
From Wikimon


Where exactly does that info come from? I checked the Alpha and Battle Terminal Cards, but could not find it. MugenSeiRyuu

It came from user Mobster who last contributed in Feb last year, I'd say, no source, no go, so bye bye to that evolution.--Lightlowemon 13:20, 28 June 2009 (UTC)

Thanks. That sounds likea good idea. Really a pity that there is no source. That would have been awesome with Shawujinmon being able to evolve to all three Ultimate Turtles.MugenSeiRyuu

Hi, long time no see Mugen, since we used to argue on the digiport. I've come to help out and to say the Digimon Dictionary link is void, here is the updated link for you - I don't have the power to change it myself so thought I would post it here. - Craigbrowndap 04:05, 16 October 2009 (GMT)