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Shoutmon X3 is a form that Shoutmon attains when DigiXrossed with Ballistamon and Dorulumon. These two Digimon form a new, larger body for Shoutmon.

DigiXros[N 1] (デジクロス Dejikurosu; Dub: DigiFuse[2]/Digixrose[3]/DigiXros[4]) is a special type of evolutionary process in which multiple Digimon ("DigiXros Units") combine together to form a single, more powerful entity. One of the Digimon who comprises a DigiXrossed Digimon controls the combined body, while all the others provide new powers, weapons, armor, other equipment, or even entirely new body parts for the lead Digimon to inhabit and use.

The concept of DigiXrossing was introduced for the Digimon Xros Wars multimedia project, and is a major feature of its anime series, manga, video game, card game, and virtual pet adaptations.


DigiXrossing is similar to the processes of Jogress Evolution and fusion, as all of these have the common trait of involving Digimon combining. Unlike Jogress and fusion, DigiXrossing is all about the lead Digimon of the DigiXros being the one to specifically get stronger by using the others as weapons/armor/extra powers, although it is usually still cooperative. Also unlike a Jogress, the DigiXros that results from a combination of Digimon depends only on the lowest base Digimon ("DigiXros Units") involved, and not the immediate components that fused together.

Shoutmon X4 can be formed from any combination of the component Digimon Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, the Starmons, or any pre-existing DigiXrosses involving these Digimon. This includes...
Shoutmon.jpg × Ballistamon.jpg × Dorulumon.jpg × Starmons.jpg

Shoutmon starsword.jpg × Ballistamon.jpg × Dorulumon.jpg

Shoutmonx2 2.jpg × Dorulumon.jpg × Starmons.jpg

Shoutmonx3.jpg × Starmons.jpg

...The four Digimon in their base forms. ...Shoutmon + Star Sword, with Ballistamon and Dorulumon. ...Shoutmon X2, with Dorulumon and the Starmons. ...Shoutmon X3, with the Starmons.

Also, there are very few cases of a Jogress or fusion involving more than two Digimon, but DigiXrossing regularly uses any number of Digimon at once. The Evolution Stage of the component Digimon in a DigiXros does not matter, and most Digimon Xros Wars media do not use the concept of Evolution Stages at all.

The process of undoing a DigiXros is called Xros Open (クロス・オーペン Kurosuōpen[5]; Dub: Disengage Fuse[6]/Digi-Defuse[7]).

Unlike other forms of evolution, DigiXrossing generally does not occur at all without the intervention of a device such as a Xros Loader, and these are usually used by humans.

Given their status as conglomerates of multiple Digimon, the majority of Digimon who are the products of DigiXrosses belong to the Enhancement or Composite Types.

DigiXros Units[edit]

DigiXros Unit (デジクロスユニット Dejikurosu yunitto) is a term used by some Digimon Xros Wars media, especially games, to refer to the base component Digimon of a DigiXros. It also describes cases like the Starmons or, in the anime, Knightmon and his Pawn Chessmon subordinates, where a group of multiple Digimon is treated as a single DigiXros Unit for the purposes of DigiXrossing. Digimon who have been previously formed from DigiXrosses of the appropriate base component Digimon are also treated as DigiXros Units for further DigiXrosses.

The Digimon Xros Wars anime and manga typically freely use any combination of the "canon" DigiXros Units to form the needed DigiXros. However, the mechanical limitations of toy and game spinoffs, such as Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen and the Digimon Xros Loader, require that every possible combination to make a particular DigiXrossed Digimon be defined as a list of valid DigiXros Units. This is especially important where it relates to the limited maximum number of Digimon that can be used to DigiXros at once: three at a time for Super Digica Taisen, and five at a time for the Digimon Xros Loader.

Example: In the anime, manga, and Digimon Reference Book, Shoutmon X7 is a DigiXros between six Digimon (Omega Shoutmon, Zeke Greymon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, the Starmons, and Sparrowmon). However, neither Super Digica Taisen or the Digimon Xros Loader mechanically support DigiXrossing this many Digimon/DigXros Units at once. Therefore, these games prescribe these combinations of DigiXros Units to create Shoutmon X7 with fewer DigiXros Units:



Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

The "×" motif that announces an activated DigiXros in the first two seasons of the Digimon Xros Wars anime.

In Digimon Xros Wars, DigiXros is considered a mythical ability that only users of Xros Loaders (or similar devices) are able to use. Dark Knightmon rediscovered the ability as part of his efforts to rival and, eventually, surpass his brother, Bagramon, by DigiXrossing with him.[8] He developed the Xros Loader,[9] and he and Bagramon sought out humans strong enough to use DigiXros as a power to their benefit, distributing the first two Xros Loaders to Amano Yuu,[10] and Aonuma Kiriha.[11] However, their plans go awry as Kiriha and Amano Nene defect from them, and Omegamon chooses Kudou Taiki as another Xros Loader user.[8]

DigiXrossing draws its strength from the bonds of friendship and sense of unity among the constituent Digimon and the Xros Loader's user(s). A DigiXrossed Digimon is almost entirely controlled by its lead Digimon, but the other component Digimon are entirely conscious, work in cooperation with the lead Digimon, and can talk while DigiXrossed.[12][13] Sometimes, they can initiate attacks with secondary weapons,[14][9] control the body when the lead Digimon is unable to do so for whatever reason,[15] or even undo the DigiXros themselves.[16] The fostering of bonds between multiple Xros Loaders and their Digimon allows for even more powerful collaborative DigiXrosses to be formed.

If a DigiXrossed Digimon is too injured or if they take an attack that is too powerful for them to withstand, the DigiXros will automatically be undone. Also, frequent use as the lead Digimon of a DigiXros puts a strain upon a Digimon's body, which can lead to difficulties maintaining DigiXrossed forms.[17][12]

DigiXrossed Digimon can be returned to storage in Xros Loaders without undoing the DigiXros.[18]

The Darkness Loader is an ancient artifact that can also perform DigiXrosses. At the start of the series, the Darkness Loader is inactive, and Dark Knightmon is seeking human energies and sources of dark power to charge it up and activate it. Once it is activated, the Darkness Loader usually requires a human to facilitate DigiXrossing. When Yuu himself is not using it, Dark Knightmon uses him as a power source to fuel the DigiXros process so that Dark Knightmon himself can use it.[8] When Bagramon reforms the Digital World into the Seven Kingdoms, the Death Generals are all given a Darkness Loader replicated from Dark Knightmon's original.[19]

Enemy forces use two alternatives to conventional DigiXrossing. The first is absorption, where a lead Digimon will consume other Digimon to strengthen themself; the effects are similar to DigiXrossing, but the absorbed component Digimon are killed. The second is Forced DigiXrossing, where a user of a Darkness Loader will initiate a DigiXros that occurs regardless of the will of the constituent Digimon. The lack of genuine unity in a Forced DigiXros is said to make it inferior to a true DigiXros.

