
From Wikimon
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Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Digimon Life Video Games Misc
⇨ Japanese
A Digimon that possesses power over Darkness which bears the might of one of the legendary Ten Warriors. The regret of various extinct species of Digimon and the "Forbidden Data" on the Net transformed into intense dark energy, and coalesced into Duskmon. The dark energy exists in order to oppose the light of holy beings, and the one who possesses power over Light is the flip side of the same coin. It has a thoroughly evil personality, so it is both callous and cruel. It is the possessor of demon lord-like dignity that is overflowing with perfectionism and confidence. It is invincible in battle when wielding its swords, and does not hesitate with its inhuman attacks. Its Special Moves are making the eyes all over its body shine and placing the opponent under hypnosis (Geist Abend), and absorbing the opponent's power with its two demonic "Blut Evolution" swords and making it its own (Eroberung). By the way, due to the ability of the three heads and seven eyes on its armor to act on their own as if they were separate creatures, true evil is sealed in them.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Geist Abend [2] Deu: Ghost Evening ガイストアーベント Gaisuto Ābento Deadly Gaze/Geist Blade
Makes the eyes on its body glow to hypnotize the opponent.[2]
Fires laser beams from all the eyes and mouths on its armor.[9]
Powers up its swords and charges while swinging them around.[8]
Eroberung [2] Deu: Conquest エアオーベルング Eāōberungu Lunar Plasma[10], Gruesome Grab[8]
Absorbs an enemy's power through its Blut Evolution swords.[2]
Forms the image of a red moon with its swords and then rushes at the enemy, blades crossed in front of it.[10]
Gedächtnisstörung [10] Deu: Memory Disturbance ゲデヒトニスシュトェールング Gedehitonisushutwērungu Dark Vortex Uses dark energy to sift through the memories of someone it has grabbed, causing them pain in the process.[10]
Blut Strike [8] Deu: Blood Strike ブルートストライク Burūto Sutoraiku Brute Strike[8] A rising spinning attack with its demonic "Blut Evolution" swords.[8]
Ghost Move [8]
ゴーストムーブ Gōsuto Mūbu Ghost Move[8] Uses dark powers to vanish and reappear somewhere else.[8]
Death Gaze [8]
デスゲーズ Desu Gēzu Death Gaze[8] Fires beams from all the eyes on its armor.[8]
Eroberung Storm [8] Deu: Conquest Storm エアオーベルングストーム Eaōberungu Sutōmu Geist Blade Storm[8] Spins, radiating many rings of red energy in the shape of a tornado.[8]
Chaos Field [11]
ケイオスフィールド Keiosu Fīrudo
A joint attack with Wolfmon. Darkness and light become one, creating a space of 'chaos' that is impossible to escape from.
Nega Cave [12]
ネガ・ケイブ Nega Keibu
A joint attack with Gigasmon. Gigasmon causes a crack in the ground, from which Duskmon causes darkness to rise.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Frontier[edit]

Duskmon's full body

When Cherubimon forces the Corrupted Human Spirit of Darkness onto Kimura Kouichi, he becomes Duskmon. He battles against the Legendary Chosen and almost wins, but when he hears Minamoto Kouji's name it brings back old memories, causing him to retreat. He then starts going after Kouji and reads his memories with his Gedächtnisstörung ability, but is further disturbed by what he sees. He returns to Cherubimon to ask and Cherubimon explains that Kouji and his father deceived him and made life hard on him and his mother, so he goes after him once more but is defeated by him and Kanbara Takuya.

Duskmon in Digimon Frontier.
Duskmon in Digimon Frontier.
Duskmon in Digimon Frontier.

Individual Appearances[edit]


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Duskmon serves as a minion of Dark Knightmon. Interestingly enough, this Duskmon doesn't show a humanoid face.

Faceless Duskmon in Digimon Xros Wars (Manga).

Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Frontier 15th Blu-ray BOX Special Drama CD ~A Train Named Hope~[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Battle Chronicle[edit]

Duskmon is a boss in the game. He is unlocked when he is defeated in the "Chaos Wasteland" arena.


  • Speed: 3/5
  • Attack: 3/5
  • Projectile: 5/5
  • Defense: 4/5
  • HP: 4/5

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Duskmon is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Five Evil Warriors (悪の五闘士 Aku no Gotoushi) set.

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Duskmon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Duskmon is available as a Digimon card.

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Duskmon is available as a Digimon card.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Duskmon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Virtual Pets[edit]

D-Scanner 2.0[edit]


Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Digital Monster X Ver.2[edit]

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]


Hyper Colosseum


Digimon Jintrix
Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]

Duskmon early.png Duskmon early2.png Hawkmon terriermon duskmon digimonweb.png St-758.jpg
Early design illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Early design illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Five Warriors of Evil
Duskmon loweemon spirit digivolving figure.jpg Duskmon loweemon spirit digivolving figure2.jpg Duskmon action figure.jpg Duskmon action figure2.jpg
Spirit-Digivolving Figures: Duskmon
Spirit-Digivolving Figures: Duskmon
Digimon Frontier Action Spirit: Duskmon
Digimon Frontier Action Spirit: Duskmon
Digifes 2022 digimonweb.jpg PB-12 Playmat.jpg Frontier otedama plush2.jpg Duskmon otedama plush.jpg
Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Digimon Card Game
(Official Playmat)
Digimon Frontier Promotional Otedama Plush Toy displayed at DigiFes 2022 Digimon Frontier
Otedama Plush
Duskmon otedama plush 2.jpg Duskmon otedama plush 3.jpg Duskmon otedama plush 4.jpg
Digimon Frontier
Otedama Plush
Digimon Frontier
Otedama Plush
Digimon Frontier
Otedama Plush

Virtual Pets[edit]

Duskmon vpet dscan.gif Duskmon vpet spirit.gif Duskmon vpet dmx.gif Duskmon vpet vb.png
D-Scanner D-Spirit Digital Monster X Ver.2 Vital Bracelet Digital Monster

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes