Digimon ReArise

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(Redirected from Digimon Rearise)

Rearise logo.png

Box Art
Digimon ReArise Box Art
Name Digimon ReArise
System Smart Phone
Release Date JapanJune 25, 2018
United StatesOctober 7, 2019
EuropeOctober 9, 2019
Language Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese

Digimon ReArise (デジモンリアライズ, Dejimon Riaraizu) is a video game.

This Android / IOS game was the successor of Digimon Linkz. While ReArise pulls some concepts from Linkz they are not connected and ReArise has different gameplay with more of a focus on story. Worldwide service was terminated at the end of April 21, 2022 in Japan and April 20 in the rest of the World.

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Digimon ReArise was a free-to-play Gachapon real-time RPG / Visual Novel. In-game Digimon are discovered late in the 20th century, they left their mark on the real world but are eventually forgotten as time went on. One day creatures who look similar to Digimon begin to attack the Real World and Digimon alike, these creatures are named Sprials. The player, your partner Digimon Herissmon, and your friends live their lives and tackle the Sprial threat together. The game was full of story, references and returning voice actors.The game had a main story, side stories, event stories and Digimon Feature Quest (DFQ) / Spotlight Digimon Quest (SDQ) and even some Digimon Reference Book data.

Global Gameplay Trailer

In-Game Terminology[edit]

  • Season - The main cast story levels.[1]
  • Side Story - A story featuring the main cast takes place on the side of the season chapters.
  • Feature Digimon Quest (FDQ) / Digimon Spotlight Quest (SDQ) - A event story featuring a non-evolving Digimon the player could collect enough points to unlock during the event.[2]
  • Clash Battle - A mode to gather evolution material that usually contained a event story that involved fighting a large Digimon or Sprial. Some of the battles were added to the re-playable "Clash Battle Search".[3][4]
  • Raid Clash Battle - A non-replayable event story that played like a clash battle. It changed the game lobby and fighting area graphics.[5][6][7][8]
  • Battle Challenge Event (BCE) - A non-replayable event story that is similar to Clash Battle where the goal points and unlock items. It changed the game lobby and fighting area graphics.[9][10]
  • Robottle Challenge Event - The April fools event was a BCE crossover with the mobile Game "Medarot S"[11]. It also changed the game lobby and fighting area graphics.[12][13]

Japanese Story & Event Timeline[edit]

The Following Timeline is based on Digimon ReArise's Japanese Twitter.

  1. Season 1: Act 1 - Prologue
  2. Season 1: Act 1 - Destiny Realized! I'm Herissmon + After Episode Opening Song
  3. Season 1: Act 2 - Michi...and Kuwagamon!?
  4. Season 1: Act 3 - The Lonely Pair - Dorumon & Takumi
  5. Clash Battle! Metal Etemon - JP Ver.
  6. Takumi's Special Training
  7. Season 1: Battle Park
  8. Season 1: Act 4 - The Lovely Mayu's Cookies!
  9. Season 1: Act 5 - Protect Keito, Elecmon!
  10. Season 1: Act 6 - The Librarian, Datamon!
  11. Season 1: Act 7 - Dorugamon! Save the Library!
  12. Underworld Debut Quests Part 1[14]
  13. Season 1: Act 8 - Salamon's Training Session!
  14. Season 1: Act 9 - Ghosts! Friendship! Gatomon!
  15. Season 1: Act 10 - Whirlwind Reppamon!
  16. Season 1: Act 11 - Leomon's Determined Fist!
  17. Underworld Debut Quests Part 2[15]
  18. Clash Battle! Metal Garurumon[16]
  19. Clash Battle! Platinum Numemon[17] - JP Ver.
  20. Clash Battle! Shine Greymon[18]
  21. Clash Battle! Minervamon[19] - JP Ver.
  22. Clash Battle! Dark Masters August Adventure[20] - JP Ver.
  23. Clash Battle! War Greymon[21]
  24. Season 1: Act 12 - A Frenzied Menace! Tamers Unite![22]
  25. Clash Battle! Sakuyamon [23]
  26. Season 1: Act 13 - Herissmon, Digivolve to...![24]
  27. Clash Battle! Mirage Gaogamon[25]
  28. Clash Battle! Hououmon[26]
  29. Season 1: Act 14 - Lopmon and the Alluring Aroma[27]
  30. Clash Battle! Rust Tyrannomon[28][29]
  31. Clash Battle! Vikemon[30]
  32. Clash Battle! Halloween Adventure (Bakemon & Reapermon)[31]
  33. Clash Battle! Beelzebumon[32]
  34. Season 1: Act 15 - GrapLeomon's Will to Protect![33]
  35. Clash Battle! Gaioumon[34]
  36. Clash Battle! Magnamon[35]
  37. Season 1: Act 16 - Super Digivolve to...! Stefilmon[36]
  38. Christmas Clash Battle! (Angewomon & Ofanimon)[37]
  39. Clash Battle! Sunrise Showdown (Alphamon & Vikaralamon)[38]

Acts 1-11, Metal Etemon's Clash[39][40], Takumi's Special Training[41][42], Battle Park[43][44] and Underworld[45][46][47][48] all were in the game at launch in Japan with very limited Twitter posts[49][50]. This list organizes them based on how they would unlock in-game.

  1. Season 1 Act 17 - DORUguremon's Crimson Wings of Fury![51]
  2. Clash Battle! Ulforce V-dramon[52]
  3. Clash Battle! A Red-Hot Valentine's (Vritramon & KaiserGreymon)[53][54]
  4. Season 1: Act 18 - An Onslaught of Spirals! Digimon Under Attack![55]
  5. Clash Battle! Black War Greymon[56]
  6. Clash Battle! Omegamon[57]
  7. Season 1 Act 19 - Crisis in the Real World - Megas Digimon Blocking the Way![58]
  8. Raid Clash Battle! Demon Lord of Destruction Diablomon! (Infermon & Diablomon)[59][60]
  9. Clash Battle! Dukemon[61]
  10. Clash Battle! Ancient Dragon! (Paildramon & Imperialdramon DM) - JP Ver.[62][63]
  11. Season 1: Act 20 - Stop the rampage! Banish Evil with Holy Light![64]
  12. Path of Darkness (Beelzebumon FDQ)[65]
  13. Clash Battle! Magna Garurumon - No Scenario
  14. Clash Battle! Armored Knight (Knightmon & Dynasmon)[66][67]
  15. Season 1: Act 21 – The Boundary Shaken by Fury[68]
  16. A Stroll into a Twister (Lopmon & Terriermon FDQ)[69][70]
  17. Clash Battle! Lilithmon[71]
  18. Clash Battle! Imperialdramon FM[72]
  19. Season 1: Act 22- The Unforeseeable Future (Part 1)[73]
  20. Season 1: Extra - Episode Sprial[74]
  21. Clash Battle! Rasenmon FM[75]
  22. Metal’s Roar (Machinedramon FDQ)[76]
  23. Season 1: Act 22 - Unforeseeable Future (Part 2)[77] + Ending Song
  24. Clash Battle! Examon[78]
  25. Proof of Bravery (War Greymon FDQ)[79]
  26. Clash Battle! Imperialdramon PM[80]
  27. Raid Clash Battle! Embodiment of Counterattacks! (Armagemon)[81][82]
  28. Clash Battle! Rasielmon - No Scenario[83]
  29. Eyes of Determination (Meicoomon FDQ)[84]
  30. Clash Battle! Omegamon Zwart - Reference Book[85]
  31. A Fiery Search for Blazing Ingredients (Flamedramon FDQ)[86]
  32. Clash Battle! Lord Knightmon[87]
  33. Clash Battle! Chaos Dukemon[88]
  34. Adventuring in a Hunt for Friends (Gabumon FDQ)[89]
  35. Clash Battle! Duftmon[90]
  36. Side Story 1: Showdown! A Noble(?) Digimon[91]
  37. Clash Battle! Jesmon[92]
  38. Black and White Duet (Lady Devimon FDQ)[93]
  39. Clash Battle! Mastemon[94]
  40. Sealed Legend (Lucemon FDQ)[95]
  41. Clash Battle! Lucemon FM & SM[96][97]

Jesmon, Mastemon and Lucemon's Clash battles are all part of the same Japan only storyline.

  1. Clash Battle! Ofanimon FM - Reference Book[98]
  2. ケンケンシセイ 見・賢・思・斉 (Stingmon FDQ)[99]
  3. Clash Battle! WarGreymon & Imperialdramon FM[100]
  4. Clash Battle! Venom Vamdemon & Belial Vamdemon[101][102]
  5. Side Story 2: A Digieggs Dream[103]
  6. Clash Battle! Beelzebumon BM - Reference Book[104]
  7. Season 2: Act 1 - A New Quest! The Mysterious Visitor[105]
  8. Season 2: Act 2 - Stranded in the Digital World?!
  9. Season 2: Act 3 - Keito's Decisive Fighting Spirit!
  10. The Search for the Moon with the Horned Bunny (Lunamon FDQ)[106]
  11. Clash Battle! DoruGoramon - Reference Book[107]
  12. Clash Battle! Shine Greymon Burst Mode[108]
  13. Lullabies of an Angel and a Ringleader (Patamon FDQ)[109]
  14. Clash Battle! Belphmon SM & RM[110][111]
  15. Clash Battle! Heavy Leomon[112]
  16. A Guardian Awakens (Guilmon FDQ)[113]
  17. Clash Battle! Ravemon BM - Reference Book[114]
  18. Clash Battle! Rosemon BM - Reference Book[115]
  19. Season 2: Act 4 - A One-Track Mind! Kazuma Joins the Party[116]
  20. Clash Battle! Dukemon CM - Reference book[117]
  21. Clash Battle! Chaosmon - Reference Book[118][119]
  22. Side Story 3: Herissmon's Anniversary[120]
  23. Season 2: Act 5 - A God Beast Digimon?! A Path for Mayu to Follow[121]
  24. Clash Battle! Mitamamon[122]
  25. Clash Battle! Mirage Gaogamon BM - Reference Book[123]
  26. Season 2: Act 6 - Deva Training! A Battle to Remember![124]
  27. Clash Battle! Omegamon MM - Reference Book[125]
  28. Rise! The Burgeoning Lightning of Friendship (Lighdramon FDQ)[126]
  29. Clash Battle! Metal Garurumon (X-Antibody) - Reference Book[127]
  30. Season 2: Act 7 - Chasing the Shadow of an Angel! Joining Forces with Sara[128]
  31. Clash Battle! War Greymon (X-Antibody) - Reference Book[129]
  32. Clash Battle! Volcanicdramon - Reference Book[130]
  33. Season 2: Act 8 - Invasion of Darkness! Two Tamers Lost in the Dark[131]
  34. Clash Battle! Magnamon (X-Antibody) - Reference Book[132]
  35. Faries Dancing in the Trees (Renamon FDQ)[133]
  36. Clash Battle! Bancho Golemon - Reference Book[134]
  37. Season 2: Act 9 - Advent of the Holy Knight! Mark of the Blade[135]
  38. Clash Battle! Dukemon (X-Antibody) - Reference Book[136]
  39. Clash Battle! Millenniummon - Reference Book[137]
  40. Season 2: Act 10 - Mon, Lost in Memories - Impending Darkness[138]
  41. Clash Battle! Beelzebumon (X-Antibody) - Reference Book[139]
  42. The Adventures of the Graffiti Knight and the Bear Cub (Bearmon FDQ)[140]
  43. Clash Battle! Ancient Greymon - Reference Book[141]
  44. Clash Battle! Ancient Garurumon - Reference Book[142]
  45. Season 2: Act 11 - Darkness Invaders! The Dancing Vampire[143]
  46. Clash Battle! Huanglongmon - Reference Book[144]