Types of DigiXros in Digimon Xros Wars, Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms, and Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters who Leapt Through Time
Type Description Digimon's Call Example First Appearance
(Dub: DigiFuse)
One lead Digimon temporarily combines with one or more other Digimon/DigiXros Units to create a composite Digimon, at the command of one Xros Loader user. 「デジクロス! (z)!」
("DigiXros! (z)!")
(Dub: "DigiFuse! (z)!")
XW44 Evo DigiXros Gcutemon 01.jpgXW44 Evo DigiXros Gcutemon 02.jpg
Cutemon × Dondokomon × (Knightmon × Pawn Chessmons) × Bastemon × Chibi Kamemon × JijimonG-Cutemon
Digimon Xros Wars: "Taiki, Go to Another World!"
Forced DigiXros
(Dub: Dark DigiFuse/Forced DigiFuse)
One lead Digimon temporarily combines with one or more other Digimon/DigiXros Units to create a composite Digimon, at the command of one Darkness Loader user, against the will of the consituent Digimon if necessary. If the Darkness Loader's user is a Digimon, they can be part of the Forced DigiXros as well. 「強制デジクロス! (z)!」
("Forced DigiXros! (z)!")
(Dub: (TBA))
「ダークネローダー! デジクロス! (z)!」
("Darkness Loader! DigiXros! (z)!")
(Dub: (TBA))
XW21 Evo ForcedDigiXros Superdarkknightmon 01.jpgSuperdarkknightmon.jpg
Dark Knightmon × Skull Greymon × Skull SatamonSuper Dark Knightmon
"Showdown! Dark Knightmon VS Xros Heart!"
Double Xros
(Dub: Double Fusion)
One lead Digimon belonging to one Xros Loader user temporarily combines with one other Digimon/DigiXros Unit belonging to another Xros Loader user with whom they share a bond, to create a composite Digimon at the command of both Xros Loader users (who plug their Xros Loaders in to each other). 「ダブルクロス! (z)!」
("Double Xros! (z)!")
(Dub: "Double Fusion! (z)!")
Digixros doublexros 5.jpgDigixros doublexros 6.jpg
Omega Shoutmon × Zeke GreymonShoutmon DX
"Don't Die, Greymon! The Birth of Shoutmon DX"
Great Xros
(Dub: Great Fusion)
One lead Digimon belonging to one Xros Loader user temporarily combines with six other Digimon/DigiXros Units belonging to two or more other Xros Loader users with whom they share a bond, to create a composite Digimon at the command of all involved Xros Loader users. 「グレートクロス! シャウトモン×7!」
("Great Xros! Shoutmon X7!")
(Dub: "Shoutmon X7!")
XW43 Evo GreatXros Shoutmonx7 01.jpgXW43 Evo GreatXros Shoutmonx7 02.jpg
Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × SparrowmonShoutmon X7
"Strong Love! The Last Cry of Deckerdramon!!"
Final Xros
(Dub: (TBA))
One lead Digimon temporarily combines with the completed Code Crown and nearly every Digimon in existence to create one all-powerful composite Digimon, at the command of all of the Xros Loader users. 「ファイナルクロス! シャウトモン×7スペリオルモード!」
("Final Xros! Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode!")
XW54 Evo FinalXros Shoutmonx7SM 01.jpgXW54 Evo FinalXros Shoutmonx7SM 02.jpg
Shoutmon × Code Crown × every Digimon except Darkness BagramonShoutmon X7 Superior Mode
"Glorious DigiXros, Seize It! Our Future!!"
Component Digimon listed in bold are the lead Digimon of the respective DigiXros.
Component Digimon listed in (parentheses) are treated as a single DigiXros Unit for the purposes of the respective DigiXros.

List of DigiXrosses[edit]

DigiXrosses in Digimon Xros Wars and Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms
Xros Loader User(s) Component Digimon DigiXrossed Digimon Description Episode
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon Shoutmon X2 (Incomplete X3).png
Kudou Taiki's first-ever DigiXros creates an incomplete version of Shoutmon X4. All of Dorulumon and the Starmons' contributions to the X4 form are missing, so this form has ghostly white legs and no sword. "Taiki, Go To Another World!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × (Starmon × Pickmons) XW01 Evo DigiXros Shoutmon starsword.jpg
Shoutmon + Star Sword
Starmon and the Pickmons form the Star Sword, which Shoutmon wields. Shoutmon acquires the technique Star Blade.
In "Shinobi Zone, The Comical Ninja Battle!" and "Cheerful Pirate, Appear! The Voyage to Gold Land!!", Taiki only calls the Starmons for the DigiXros, although Shoutmon still wields the sword.
Many episodes starting from "Taiki, Go To Another World!"
Kudou Taiki Pickmon (x16) Digimon slingshot.png
At least 16 Pickmons form a slightshot that Ballistamon uses to fling Shoutmon into the sky to attack Pteranomon. "Shoutmon, Roar!"
Aonuma Kiriha or Kudou Taiki[20] Greymon × Mail Birdramon XW10 Evo DigiXros Metalgreymon.jpg
Metal Greymon
Mail Birdramon forms a set of armor, weapons, and wings for Greymon. Many episodes starting from "Shoutmon, Roar!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon XW02 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx2.jpg
Shoutmon X2
Ballistamon forms a full-body suit of armor for Shoutmon. Shoutmon's agility and Ballistamon's sturdiness complement each other. Many episodes starting from "Shoutmon, Roar!"
Aonuma Kiriha Mail Birdramon × Golemon Mailbirdramon golemon.jpg
Golemon's head forms a massive hammer mounted on Mail Birdramon's tail. "Rival Kiriha, Appear!"
Kudou Taiki (Starmon × Pickmons) Rare star sword.png
Rare Star Sword
Starmon, the silver Pickmons, and the Rare Pickmon form the Rare Star Sword. Tsurugi Zenjirou wields the sword, making up his own attack technique names that usually relate to his home ward, Kōtō. Many episodes starting from "Rival Kiriha, Appear!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon XW03 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx3.jpg
Shoutmon X3
Ballistamon (torso and arms) and Dorulumon (legs) form a new body for Shoutmon. Many episodes starting from "Rival Kiriha, Appear!"
Kudou Taiki (Starmon × Pickmons) Star Axe.png
Star Axe
Starmon and the yellow Pickmons form the Star Axe for Shoutmon X2 to wield. Many episodes starting from "Island Zone, Upheaval!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon X2 × Chibi Kamemon Shoutmon X2 Plus M.jpg
Shoutmon X2 Plus M
Shoutmon X2 is equipped with Chibi Kamemon's shell, allowing him to swim and breathe underwater. He also generates a large bubble of air, to give Taiki, Zenjirou, and Hinomoto Akari something to breathe underwater. When this DigiXros is performed, Shoutmon X2 is still wielding the Star Axe, but it is not mentioned as part of the DigiXros. "Island Zone, Upheaval!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) XW06 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx4.jpg
Shoutmon X4
In addition to Ballistamon and Dorulumon's contributions from Shoutmon X3, Starmon and ten silver Pickmons form the Star Sword DX.
Shoutmon X4 has also been formed by DigiXrossing Shoutmon X3 with the Starmons.[21]
Many episodes starting from "X4, Crisis Breakthrough!"
Kudou Taiki or Olegmon[22] Shoutmon × Dorulumon XW09 Evo DigiXros Dorulu Cannon.jpg
Shoutmon + Dorulu Cannon
Dorulumon transforms into the Dorulu Cannon.
In "Cheerful Pirate, Appear! The Voyage to Gold Land!!", this is a Forced DigiXros performed by Olegmon using his Darkness Loader, while Shoutmon and Dorulumon are under his "Gappo Gappo Viva Olegna" spell.
"Dorulumon, Run Like the Wind!", "Taiki, Become a Knight!", and "Cheerful Pirate, Appear! The Voyage to Gold Land!!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × (Knightmon × Pawn Chessmons) XW11 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx4k.jpg
Shoutmon X4K
In addition to Ballistamon and Dorulumon's contributions from Shoutmon X4, the Starmons and Knightmon form a new greatsword, and Shoutmon is also equipped with a cape and shield. Many episodes starting from "Xros Heart, Burn!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × Beelzebumon XW15 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx4b.jpg
Shoutmon X4B
In addition to Ballistamon, Dorulumon, and the Starmons' contributions from Shoutmon X4, Beelzebumon adds a second pair of legs to give Shoutmon swift movement speed, as well as the Berenjena SDX, mounted in the midriff.
Shoutmon X4B has also been formed by DigiXrossing Shoutmon X4 with Beelzebumon,[23] or Shoutmon X2 with Dorulumon, the Starmons, and Beelzebumon. with the Starmons.[24]
Many episodes starting from "Heaven Zone, The Snare of Paradise!"
Kudou Taiki or Amano Nene[20] Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × Sparrowmon XW17 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx5.jpg
Shoutmon X5
In addition to Ballistamon, Dorulumon, and the Starmons' contributions from Shoutmon X4, Shoutmon is equipped with Sparrowmon's wings and thrusters as a backpack, and with a shield/laser cannon formed by Sparrowmon's torso.
Amano Nene, Sparrowmon's partner, is usually not involved in this DigiXros, as Taiki is able to use Sparrowmon by himself due to the bond of understanding between them.
Shoutmon X5 has also been formed by DigiXrossing Shoutmon X4 with Sparrowmon.[25]
Many episodes starting from "Miraculous DigiXros! Shoutmon X5, Fly!"
Kudou Taiki Dorulumon × (Starmon × Pickmons) XW18 Evo DigiXros Dorulumon starmons.jpg
Starmon and the Pickmons form helicopter blades on Dorulumon's tail, allowing him to fly. "Stingmon, The Hero of the Digimon Jungle"
Amano Nene Skull Knightmon × Deadly Axemon XW19 Evo DigiXros Skullknightmon bigaxe.jpg
Skull Knightmon: Big Axe Mode
Deadly Axemon forms the Big Axe for Skull Knightmon to wield. "Legendary Deckerdramon, Stir!"
Amano Nene or Amano Yuu Skull Knightmon × Deadly Axemon XW19 Evo DigiXros Darkknightmon.jpg
Dark Knightmon
Deadly Axemon's limbs are added to Skull Knightmon's own to make him taller and more imposing. Skull Knightmon's two Spear Needles are joined together to become the Twin Spear, and Deadly Axemon's body forms the Shoulder Blade, with which Dark Knightmon can use the technique Choujigen Axe.[26]
Skull Knightmon is usually seen in his Dark Knightmon form, and only rarely has the DigiXros undone. Dark Knightmon is also capable of Xros Opening himself without a Xros Loader user.[19]
"Legendary Deckerdramon, Stir!", "Brother, Why!? The Nightmare of the Enemy General, Yuu", and "Taiki's Determination! Surpass the Strongest Apollomon!"
Kudou Taiki Beelzebumon × (Starmons) Beelzebumon starmons.jpg
The Starmons enhance Beelzebumon's Berenjena SDX, granting him the technique Meteor Cannon. "Legendary Deckerdramon, Stir!"
Aonuma Kiriha Metal Greymon × Cyberdramon XW21 Evo DigiXros Metalgreymon cyberlauncher.jpg
Metal Greymon + Cyber Launcher
Cyberdramon transforms into the Cyber Launcher. "Showdown! Dark Knightmon VS Xros Heart!"
Dark Knightmon Dark Knightmon × Skull Greymon × Skull Satamon Superdarkknightmon.jpg
Super Dark Knightmon
Dark Knightmon's Twin Spear becomes a massive polearm using Skull Greymon's bones, and Dark Knightmon acquires Skull Satamon's wings. Dark Knightmon also experiences a massive increase in power.
A Forced DigiXros using the original Darkness Loader.
"Showdown! Dark Knightmon VS Xros Heart!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Sparrowmon XW23 Evo DigiXros Shoutmon jetsparrow.jpg
Shoutmon + Jet Sparrow
Sparrowmon transforms into the Jet Sparrow.
Amano Nene, Sparrowmon's partner, is not involved in this DigiXros, as Taiki is able to use Sparrowmon by himself due to the bond of understanding between them.
"Shinobi Zone, The Comical Ninja Battle!", "Stand Up, Kihira! The Xros Heart Rescue Strategy", and "Spine-chilling! The Moonlight General's Vampire Land"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Jijimon XW23 Evo DigiXros Jijishoutmon.jpg
Jiji Shoutmon
A joke DigiXros intended to try and make Karatenmon laugh. It does not work. "Shinobi Zone, The Comical Ninja Battle!"
Kudou Taiki Cutemon × Shoutmon XW23 Evo DigiXros Shoucutemon.jpg
Shou Cutemon
A joke DigiXros intended to try and make Karatenmon laugh. It does not work. "Shinobi Zone, The Comical Ninja Battle!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Monitamon XW23 Evo DigiXros Shonitamon.jpg
A joke DigiXros intended to try and make Karatenmon laugh. It does not work.
Taiki borrows one Monitamon from Nene to perform this DigiXros.
"Shinobi Zone, The Comical Ninja Battle!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Dondokomon XW23 Evo DigiXros Donshoutmon.jpg
Don Shoutmon
A joke DigiXros intended to try and make Karatenmon laugh. It does not work. "Shinobi Zone, The Comical Ninja Battle!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Pawn Chessmon XW23 Evo DigiXros Pawnshoutmon.jpg
Pawn Shoutmon
A joke DigiXros intended to try and make Karatenmon laugh. It does not work. "Shinobi Zone, The Comical Ninja Battle!"
Kudou Taiki or Amano Yuu Ballistamon × Bastemon XW23 Evo DigiXros Ballibastemon.jpg
Balli Bastemon
Ballistamon is equipped with Bastemon's limbs, fur, and attire. Ballistamon's speaker, which previously only produced low-pitched tones, is upgraded to also be able to produce high-pitched tones. "Shinobi Zone, The Comical Ninja Battle!", "Cheerful Pirate, Appear! The Voyage to Gold Land!!", and "Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!"
Amano Nene Monitamon (x2[27]/x3[28]) XW24 Evo DigiXros Hivisionmonitamon.jpg
Hi-Vision Monitamon
Multiple Monitamon fuse into Hi-Vision Monitamon, a more advanced and powerful model. It uses powered-up versions of many of the Monitamons' regular techniques.
The number of Monitamon that make Hi-Vision Monitamon varies. It is usually formed from a group of three, but on one occasion is formed from a group of two.[27]
Many episodes starting from "Dunce Monitamons, Keep at it!"
Aonuma Kiriha Greymon × Mail Birdramon × Deckerdramon XW25 Evo DigiXros Deckergreymon.jpg
Decker Greymon
In addition to the equipment provided by Mail Birdramon, Deckerdramon forms a cannon and tank tread boots for Greymon.
Decker Greymon has also been formed by DigiXrossing Metal Greymon with Deckerdramon.[17]
"Zone Collapse! The Sparking Taiki and Kiriha!" and "Taiki and Kiriha VS the Bagra Army, A Complete Showdown!"
Kudou Taiki Beelzebumon × Revolmon XW26 Evo DigiXros Beelzebumon revolmon.jpg
Revolmon forms a second cannon, in the shape of a revolver, on Beelzebumon's left arm. Beelzebumon acquires the technique Death the Cannon Spiral, where he uses Revolmon's cannon and his own Berenjena SDX together. "Shoutmon, Proof of a King!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × Sparrowmon × Beelzebumon XW26 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx5b.jpg
Shoutmon X5B
In addition to Ballistamon, Dorulumon, the Starmons, and Sparrowmon's contributions from Shoutmon X5, Beelzebumon adds a second pair of legs to give Shoutmon swift movement speed, as well as the Berenjena SDX, mounted in the midriff.
Amano Nene, Sparrowmon's partner, is not involved in this DigiXros, as Taiki is able to use Sparrowmon by himself due to the bond of understanding between them.
Shoutmon X5 has also been formed by DigiXrossing Shoutmon X4B with Sparrowmon.[12]
"Shoutmon, Proof of a King!", "Taiki and Kiriha VS the Bagra Army, A Complete Showdown!", and "Brother, Why!? The Nightmare of the Enemy General, Yuu"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × Spadamon XW27 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx4s.jpg
Shoutmon X4S
In addition to Ballistamon, Dorulumon, and the Starmons' contributions to Shoutmon X4, Shoutmon is equipped with Spadamon's weapon form.
Shoutmon X4S has also been formed by DigiXrossing Shoutmon X4 with Spadamon.
"Sweets Zone, The Sweet-toothed Digimon Rampage!" and "Olegmon, the Gold-thief Laughs! Farewell, Xros Heart!"
Dorbickmon Dorbickmon × Huanglongmon XW32 Evo DigiXros DorbickmonDM-H.jpg
Dorbickmon Darkness Mode
Dorbickmon's legs disappear and he is attached to Huanglongmon, who acts as his steed.
A Forced DigiXros using Dorbickmon's replicated Darkness Loader.
"To a New World! The Fire Rage General's Dragon Land" and "Stand Up, Kihira! The Xros Heart Rescue Strategy"
Dorbickmon Dorbickmon Darkness Mode × Flare Lizamon (x3) XW31 Evo DigiXros DorbickmonDM-H-FL.jpg
Dorbickmon Darkness Mode
In addition to still using Huanglongmon as a mount, Dorbickmon is equipped with a sword of fire.
A Forced DigiXros using Dorbickmon's replicated Darkness Loader.
"Stand Up, Kihira! The Xros Heart Rescue Strategy"
Dorbickmon Dorbickmon Darkness Mode × Brachiomon (x3) × Gigadramon (x2) × Flare Lizamon (x2) Dorbickmon Darkness Mode (Dragon Army).png
Dorbickmon Darkness Mode
Dorbickmon absorbs his entire army to acquire a pair of wings and a boost in power. However, Huanglongmon is no longer used as his mount.
A Forced DigiXros using Dorbickmon's replicated Darkness Loader.
"Stand Up, Kihira! The Xros Heart Rescue Strategy"
Neo Vamdemon Neo Vamdemon × Devimon (x6) × Lady Devimon (x4) XW33 Evo DigiXros Neovamdemon army.jpg
Neo Vamdemon Darkness Mode
Neo Vamdemon gains wings and a power boost.
A Forced DigiXros using Neo Vamdemon's replicated Darkness Loader.
"Spine-chilling! The Moonlight General's Vampire Land"
Neo Vamdemon Neo Vamdemon Darkness Mode × Metal Greymon XW33 Evo DigiXros Neovamdemon metalgreymon.jpg
Neo Vamdemon Darkness Mode
Neo Vamdemon grows in size, his left hand becomes a claw weapon resembling Metal Greymon's Trident Arm, and his legs are replaced with Metal Greymon's tail.
A Forced DigiXros that steals Metal Greymon from Kiriha, using Neo Vamdemon's replicated Darkness Loader.
"Spine-chilling! The Moonlight General's Vampire Land"
Neo Vamdemon Neo Vamdemon Darkness Mode × Shoutmon × Lopmon NeoVamdemon Darkness Mode + Shoutmon + Lopmon.jpg
Neo Vamdemon Darkness Mode
Neo Vamdemon's body begins to bulge and twist as he tries to take in Shoutmon's data.
A Forced DigiXros using Neo Vamdemon's replicated Darkness Loader. Shoutmon goads Neo Vamdemon into DigiXrossing him so that he can save Metal Greymon, and Lopmon is caught up in it.
"Don't Die, Greymon! The Birth of Shoutmon DX"
Kudou Taiki and Aonuma Kiriha Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon Digixros doublexros 6.jpg
Shoutmon DX
Omega Shoutmon uses Zeke Greymon's body as his own, including his wings, tail, and Trident JusFang. Omega Shoutmon's body merges with Zeke Greymon's Plasma Railgun to become the Electric Buster Xros.
Shoutmon DX is formed via Double Xros. The ability to form Shoutmon DX is granted to them by the sacrifice of the White Lopmon.
"Don't Die, Greymon! The Birth of Shoutmon DX"
Zamielmon Grandis Kuwagamon × Honeybeemon (many) Grandiskuwagamon honey.jpg
Grandis Kuwagamon Honey Mode
Grandis Kuwagamon grows in size and is equipped with yellow armor made from the Honeybeemon's carapaces.
A Forced DigiXros using Zamielmon's replicated Darkness Loader.
"Power is Being Sucked Up! The Hunters of Honey Land"
Amano Nene Mervamon × Sparrowmon XW35 Evo DigiXros Jet Mervamon.jpg
Jet Mervamon
Mervamon is equipped with Sparrowmon's wings and thrusters as a backpack, and with Sparrowmon's Zanahoria on her shoulders. Many episodes starting from "Power is Being Sucked Up! The Hunters of Honey Land"
Amano Yuu Lilithmon × Blastmon × Evilmon (x3) XW37 Evo DigiXros Gattaililithmon.jpg
Gattai Lilithmon
Blastmon's head forms a flail weapon for Lilithmon, while the three Evilmons form attire for Lilithmon.
A Forced DigiXros using the original Darkness Loader.
"Brother, Why!? The Nightmare of the Enemy General, Yuu" and "Life or Death, The Showdown with Hell's General!"
Amano Yuu Tuwarmon × Deadly Axemon Deadlytsuwamon.jpg
Deadly Tuwarmon
Deadly Axemon forms a pair of weapons, a pair of boots, and a backpack for Tuwarmon. "Brother, Why!? The Nightmare of the Enemy General, Yuu"
Amano Yuu Dark Knightmon × Tuwarmon XW37 Evo DigiXros Musoknightmon.jpg
Muso Knightmon
Tuwarmon forms the Gouradarai Gun and a helmet for Dark Knightmon. Muso Knightmon can use the Gouradarai Gun to fire the powerful technique Chouriki Meidouha. "Brother, Why!? The Nightmare of the Enemy General, Yuu"
Amano Nene Mervamon × Wisemon × Hi-Vision Monitamon XW37 Evo DigiXros Mervamon WHVS.jpg
Mervamon Wide Hi-Vision Sword
Wisemon and Hi-Vision Monitamon fuse with Mervamon's Olympia Kai to form the Wide Hi-Vision Sword, combining their investigative abilities with Mervamon's instincts to enable her to track and kill the invisible Doumon. "Brother, Why!? The Nightmare of the Enemy General, Yuu"
