Digimon World -next 0rder-

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Digimonworldnextorder logo.png

Box Art
Digimon World -next 0rder- Box Art
Name Digimon World -next 0rder-
System PlayStation Vita
Release Date Japan March 17, 2016
Asia June 9, 2016 (Taiwan)
Language Japanese, Chinese

Digimon World -next 0rder- (デジモンワールド -next 0rder-, Dejimon Wārudo -Nekusuto Ōdā-), stylized as Digimon World -next Ørder-, is a video game.



Gameplay is similar to Digimon World and Re:Digitize. Like in those games, the player has to get various Digimon to return to Floatia to increase prosperity and provide services to the player. The player often has to undergo side quests to get Digimon to return to the city. Instead of one Digimon partner, the game now features two that the player must raise simultaneously.





Obtainable Digimon[edit]

Unobtainable Digimon[edit]

Digimon Cards[edit]

# Name
271 Catch Mamemon
272 Giromon
273 Grappu Leomon
274 Grademon
275 Crescemon
276 Kumbhiramon
277 Cerberumon
278 Cyberdramon
279 Sandiramon
280 Shawujinmon
281 Shakkoumon
282 Jyureimon
283 Silphymon
284 Sinduramon
285 Skull Greymon
286 Skull Baluchimon
287 Zudomon
288 Taomon
289 Tankdramon
290 Tyilinmon
291 Caturamon
292 Death-X-DORUguremon
293 Digitamamon
294 Death Meramon
295 Delumon
296 Tonosama Gekomon
297 Triceramon
298 DORUguremon
299 Paildramon
300 Pajiramon
301 Parrotmon
302 Panjyamon
303 Hisyaryumon
304 Bishop Chessmon
305 Big Mamemon
306 Piccolomon
307 Black Megalo Growmon
308 Blue Meramon
309 Flaremon
310 Vademon
311 Holy Angemon
312 Makuramon
313 Majiramon
314 Master Tyranomon
315 Matadrmon
316 Mach Gaogamon
317 Mame Tyramon
318 Mamemon
319 Mammon
320 Mihiramon
321 Mega Seadramon
322 Megadramon
323 Megalo Growmon
324 Megalo Growmon (Orange)
325 Metallife Kuwagamon
326 Metal Greymon
327 Metal Greymon (Blue)
328 Metal Tyranomon
329 Metal Mamemon
330 Monzaemon
331 Yatagaramon
332 Rize Greymon
333 Lilamon
334 Rapidmon
335 Lilimon
336 Rook Chessmon
337 Lady Devimon
338 Were Garurumon
339 Were Garurumon (Black)
340 Waru Monzaemon
341 Apocalymon
342 Apollomon
343 Ultimate Brachiomon
344 Alphamon
345 Alphamon: Ouryuken
346 Ulforce V-dramon
347 EBEmon
348 Yggdrasil_7D6
349 Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode
350 Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode
351 Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode
352 Vikemon
353 Venusmon
354 War Greymon
355 Vulcanusmon
356 Examon
357 Ouryumon
358 Ofanimon
359 Omegamon
360 Gaioumon
# Name
361 Chaos Dukemon
362 Chaosdramon
363 Chaosmon
364 Giga Seadramon
365 King Etemon
366 King Chessmon
367 Queen Chessmon
368 Clavis Angemon
369 Gran Kuwagamon
370 Grandis Kuwagamon
371 Grand Dracumon
372 Craniummon
373 Cherubimon
374 Cherubimon (Black)
375 Gold Numemon
376 Goddramon
377 Saber Leomon
378 Sakuyamon
379 Xuanwumon
380 Jijimon
381 Shine Greymon
382 Shine Greymon: Burst Mode
383 Justimon
384 Z'd Garurumon
385 Zeed Millenniumon
386 Zhuqiaomon
387 Skull Mammon
388 Sleipmon
389 Seraphimon
390 Saint Galgomon
391 Darkdramon
392 Tiger Vespamon
393 Titamon
394 Qinglongmon
395 Dianamon
396 Diablomon
397 Dinotigermon
398 Dinorexmon
399 Demon
400 Death-X-DORUgoramon
401 Death-X-mon
402 Deathmon
403 Dukemon
404 Dukemon: Crimson Mode
405 Dynasmon
406 Duftmon
407 Tonosama Mamemon
408 DORUgoramon
409 Neptunemon
410 Hi Andromon
411 Baihumon
412 Babamon
413 Barbamon
414 Bancho Leomon
415 Piemon
416 Victory Greymon
417 Pinochimon
418 Huanglongmon
419 Platinum Numemon
420 Black War Greymon
421 Prince Mamemon
422 Plesiomon
423 Herakle Kabuterimon
424 Belial Vamdemon
425 Beelzebumon
426 Beelzebumon: Blast Mode
427 Belphemon: Rage Mode
428 Belphemon: Sleep Mode
429 Hououmon
430 Holydramon
431 Boltmon
432 Marine Angemon
433 Marsmon
434 Minervamon
435 Mirage Gaogamon
436 Mirage Gaogamon: Burst Mode
437 Millenniumon
438 Moon Millenniumon
439 Mugendramon
440 Murmukusmon
441 Megidramon
442 Metal Etemon
443 Metal Garurumon
444 Metal Garurumon (Black)
445 Metal Seadramon
446 Metal Piranimon
447 Medieval Dukemon
448 Mercurymon
449 Rust Tyranomon
450 Leviamon