Season 2: Act 2 and 3 were added to the game at the same time in Japan as Season 2 Act 1. Also, Shine Greymon Burst Mode and Belphmon SM / RM are a part of the same story line.

  1. Clash Battle! Ulforce V-dramon (X-Antibody) - Reference Book[145]
  2. Season 2: Battle Park Master League[146]
  3. Season 2: Act 12 - Illuminating Light A Guide to the Rainbow[147]
  4. Clash Battle! Lovely Angemon[148]
  5. Burn It Up! Rock 'n' Roll Spirit! (Shoutmon FDQ)[149]
  6. Clash Battle! Jesmon (X-Antibody) - Reference Book[150]
  7. Side Story 4: Kazuma & The Upperclassman[151]
  8. Clash Battle! Omegamon (X-Antibody) - Reference Book[152]
  9. Super Personalities Introduced[153]
  10. Eiji's Digimon Fieldwork
  11. Robottle Challenge Event (Medarot S Collab Clash Battle)[154]
  12. Season 2: Act 13 - Awakening Approaches! Heartbeat of the Four Holy Beasts[155]
  13. Clash Battle! Rasenmon (Calm Personality) - Reference Book[156]
  14. Clash Battle! Metallicdramon - Reference Book[157]
  15. A Bouquet Bundled with Affection (Biyomon FDQ)[158]
  16. Season 2: Act 14 - A Digimon Summit Begins?![159]
  17. Clash Battle! Algomon (BCE)[160][161]
  18. Season 2: Act 15 - To Wield a Blade for Justice[162]
  19. Clash Battle! Gaioumon: Itto Mode[163]
  20. Michi and Kazuma - A Stroll Down Memory Lane[164]
  21. Clash Battle! Gulfmon (Mephismon & Gulfmon BCE)[165][166]
  22. Fists of Justice x Claws of Darkness (Monodramon FDQ)[167]
  23. Voices Resonating in a Sea of Memories (Keramon FDQ)[168]
  24. Clash Battle! Rapidmon (Armor) - Reference Book[169]
  25. Side Story 7: Mon & Eiji's Unbeaten Path - Markers of Betrayal[170]
  26. Season 2: Act 16 - God's Territory[171]
  27. Pride of Royal Knights (Dynasmon FDQ)[172]
  28. Withstand the Endless Barrage! Settle Up With Sara[173]
  29. The End of the Road - Eiji's Fulfilled Wish[174]
  30. Clash Battle! Mihiramon - Reference Book[175]

Eiji's Field work has no no Twitter post, its placement is based on the JST time inside the game files. Also, It unlocks globally After Season 2 - Act 7.

Clash Battle Search - Reference Book


  1. Metal Garurumon[183]
  2. Shine Greymon[184]
  3. Sakuyamon[185]
  4. Mirage Gaogamon[186]
  5. Hououmon[187]
  6. Rust Tyrannomon[188][189]
  7. Vikemon[190]
  8. Beelzebumon[191]
  9. Gaioumon[192]
  10. Magnamon[193]
  11. Ofanimon[194]
  12. Alphamon[195]


  1. Ulforce V-dramon[196]
  2. Kaiser Greymon[197][198]
  3. Black War Greymon[199]
  4. Omegamon[200]
  5. Dukemon[201]
  6. Imperialdramon Dragon Mode[202][203]
  7. Magna Garurumon[204]
  8. Dynasmon[205][206]
  9. Lilithmon[207]
  10. Imperialdramon Fighter Mode[208]
  11. Rasenmon Gekikou Mode / Fury Mode[209]
  12. Examon[210]
  13. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode[211]
  14. Rasielmon[212]
  15. Omegamon Zwart[213]
  16. Lord Knightmon[214]
  17. Chaos Dukemon[215]
  18. Duftmon[216]
  19. Jesmon[217]
  20. Mastemon[218]
  21. Susanomon[219]
  22. Lucemon Satan Mode[220][221]
  23. Alphamon Ouruken[222]


