Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Virtual Pets
⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Mammal Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Hope". The surface of its body is covered in wool of the finest quality. Also, Sheepmon is very sluggish, so just watching them move in flocks will cause you to sleep. The equipment on its back is a booster/bazooka unit called the "Wool Ball Booster", and with this, it reproduces the low-speed movement characteristic of Sheepmon. Its Special Move is forcibly putting enemy Digimon to sleep during any battle with giant balls of wool launched from the "Wool Ball Booster" (Wool Grenade).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English “希望のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化したアーマー体の哺乳類型デジモン。体表面は極上の羊毛(ウール)で覆われている。また、シープモンは非常に動きが鈍く、集団で移動されると見ているだけで、眠りについてしまう。背中の装備は「ウールボール・ブースター」と呼ばれるブースター兼バズーカユニットで、これにより、シープモン独特の低速移動を再現している。必殺技は「ウールボール・ブースター」から発射される巨大な毛玉で、いかなるバトルの最中でも強制的に敵デジモンを眠りに落とす『ウールグレネード』。
⇨ Japanese A Mammal Digimon that evolved with to the Digimental of Hope.
Special Move - Forcibly puts enemy Digimon to sleep during any battle with giant balls of wool launched from the "Wool Ball Booster" (Wool Grenade).
⇨ English 希望のデジメンタルにより進化したほ乳類型(ほにゅうるいがた)デジモン。 必殺技-「ウールボール・ブースター」から発射される巨大な毛玉で、いかなるバトルの最中でも強制的に敵デジモンを眠りに落とす『ウールグレネード』。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Wool Grenade
Ūru Gurenēdo
Forcibly puts enemy Digimon to sleep during any battle with giant balls of wool launched from the "Wool Ball Booster".
Wool Ball Booster
Ūru Bōru Būsutā
Silence of Lambs
[4][N 1]
Sairensu obu Ramuzu
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Sheepmon is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Digimental of Hope (希望のデジメンタル Kibō no Dejimentaru) set.
Available as a collectable card.
Available as a collectable card.
Sheepmon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Available as a Digimon Medal in the Japanese PS4/Switch versions, and the western Switch/PC versions.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Spreading its pink-colored hope, it acts as a guide for the tour of dreams!
Quote (⇨ English): 桜色の希望を振りまく、夢幻旅行の添乗員!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Using the wool from its body as ammunition, it fires it all at once with the launchers on its back!
Quote (⇨ English): 体にまとった羊毛型砲弾を背中のランチャーで一斉射撃!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It fires 100% wool bullets from its double-barreled cannon, inviting enemies into a world of sound sleep!
Quote (⇨ English): 敵を安眠へと誘う、ウール100%の二連装キャノン!
Card Game Alpha
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ Silence of Lambs is a pun on the novel The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris.
- ↑ BT17-102 (DCG) treats Greymon's name as the same name as any Lv.3 or lower Digimon in its evolution cards, which could be any Lv.3 or lower card in the game.
- ↑ BT17-102 (DCG) treats Greymon's name as the same name as any Lv.3 or lower Digimon in its evolution cards, which could be any Lv.3 or lower card in the game, and BT11-043 (DCG) can transform any Digimon into a Scumon who retains the Level, Traits, Effects, and Card Text of the original Digimon.