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⇨ Japanese
A Holy Knight Digimon born from the fusion of the Virus Busters War Greymon and Metal Garurumon due to the powerful wills of everyone who wished for good, and who is one of the "Royal Knights". As a Digimon that combines the special qualities of the two, it is a multi-type warrior capable of fully demonstrating those abilities in any given situation. It is equipped with a sword and shield on its War Greymon-shaped left arm, and a cannon and missiles on its Metal Garurumon-shaped right arm. The cape on its back is automatically deployed when dodging an opponent's attack, or when it is flying. Its Special Move is freezing the opponent with frigid, absolute zero shots which it fires from the Metal Garurumon-shaped cannon (Garuru Cannon). Also, its left arm is equipped with the invincible blade, "Grey Sword".
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Garuru Cannon [5]
ガルルキャノン Garuru Kyanon Supreme Cannon[5], Garuru Cannon[15] Freezes the opponent with frigid, absolute zero shots from the Garuru Cannon in its right arm.[5]
Grey Sword [5]
グレイソード Gurei Sōdo Transcendent Sword[5], Grey Sword[16], Blaster Blade[15] Attacks the enemy with the Grey Sword in its left arm.[5]
[17][N 2]
Fires missiles from a hatch on its right shoulder.[17]
All Recover [17]
オールリカバー Ōru Rikabā
Creates a surrounding light from its Grey Sword that fully recovers Digimon and its surroundings.[17]
All Delete [18]
オールデリート Ōru Derīto DELETE ALL[18] Pierces the enemy with its Grey Sword, reducing them to scraps.[18]
Double Torrent [19]
ダブルトレント Daburu Torento Double Shot[20], Double Trent[19], Double Trent Combo[14] Fires successive waves of fire and ice from the War Greymon and Metal Garurumon heads.[8]
Kūchū Grey Sword [21] Aerial Grey Sword 空中グレイソード Kūchū Gurei Sōdo
A midair attack with its Grey Sword.[21]
Kūchū Garuru Cannon [21] Aerial Garuru Cannon 空中ガルルキャノン Kūchū Garuru Kyanon
A midair attack with its Garuru Cannon.[21]
Dash Grey Sword [21]
ダッシュグレイソード Dasshu Gurei Sōdo Dash Grey Sword[14] Attacks with the Grey Sword while dashing.[21]
Ultimate Uppercut [15]
アルティメットアッパーカット Arutimetto Appākatto Ultimate Uppercut[15] Uppercuts the enemy with its Grey Sword, throwing them into the air, followed by repeated blasts from its Garuru Cannon.[15]
Sword of Ruin [15]
ソード・オブ・ルイン Sōdo obu Ruin Sword of Ruin[15] An explosive cross-slash with the Grey Sword.[15]
Omega Sword [15]
オメガソード Omega Sōdo Transcendent Sword[15] Gathers its power and slashes with the Grey Sword.[15]
Omega Howling [22]
オメガハウリング Omega Hauringu Omni Howling[22]
Fires powerful sound waves from its Garuru Cannon.[22]
Fires a homing swarm of icy energy from its Garuru Cannon.[14]
Omega Blast [23]
オメガブラスト Omega Burasuto Omni Blast[22], Omega Blast[14]
Gathers light in the Grey Sword and swings it in the enemy's direction, engulfing them in a huge explosion.[24]
Calls down lightning bolts on the enemy with the Grey Sword.[22]
Fires simultaneous blasts of fiery and icy energy from its arms.[14]
Omega Heal [25]
オメガヒール Omega Hīru
[14][N 2]
Brave Shield[14] Counters an attack by guarding with its left arm.[14]


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Adventure: Our War Game![edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato.

Omegamon is formed for the first time when War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, both critically injured by the Diablomon copies, are empowered by Taichi and Yamato's determination to be there for thier partners, as well as the many emails of support from children from all around the world. Omegamon effortlessly turns the tides of the battle and obliterates all of the Diablomon copies with both its Garuru Cannon and the Diablomons' own Catastrophe Cannon attacks, which it reflects with its Grey Sword, leaving only one Diablomon, who holds the clock tied to the Peacekeeper missile's detonation. Although Omegamon struggles to keep up with its speed, once Izumi Kōshirō forwards all of the children's emails to it to bog down its processing speed, Omegamon closes in and impales both it and its clock on the Grey Sword, halting the Peacekeeper's countdown with two seconds to spare.

Omegamon with Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato in Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!

Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato. It appears briefly in a flashback in "The Unparalleled Union! Paildramon", when Izumi Kōshirō talks to Motomiya Daisuke and his group of Chosen Children about Jogress Evolution, in which he cites Omegamon as an previous example of two Digimon combining.

Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato.

Taichi and Yamato create Omegamon again when they re-enter the internet to hunt down Diablomon for the second time. While it struggles at first to contend with the hordes of Kuramon that assist Diablomon, the assistance of Angemon, Angewomon and Inoue Miyako enables it to kill Diablomon for a second time. However, this plays into its hands, as the gates that Miyako opened, which enable its Kuramon to escape, are shut behind them, trapping the group in the internet.

During Armagemon's rampage in Tokyo Bay, Omegamon, Taichi and Yamato emerge to stop it. Despite its best efforts, it is unable to harm Armagemon and, when it takes an Ultimate Flare at point-blank range, it is defeated and its arms break off from its body.

When Armagemon deals massive damage to Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode as well, Agumon and Gabumon respond to Motomiya Daisuke and Ichijouji Ken's determination not to give in, and Omegamon separates into Agumon and Gabumon and gives its power to Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode in the form of a Holy Ring imbued with everyone's hopes and power, which transforms into the Omega Blade. When Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode takes the Omega Blade, it Mode Changes into Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode.

Omegamon with Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato in Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back.

Digimon Tamers[edit]

In "Juri's Partner!? My Lord Leomon", when Shiota Hirokazu and Kitagawa Kenta are talking to themselves about what Partner Digimon they would like to have, Hirokazu's first choice is an Omegamon.

Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle[edit]

Omegamon is a warrior who hunts Mephismon, in order to foil his plans to eradicate all life. He pursues Mephismon from another reality's digital world into the reality of Digimon Tamers, but is unable to follow him into the Tamers Real World. Instead, he recruits Matsuda Takato, Makino Ruki and Lee Jianliang to stop Mephismon in his place. He uses a passage through Digital Space to escort Ruki and Jianliang from their prior locations to the VP Laboratories in Okinawa, in time to join Takato in confronting Mephismon.

Omegamon in Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle.