  1. Ofanimon Fallen Mode[223]
  2. Beelzebumon Blast Mode[224]
  3. DORUGoramon[225]
  4. Shine Greymon Burst Mode[226]
  5. Belphmon Rage Mode[227][228]
  6. Heavy Leomon[229]
  7. Ravemon Burst Mode[230]
  8. Rosemon Burst Mode[231]
  9. Dukemon Crimson Mode[232]
  10. Chaosmon[233][234]
  11. Mitamamon[235]
  12. Mirage Gaogamon Burst Mode[236][237]
  13. Omegamon Merciful Mode[238]
  14. Metal Garurumon (X-Antibody)[239]
  15. War Greymon (X-Antibody)[240]
  16. Volcanicdramon[241]
  17. Magnamon (X-Antibody)[242]
  18. Bancho Golemon[243]
  19. Dukemon (X-Antibody)[244]
  20. Millenniummon[245]
  21. Beelzebumon (X-Antibody)[246]
  22. Ancient Greymon[247]
  23. Ancient Garurumon[248]
  24. Huanglongmon[249]


  1. Ulforce V-dramon (X-Antibody)[250]
  2. Lovely Angemon[251]
  3. Jesmon (X-Antibody)[252]
  4. Omegamon (X-Antibody)[253]
  5. Rasenmon (Calm Personality)[254]
  6. Metallicdramon[255]
  7. Algomon[256][257]
  8. Gaioumon: Itto Mode[258]
  9. Gulfmon[259][260]
  10. Rapidmon (Armor)[261]
  11. Mihiramon[262]

This is the section for Clash Battle Event status screens and dex entries that are similar or straight from their reference book.


Obtainable Digimon[edit]

  • Digimon who also have Recolored versions known as (Anniv) are marked with asterisks.
  • Digimon who also have Recolored versions known as (BP) are marked with double asterisks.

Unobtainable Digimon[edit]

  • Digimon that are only in the game files are marked with triple asterisks.

Image Gallery[edit]

See Gallery:Digimon ReArise.

Main Characters[edit]

Player (ReArise) Herissmon
かけだしテイマー エリスモン
RearisePhotoProtagonist.png Voice Actor Herrismon ReArise 2.jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png None Jap.png Taneda Risa Child
Usa.png None Usa.png Uncredited

The nameless protagonist, they are left as a blank state as they are you. They come with a few default names like Cub Tamer, Kakedashi Tamer, etc.

An innocent, mysterious creature who appeared before you, possessing little to no knowledge of the Real World. The trials and tribulations with you cause Herissmon to learn and grow as a Digimon. A true Partner in every sense of the word, Herissmon sticks with you against any and all foes. [271]

Spiral Agumon
スパイラル アグモン
Spiral.png Voice Actor Agumon rearise.jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png None Jap.png Sakamoto Chika Child
Usa.png None Usa.png Tom Fahn

Mysterious entities that started to materialize in the real world. They resemble Digimon at first glance, but their origins and motivations are unknown. They are defined by the type of Digimon they mimic, like Keramon Spirals. [272]

A very happy-go-lucky Digimon. Agumon befriended Herissmon after helpoing them fight some Spirals. Known to have an insatiable appetite. [273]

Hiiragi Takumi DORUmon
柊拓己 ドルモン
Hiiragi Takumi 7.png Voice Actor Dorumon ReArise.jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Uchida Yuuma Jap.png Eguchi Takuya Child
Usa.png Uncredited Usa.png Ben Diskin

A high school senior who keeps to himself, making him seem unapproachable. He tends to keep a cool head and assess a situation before taking action. The bond he shares with Dorumon is unmatched. Incidentally, he happens to be very talented at basketball. [274]

Takumi's Partner Digimon. Fiercely loyal to Takumi and fights for his sake. Dorumon pretends to be all business, but in truth wants to join in on Herissmon and Salamon's fun deep down. [275]

Shinjo Michi Plotmon
新城ミチ プロットモン
Shinjo Michi 4.png Voice Actor Plotmon ReArise.jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Takahashi Rie Jap.png Takamori Natsumi Child
Usa.png Erica Mendez Usa.png Uncredited

A pure-hearted high school sophomore, Michi is best friends with Salamon. She does whatever she sets her mind to without a care in the world, sometimes to the point of recklessness. Her motto is "Work hard, play hard, sleep hard!" [276]

Michi's Partner Digimon. Just as bright and chatty as Michi, together they've got all the bite to back up their bark. Usually very optimistic, you know things are looking bad when Salamon's feeling flustered. [277]

Kohinata Mayu Kudamon
小日向真由 クダモン
Kohinata Mayu 5.png Voice Actor Kudamon ReArise.jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Tanaka Minami Jap.png Ise Mariya Child
Usa.png Uncredited Usa.png Uncredited

A gentle and reserved college freshman. Mayu's compassion sometimes gets her caught up in sticky situations, causing her partner Kudamon to worry about her constantly. When it comes to her baking hobby, she has a surprisingly laser-sharp focus. [278]

Mayu's Partner Digimon. On top of being refined and cultured, the calm and collected Kudamon keeps the absent-minded Mayu grounded. Kudamon believes Mayu's pastries are the best in the world and won't let anyone say otherwise. [279]

Tamada Keito Elecmon
玉田慧斗 エレキモン
Tamada Keito 3.png Voice Actor Elecmon ReArise.jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Irino Miyu Jap.png Hatanaka Tasuku Child
Usa.png Uncredited Usa.png Uncredited

A shy and introverted college freshman that plays in a big band jazz group. He likes his alone time, but Elecmon hardly gives him the pleasure. He often pushes himself to avoid being a burden to others. [280]

Keito's childlike and free-spirited Partner Digimon. Whereever Keito is, Elecmon is sure to follow, hoping to get spoiled by Keito. Elecmon places a lot of trust in Keito's intelligence and believes no opponent is a match for Keito's brain and its own brawn. [281]

Tamada Nozomi Pumpmon
玉田のぞみ パンプモン
Tamada Nozomi 5.png Voice Actor Pumpmon ReArise.png Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Tanaka Aimi Jap.png Kaji Yūki Perfect
Usa.png Uncredited Usa.png Uncredited

A friendly third grader known for her carefree smile. In contrast to her shy brother Keito, Nozomi is an energetic girl that takes on all challenges with an adventurous spirit. She's taken a liking to an old-school handheld game she found at home, she can always be seen playing it. [282]

Nozomi's partner Digimon that loves playing and having fun more than anything. In contrast to its appearance, it's actually an Ultimate Digimon. Nozomi and Pumpkinmon act like best friends, and play together often. [283]

Tsukimori Chihiro Lopmon
高石 タケル パタモン
Tsukimori Chihiro 5.png Voice Actor Lopmon ReArise.jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Morishita Yukiko Jap.png Yamashita Nanami Child
Usa.png Uncredited Usa.png Uncredited

The owner of Cafe Truffle. The main characters often meet up at her cafe, so she's come to know the Tamers well. She watches over them and their Digimon, sometimes with kindness, other times a harsh word or two. [284]

Chihiro's partner Digimon, found outside the cafe on a rainy day. Its cuteness is a cut above, making it hard to view Lopmon as the old-fashioned and serious Digimon that is. [285]

Mon Hackmon
もん ハックモン
Mon ReArise 3.png Voice Actor Huckmon (Rearise) b.jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Ishikawa Yui Jap.png Umehara Yūichirō Child
Usa.png None Usa.png None

A mysterious girl appears before you suddenly. She seems to have some kind of deep connection to the Digital World... [286]

A Digimon that appeared along with Mon. It supports Mon with its level-headed demeanor. [287]

Shinkai Sara Bakumon
新海沙羅 バクモン
Shinkai Sara 2.png Voice Actor Bakumon (ReArise) .jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Kubota Miyu Jap.png Ueda Reina Child
Usa.png None Usa.png None

A Tamer with an otherworldly elegance. Very mature for her age, Sara maintains her graceful demeanor and keeps everyone at an arm's length. In direct contrast to that, she is exceedeingly fond of her Partner, Tapirmon. [288]

Sara Shinkai's Partner Digimon. A Digimon who seems to have been partners with Sara for a long time, and is very in sync with her. Gentle and devoted, Tapirmon thinks about Sara first and foremost, always staying close to her side and adhering to her wishes. [289]

Natsuyagi Kazuma Bearmon
夏八木 カズマ ベアモン
Natsuyagi Kazuma 6.png Voice Actor Bearmon (ReArise).jpg Voice Actor Evolution Stage
Jap.png Saito Soma Jap.png Nishiyama Kōtarō Child
Usa.png None Usa.png None

A high school student who always charges at things full-speed ahead. An underclassman one year younger than Takumi in the same basketball club, he respects Takumi more than anyone else. he has a straightforward, honest-to-a-fault personality that sometimes gets him into trouble, but is well-liked for his upbeat positivity regardless. [290]

Kazuma Natsuyagi's Partner Digimon. It was born from a DigiEgg which Kazuma protected from Spirals. Since it just hatched, it is an innocent and naive Digimon that loves to play with Kazuma above all else. However, it never hesitates to boldly confront any challenges it faces as Kazuma's Partner. [291]

Futami Eiji
Futami Eiji 1.png Voice Actor
Jap.png Komada Wataru
Usa.png None

A young man who started a part-time job at Truffle, he is studying Digimon at the same university as Keito and is a family friend of the Tamada's.

Other Characters[edit]

  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP

Standard Spirals
Baby II

  • Tsumemon
  • Tsunomon


  • Gaomon
  • Gotsumon
  • Keramon
  • Pico Devimon
  • Solarmon


  • Numemon
  • Seadramon
  • Bakemon
  • Clockmon
  • Frigimon
  • Guardromon
  • Kuwagamon
  • Peckmon
  • Starmon
  • Sukamon
  • Sunflowmon
  • Tankmon
  • Tyrannomon
  • Vegimon
  • Wizardmon
  • Woodmon


  • Cherrymon
  • Infermon
  • Lilamon
  • Megadramon
  • Piccolomon
  • Shogun Gekomon
  • Skull Greymon
  • Skull Meramon
  • Skull Satamon
  • Whamon


  • Boltmon
  • Breakdramon
  • Diablomon
  • Plesiomon
  • SaberLeomon
  • Titamon

Standard Spirals come in Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow or Green, they can also be the size of the Digimon they represent or gigantic during clash battles or some cutscenes.[292][293][294][295]

Underworld X-Spirals

  • Keramon X-Spiral
  • Infermon X-Spiral

These Spirals exist in floors 16-20 of the Underworld Dungeon. These black Spirals come in Keramon and Infermon forms. Digimon on the same team as an X-Spiral take less attack damage as a whole. In-game X-Anitbody designated Digimon are strong against X-Spirals.[296]


  • Lucemon: Satan Mode
  • Huanglongmon
  • Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode

G-Spirals also known as the Spiral Guardians are a group of Spirals featured in the VS. Guardians Event.[297][298]

Other Spirals

While not a true Spiral Rasenmon: Fury Mode's evolution is caused directly by Spirals becoming one with it.[299]

Voice Cast[edit]

In-Game voice acting for everyone is un-credited, to be on these lists a source must be provided.

Main Voice Cast

Character JP EN
Narrator Hiroaki Hirata
Player Unvoiced Unvoiced
Herissmon Taneda Risa
Hiiragi Takumi Uchida Yuuma
DORUmon Eguchi Takuya Ben Diskin
Shinjo Michi Takahashi Rie Erica Mendez
Plotmon Takamori Natsumi
Kohinata Mayu Tanaka Minami
Kudamon Ise Mariya
Tamada Keito Irino Miyu
Elecmon Hatanaka Tasuku
Tsukimori Chihiro Morishita Yukiko
Lopmon Yamashita Nanami
Tamada Nozomi Tanaka Aimi
Pumpmon Kaji Yūki
Mon Ishikawa Yui Unvoiced
Hackmon Umehara Yūichirō Unvoiced
Natsuyagi Kazuma Saito Soma Unvoiced
Bearmon Nishiyama Kōtarō Unvoiced
Shinkai Sara Kubota Miyu Unvoiced
Bakumon Ueda Reina Unvoiced
Futami Eiji Komada Wataru Unvoiced
Agumon Sakamoto Chika Tom Fahn

Other Voices

Character JP EN
Generic Human Male
Generic Human Female
Gabumon Mayumi Yamaguchi
V-mon Noda Junko
Otamamon / Gekomon

Note: Generic Human Male / Female are used for a variety of background characters who have different names in both the Japanese original and English Dub. For example they can both be heard at the beginning of Season 1: Act 12.

Other Information[edit]

Game Specs

  • Framerate: 60 FPS
  • Resolution: Adaptive, while designed for 1920x1080 HD, it could also scale properly for Ultra Wide and even as small as 640x480 4:3.
  • Translation: Overall well polished, however throughout the games life some content was skipped in global. Near the end of the games life as well translation sounded a lot less natural.
  • Voices: Japanese or English using pre-recorded repeatable lines, In Season 2 any new voices were silent in the English dub.

RPG Gameplay
The core RPG battle mechanics were semi-automatic, the player could strategize and manage cool-downs during this semi automatic battle. Battles could be played fully automatic at diffirent speeds as well, and the player could select a friends Digimon as backup.

Digimon ReArise was a Free-to-play title that was monetized from a gachapon and extensive item gathering. The game used multiple systems including a stamina meter for stat progression so that the player could chip at it and be rewarded for logging in every day. New improved Digimon would be added to the game and could be used in PVP.

Theme Song[edit]

Notable Trivia[edit]

  • Due to WarGreymon being the first Global Clash Battle, several early Clash Battles were translated but skipped in-game, they are Metal Etemon, Platinum Numemon, Minervamon and the Dark Masters.[300]
  • Due to the Dark Masters Clash Battle being skipped, almost all of V-Mon's Clash Events were skipped globally with the exception being "Ancient Dragon".
  • The Ancient Dragon Event has several tweaks from the Japanese original in the global release. V-mon has an introduction squeezed in and during the global release DORUGuremon had yet to evolve into Gaioumon which was also compensated for.[301][302]
  • Lucemon's Entire Story arc was skipped globally causing a bit of a plot hole.
  • Digimon ReArise and Medarot S crossing over was the beginning of multiple collaborations. Since ReArise's closure there as been a DiM card for the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster and the return and expansion of Digimon in Medarot S as of Oct of 2024.[303][304][305][306]


  • When watching a cutscene on auto sometimes the audio would cut itself off, this was problematic in any language.
  • When Season 1 Act 15 Launched in Japan Stiffilmon's profile picture was incorrectly displayed at the end of the episode, this was fixed later.

External Links[edit]

Voice Acting References[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. https://youtu.be/_SAEsYu1RDc?feature=shared&t=194
  2. https://youtu.be/jgiUllQrHf4?feature=shared&t=157
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrsHxXoft94&list=PLAK1UN8EPHnQ8aT52-V-ru-hGHxAmLKI_
  4. https://youtu.be/kWiltUe8S-o?feature=shared&t=98
  5. https://youtu.be/IZpXNFGyOFw?feature=shared&t=130
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoRqSy3HBPk
  7. https://youtu.be/3ep-RQTPPug?feature=shared&t=31
  8. https://youtu.be/u7EJKfmh70E?feature=shared&t=48
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ1RMm0JpNo
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30uranxdTKQ
  11. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.imagineer.medarots&hl=en_US
  12. https://youtu.be/xjBz3afWhSA?feature=shared
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30uranxdTKQ
  14. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1036536103862382592
  15. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1036536103862382592
  16. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1014328874325307392
  17. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1016958941761159168
  18. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1019425052641521665
  19. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1021954852291661825
  20. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1024492391456169985
  21. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1027753371153756167
  22. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1027754650018050048
  23. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1032825795603922945
  24. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1039715348151324673
  25. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1041885526549069824
  26. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1046958868465684480
  27. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1047321320524935172
  28. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1049861595046662144
  29. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1049861595046662144
  30. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1052032205302579200
  31. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1054931837577945088
  32. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1057830291752931330
  33. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1060022287557025792
  34. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1062904463176826880
  35. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1068364013707264001
  36. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1068364186080620546
  37. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1073413371083423745
  38. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1079937757655511043
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  40. https://youtu.be/JuzNJZm-jd0?feature=shared&t=2379
  41. https://youtu.be/q2HTrIy38os?feature=shared
  42. https://youtu.be/vUvX6jitDL8?feature=shared&t=472
  43. https://youtu.be/L8UQ6LulIio?feature=shared&t=6
  44. https://youtu.be/ZWO6XjesEkw?feature=shared&t=382
  45. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1036536103862382592
  46. https://youtu.be/JuzNJZm-jd0?feature=shared&t=2982
  47. https://youtu.be/T5__df__z0U?feature=shared&t=1427
  48. https://youtu.be/zYYq32tbryo?feature=shared&t=6070
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  50. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/988251781820960769
  51. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1082474472794247168
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  60. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1108928786379071494
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  62. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1117656294368870401
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  86. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1170927310284804096
  87. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1173448926093086721
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  89. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1182493523062542337
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  166. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1427120431790657537
  167. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1428569983391387649
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  171. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1453559646489354241
  172. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1462634442715910146
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  185. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1032825795603922945
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  194. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1073413371083423745
  195. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1079937757655511043
  196. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1085041386481582081
  197. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1090824492824186880
  198. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1093723595983982594
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  204. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1123077012589932547
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  223. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1217297857809612800
  224. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1233605311572787200
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  226. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1244839335360253953
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  231. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1263668405065916416
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  233. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1272380813292630017
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  235. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1278179019121254400
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  237. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1285774064712331270
  238. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1289111053062742016
  239. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1295211248875962368
  240. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1300284678964879362
  241. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1305720496806178817
  242. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1311156314878377984
  243. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1316592132858286081
  244. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1322390338674348032
  245. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1328264041974755328
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  247. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1338697792810745857
  248. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1341596895433658368
  249. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1344495998589161474
  250. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1349931816480813057
  251. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1355730022305292289
  252. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1361165840293404678
  253. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1365876882567225348
  254. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1386532990809952256
  255. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1387982542352097283
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  258. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1410088202199736320
  259. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1424946104907440139
  260. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1427120431790657537
  261. https://x.com/digimon_rearise/status/1440513683545739266
  262. https://twitter.com/digimon_rearise/status/1476767569415741441
  263. https://youtu.be/lOThUzklMY8?feature=shared
  264. https://youtu.be/CFiNNz-2R_E?feature=shared
  265. https://youtu.be/0PvWnLx4rig?feature=shared
  266. https://youtu.be/r6Rr9nf1wp8?feature=shared
  267. https://youtu.be/Q2FfsOxrvMI?feature=shared
  268. https://youtu.be/9XI6xIKBqt8?feature=shared
  269. https://youtu.be/HvpQPKCs8Ps?feature=shared<
  270. https://youtu.be/NXA4ExJ2SGk?feature=shared
  271. https://wikimon.net/images/6/6d/ReAriseBioHerissmon.png Herissmon Bio
  272. https://wikimon.net/images/0/0b/ReAriseBioSpirals.png Sprials Bio
  273. https://wikimon.net/images/f/f0/ReAriseBioAgumon.png Sprials Bio
  274. https://wikimon.net/images/6/68/ReAriseBioTakumi.png Takumi Bio
  275. https://wikimon.net/images/3/36/ReAriseBioDorumon.png DORUmon Bio
  276. https://wikimon.net/images/e/e2/ReAriseBioMichi.png Michi Bio
  277. https://wikimon.net/images/e/e8/ReAriseBioSalamon.png Plotmon Bio
  278. https://wikimon.net/images/0/02/ReAriseBioMayu.png Mayu Bio
  279. https://wikimon.net/images/1/1c/ReAriseBioKudamon.png Kudamon Bio
  280. https://wikimon.net/images/e/e6/ReAriseBioKeito.png Keito Bio
  281. https://wikimon.net/images/8/8f/ReAriseBioElecmon.png Elecmon Bio
  282. https://wikimon.net/images/f/fa/ReAriseBioNozomi.png Nozomi Bio
  283. https://wikimon.net/images/2/2f/ReAriseBioPumpkimon.png Pumpmon Bio
  284. https://wikimon.net/images/4/42/ReAriseBioChihiro.png Chihiro Bio
  285. https://wikimon.net/images/2/2d/ReAriseBioLopmon.png Lopmon Bio
  286. https://wikimon.net/images/3/3e/ReAriseBioMon.png Mon Bio
  287. https://wikimon.net/images/b/b6/ReAriseBioHackmon.png Hackmon Bio
  288. https://wikimon.net/images/a/ac/ReAriseBioSara.png Sara Bio
  289. https://wikimon.net/images/9/9c/ReAriseBioTapirmon.png Bakumon Bio
  290. https://wikimon.net/images/8/80/ReAriseBioKazuma.png Kazuma Bio
  291. https://wikimon.net/images/e/ea/ReAriseBioBearmon.png Bearmon Bio
  292. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsISvQZ9fPI
  293. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQSerkNY6sY
  294. https://youtu.be/3Lh5qb2-ocw?feature=shared&t=86
  295. https://youtu.be/HMvGyaU4Ons?feature=shared&t=19658
  296. https://youtu.be/8lYTmg4tvfw?feature=shared
  297. https://youtu.be/5NTyOa2Uuzo?feature=shared
  298. https://youtu.be/sC5RWeVUtuc?feature=shared&t=88
  299. https://youtu.be/3TmPuwquCNA?feature=shared&t=857
  300. https://youtu.be/vUvX6jitDL8?feature=shared&t=330
  301. https://youtu.be/h4UMF3wpLPM?feature=shared
  302. https://youtu.be/IqkP0MPu0e4?feature=shared
  303. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80IvKAiy55s
  304. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df_W0482BX8
  305. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn18Oe6i_WY
  306. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6FrGZF3-1U
Video Games
Digitalmonstervers logo.png

