
From Wikimon

An evil clown that creates lies to deceive the whole world. With its top-notch spoofing skill, it takes the forms of others more often than its own.
Appmon Reference Book

Other ▸
Grade Ultimate [1]

App Camouflage [1]
Type Tool [1]
Power 50000
Group Ultimate 4 [4]
List of Appmon

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Imitation Noise [1] イミテーションノイズ Imitēshon Noizu Imitation Noise Creates multiple copies of himself that explode upon reaching his target.
Clown Mask [1] クラウンマスク Kuraun Masuku Clown Mask


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Fakemon was a member of the Ultimate 4, a group of four Ultimate-Grade Appmon. Defeated by Entermon.

Fakemon from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Fakemon and Asutora in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

In the manga, Katsura Rei's younger brother, Katsura Hajime, is transformed into Fakemon. In a certain moment of the story, he is defeated, and Revivemon restores the data which would be Hajime, bringing him back to normal.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters/Cyber Arena[edit]

Fakemon DUAM 3DS.jpg

Appmon Data Lab[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Appli Drive[edit]

Appmon Seven Code Band[edit]

Appli Drive DUO[edit]

Fakemon is an enemy Appmon.


Image Gallery[edit]

Fakemon appmon seven code band toy.png
Appmon Seven Code Band

Additional information[edit]

References Notes