
From Wikimon
APMCG Ultimate icon.png Omegamon
BT3-35 CP
Battle Type Appearance Requirements During battle, when the 'Digivice' card is in your slot, discard the War Greymon and Metal Garurumon cards in your hand or Appmon Box and play this card from your hand.
This virtuous Holy Knight was fused from two Digimon.
Grade Level Type
Attacks Abilities
A Grey Sword 850 This card cannot be targeted by effects or costs that specify 'Appmon' in their descriptions.
The Appearance Requirements cannot be ignored.
◎A will not go to zero.
◎Recover 30 points when this Digimon is played.
B Garuru Cannon 850
C Guard (Your opponent's A→0) 780
Lost Points 30 30 20 10