
From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana スワン
Dub Name SueAnn
Partner Digimon Mugendramon, Lady Devimon, Parasimon
Digivice Presumably Digivice iC, unknown colour

SueAnn is a minor antagonist in Digimon Story. She's one of the Bad Tamers that works under Yoshiki.



Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

To get to Grand Locomon in Junk Factory, who was behind a laser gate, the Player had to look for three Code Keys, each owned by a Bad Tamer, which were in various places of Junk Factory. SueAnn was one such Tamer, and after the Player found her, SueAnn realized she didn't know him so he must be an enemy to defeat. She used a Mugendramon, a Lady Devimon and a Parasimon for this fight. After being defeated, SueAnn screamed at the player not to pick on her anymore and gave him the Code Key 2 as an apology.

Image Gallery[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story - SueAnn spritesheet.png
Digimon Story


Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Story
Main Characters PlayerPagumon
Tamer Union Kogure HaruhikoKazuyaTomomiYujiPhilEllieChrisMakoRobertSarahCulumon
Observers QinglongmonXuanwumonBaihumonZhuqiaomonClavis Angemon
Antagonists Alphamon/Unknown-DBad Tamers (Kain/Bad Tamers BossYoshikiAliciaPeterSueAnnChan) • Mugendramon/Skull Greymon • Chronomon (Destroy Mode > Holy Mode)
Digimon Savers characters Daimon MasaruAgumonThoma H. NorsteinGaomonFujieda YoshinoLalamon
Terms Tamer UnionDigiFarmDigivice iCGuilmon Bread
Other List of CharactersGuides