Splashmon Splashmon × Drippins Splashmon Darkness Mode Xros Wars.png
Splashmon Darkness Mode
Splashmon reabsorbs many of his Drippins via Forced DigiXros to return to his true form. "The Xros Heart Break-up Crisis! The Water-tiger General's Devious Trap"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Dark Volumon XW41 Evo DigiXros Shoutmonx2.jpg
Shoutmon X2
Taiki and Shoutmon force this DigiXros to occur against Dark Volumon's will, so that Shoutmon can communicate with Ballistamon from within. During this time, Shoutmon X2 is unable to move, and Dark Volumon undoes the DigiXros. "Olegmon, the Gold-thief Laughs! Farewell, Xros Heart!"
Kudou Taiki, Aonuma Kiriha, and Amano Nene Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × Sparrowmon XW43 Evo GreatXros Shoutmonx7 02.jpg
Shoutmon X7
Zeke Greymon (right shin and foot, right shoulder equipment), Ballistamon (torso and arms), Dorulumon (legs and left foot), and Sparrowmon (wings/jet boosters and Zanahoria shield) form new body parts and weapons for Shoutmon, and the Starmons form additional armor and a chakram weapon mounted on the wings. Shoutmon is equipped with a gigantic version of his McField-brand microphone.
Shoutmon X7 is formed via Great Xros.
"Strong Love! The Last Cry of Deckerdramon!!"
Kudou Taiki Cutemon × Dondokomon × (Knightmon × Pawn Chessmons) × Bastemon × Chibi Kamemon × Jijimon XW44 Evo DigiXros Gcutemon 02.jpg
Cutemon is equipped with a titanic armored body made from all of the other members of the DigiXros. Dondokomon and Bastemon form a massive drum on his stomach, with which he can use his new technique Greatest Sonic Wave. "X7 of Bonds! The Great Battle with Gravimon!!"
Gravimon Gravimon × Hippogriffomon (many) × Crossmon (many) × Thunderbirmon (many) × Cerberumon (many) × Centalmon (many) × Sagittarimon (many) XW44 Evo DigiXros GravimonDMN.jpg
Gravimon Darkness Mode
Gravimon is equipped with two sets of wings made from Hippogriffomon, Thunderbirmon and Crossmon, new abdominal armor made from Sagittarimon, and new legs made from Centalmon and Cerberumon.
A Forced DigiXros using Gravimon's replicated Darkness Loader.
"X7 of Bonds! The Great Battle with Gravimon!!"
Apollomon Sethmon × Gryzmon × Dobermon XW45 Evo DigiXros SethmonWM.jpg
Sethmon Wild Mode
Sethmon's body becomes muscular and takes a bipedal stance, and he is equipped with gauntlets made from two Dobermon heads, and chest armor made from a Gryzmon's head. Sethmon's Heat Storm technique is powered up into Grand Heat Storm.
A Forced DigiXros requested by Sethmon, using Apollomon's replicated Darkness Loader.
"The Final Kingdom, The Shining Sun's Bright Land"
Apollomon Whispered Apollomon Whispered × Deadly Axemon XW47 Evo DigiXros ApollomonDM.jpg
Apollomon Darkness Mode
Deadly Axemon forms the Big Axe for Apollomon Whispered to wield. "Taiki VS Yuu, The Confrontation of the Boy Generals!!"
Amano Yuu Tuwarmon × Deadly Axemon × Sethmon × Gorimon × Bullmon × Goatmon × Dobermon × Gryzmon × energy of Hell's Field XW47 Evo DigiXros DeadlytuwarmonHM.jpg
Deadly Tuwarmon Hell Mode
Deadly Axemon forms a pair of weapons, a pair of boots, and a backpack for Tuwarmon. Tuwarmon grows enough in size that Yuu is able to sit in Tyutyumon's seat. His body is lined with spikes that he can fire as projectiles, he acquires the technique Burning Boogie, and he is able to fire jets of the Hell's Field's Red Sea of Death.
A Forced DigiXros using the original Darkness Loader.
"Taiki VS Yuu, The Confrontation of the Boy Generals!!"
Apollomon Whispered Lilithmon × Blastmon × energy of Hell's Field XW48 Evo DigiXros Majuulilithmon.jpg
Majuu Lilithmon
Lilithmon grows immensely in size and power, and Blastmon and Hell's Field form a massive quadrupedal body that her torso is attached to. The creation of this DigiXros destroys and absorbs much of Hell's Field, including drying up the Red Sea of Death, and she is able to generate a powerful black hole that threatens to destroy the rest of Hell's Field.
Although performed by Apollomon using his replicated Darkness Loader, both Lilithmon and Blastmon willingly undergo the DigiXros.
"Beelzebumon, Vanish into the Light!"
Dark Knightmon Dorbickmon × Neo Vamdemon × Zamielmon × Splashmon Darkness Mode × Olegmon × Gravimon × Apollomon XW50 Evo DigiXros Grandgeneramon.jpg
Grand Generamon
This DigiXros creates an amalgamation of all seven Death Generals, using Splashmon Darkness Mode's entire body as a quadrupedal base, Dorbickmon and Zamielmon's torso as a centaur-like torso, and one arm each from Olegmon, Zamielmon, Neo Vamdemon, Gravimon, and Apollomon, as well as Neo Vamdemon's wings and Apollomon's coronet.
A Forced DigiXros using the original Darkness Loader, although none of the constituent Digimon had souls to force in the first place.
"Resurrect! The Appearance of All Seven Death Generals!!"
Dark Knightmon Dorbickmon × Neo Vamdemon × Zamielmon × Splashmon Darkness Mode × Gravimon XW51 Evo DigiXros Grandgeneramon incomplete.jpg
Grand Generamon
This reformed Grand Generamon is mostly the same as the original, but without Olegmon (defected) or Apollomon (destroyed), it has none of their contributions to the original.
A Forced DigiXros using the original Darkness Loader, although none of the constituent Digimon had souls to force in the first place.
"For the Future of the Digital World! The Friendship with the Death Generals!"
Dark Knightmon Dark Knightmon × Bagramon XW52 Evo DigiXros Darkknightmon bagramon.jpg
Dark Knightmon acquires Bagramon's immense power and his artificial right-hand limbs, including his right arm's present activity reaching into the real world.
A Forced DigiXros using the original Darkness Loader, made possible by backstabbing Bagramon and severely injuring him.
"Bagra Brothers, The Bond of Darkness!"
Bagramon Bagramon × Dark Knightmon XW53 Evo DigiXros Darknessbagramon.jpg
Darkness Bagramon
Bagramon sprouts a pair of massive black wings, and is equipped with Dark Knightmon's armor all over his body, except on his artificial right-hand limbs.
A Forced DigiXros accomplished by Bagramon taking back control of the DigiXrossed form from within and destroying Dark Knightmon's soul.
"Approach! The Human World's Last Day, D5!!"
Aonuma Kiriha Dracomon × Cyberdramon Dracomon + Cyberdramon.png
Dracomon grows in size and is equipped with Cyberdramon's wings, tail, and armor. He also acquires Cyberdramon's Death Divider technique. "Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!"
Amano Yuu Chibi Kamemon × Jijimon × Golemon Golem Jiji Kamemon.png
Golem Jiji Kamemon
Chibi Kamemon grows in size and is equipped with Golemon's arms and a tail made from Jijmon's staff.
Yuu borrows the constituent Digimon from Taiki and Kiriha.
"Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!"
Amano Yuu Gaossmon × Pawn Chessmon Pawn Gaossmon.jpg
Pawn Gaossmon
Each Gaossmon is equipped with a Pawn Chessmon's armor.
Yuu borrows the constituent Digimon from Taiki and Kiriha.
"Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!"
Amano Yuu Knightmon × Wisemon Knightmon wisesword.jpg
Knightmon Wise Sword Mode
Knightmon's Berserk Sword is enhanced into the Wise Sword, allowing him to use the technique Wise Sword.
Yuu borrows the constituent Digimon from Taiki.
"Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!"
Kudou Taiki Revolmon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) Deputymon dorulu cannon starmons.png
Dorulumon forms the Dorulu Cannon, and the Starmons form a slingshot cord that is mounted inside it. Revolmon mans the slingshot. "Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!"
Kudou Taiki, Aonuma Kiriha, Amano Nene, and Amano Yuu Shoutmon × Code Crown × every Digimon except Darkness Bagramon XW54 Evo FinalXros Shoutmonx7SM 02.jpg
Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode
Shoutmon takes a form resembling a colossal, golden version of Shoutmon X7, with the addition of two pairs of wings. The thousands of Digimon who contributed to the DigiXros orbit him as rings around his torso. He can turn his McField-brand microphone into the Final Xros Blade.
Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode is formed via Final Xros.
"Glorious DigiXros, Seize it! Our Future!!"
Component Digimon listed in bold are the lead Digimon of the respective DigiXros.
Component Digimon listed in (parentheses) are treated as a single DigiXros Unit for the purposes of the respective DigiXros.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