Floatia (フローティア) is the central hub in the Digital World. It starts underdeveloped but begins to regrow once Digimon return to the town.

Chikaino Grasslands[edit]

Chikaino Grasslands (チカイノ草原) is the grasslands closest to Floatia (Chikaino (近いの) means "nearby" in Japanese). It has many giant capacitators as well as hills with exposed fluorescent minerals.

Server Desert[edit]

Server Desert (サーバー砂漠) is a desert full of abandoned servers. It impressively has an oasis equipped with chairs, aquarium, and vending machine.

MOD Ship Cape[edit]

MOD Ship Cape (MODシップ岬) is a cape with a battalion of ghastly ships called MOD Ships.

Logic Flame Mountain[edit]

Logic Flame Mountain (ロン・リ炎山) is a fiery mountain trail with Torii gates all over, with Nixie tubes showing numbers in seemingly random locations. Its name is a pun on "logical operations" (論理演算 Ronri Enzan).

Gluttony Wasteland[edit]

Gluttony Wasteland (オーグィノ荒野) is a wasteland torn in battle between the meat-loving humanoid bandit Digimon and the seemingly royal nature Digimon who prefer vegetables.

Great Fault Ex Machina[edit]

Great Fault Ex Machina (大断層エクスマキナ) is a series of mechanical islands located over a great fault, connected together by bridges that can be disconnected from a control room.

Tail Bone Resort[edit]

Tail Bone Resort (ホネ・オ・リゾート) is a dark canyon of nightlife, with many buildings as well as giant bones. A graveyard with a small chapel lies deep within the canyon.

Absolute Zero[edit]

Absolute Zero (アブソリュート・ゼロ) is a snowy region constantly blasted by a blizzard, with an icy cathedral being the only respite from the weather.

Infinity Cauldron[edit]

Infinity Cauldron (ムゲンコルドロン) goes from the center of the Digital World to beneath its surface, eventually reaching its core through several layers. It is comparable to the underworld, where only the most hostile Digimon reside.


Image Gallery[edit]

See Gallery:Digimon World -next 0rder-.


Famitsu gave -next 0rder- a good score of 8/8/9/8 [33/40]

According to Media Crate Sales the game sold 64,218 copies and landed on 2nd place during it's first week in Japan. During the second week the game sold 10,272 copies and landed on the 14th place The game left the Media Crate Sales charts on the third week. [2][3]

According to Famitsu the game sold 50,251 copies and landed on 2nd place during it's first week in Japan. The game sold through 60%-80% of it's stock. During the second week the game sold 10,687 copies and landed on the 13th place still estimating to sell through 60-80% of it's stock. During the third week the game sold 4,414 copies and landed on the 18th place still estimating to sell through 60-80% of it's stock. During the fourth week the game sold 2,607 copies and landed on the 22nd place but from this point on it is estimating to sell through 80-100% of it's stock. During the fifth week the game sold 1,710 copies and landed on the 29th place. The game left the Famitsu charts on the sixth week.[4]


Position Name Kanji/Kana
Developer B.B. Studio B.B.スタジオ
Producer(s) Yasunori Fujiwara

Theme Song[edit]

  • Title: Accentier
  • Artist: Aoi Eir
  • Composer/Arranger: Takahiro Yasuda
  • Songwriter: Aoi Eir, Takahiro Yasuda

External Links[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 These Digimon are referred to as Ultimate Digimon with the level written in yellow. They are only available through the Jogress of two Ultimate level Digimon, or feeding normal Ultimate level Digimon an evolution crystal. These Digimon cannot be fed these same crystals. They also are incapable of Extra Cross Evolution (EXE).
  2. Media Crate Sales (3/14/16 – 3/20/16)
  3. Media Crate Sales (3/21/16 – 3/27/16)
  4. Famitsu top 30 Charts
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