存在を証明する行為だと信じて疑わない。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The average security system will not last even a minute before being destroyed by Hackmon. This spectacular skill it displays mesmerizes even onlookers.
Quote (⇨ English): ハックモンの前では、並のセキュリティは一分と持たずに破られてしまう。その見事な手際は、見る者を魅了すらする。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Hacking App Appmon. It analyzes programs and modifies the opponent's data, making the modified Appmon's defensive abilities as good as nonexistent.
Quote (⇨ English): ハッキングアプリのアプモン。プログラムを解析し、相手のデータを改ざんする。改ざんされったアプモンの防御力は無くなったも同然に。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It spots vulnerabilities within a program in an instant, and launches attacks aimed at those vulnerabilities. It is even capable of partially modifying the structure of its body to suit its needs.
Quote (⇨ English): プログラムの弱点を一瞬で見抜いてしまい、それを狙って攻撃をしかける。目的にあわせて自身の体の構造も部分的に改ざんできる。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It has the ability to destroy programs, making it a threat to even other Appmon. It fights alone in order to prove its own existence, no matter the circumstances.
Quote (⇨ English): アプモンたちにも脅威となるプログラムを破壊する能力を持つ。己の存在を証明するため、何にも関わらず、ひとり孤独に戦っている。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It is capable not only of identifying a program's vulnerabilities in an instant, but also nullifying even powerful attacks without delay. When the power of its bond with its Buddy Rei reaches its maximum, a miracle will occur...!?
Quote (⇨ English): プログラムの弱点を一瞬で見抜き、強固な攻撃も速攻解除できる。バディのレイとの絆の力が最大になったとき、軌跡を起こす...!?
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It possesses dangerous abilities which allow it to bring about disaster to the world at its will. It identifies weaknesses in programs in just one glance, and is able to undo even sturdy locks in an instant.
Quote (⇨ English): 使い方次第で世界に危機を招く、危うい能力の持ち主。プログラムの弱点を一目で見抜き、強固なロックも即刻解除してしまう。
Data Carddass Appli Monsters
Image Gallery[edit]
BSP-012 |
V01-005 |
VSP-002 |
C01-010 |
A01-001 |
BSP-029 |
Illustration by Akamine Naoki |
Appli Monsters Seika's Coloring Book |
Appli Monsters Seika's Coloring Book |
Appli Monsters Seika's Coloring Book
Appli Monsters Seika's Coloring Book |
Appli Monsters Seika's Coloring Book |
Appli Monsters Sticker Coloring Book |
Appli Monsters Sticker Coloring Book
Additional information[edit]