Digital Monster X-evolution[edit]

Omegamon is a member of the Royal Knights and a servant of Yggdrasill. Although at first he is loyal to Yggdrasill and faithfully executes Project Ark on its behalf, his encounters with Dukemon and DORUmon cause him to have a crisis of faith and, ultimately, to challenge Yggdrasill to prevent the collapse of the Digital World.

Omegamon in Digital Monster X-Evolution.

Digimon Savers[edit]

Omegamon is a member of the Royal Knights and a servant of Yggdrasill. He is an agent of Yggdrasill's plan to destroy the Real World in order to preserve the Digital World, until he defects with the other surviving Royal Knights.

Omegamon in Digimon Savers.

Digimon Xros Wars & The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

Omegamon is the leader of the chivalric order of Digimon that became the DigiMemories. His DigiMemory was stranded in an alley in Kōtō following the order's defeat and shattering of the Digital World.

Despite being virtually powerless as a DigiMemory, he sought out somebody who could hear the melody of Digimon in order to fight back against Bagramon. In "Taiki, Go to Another World!", when Kudou Taiki follows Shoutmon's DigiMelody to the alley, Omegamon speaks to him and offers him a Xros Loader. When Taiki accepts the Xros Loader, Omegamon opens a portal that sends him, Hinomoto Akari, Tsurugi Zenjirou and Shoutmon to the Digital World.

When Taiki, Shoutmon, Zenjirou and Akari are returned to the Real World in "A New Journey!! The Great Tokyo Showdown!!", Omegamon reaches out to Taiki again with his DigiMelody, and Taiki follows it to the alley, where he finds Omegamon's DigiMemory. Omegamon projects himself as a hologram to speak with the group, and tells them of the history of the DigiMemories/chivalric order. Omegamon accepts Taiki's request to return to the Digital World, but lacks the energy to send the complete group, forcing Zenjiro and Akari to stay behind.

When Tactimon attacks the city, Taiki drops Omegamon's DigiMemory when a shockwave from Tactimon's attacks hits him, and when Akari and Zenjiro attempt to retrieve it, Tactimon captures them along with the DigiMemory. When Akari and Zenjiro's courage and friendship empowers Shoutmon, Omegamon urges Taiki to make Shoutmon evolve into Omega Shoutmon, explains the nature of the evolution to the group, and reflects that their ability to empower Shoutmon this way may explain why they were sent to the Digital World in the first place.

After the battle, Omegamon opens the portal to the Digital World, and uses his powers to add a Xros Heart sigil to Taiki's shirt before he leaves. Akari and Zenjiro take possession of his DigiMemory, which becomes inactive due to the energy expenditure of opening the portal.

In "Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!", the other fourteen DigiMemories use their energy to reactivate Omegamon's DigiMemory. Omegamon leads the DigiMemories in assisting Taiki in his plan to save Shoutmon, and they all exhaust their powers to allow Taiki to enter the Dark Stone. When the Code Crown chooses Taiki over Bagramon, Omegamon, along with all the other DigiMemory Digimon, is returned to life, and he contributes to the formation of Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode.

Omegamon in Digimon Xros Wars.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

In "Resemblance? Or None at All? The Disguised Phantom Thief Betsumon", Betsumon uses an Omegamon costume. Many Digimon Hunters, including Akashi Tagiru, pursue him under the belief that he is the real Omegamon, and although Betsumon briefly tries to insist that he is, nobody is fooled when they see his face under the Omegamon helmet. Once Shoutmon arrives and hits him with a Rock Damashī, Betsumon abandons the Omegamon costume.

Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato. During the battle between the "legendary heroes" and Quartzmon's horde of Vamdemon in "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!", once Yamato arrives on the scene, Taichi and Yamato fuse their Digimon into Omegamon, who assists in ending the battle. Omegamon stays with Taichi and remains fused, and along with the other "legendary heroes", gives its power to the Brave Snatcher raising device for Mogami Ryouma.

In "Burn Up, Tagiru! The Glorious Digimon Hunt", Taichi and Omegamon, along with the other "legendary heroes", accompanies Akashi Tagiru and Arresterdramon to use the Brave Snatcher raising device again to reconstitute the Brave Snatcher. Once Tagiru takes possession of the Brave Snatcher, it is imbued with the power of the "legendary heroes", including Omegamon.

Omegamon and Yagami Taichi in Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time.
Omegamon and Dukemon: Crimson Mode in Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato.

In "Reunion", Taichi and Yamato form Omegamon in order to stop Alphamon, although Taichi initially hesitates to do so out of fear of the damage that Omegamon would cause. Omegamon duels Alphamon and almost succeeds in defeating him with a point-blank Garuru Cannon, but Alphamon escapes to the Digital World mere seconds Omegamon can launch it. As Taichi fears, the blast takes out a chunk of a nearby building and leaves a long crater.

Post-Reboot, Taichi and Yamato form Omegamon again in "Coexistence" for the four-way battle between the Chosen Children, Raguelmon, JESmon and Alphamon. Omegamon is the only one of the Partner Digimon to not be immediately knocked out of the fight by the clashing of Alphamon and JESmon's attacks. Once Mochizuki Meiko resolves that the only way to end Meicoomon's suffering is to kill her, Omegamon attempts to do as she wishes, but when JESmon uses Un Pour Tous, it takes out both Raguelmon and Omegamon, who splits back into Koromon and Tunomon.

In "Our Future", once Taichi returns to the group following his disappearance, Omegamon is formed again for the last confrontation with Ordinemon. Together with the other Ultimate-level Partner Digimon, Omegamon turns the tides of the battle, then fuses with them to become Omegamon: Merciful Mode to end Ordinemon's life.

Omegamon in Digimon Adventure tri.
Omegamon in Digimon Adventure tri.

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of Agumon and Gabumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato.

During the first confrontation with Eosmon, once it evolves into its Perfect form and begins overpowering the Partner Digimon, Taichi and Yamato respond by fusing Greymon and Garurumon into Omegamon. Omegamon impairs Eosmon by destroying the panels that it creates and inflicts severe damage to it with its Garuru Cannon, but before it can finish Eosmon off, it is stricken by the commencement of the end-of-partnership countdown for both Taichi and Yamato and becomes unable to maintain the fusion, and splits back into Koromon and Tunomon.

When Taichi and Yamato enter Never-Land to confront Menoa Bellucci, they fuse Agumon and Gabumon into Omegamon again. Omegamon easily obliterates many of her hordes of Perfect Eosmon, but when Menoa's grief at the Chosen Children trying to foil her plan to save them causes an Ultimate Eosmon to be created, Omegamon is unable to harm that Eosmon at all. It slices Omegamon apart with its panels and splits it back into Agumon and Gabumon with one final blast.

Omegamon in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.
Omegamon in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of Agumon and Gabumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato. According to Valkyrimon in "The Crest of Courage" , Omegamon is a miraculous entity who transcends space and time, and is a "last hope" with the ability to overturn the end of the world itself, who is given form only by the prayers and wishes of others. It had previously been formed once before during the ancient war with the Dark Digimon, when the hearts of all Digimon who wished for peace empowered the historical War Greymon and Metal Garurumon to fuse. This Omegamon cut off unsealed Zeed Millenniumon's left head, giving the opening for Seraphimon and Ofanimon to destroy him.

In "War Game", when Taichi, Yamato, Greymon and Garurumon are on the verge of being obliterated by Algomon Ultimate, holy feathers appear before Takaishi Takeru and Yagami Hikari. When they take hold of the feathers, Greymon and Garurumon fuse into Omegamon. "And to the Digital World", Omegamon wins a lengthy battle against Algomon Ultimate and, with Taichi and Yamato's assistance, exposes the data of the missile headed for Tokyo and breaks through the Algomons' corruption of it, causing the missile to turn back.

During the Chosen Children's battle against Nidhoggmon in "Countdown to Tokyo's Annihilation", the holy feathers appear before Takeru and Hikari again as Greymon and Garurumon are being consumed by Nidhoggmon's Rudiment. Once again, they take the feathers, and Greymon and Garurumon fuse into Omegamon for a second time. Omegamon deflects Nidhoggmon's blasts and, even after it continues to power up, slays it with a stroke of its Grey Sword with six seconds left on the countdown until it would have obliterated Tokyo. When Negamon kicks up a sandstorm to separate the Chosen Children, Omegamon protects Taichi and Yamato from it with its cape, but splits back into Agumon and Gabumon.

Taichi and Yamato form Omegamon for the final time in "The Last Miracle, the Last Power", when Ofanimon and Seraphimon gather the light of hope of all the Digimon who wish for the Chosen Children to prevail against Abbadomon. Omegamon breaks a hole through Abbadomon's outer shell without even doing anything, and enters inside.

In "The End of the Adventure", inside Abbadomon, Omegamon, Taichi and Yamato confront its Abbadomon Core form, an entity with a strong resemblance to Omegamon itself. Determined to protect the Digital World, Omegamon engages Abbadomon Core in a duel. The two are evenly matched and trade blows with each other with little headway until, when Omegamon freezes and impales Abbadomon Core, it retaliates by beginning to corrupt Omegamon, Taichi and Yamato's data. The three are empowered even further by the continued determination of the other Chosen Children who are fighting Abbadomon's outer body, and break through the corruption. Omegamon acquires the ability to swap its arms between its own Grey Sword and Garuru Cannon, and the Grey Cannon and Garuru Sword of Omegamon Alter-S, and freely swaps through them to press an advantage against Abbaddomon, before becoming Omegamon Alter-S itself.

In its Omegamon Alter-S form, Omegamon finishes off Abbadomon Core, then reverts to Omegamon. As Abbadomon Core dies, Omegamon reflects on Abbadomon's nature as a Digimon, and on the possibility that not only will it be reborn someday, but it, like any other Digimon, has the potential to be reborn as something other than an entity of evil. Once Abbadomon fades away, Omegamon uses All Recover to restore the Digital World.

Omegamon in Digimon Adventure:.
Omegamon with Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato in Digimon Adventure:.
Omegamon, equipped with the Grey Sword and Garuru Sword, in Digimon Adventure:.
Omegamon, equipped with the Garuru Cannon and Grey Cannon, in Digimon Adventure:.
Omegamon using All Recover in Digimon Adventure:.

Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato. He makes a brief cameo, as Ohwada Lui watches on TV his fight with Armagemon from Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back.

Individual Appearances[edit]

Digimon Adventure

Digimon Adventure 02

Digimon Tamers

Digimon Savers

Digimon Xros Wars

Digimon Adventure tri.

Digimon Adventure:


Live Action[edit]

Welcome to Digimon World[edit]

Digimon Seekers[edit]

The Royal Knight, Omegamon, struggled against Kazuchimon as both fell into a vortex, in "Chapter 3 Unit 11:Digital Missing In Action".


Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

Omegamon is the Jogressed form of Warg the War Greymon and Melga the Metal Garurumon, the two Partner Digimon of Fujimoto Hideto of the Alias III.

Digimon Chronicle[edit]

Omegamon is a member of the Royal Knights and a servant of Yggdrasill. Yggdrasill deploys Omegamon and the rest of the Royal Knights to kill the X-Antibody Digimon that have infiltrated the New Digital World.

In a fight against Doumoto Kouta and DORUgoramon, Omegamon loses and is forced to take the X-Antibody himself in order to survive, even if it means contravening the will of Yggdrasill.

Omegamon in Digimon Chronicle.
Omegamon and DORUgoramon in Digimon Chronicle.


Omegamon appears when Death-X-DORUgoramon was overdriving. Then after DORUmon got the new dragon Spirit, he found that Death-X-mon was revived by Metal Fantomon. He battled them and got seriously injured.

Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Omegamon was a member of the Royal Knights, who is deceased as of the main story.

As seen in a flashback in "Xros Miracle!! Reel in a Sliver of Hope!", Omegamon once fought and Bagramon and Tactimon at Yggdrasill's stem. Although he was defeated, he was eventually reborn in some manner as Shoutmon. In "Xros Alliance! The Final Battle in Odaiba!!", Omegamon's former comrade in the Royal Knights, Ulforce V-dramon begins to suspect as much when he senses that Shoutmon's code (presence) is the same as Omegamon's, although in "Xros Wars!! The Prologue to the End!!", he concludes to himself that Omegamon must truly be dead when he is absent from the reunion of the Royal Knights.

In "BONUS TRACK", when Wizarmon is glimpsing into other universes, he witnesses Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato riding their partner Omegamon in one of them.

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Omegamon's face appears on a book cover.

Digimon ReCollection[edit]

Hiragana Digimon: A Tale of the Royal Knights[edit]

Omegamon makes a cameo in the title page of Episode 1 alongside the rest of the Royal Knights.

In Episode 2, "Omegamon", Wanyamon and Dynasmon found Omegamon meditating. Omegamon thought Yggdrasill must have a reason for its actions and wished he could understand its perspective. Dynasmon and Wanyamon prayed to him as he was like a monk, which Omegamon didn't appreciate. Then in "Pilgrimage", Wanyamon asked Omegamon to sign his rally card. Omegamon thought going all the way to get the signature of a Royal Knight made Wanyamon a fine pilgrim, but Wanyamon didn't know what a pilgrim was and asked Dynasmon, who thought Omegamon even talked exactly like a monk. Meanwhile, Omegamon prepared to sign the card. Following in "A Monk in Training", Omegamon accepted he was like a trainee monk and stated he always thought his horns were in the way, confusing Dynasmon. He then took his horns off, which shocked Dynasmon and made Wanyamon laugh uncontrollably. Omegamon, with his horns back on, was pleased that he made Wanyamon laugh. The joke continued in "The Edge of Delight", where Wanyamon asked Omegamon to take his horns off again. While Omegamon was fine with it, Dynasmon tried to stop him, as it'd turn into a constant loop as kids like Wanyamon could keep laughing at the same thing over and over again. However, Omegamon thought a child's smile was what was most precious and took his horns off again. As Dynasmon expected, this turned into an endless loop, ended only by Dynasmon begging Omegamon to stop.

Omegamon met with Dynasmon and Wanyamon again in the same Episode in "A New Joke" to show the latter a new joke. For the joke, Omegamon covered himself except his hands under his cape and pretended his hands were War Greymon and Metal Garurumon. "War Greymon" asked "Metal Garurumon" what a Jogress Evolution was and "Metal Garurumon" told "War Greymon" they should do it. Omegamon then took off his cape as the result of said Jogress. However, Dynasmon thought the punchline sucked and Wanyamon showed no response to it, so Omegamon just took his horns off again, which made Wanyamon laugh and Dynasmon cry.

Omegamon in Hiragana Digimon
Omegamon without his horns
"War Greymon" and "Metal Garurumon"


Digimon Seekers[edit]

Omegamon is a member of the Royal Knights.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

Omegamon is an Ultimate-level Land-type Variable Digimon. Its Variable move, Garuru Cannon, boosts the AP (Attack Points) to unlimited and recovers 50% DP (Defense Points) stats of the Chosen Children's Partner Digimon.

The Omegamon Variable Move, along with the Goddramon Variable Move, is exclusive to a V-dramon that was distributed by Bandai in special events.

Digimon World 2[edit]

Omegamon is an Ultimate-level Digimon that evolves from Metal Greymon with 20+ JP (Jogress Point). Its skill, Grey Sword, costs 38 MP and is a single-enemy attack that has a chance of paralysis and deals more damage against a Digimon that used a Counter that round.

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon, born from Botamon's Digitama as the result of Jogress between War Greymon and Metal Garurumon. This Digimon's evolutionary line is Koromon, Agumon, Greymon/Garurumon, Metal Greymon/Were Garurumon and Omegamon, depending on its equipped Digimental (DM).

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon, born from Botamon's Digitama as the result of Jogress between War Greymon and Metal Garurumon. This Digimon's evolutionary line is Koromon, Agumon, Greymon/Garurumon, Metal Greymon/Were Garurumon and Omegamon, depending on its equipped Digimental (DM).

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]

Omegamon appears as two separate cards of different Attributes, "Omegamon Ⅰ" and "Omegamon Ⅱ". They can be obtained through special fusion: for Omegamon Ⅰ, by fusing War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, and for Omegamon Ⅱ, by fusing Metal Greymon (True) and Were Garurumon. Alternatively, they can be obtained by giving special passwords to Wizarmon in Sky City: for Omegamon Ⅰ, "OMEGA1" (Japanese version)/"OMNIMON-1" (international versions), and for Omegamon Ⅱ, "OMEGAS" (Japanese version)/"OMNIMON-2" (international versions). Since the Ultimate level is not present in this game, both Omegamon cards are categorized as Perfect.

A NPC Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato. He appears in Sage Tower's Battle Cafe after Infinity Tower's fourth Battle Arena is cleared. Upon talking to him, he tells the player that he knows everything about him but plays coy about how, saying only that they have met many times before and their battles have always been exciting, but that the player ought to forget about the past and meet him at the Arena.

Omegamon is the fifth and last opponent in Sage Tower's third and last Battle Arena. Upon arriving to him for the first time, he tells the player that he's grateful for the opportunity of having a battle like the one that's about to happen, identifies himself as War Greymon and Metal Garurumon's fusion, and adds that nothing makes him happier than fighting a strong opponent.

Omegamon plays the Red Star Blue Moon Deck (赤い星青い月デック Akai hoshi aoi getsu dekku; Dub: Blue Star Red Moon Deck), a Red/Flame and Blue/Water deck with 4 attack, defense and evolution speed that features Omegamon. Upon being defeated, he says that winning doesn't matter to him anymore, the quality of the battle is what's important, and they must continue their quest for the ultimate challenge.

If the player talks to Omegamon in the Battle Cafe after clearing the arena, Omegamon will thank them for helping him reach his current level, and gives him the second Digimental of his third Partner as a token of appreciation.

Omegamon red card dwdca.png 001 Omegamon Ⅰ
(オメガモンⅠ Omegamon ichi;
Dub: Omnimon Ⅰ)
HP: 1800 Pow⇧: 60 +P 20
Attribute: Flame Level: P
Grey Sword
Dub: Transcendent Sword)
Garuru Cannon
Dub: Garuru Cannon)
Double Torrent
Dub: Double Shot)
Special Effect: ✖ Counter (If opponent uses ✖, opponent's attack will miss, then the Digimon will counter with an attack whose attack power = opponent's ✖ attack power)
Support Effect: Change own Attribute to Fire / +100 to own attack power
Source(s): Special fusion, password
Omegamon blue card dwdca.png 035 Omegamon Ⅱ
(オメガモンⅡ Omegamon ni;
Dub: Omnimon Ⅱ)
HP: 2420 Pow⇧: 60 +P 10
Attribute: Ice Level: P
Grey Sword
Dub: Transcendent Sword)
Garuru Cannon
Dub: Garuru Cannon)
Double Torrent
Dub: Double Shot)
Special Effect: ✖ Counter (If opponent uses ✖, opponent's attack will miss, then the Digimon will counter with an attack whose attack power = opponent's ✖ attack power)
Support Effect: Change own Attribute to Ice / +100 to own HP
Source(s): Special fusion, password

Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit & Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5[edit]

Omegamon is a playable character as the evolved form of both Gabumon and the extra version of Agumon, which can be attained for a short period of time once per match if the Digimon makes contact with Culumon.

Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato. It is an unlockable playable character who can be obtained by either completing the single player mode with both Agumon and Gabumon, or inputting the password "NAGOMI" (Japanese version)/"SERIUS" (international versions).

Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon in-battle by Jogress via "PF-Evoluter" (Culumon PF Card) equipped to Taichi's Agumon's Ultimate-level form, War Greymon and Yamato's Gabumon's Ultimate-level evolution, Metal Garurumon.

Digimon RPG[edit]

Omegamon is one of the bosses of the game. As an obtainable Digimon, it can evolve from War Greymon or Metal Garurumon by Card Evolution. It may also evolve if both are at Level 51 or more through an event.

Digimon World 3[edit]

Omegamon is an optional evolution for all playable Digimon.

Omegamon also appears as a Jogress attack. Its Jogress requires War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, and costs 260 MP. In this attack, Omegamon attacks with both Grey Sword and Garuru Cannon, dealing very high physical non-elemental damage.

It also appears as two cards for Card Battles, "Omegamon Ⅰ" and "Omegamon Ⅱ".

Digimon World 3 Omegamon stat data
Omegamon's evolution unlock criteria
Digimon Requirements
Agumon Optional evolution
War Greymon skill level is 40; Metal Garurumon skill level is 40
Bearmon Optional evolution
War Greymon skill level is 40; Metal Garurumon skill level is 40
Guilmon Optional evolution
War Greymon skill level is 40; Metal Garurumon skill level is 40
Koemon Optional evolution
War Greymon skill level is 40; Metal Garurumon skill level is 40
Kotemon Optional evolution
War Greymon skill level is 40; Metal Garurumon skill level is 40
Patamon Optional evolution
War Greymon skill level is 40; Metal Garurumon skill level is 40
Renamon Optional evolution
War Greymon skill level is 40; Metal Garurumon skill level is 40
V-mon Optional evolution
War Greymon skill level is 40; Metal Garurumon skill level is 40
Omegamon's stat modifiers
Strength +65 Defense +35 Spirit +55 Wisdom +25 Speed +45 Charisma +1
Omegamon's resistance modifiers
Fire +90 Water +0 Ice +30 Wind +60 Thunder +30 Machine +90
Dark +120 Poison +30 Paralyze +20 Confuse +10 Sleep +10 Inst. KO +30
Omegamon's technique learnset
Technique MP Effect Learn at Load at
Flame Lance
Dub: Flame Breath)
72 500 Power / 110 Accuracy / Magical / Fire Element (48) / No extra effects LV10 LV25
Flame Sphere
Dub: Flame Sphere)
180 700 Power / 110 Accuracy / Magical / Fire Element (64) / No extra effects LV30 LV55
Giga Fire
Dub: Giga Fire)
90 250 Power / 100 Accuracy / Magical / Fire Element (48) / Strikes 3 times LV35 LV70
Dub: Inferno)
200 350 Power / 100 Accuracy / Magical / Fire Element (64) / Strikes 3 times LV60 LV85
Grey Sword
Dub: T-Sword)
250 400 Power / 127 Accuracy / Physical / No Element / Inflicts paralysis status (82% chance; 82% intensity) LV99 N/A

Omegamon i card dw3.png Omegamon I
(オメガモン I Omegamon ichi;
Dub: OmnimonI)
AT: 60 PT: 62
Color: Red S-Energy Cost: 3
Source(s): Booster Dia, Booster Exa
Omegamon ii card dw3.png Omegamon II
(オメガモン II Omegamon ni;
Dub: OmnimonII)
AT: 61 PT: 61
Color: Green S-Energy Cost: 3
Source(s): Booster Emerald, Booster Peta

Digital Monster: D-Project[edit]

Digimon Racing[edit]

Omegamon is the first boss character.

Digimon Battle Chronicle[edit]

Omegamon is an unlockable playable character and one of the the game's five boss Digimon. Of the bosses, he is the third hardest in terms of difficulty. He is a very well balanced fighter boasting excellent fire power, and good strength. He is unlocked when its defeated in the "Chaos Wasteland" arena.


  • Speed: 2/5
  • Attack: 4/5
  • Projectile: 5/5
  • Defense: 4/5
  • HP: 4/5

Digimon Story[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon. It cannot be encountered in the wild.

Omegamon can be obtained by hatching a Digitama that was made by matching a Metal Garurumon and War Greymon that are both over level 60. After this point, more Omegamon can be obtained by evolving Metal Greymon, as one of the criteria for doing so is that an Omegamon must have previously been obtained.

An NPC Omegamon gives Onegai Quest 58, in which it wants its Grey Sword sharpened by Ofanimon at Lava River.

Digimon Story Omegamon stat data
Omegamon's base stats
Level 65 HP 1009 MP 631
Species Holy Gen. Ultimate Battle Type Attacker Grow. Type Late
Attack 310 Defense 186 Spirit 184 Speed 148 Aptitude 77
Support Ability (TBA)
(Dub: Spirit Up 5)
Significantly increases the Spirit of allies in adjacent zones
Trait (TBA)
(Dub: Assassin's Arm)
Significantly increases critical hit rate
Omegamon's technique learnset
Technique MP Range Attribute Effect Learn at
(Dub: Razor Claws)
0 ░░▓▓░ None 3 base damage LV1
(Dub: Angel's Rage)
38 ░▓▓▓░ Holy 33 base damage LV16
(Dub: Cross Blade)
106 ░░▓░░ Holy 42 base damage / Strikes 4 times LV32
(Dub: Terra Force)
250 ▓▓▓▓ Holy 77 base damage / Fixed range LV48
Omegamon's evolution unlock criteria
Devolutions Evolutions
Digimon Requirements Digimon Requirements
Metal Greymon No restrictions (No evolutions)

Digital Monster: Battle Junction[edit]

Digimon Savers: Another Mission[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable evolution of Agumon.

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon. It cannot be encountered in the wild.

Omegamon can be Jogressed from War Greymon and Metal Garurumon if they are at least Level 65, Speed 415, and Friendship 100%.

An NPC Omegamon can be seen at the Center Bridge. Another NPC Omegamon is a member of Gaia Origin, challenging the player alongside Alphamon during the Quest Mission "The Challenge From Gaia Origin!".

Digimon Masters[edit]

Omegamon is a Jogress Evolution of both Agumon (Classic) and Gabumon (Metalgarurumon Line). To unlock Omegamon's evolution slot, the player needs to finish a special quest for each partner, which requires the player to be level 70 or higher and the Partner Digimon to be level 41 or higher, with War Greymon and Metal Garurumon unlocked respectively. Finishing the quest unlocks the evolution slot for the respective Partner Digimon.

Once the player unlocks the slot for both partners, has both partners on their team and has a Jogress Chip equipped, the lower leveled of the two partners can temporarily Jogress into Omegamon from their respective Ultimate-level form. If both partners have the same level, either can trigger the Jogress.

If both partners have their respective X-Antibody line unlocked and complete another quest, Omegamon can further evolve into Omegamon X.

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]

Omegamon can be evolved from War Greymon or Metal Garurumon if Level 60 and above, with revived War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, and Friendship 70.

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Xros Arena[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Omegamon can DigiXros from War Greymon and Metal Garurumon if Level 50 and above, 290 Attack, 310 Speed and Friendship 120.

  • Field Guide Number: 333
  • Species: Mythical Beast
  • Category: Dragon Warrior
  • Type: Balance
  • Resists: Fire, Light
  • Weakness: Dark
  • Habitat: N/A
  • Learned Skills: Tera Divine Resolve, Sword of Ruin, Grey Sword, Garuru Cannon
  • Traits: Poison Weakness, Dodge, Dodge Dance, High Critical, Anti-Curse, Lucky God
  • Special Skill: Tree Cut

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon which is Jogressed from War Greymon and Metal Garurumon.

Its Skill are Firewall, Spread Bomb, Flame Storm, Mach Jab, Muscle Charge, Spin Attack, Heavy Impact, War Cry, Charge Attack, Fighting Aura, Holy Sunshine, Judgment, Gokubuto Laser, and DG Dimension V3. Its Special Move is Garuru Cannon.

It can also be obtained as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Royal Knights: Founder (ロイヤルナイツ:始祖 Roiyaru Naitsu: Shiso) set.

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon Adventure[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato. They first take this form in Episode 66, "Our War Game, End" to fight Diablomon. However, Omegamon is not considered a party member for this fight, and will gain no EXP out of it. Afterwards, Omegamon can be fused from Agumon and Gabumon, though only in New Game + and they must be in their Ultimate forms, for no SP. Depending on who initiates the fusion, Omegamon is considered in-game to be that Digimon and inherits his DigiPieces, in the story this will be Agumon. Omegamon's attacks are:

  • Grey Sword: deals damage to all enemies with a good chance of Break. Costs 15 SP.
  • Garuru Cannon: deals multiple hits to one enemy with a good chance of Shock. Costs 10 SP.
  • Omega Blast: deals multiple hits to all enemies. Costs 30 SP.
Omegamon in Digimon Adventure.
Omegamon in Digimon Adventure.

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

An Omegamon without a Tamer can be fought in the Colosseum 40th floor Free Battle: "The Legendary Omegamon". After being defeated, Omegamon acknowledges Taiga as the Chosen Tamer who can save the world. This awards Taiga a Holy Knight Certificate.

Omegamon is the Partner Digimon of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato, fused from their War Greymon and Metal Garurumon. He can be fought in the Colosseum Heavenly Hall Free Battle: "The Final Test", commanded by Taichi.

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon which is Jogressed from War Greymon and Metal Garurumon. It can evolve to Omegamon (X-Antibody) by using "Final X-Antibody" (終局のX抗体 Shūkyoku no X-Koutai). Its Skill are Firewall, Spread Bomb, Flame Storm, Mach Jab, Muscle Charge, Spin Attack, Heavy Impact, War Cry, Charge Attack, Fighting Aura, Holy Sunshine, Judgment, Gokubuto Laser, and DG Dimension V3. Its Special Move is Garuru Cannon.

It can also be obtained as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Royal Knights: Founder (ロイヤルナイツ:始祖 Roiyaru Naitsu: Shiso) set.

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon All-Star Rumble[edit]

Omegamon is an unlockable Super Form which can evolve from Agumon or Gabumon. It can also be obtained as a collectible DigiCard.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon.

An Omegamon is a member of the Royal Knights and is the fused form of Shiramine Nokia's two Partner Digimon, Agumon and Gabumon. Omegamon is Agumon and Gabumon's original form, but prior to the events of the game, he was split into the two Digimon, who lost their memories. In Chapter 10, when Fei Wong Tomoe Ignacio is on the verge of defeating her in the battle at Under Zero, the pure bond of friendship between Nokia, Agumon and Gabumon enables Nokia to fuse the two back into Omegamon, much to her surprise. This restores Omegamon's memories for both himself and Agumon and Gabumon, and he assists Nokia, Aiba Takumi/Ami and Kuremi Kyoko in gathering the other Royal Knights to stop Lord Knightmon's plot. After this point, Agumon and Gabumon choose to remain separated when not in battle, for the sake of conserving energy.

From Chapter 11 onward, whenever Nokia joins the player as a partner, Omegamon joins the player's Digimon in battle as an allied NPC. Omegamon is also the only Digimon that Nokia uses in the battle against her in round 8 of the Master Cup.

Nokia's Omegamon is part of the boss team in the post-game quest Great Challenge ⑦ (偉大なる挑戦⑦ Idainaru chōsen nana; Dub: Great Challenge 7), in which it, along with fellow Royal Knights Dukemon and Alphamon, tests the player in battle. When defeated, it drops its Digimon Medal. Once the quest is reported complete, in the original and non-compilation releases of Cyber Sleuth only, both Omegamon and Omegamon Zwart, along with Alphamon, Dukemon and Chaos Dukemon, are unlocked for evolution by the player; in later compilation releases of Cyber Sleuth—the version bundled with Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in Japan, and the version in the western Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition—this unlock requirement is removed, and the player is able to Jogress Evolve an Omegamon at any time in the game, as long as their War Greymon and Metal Garurumon meet the other requirements.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth & Hacker's Memory Omegamon stat data
Omegamon's base stats
Level 1 HP 1100 SP 65
Gen. Super Ult. Element Light Attribute Vaccine Equip Slots 2 Memory 25
Attack 145 Defense 110 Speed 95 Intelligence 95 Aptitude 0
Omegamon's Support Skill
Dub: Holy Knight)
Increases own Speed by 10% / Increases damage dealt by own Fire and Light techniques by 10%
Omegamon's special techniques
Technique SP Element Type Effect Learn at
Grey Sword
Dub: Transcendent Sword)
30 Fire Physical 1 attack of 115 base damage to all foes 1
Garuru Cannon
Dub: Supreme Cannon)
30 Water Magical 1 attack of 130 base damage to one foe 1
Omegamon's inheritable technique learnset
Saint Knuckle III
Dub: Saint Knuckle III)
9 Light Physical 1 attack of 105 base damage to 1 foe / 95% accuracy 20
Cross Counter
Dub: Cross-Counter)
6 Status Status Confers physical counter status on self (The next time a physical attack hits it, it will counterattack) 35
Attack Charge Field
Dub: Attack Charge Field)
20 Status Status Increases attack of all ally Digimon in battle by 10% 50
Chain Max
Dub: Chain Max)
8 Status Status Fills 1 ally's Combo Gauge to 100% 65
Holy Light III
Dub: Holy Light III)
9 Light Magical 1 attack of 95 base damage to 1 foe / 95% accuracy 80
Omegamon's evolution unlock criteria
Devolutions Evolutions
Digimon Requirements Digimon Requirements
War Greymon War Greymon has previously been discovered (No evolutions.)
Metal Garurumon Metal Garurumon has previously been discovered (No evolutions.)

Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]

There are four versions of Omegamon. They evolve into each other.

Digimon World -next 0rder-‎‎ and Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Super Ultimate Digimon, which is the result of Jogress between War Greymon and Metal Garurumon and is the result of Extra Cross Evolution (EXE Evolution) between certain Digimon.

Its Skill are Firewall, Inferno, Flame Storm, Hail Spear, Ice Statue, Aurora Freeze, Saint Ray, Flash, Judgment, Mach Jab, Buster Dive, War Cry, Spiral Driver, Fighting Aura, Gigo-Watt Laser, and DG Dimension V3. Its Special Move is Garuru Cannon and Grey Sword (used as one move).

An Omegamon is the partner of Takuto/Shiki. It is formed from the ExE Evolution of their War Greymon and Metal Garurumon during the first fight of the game against a Mugendramon.

Digimon Linkz[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon, which is the result of Jogress between War Greymon and Metal Garurumon.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon.

An Omegamon is a member of the Royal Knights and is the fused form of Shiramine Nokia's two Partner Digimon, Agumon and Gabumon. From Chapter 15 onward, whenever Nokia joins the player as a partner (including when choosing her as a partner when exploring the Abyss Server), Omegamon joins the player's Digimon in battle as an allied NPC, and he is the only member of Nokia's team if the player chooses her as an ally for Domination Battles or Territory Disputes. Nokia's Omegamon is also the last boss of the Senpai's Rehabilitation case in Chapter 17; when defeated, he drops his Digimon Medal.

Omegamon's Digimon Medal can also be obtained by finding Victory Uchida in Shibuya in Chapter 5.

Omegamon's stats and evolution options are identical to its stats in the original Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. However, some changes were made, these being:

  • Special Skill Garuru Cannon (Magic attack, 130 Water damage to one foe) now inflicts INT-penetrating strong Water damage to one foe.
  • The number of Equip Slots has been changed from 1 to 2.

Digimon ReArise[edit]

Omegamon is an obtainable Digimon, which is the result of Jogress between War Greymon and Metal Garurumon.

Digimon Encounters[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Digimon Super Rumble[edit]

Digimon Survive[edit]

Omegamon is the fused form of Agumon and Gabumon, the Partner Kemonogami of Momotsuka Takuma and Minase Akiharu.

In the Moral route, after Akiharu and Renamon fail to break Minase Miyuki free from the Master (with whom they were fused together as Miyuki (Kenzoku)) and Renamon dies protecting Akiharu, Kimishima Saki, Shibuya Aoi and Shinonome Miu want to run away, while Hinata Minoru and Shinonome Kaito want to stay and fight, reckless as it may be. Takuma, meanwhile, is unable to decide until Agumon tells him to rely on him, and that he will make sure that Takuma has nothing to worry about or fear. Takuma realizes this meant Agumon thought they could save Miyuki and the world, and Agumon wants to make those wishes come true. Gabumon tells Akiharu likewise. Their resolves restored, Takuma swears to save Miyuki and the world, while Akiharu acknowledges that they have no choice but to do it. Takuma's intense emotions cause Agumon to feel a heat inside himself, and Akiharu's resolve invokes an unfamiliar mix of many feelings within Gabumon. Knowing their current forms are unable to take those emotions and that they must become one, Agumon and Gabumon fuse together into Omegamon, whose strength restores everyone's resolve.

Afterwards, the player can form Omegamon at any time so long as they deploy both Agumon and Gabumon and the former has at least 20 SP, regardless of their current evolution. Despite being a fusion of both Agumon and Gabumon, only Agumon can initiate it, it causes Gabumon to vanish from the field upon evolving, and Omegamon is considered to only be Agumon in-game. If Agumon then reverts to any previous form, Gabumon will reappear on the field in the exact same place and state he was in before the evolution.

Omegamon and Takuma in Digimon Survive.

Digimon Story: Time Stranger[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Ver. ZERO Virus Busters[edit]

Omegamon is obtainable by Jogress Holy Angemon or Angewomon with a compatible Digimon, and can also be obtained by Jogress War Greymon with Metal Garurumon.


D-Power Digivice Toy (EU/AS)[edit]

Omegamon is a playable Digimon in Versions 2.0 and 3.0, as the Ex-Mega (second Ultimate) evolution of the Partner Digimon Agumon.


Pendulum Progress 3.0 Animal Colosseum[edit]

Omegamon can be obtained as a Battle Evolution by winning with Metal Garurumon (X-Antibody) against War Greymon (Pendulum Program 1.0).

D-Tector Toy[edit]

Omnimon (Omegamon) appears in all versions of the D-Tector. In the Asian Version 4.0 model, it is the boss of Map 4, Area 07. The player may add it to their Digi-Database and use it as an ally by inputting the Digi-Digit code YGELU, or by defeating it in battle (although it being added the latter way is not guaranteed). In battle, it can be digivolved (evolved) from WarGreymon (War Greymon) or MetalGarurumon (Metal Garurumon).


Digimon Mini Ver. 1.0[edit]

Omegamon evolves from War Greymon after battling 100 times or more.


Digimon Neo Ver. 1[edit]

Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon![edit]

Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]

Digivice Ver.15th[edit]

D-Ark Ver.15th[edit]

Digital Monster Ver.20th[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Z[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Z II[edit]


Digivice Ver.Complete[edit]

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]

Digimon Pendulum COLOR[edit]

Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-[edit]


Super Evolution Stage "Digimon Adventure tri. ~Adventure of August 1~"[edit]


Hyper Colosseum


Card Game Alpha
Battle Terminal
Super Digica Taisen
Digimon Jintrix
Appli Monsters Card Game
Data Carddass Appli Monsters
Battle Spirits
Digimon Card Game
Digimon xros wars super digica taisen logo.png
Appmon cardgame logo.png
Datacarddass applimonsters logo.png

Data Carddass Appli Monsters[edit]

Omegamon can be summoned in the Arcade component of the game by a special 20th Anniversary card.

Image Gallery[edit]

Garurugreymon concept art.jpg Masterdramon concept art.jpg Early omegamon concept art2.jpg Darts Watanabe Kenji painting art.jpg
Early design concept
(concept art)
(concept art)
Early design concept
(concept art)
Illustration for the D-Arts and the Tamashii Web by Watanabe Kenji
Royal knights cyber sleuth.jpg Omegamon shikishi cs.jpg Shoutmon omegamon concept art.jpg Omegamon reboot box.jpg
Illustration for Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth by Watanabe Kenji Illustration for Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth by Watanabe Kenji Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Exhibition in Sky Garden for Digimon Xros Wars
(concept art)
Digimon Reboot
(Box Cover)
OmegamonReboot.jpg Darts omegamon.jpg Omegamon figure-rise standard.jpg Omegamon figure-rise standard amplified box.jpg
Digimon Reboot D-Arts Figure-rise Standard - Omegamon (AMPLIFIED) designed by As'maria Figure-rise Standard - Omegamon (AMPLIFIED)
(Box Cover designed by As'maria)
Digitalmonster ver20 shikishi.jpg Digimon size comparison 20th.jpg Omegamon digimonweb.png Omegamon dukemon digimonweb.jpg
Illustration for Digital Monster Ver.20th by Watanabe Kenji Digimon Size Comparison
(Digital Monster - Artbook Ver.1~5&20th)
Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter
Omegamon diablomon digimonweb.png Omegamon digimonweb2.png February 2024 digimonweb.jpg XEvolution digimonweb.jpg
Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter
Ourwargame25thanniversary digimonweb.jpg Agumonhakase terriermonassistant omegamon digimonprofile.png Omegamon Adventure 2020 sticker2.jpg Adventure 2020 shikishi 16.jpg
Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Illustration for the Digimon Profile Digimon Adventure:
Crest Gummy Vol. 2 Sticker
Digimon Adventure:
Digimon Shikishi Art
Omegamon illustration watanabe kenji.jpg Omegamon illustration watanabe kenji2.jpg Dukemon Omegamon Diablomon Keramon illustration watanabe kenji.jpg Dynasmon wanyamon omegamon illustration yabuno tenya.jpg
Illustration by Watanabe Kenji Illustration by Watanabe Kenji Illustration by Watanabe Kenji Illustration by Yabuno Tenya
Omegamon Battle Spirits illustration.png Omegamon Battle of Omega.jpg Omegamon Dual Tamer Goods Set 2.jpg DCG Booster Battle of Omega.jpg
Illustration for the Battle Spirits Collaboration Booster 02 Digimon Card Game Digimon Card Game Digimon Card Game
(Battle of Omega Booster Promo)
Omegamon WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon Deck Sleeve.jpg Royal Knights binder set.jpg Kizuna Booklet Page 19.jpg Kizuna Booklet Page 8.jpg
Digimon Card Game
(Official Deck Sleeve)
Digimon Card Game
Royal Knights Binder Set
Inadome Kazumi's art in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna's 'Thanks from Staff' booklet Ito Hitomi's art in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna's 'Thanks from Staff' booklet
DUAMCG Omegamon promo.jpg Kotadaman adventure2.jpg
Promotional artwork for
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Card Game
Kotadaman Collaboration

Virtual Pets[edit]

Omegamon vpet pen.gif Omegamon vpet dt.gif Omegamon vpet.gif Omegamon vpet spirit.gif Omegamon vpet dw.gif Omegamon vpet xloader.png
Digimon Pendulum D-Terminal D-Gather D-Power (EU/AS, V2+), D-Tector & D-Spirit DigiWindow Digimon Xros Loader
Omegamon vpet vb.png Omegamon forthbattle vpet vb.png Omegamon vpet dpc.gif Omegamon vpet dv color.png
Vital Bracelet Digital Monster Vital Bracelet BE
(Forth Battle Boss)
Digimon Pendulum COLOR Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 ボルケーノ太田. Volcano channel Now Digimon series “Digimon adventure tri. episode 1 ~ Reunion~”. December 2 2015. Video.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Digital Monster - Artbook Ver.1~5&20th
  3. Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer
  4. Dm-01 - Digi-Battle Card Game (Bandai America)
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 Digimon Reference Book: Omegamon
  6. Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Digimon World Digital Card Arena
  9. 9.0 9.1 Bo-211
  10. Bo-13v
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 St-820
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Digimon Pendulum Z
  13. Digimon Pendulum Z II
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Digimon All-Star Rumble
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 Digimon Battle Chronicle
  16. Digimon Masters
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Digimon Adventure:: "The End of the Adventure"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Digimon Seekers
  19. 19.0 19.1 Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution
  20. Digimon World: Digital Card Arena
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Digimon Savers: Another Mission
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 DM02-115
  24. Digimon Adventure (Game)
  25. Digimon World 2
  26. 26.0 26.1 Digimon All-Star Rumble
  27. 27.0 27.1 Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 Digimon Survive
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Bo-1151
  31. 31.0 31.1 Digimon Pendulum
  32. 32.0 32.1 BT1-084
  33. 33.0 33.1 BT5-086
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 BT17-078 (DCG)
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Digital Monster: D-Project
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 Re-25
  37. 37.0 37.1 Digimon Adventure:: "War Game"
  38. 38.0 38.1 Digimon RPG
  39. 39.0 39.1 Digimon Neo Ver. 1
  40. 40.0 40.1 Vital Bracelet Digital Monster
  41. 41.0 41.1 Pendulum ZERO Virus Busters
  42. 42.0 42.1 Bo-2j
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 Dα-249
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 Dα-422
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 DM-085
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 DM-152
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 DM-181
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 DM-207
  49. 49.0 49.1 Digimon World Re:Digitize
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode
  51. 51.0 51.1 Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 Digimon Crusader
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th
  55. 55.0 55.1 Digimon Adventure:: "The Last Miracle, the Final Power"
  56. 56.0 56.1 Digimon New Century
  57. 57.0 57.1 Digimon Pendulum COLOR
  58. 58.0 58.1 Digimon Super Rumble
  59. Pendulum Progress 3.0
  60. Digimon World 2
  61. 61.0 61.1 Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers
  62. 62.0 62.1 Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers
  63. Digimon Story
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Digimon World: Digital Card Arena
  65. 65.0 65.1 SPα-011
  66. 66.0 66.1 DM02-090 (Asia)
  67. Digimon Mini Ver. 1.0
  68. St-226
  69. St-842
  70. Bo-405
  71. Bo-1082
  72. Vj-15
  73. Re-38
  74. 74.0 74.1 Digimon Linkz
  75. BT5-111
  76. BT10-086 (DCG)
  77. Digimon Reference Book: Omegamon (X-Antibody)
  78. Digital Monster X-evolution
  79. EX4-073 (DCG)
  80. Digimon World -next 0rder-
  81. BT9-083
  82. Digimon Adventure tri. - "Our Future"
  83. Digimon Xros Wars: "Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!"
  1. Omegamon is called two different names in Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer. The Omegamon Variable Technique itself is called "Omegamon" as normal, but the NPC Tunomon in Digimon House refers to it as "Garuru Greymon" instead.
  2. 2.0 2.1 This attack technique is not named in any Japanese material.
  3. 3.0 3.1 According to Dα-404 and Dα-419 Shine Greymon and Mirage Gaogamon should also be treated as a War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, respectively.