
From Wikimon
(Redirected from Lowemon)
Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Digimon Life
⇨ Japanese
A Digimon that truly inherited the "Spirit of Darkness" of the legendary Ten Warriors. The "Spirit of Darkness" was changed into its Duskmon form due to Cherubimon's spell, but Löwemon is its true form released from this magical power. This form is by no means a baleful one, and is called the battling "Valiant Jet-black Warrior" that becomes the shadow of the other Ten Warriors. Even on its own, its power is comparable to "Fusion-species" like Aldamon, and it is said that it conceals its power that puts the others to shame within the "Neebelnge Ring" placed on its right index finger. As a master of spearmanship, it is an "Executor of Darkness" that pierces evil with the "Danzai no Yari", and purifies it with the "Shokuzai no Tate". Its Special Moves are blasting the opponent with an intense spear attack (Ewig Schlaf), and firing a golden energy wave from the lion on its chest (Endlich Meteor).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Ewig Schlaf [4] Eternal Sleep エーヴィッヒ・シュラーフ Ēvihhi Shurāfu Shadow Lance[9]/Legendary Lance[10]/Ewig Schlaf[4] Blasts the enemy with a powerful spear attack.
Endlich Meteor [4] Final Meteor エントリヒ・メテオール Entorihi Meteōru Shadow Meteor[1]/Legendary Shield[10]/Endlich Meteor[4] Launches a wave of golden energy from its chest.
Blitzen Speer [11] Flash Spear ブリッシェン・シュペーア Burisshen Shupēa
Stabs the enemy with its spear.
Dunkel Schneiden [11] Dark Slice ドゥンケル・シュナイデン Dunkeru Shunaiden
A rapid triple thrust with its spear.
Luft Endlich Meteor [11] Aerial Final Meteor ルフト・エントリヒ・メテオール Rufuto Entorihi Meteōru
Uses Endlich Meteor in midair.
Dunkel Messer [11] Dark Knife ドゥンケル・メッサー Dunkeru Messā
A flying kick.
Dunkel Rakete [11] Dark Rocket ドゥンケル・ラケーテ Dunkeru Rakēte
Kicks off the ground with its spear while dashing to kick the opponent.
Dunkel Sarg [11] Dark Coffin ドゥンケル・ザルク Dunkeru Zaruku
Transforms into a dark aura that wraps around the enemy.
Intensiv Endlich Meteor [11] Intensive Final Meteor インテンズィーフ・エントリヒ・メテオール Intenzīfu Entorihi Meteōru
A more powerful, charged-up version of Endlich Meteor.
Luft Intensiv Endlich Meteor [11] Aerial Intensive Final Meteor ルフト・インテンズィーフ・エントリヒ・メテオール Rufuto Intenzīfu Entorihi Meteōru
An aerial version of Intensiv Endlich Meteor.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Frontier[edit]

Löwemon is Kimura Kouichi's Human Form Hybrid form, which he Spirit Evolves into by using the Human Spirit of Darkness. He takes this form for the first time in "The New Warriors of Darkness! Löwemon & Kaiser Leomon" , when his determination to atone for his actions purifies the Human Spirit from its corrupted form.

In "Go Beyond Time! The Beginning of a New Legend" , during the final battle with Lucemon, Löwemon begins to manifest as a separate individual due to the time that the Spirit had spent traveling with Kouichi and the intermingling of their hearts, prior to Kouichi's demise. After Lucemon's defeat, Löwemon is reborn and, along with the other reborn Human Form Hybrids, is entrusted with taking care of the Digital World. While the Chosen Children are traveling back to the Real World, Löwemon contacts Minamoto Kouji via his D-Scanner to notify him that, due to their bond, he can sense that Kouichi is still alive in the Real World.

Löwemon in Digimon Frontier.
Löwemon fighting Knightmon in Digimon Frontier.

Individual Appearances[edit]


Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Frontier 15th Blu-ray BOX Special Drama CD ~A Train Named Hope~[edit]

Live Readings[edit]

Digimon Frontier: Another Mysterious Message! Who’s the Culprit?[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Frontier: Battle Spirit[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Löwemon is only obtainable as a collectible card.

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Löwemon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Available as a collectible card.

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Available as a collectible card.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Löwemon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

D-Scanner 3.0[edit]

D-Tector Toy[edit]

Löwemon is a playable Spirit transformation from the US V2.0 (Asian Version 1) firmware onward.


Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]


Hyper Colosseum


Digimon Jintrix
Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]

Digimon frontier 20th key art2.png Digimon frontier bluray 15th promo art.jpg Ancientsphinxmon digimonweb.png Loweemon spirit digivolving figure.jpg
Digimon Frontier 20th Key Art Cloth Poster Illustration for the Digimon Frontier 15th Anniversary BD-Box Collection by Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Spirit-Digivolving Figures: Löwemon
Loweemon duskmon spirit digivolving figure2.jpg Loweemon hybrid digivolving figure.jpg Loweemon Kaiserleomon hybrid digivolving figure.jpg Susanoomon Deck Sleeve.jpg
Spirit-Digivolving Figures: Löwemon & Duskmon Hybrid-Digivolving Figures: Löwemon Hybrid-Digivolving Figures: Löwemon & Kaiser Leomon Digimon Card Game
(Official Deck Sleeve)
Koichi lowemon digifes 2022 bromide print.jpg Loweemon otedama plush.jpg Loweemon otedama plush 2.jpg Loweemon otedama plush 3.jpg
DigiFes 2020
(Bonus Bromide Print)
Digimon Frontier
Otedama Plush
Digimon Frontier
Otedama Plush
Digimon Frontier
Otedama Plush
Loweemon otedama plush 4.jpg
Digimon Frontier
Otedama Plush

Virtual Pets[edit]

Lowemon vpet dscan.gif Lowemon vpet spirit.gif Lowemon vpet vb.png
D-Scanner D-Tector & D-Spirit Vital Bracelet Digital Monster

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes