Digimon Story

From Wikimon
(Redirected from Digimon World DS)
For a guide, please see Digimon Story Guide.

Digimonstory logo.png

Box Art
Digimon Story Box Art
Digimon World DS Box Art
Name Digimon Story
Usa.png Digimon World DS
System Nintendo DS
Release Date JapanJune 15, 2006
United StatesNovember 7, 2006
Language Japanese English

Digimon Story (デジモンストーリー, Dejimon Sutōrī) is a video game.


This story takes place in the near future. Another world, named the Digital World, has begun to spread within computer networks. Not only that, Digital Monsters call this world their home. Their existence has been kept secret from the general public by DATS, a unit made specially to investigate the Digital World. However, rumors of monsters being born from computers, and the humans who fought alongside them, began to spread among the children...


Using a battle system reminiscent of Digimon World 2, Digimon Story allows the player to use up to three Digimon at a time in a turn-based battle, and up to six can be brought with them at any given time. Digimon gain experience points and level up, gaining new techniques and evolution options. However, there's a limit to how far they can level up, which is increased when they're devolved.

On the overworld map, most enemy encounters are random, with various NPCs and boss characters having visible overworld sprites. In battle there are six panels that can be occupied, with some techniques affecting several panels at once. There are many boss battles where a single opponent will take up more than one panel on the battlefield.

One major component is the DigiFarm, where they can raise and care for their Digimon with the additions of a variety of items which can be purchased. New Digimon can be acquired a variety of ways, mostly commonly by generating them with data earned from previously defeated opponents. Digimon can also be created by matching two parents to generate a Digitama in multiplayer mode. Sometimes, a special event occurs where the player is given data of specific Digimon to generate a new Digimon after certain story requirements are fulfilled.






Obtainable Digimon[edit]

None available

Non-Playable Character Only Digimon[edit]


01-31-2012 06;02 Ancient Canyon.PNG
01-31-2012 11;30 Chrome Mine.PNG
02-02-2012 12;15 Computer Room.PNG
Old Canyon (ふるぼけキャニオン) Chrome Mine (クロンこうざん) Computer Room
02-02-2012 11;23 Core Field.PNG
01-30-2012 10;59 Data Forest.PNG
01-30-2012 11;31 Digi-Central.PNG
Core Field (コアフィールド) Data Forest (データもり) Digi-Central
02-02-2012 03;21 Digi-Farm.PNG
01-31-2012 02;56 Drain Tunnel.PNG
02-02-2012 11;16 Hard Mountains.PNG
Digi-Farm Drainage Tunnel (はいすいトンネル) Frozen Mountain Range (カチコチさんみゃく)
01-31-2012 05;05 Junk Factory.PNG
02-02-2012 11;07 Lava River.PNG
01-31-2012 06;19 Mangrove Woods.PNG
Junk Factory (ジャンクこうじょう) Lava River (ようがんリバー) Mangrove Forest (マングローブもり)
01-31-2011 04;02 Packet Swamp.PNG
01-31-2012 02;23 Sheer Valley.PNG
02-02-2012 11;36 Sky Palace.PNG
Packet Swamp (パケットぬま) Cliff Valley (ぜっぺきバレー) Sky Palace (てんくうパレス)
91-31-2012 03;46 Steamy Jungle.PNG
01-30-2012 11;37 Tamer Union.PNG
01-31-2012 02;40 Training Peak.PNG
Muggy Jungle (むしむしジャングル) Tamer Union Training Mountain (とっくんマウンテン)
02-02-2012 04;58 Tropical Isles.PNG
Tropical Islands (トロピカしょとう) Underwater Drive (かいていドライブ) Destroyed Belt (デストロイドベルト)




Famitsu gave Digimon Story a good score of 8/7/8/7 [30/40]


External Links[edit]

Digimon Story
Main Characters PlayerPagumon
Tamer Union Kogure HaruhikoKazuyaTomomiYujiPhilEllieChrisMakoRobertSarahCulumon
Observers QinglongmonXuanwumonBaihumonZhuqiaomonClavis Angemon
Antagonists Alphamon/Unknown-DBad Tamers (Kain/Bad Tamers BossYoshikiAliciaPeterSueAnnChan) • Mugendramon/Skull Greymon • Chronomon (Destroy Mode > Holy Mode)
Digimon Savers characters Daimon MasaruAgumonThoma H. NorsteinGaomonFujieda YoshinoLalamon
Terms Tamer UnionDigiFarmDigivice iCGuilmon Bread
Other List of CharactersGuides
Video Games
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