Digital Monster S

Digimonworld logo.png

Digimon World

Digitalmonsterverws logo.png

Digital Monster WS

Digitalcardbattle logo.png

Digital Card Battle

Anodetamer logo.pngCathodetamer logo.png

Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer

Digitalpartner logo.png

Digital Partner

Pocketdigimonworld logo.png

Pocket Digimon World

Digimonworld2 logo.png

Digimon World 2

Tagtamers logo.png

Tag Tamers

Pocketdigimonworldwbd logo.png

Pocket: Wind

D1tamers logo.png

D1 Tamers

Digitalcardarena logo.png

Digital Card Arena

Pocketdigimonworldcnbd logo.png

Pocket: Cool & Nature

D1tamers logo.png

D1 Tamers (Wondergate)

Pocketculumon logo.png

Pocket Culumon

Digimonmedley logo.png

Digimon Medley

Digimonpark logo.png

Digimon Park

Logo anodecathodetamer.png

Anode/Cathode (WSC)

Battlespirittamer logo.png

Tamers: Battle Spirit

Digimontyping logo.png

Digimon Typing

Battleevolution logo.png

Battle Evolution

Bravetamer logo.png

Brave Tamer

Digimonrpg logo.png

Digimon RPG

Cardgame verwsc.png

Card Game Ver. WSC


Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5

Digimonworld3 logo.png

Digimon World 3

Game battleserver logo.png

Battle Server

Dproject logo.png


Battlespiritfrontier logo.png

Frontier: Battle Spirit

Digimonracing logo.png

Digimon Racing

Battlechronicle logo.png

Battle Chronicle

Digimonworldx logo.png

Digimon World X

Digimoncircle logo.png

Digimon Circle

Digimonstory logo.png

Digimon Story

Digital monster battle junction logo.png

Battle Junction

Digimon pocket wars game logo.png

Pocket Wars

Anothermission logo.png

Another Mission

Sunburst logo.pngMoonlight logo.png

Sunburst & Moonlight

Digimonchampionship logo.png

Digimon Championship  

Digimon pendulum revive logo1.png

Revive & Survive  

Digimonmasters logo.png

Digimon Masters  

Digimonstorylostevolution logo.png

Lost Evolution  

Digimon battle walker logo.png

Battle Walker  

Digimonlife logo.png

Digimon Life

X arena console logo.png

Digimon Xros Arena

Superxroswars blue logo.pngSuperxroswars red logo.png

Super Xros Wars Blue & Super Xros Wars Red

Digimoncollectors logo.png

Digimon Collectors

Worldredigitize logo.png


Crusader logo.png

Digimon Crusader

Digimonadventure logo.png

Digimon Adventure

Worldredigitizedecode logo.png

Re:Digitize Decode

Digimonfortune logo.png

Digimon Fortune

Digimonfusion logo.png

Fusion Fighters

Allstarrumble logo.png

All-Star Rumble

Digimonstorycybersleuth logo white2.png

Cyber Sleuth

Soulhunter logo.png

Soul Chaser

Digimonworldnextorder logo.png

-next 0rder-

Digimonlinkz logo.png

Digimon Linkz

Appmon portal site logo.png

Appmon Data Lab

Appmon game logo.png

Appli Monsters

Digimonworldnextorderinternationaledition logo.png

-next 0rder- IE

Dscs hackersmemory logo.png

Hacker's Memory

Encounter logo.png

Digimon Encounters

Rearise logo.png

Digimon ReArise

Appmonsters protect the world logo.png

Appli Monsters: Protect the World

Logo digimonnewcentury2.png

New Century

Logo digimonsurvive.png

Digimon Survive

Superrumble logo.png

Super Rumble

Logo source code.png

Source Code

Timestranger logo.png

Time Stranger