In the Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time season, there are new rules for DigiXrossing. Only a maximum of two Digimon may be DigiXrossed together at a time by a single Xros Loader user, and since each Xros Loader user is only allowed to have one Digimon Reloaded at a time, the other Digimon must be DigiXrossed from inside their Xros Loader. The Old Clock Shop Man initially presents these restrictions as being the "rules of the Digimon Hunt" that all participating Hunters must follow,[29] but he later admits that the real reason is the nature of DigiQuartz as Quartzmon scattering his particles around the real world.[30] The Old Clock Shop Man also distributes new Xros Loaders to new Hunters.[30]

One workaround to the two-Digimon rule is to just have more Xros Loader users contribute to the DigiXros. For example, where Taiki could form Shoutmon X4 by himself in the previous two seasons, in Young Hunters he has to perform a Double Xros with Amano Yuu to form him, temporarily transferring Ballistamon and Dorulumon into Yuu's Xros Loader. More and more Xros Loader users can be added to the process to add the desired number of Digimon.

With the exception of major DigiXrosses that originated in the first two seasons of Xros Wars, all DigiXrosses in Young Hunters follow the same basic "equipping the lead Digimon with weapons/armor/abilities from the other Digimon" formula, and all of them follow the naming convention "Xros Up (n)" (クロスアップ(n) Kurosuappu (n); e.g. "Xros Up Shoutmon"). Also, compared to the previous two seasons, Young Hunters uses an entirely new, simplified visual style and sequence for DigiXrossing.

It is also possible to use DigiXros with a non-Digimon object with its own will as a material. Doing this rapidly repairs the Xros material.

List of DigiXrosses[edit]

DigiXrosses in Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters who Leapt Through Time
Xros Loader User(s) Component Digimon DigiXrossed Digimon Description Episode
Akashi Tagiru Arresterdramon × Metal Tyranomon XW56 Arresterdramon metaltyranomon.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon
Metal Tyranomon forms a suit of armor for Arresterdramon, improving his defensive abilities. "The Students Disappeared! The Flickering Shadow of Sagomon"
Kudou Taiki Omega Shoutmon × Dorulumon XW56 Omegashoutmon dorulumon.jpg
Xros Up Omega Shoutmon
Dorulumon transforms into the Dorulu Cannon. "The Students Disappeared! The Flickering Shadow of Sagomon"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Pinochimon XW57 Evo DigiXros Shoutmon pinochimon.jpg
Xros Up Shoutmon
Shoutmon's armor is slightly altered, and he is equipped with Pinochimon's Wood Cross. His microphone is fused with Pinochimon's hammer, and he acquires the technique Burning Hammer. "Robot Club's Dream, Pinochimon's Temptation"
Akashi Tagiru Arresterdramon × Sagomon XW58 Arresterdramon sagomon.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon
Arresterdramon gains a beak and his arms are replaced with Sagomon's longer arms. He is equipped with Sagomon's Kouyouhoujou, and can use it to summon whirlpools. "The Honor Student is Being Targeted! Blossomon's Smile" and "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
Suzaki Airu Opossummon × Candmon Opossummon candmon.jpg
Xros Up Opossummon
Opossummon acquires a candlestick made from Candmon, which projects an enormous, laughing fireball. "Beware of the Cuteness! The Cute Hunter, Airu's Trap!"
Akashi Tagiru Gumdramon × Kotemon XW60 Evo DigiXros Gumdramon kotemon.jpg
Xros Up Gumdramon
Gumdramon is equipped with Kotemon's bōgu and Shinai. He acquires the technique Fire Vortex Men. "The Digimon Kendo Match! Kotemon's Blade Draws Near!!"
Akashi Tagiru Arresterdramon × Dobermon Arresterdramon+dobermon.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon
Arresterdramon's two legs are replaced with all four of Dobermon's legs, drastically improving his movement speed and agility.
To perform this DigiXros, Tagiru borrows Dobermon from Mashimo Hideaki and temporarily loads him into his Xros Loader.
"The Digimon Hunt is Thriving! The Virtuoso Hunter of the Shopping District!!"
Kudou Taiki and Amano Yuu Shoutmon × (Starmons) × Ballistamon × Dorulumon XW63 Evo DoubleXros Shoutmonx4.jpg
Shoutmon X4
Ballistamon (torso and arms) and Dorulumon (legs) form a new body for Shoutmon, while Starmon and ten silver Pickmons form the Star Sword DX.
To get around the limitations of DigiQuartz/"rules of the hunt", Shoutmon X4 is formed via Double Xros instead of regular DigiXros. Taiki temporarily transfers Ballistamon and Dorulumon into Yuu's Xros Loader so that they can do this. According to Starmon, he and the Pickmons count as a single DigiXros Unit, making using them this way legal.
"A Targeted Taiki! The Super Celebrity-star's War Cry!"
Amano Nene Mervamon × Sparrowmon XW64 Evo DigiXros Jetmervamon.jpg
Jet Mervamon
Mervamon is equipped with Sparrowmon's wings and thrusters as a backpack, and with Sparrowmon's Zanahoria on her shoulders. "Landing in Hong Kong! Protect the Super Beauty Idol!!"
Akashi Tagiru Arresterdramon × Sparrowmon XW64 Xros Up Arresterdramon Sparrowmon.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon
Like Shoutmon X5, Arresterdramon is equipped with Sparrowmon's wings and thrusters as a backpack, and with a shield/laser cannon formed by Sparrowmon's torso. Arresterdramon's Spiral Shredder technique is upgraded into Wing Spiral Shredder.
Tagiru borrows Sparrowmon from Amano Nene to perform this DigiXros.
"Landing in Hong Kong! Protect the Super Beauty Idol!!"
Akashi Tagiru Arresterdramon × Blossomon XW71 Arresterdramon blossomon.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon
Arresterdramon acquires Blossomon's vines and back leaves. He can use the four vines tipped with flowers as additional arms to grab opponents. "Resemblance? Or None at All? The Disguised Phantom Thief Betsumon"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Chibi Kamemon XW73 Evo DigiXros Shoutmon chibikamemon.jpg
Xros Up Shoutmon
Shoutmon is equipped with Chibi Kamemon's shell, helmet, and tail. His ability to swim improves. His Rock Damashī is upgraded to Rock Damashī Arrow. "Great Undersea Adventure! Find the Treasure of Dreams Digimon!"
Akashi Tagiru Arresterdramon × Giga Breakdramon XW73 Xros Up Arresterdramon GigaBreakdramon.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon
Arresterdramon is equipped with a drill on his nose, a second tail, a second pair of arms, and his lower half is replaced with Giga Breakdramon's. He acquires the technique Infinity Prism Garrett. Because of Giga Breakdramon's untamable nature, Arresterdramon struggles to control the DigiXros and his body runs wild against his will. "Great Undersea Adventure! Find the Treasure of Dreams Digimon!"
Mizuki Submarimon × Plesiomon XW57 Evo DigiXros Submarimon plesiomon.jpg
Xros Up Submarimon
Submarimon gains Plesiomon's entire body. His head is mounted in place of Plesiomon's and the rest of his body forms armor for Plesiomon. His Oxygen Homing is upgraded to Oxygen Sorrow Blue. "Great Undersea Adventure! Find the Treasure of Dreams Digimon!"
Mogami Ryouma Astamon × Triceramon XW77 Astamon triceramon.jpg
Xros Up Astamon
Astamon is equipped with Triceramon's head as a gauntlet on his left hand. "All Will Be Revealed Now! The Secret of the Digimon Hunt!" and "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
Akashi Tagiru Arresterdramon × Orgemon Arresterdramon orgemon.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon
Arresterdramon is equipped with Orgemon's Hone Konbou, his arms are replaced with Orgemon's muscular arms, and he also acquires Orgemon's mane. "All Will Be Revealed Now! The Secret of the Digimon Hunt!"
Akashi Tagiru and Mogami Ryouma Arresterdramon × Astamon Arresterdramon astamon.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon
Arresterdramon is equipped with two Oro Salmón guns and acquires Astamon's coat and mane. He also acquires the technique Prism Maverick.
Xros Up Arresterdramon is formed via Double Xros between Tagiru and Ryouma.
"All Will Be Revealed Now! The Secret of the Digimon Hunt!"
Kudou Taiki, Aonuma Kiriha, Amano Yuu, and Amano Nene Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × Sparrowmon XW77 Evo GreatXros Shoutmonx7.jpg
Shoutmon X7
Zeke Greymon (right shin and foot, right shoulder equipment), Ballistamon (torso and arms), Dorulumon (legs and left foot), and Sparrowmon (wings/jet boosters and Zanahoria shield) form new body parts and weapons for Shoutmon, and the Starmons form additional armor and a chakram weapon mounted on the wings. Shoutmon is equipped with a gigantic version of his McField-brand microphone.
Shoutmon X7 is formed via Great Xros. Taiki temporarily transfers Ballistamon and Dorulumon into Yuu's Xros Loader so that he can contribute those Digimon and get around the limitations of DigiQuartz/"rules of the hunt". Kiriha and Nene contribute their Digimon as usual.
"All Will Be Revealed Now! The Secret of the Digimon Hunt!"
Amano Yuu Tuwarmon × Superstarmon XW78 Tuwarmon Superstarmon.jpg
Xros Up Tuwarmon
Superstarmon forms armor for Tuwarmon. Tuwarmon acquires the technique Digi Ninpou: Hoshi Arashi, and can also use his entire body as a shuriken. "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
Amano Nene Mervamon × Beelzebumon Xros Up Mervamon (Beelzebumon) 2.jpg
Xros Up Mervamon
The muzzle of Beelzebumon's Berenjena SDX is fitted inside Mervamon's Medullia, and she is equipped with Beelzebumon's wings. She acquires the techqniue Sexy the Cannon.
For this battle, Beelzebumon had transferred himself into Nene's Xros Loader.
"The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
Tsurugi Zenjirou Ballistamon × Revolmon Xros Up Ballistamon.jpg
Xros Up Ballistamon
Ballistamon is equipped with all of Revolmon's guns, as well as his hat, scarf, and boots. He acquires the technique Heavy the Shot.
For this battle, Taiki gives both Ballistamon and Revolmon to Zenjirou.
"The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
Hinomoto Akari Dorulumon × (Pawn Chessmons) Xros Up Dorulumon.jpg
Xros Up Dorulumon
Dorulumon is equipped with Pawn Chessmon-themed armor. He acquires the technique Dorulu Checkmate. His drill spikes are now also mounted on retractable cables, so he can pull them back after firing them.
For this battle, Taiki gives both Dorulumon and the Pawn Chessmons to Akari.
"The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
Kudou Taiki and Aonuma Kiriha Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon XW78 Evo DoubleXros Shoutmondx.jpg
Shoutmon DX
Omega Shoutmon uses Zeke Greymon's body as his own, including his wings, tail, and Trident JusFang. Omega Shoutmon's body merges with Zeke Greymon's Plasma Railgun to become the Electric Buster Xros.
Shoutmon DX is formed via Double Xros.
"The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
Mogami Ryouma Astamon × Cerberumon XW78 Evo DigiXros Astamon cerberumon.jpg
Xros Up Astamon
Astamon is equipped with Cerberumon-themed shoulder and leg armor. "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
Akashi Tagiru Arresterdramon: Superior Mode × Brave Snatcher XW79 Evo DigiXros Arresterdramon superior bravesnatcher.jpg
Xros Up Arresterdramon: Superior Mode
Arresterdramon: Superior Mode is equipped with the reconstituted Brave Snatcher, which now has a giant Kinkoji orbiting it. He acquires red horns and bony armor on his arms. "Burn Up, Tagiru! The Glorious Digimon Hunt!"
Component Digimon listed in bold are the lead Digimon of the respective DigiXros.
Component Digimon listed in (parentheses) are treated as a single DigiXros Unit for the purposes of the respective DigiXros.

"Digimon Introduction Corner" Joke DigiXrosses[edit]

The "Digimon Introduction Corner" segment at the end of every episode features a joke DigiXros between the Digimon featured in the Introduction Corner, and another Digimon who has previously been featured in any of the three Xros Wars seasons.

"Digimon Introduction Corner" Joke DigiXrosses in Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters who Leapt Through Time
"Us, the Digimon Hunters!" "The Students Disappeared! The Flickering Shadow of Sagomon" "Robot Club's Dream, Pinochimon's Temptation" "The Honor Student is Being Targeted! Blossomon's Smile" "Beware of the Cuteness! The Cute Hunter, Airu's Trap!"
XW55 Omake.jpg
Gumdramon × Clockmon
"Gum Clockmon"
XW56 Omake.jpg
Shoutmon × Metal Tyranomon
"Metal Shoutmon"
XW57 Omake.jpg
Giga Breakdramon × Damemon
"Giga Break Damemon"
XW58 Omake.jpg
Blossomon × Dondokomon
XW59 Omake.jpg
Opossummon × Cutemon
(none; Opossummon runs away)
"The Digimon Kendo Match! Kotemon's Blade Draws Near!!" "Okonomiyaki Panic! The Town Full of Pagumon" "The Digimon Hunt is Thriving! The Virtuoso Hunter of the Shopping District!!" "A Targeted Taiki! The Super Celebrity-star's War Cry!" "Landing in Hong Kong! Protect the Super Beauty Idol!!"
XW60 Omake.jpg
Kotemon × Revolmon
XW61 Omake.jpg
Pagumon × Bastemon
"Pagu Bastemon"
XW62 Omake.jpg
Dobermon × Ballistamon
"Balli Dobermon"
XW63 Omake.jpg
Superstarmon × Ganemon
XW64 Omake.jpg
Harpymon × Jijimon
"Tagiru Turns Soft!? Gumdramon's Big Crisis!!" "Delicious? Or Disgusting? The Digimon Ramen Contest!" "A World Trip Only For Kids! The Digimon Train of Dreams" "The Great Hunter Gathering! The Digimon Competition at South Island!" "Do You Want Friends? Phelesmon's Demonic Pact"
XW65 Omake.jpg
Fla Wizarmon × Wisemon
XW66 Omake.jpg
Orgemon × Mervamon
XW67 Omake.jpg
Locomon × Dorulumon
XW68 Omake.jpg
Volcdramon × Tuwarmon
XW69 Omake.jpg
Phelesmon × Starmons
"A Heart-throbbing Horror Experience! The Spirit Hunter Roars!!" "Resemblance? Or None at All? The Disguised Phantom Thief Betsumon" "The UFO-Dinosaur Gathering! Ekakimon of Dreams" "Great Undersea Adventure! Find the Treasure of Dreams Digimon!" "The Rare Card is Gone! Invincible Rook Chessmon"
XW70 Omake.jpg
Patamon × Sparrowmon
XW71 Omake.jpg
Betsumon × Omega Shoutmon
XW72 Omake.jpg
Ekakimon × Shima Unimon
XW73 Omake.jpg
Submarimon × Zeke Greymon
XW74 Omake.jpg
Rook Chessmon × Revolmon
"The Amusement Park of Dreams, Digimon Land" "The Golden Insect! The Mystery of Metallife Kuwagamon" "All Will Be Revealed Now! The Secret of the Digimon Hunt!" "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!" "Burn Up, Tagiru! The Glorious Digimon Hunt!"
XW75 Omake.jpg
Bacomon × Pawn Chessmon
XW76 Omake.jpg
Metallife Kuwagamon × Chibi Kamemon
XW77 Omake.jpg
Infermon × Pillomon
XW78 Omake.jpg
Vamdemon × Yakiimon
XW79 Omake.jpg
Quartzmon × Jokermon
Component Digimon listed in bold are the lead Digimon of the respective DigiXros.


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Types of DigiXros in Digimon Xros Wars
Type Description Example First Appearance
One lead Digimon temporarily combines with one or more other Digimon/DigiXros Units to create a composite Digimon, at the command of one Xros Loader user. Shoutmon X3 full DigiXros manga.png
Shoutmon × Ballistamon × DorulumonShoutmon X3
"Xrosroad!! The Boys' Paths Cross"
Forced DigiXros
One lead Digimon temporarily combines with one or more other Digimon/DigiXros Units to create a composite Digimon, at the command of one Darkness Loader user or the user of a Xros Loader about to become one, against the will of the constituent Digimon if necessary. The will of the forced Digimon must be subjugated by the lead, else they may lose their sanity and sense of self. A Forced DigiXros cannot be normally undone. Dark Knightmon Duskmon full DigiXros manga.jpg
Dark Knightmon × DuskmonDark Knightmon (Duskmon)
"Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles"
Double Xros
One lead Digimon belonging to one Xros Loader user temporarily combines with one other Digimon/DigiXros Unit belonging to another Xros Loader user with whom they share a bond, to create a composite Digimon at the command of both Xros Loader users (who plug their Xros Loaders into each other). Shoutmon DX XWmanga.png
Omega Shoutmon × Zeke GreymonShoutmon DX
"Xros Alliance! The Final Battle in Odaiba!!"
Grand Xros
One Double Xrossed Digimon belonging to two Xros Loader users temporarily combines with several other Digimon/DigiXros Units belonging to one of them, to create a composite Digimon at the command of both Xros Loader users. Shoutmon X6 full DigiXros.jpg
Shoutmon DX × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) → Shoutmon X6
"Xros Alliance! The Final Battle in Odaiba!!"
Great Xros
One lead Digimon belonging to one Xros Loader user temporarily combines with six other Digimon/DigiXros Units belonging to two or more other Xros Loader users with whom they share a bond, to create a composite Digimon at the command of all involved Xros Loader users. Shoutmon X7 full DigiXros manga 1.jpgShoutmon X7 XWManga.jpg
Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) → Shoutmon X7
"Xros Wars!! Prelude to the End!!"
Evolution Xros
One evolved lead Digimon belonging to one Xros Loader user temporarily combines with five other evolved Digimon/DigiXros Units belonging to five other Xros Loader users with whom they share a bond, to create a composite Digimon at the command of all involved Xros Loader users. Shoutmon EX6 full DigiXros manga 1.jpgShoutmon EX6 XWmanga.jpg
Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon × Atlur Ballistamon × Yaeger Dorulumon × Raptor SparrowmonShoutmon EX6
"Xros Stars! Like a Falling Star!!"
Final Xros
One lead Digimon temporarily combines with nearly every Digimon in existence to create one all-powerful composite Digimon, at the command of all of the Xros Loader users. Shoutmon X7SM full DigiXros manga 1.jpgShoutmon X7SM XWmanga.jpg
Shoutmon EX6 × every DigimonShoutmon X7: Superior Mode
"Xros Songs!! To All The Teens Who Are Chasing After Their Dreams!!"
Component Digimon listed in bold are the lead Digimon of the respective DigiXros.
Component Digimon listed in (parentheses) are treated as a single DigiXros Unit for the purposes of the respective DigiXros.

List of DigiXrosses[edit]

DigiXrosses in Digimon Xros Wars
Xros Loader User(s) Component Digimon DigiXrossed Digimon Description Chapter
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmon × Pickmons)
Shoutmon X3 × (Starmon × Pickmons)
Shoutmon X4 manga.png
Shoutmon X4
In addition to Ballistamon and Dorulumon's contributions from Shoutmon X3, Starmon and ten silver Pickmons form the Star Sword DX.
It's first seen in a flashback in "Xrosroad!! The Boys' Paths Cross", where the Starmons are not shown to be part of the DigiXros. When the series reaches that point in "Xros World!! The Secret of the Two Worlds!?", the Starmons are properly called into the DigiXros.
Many chapters starting from "Xrosroad!! The Boys' Paths Cross"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon Shoutmon X2 manga.png
Shoutmon X2
Ballistamon forms a full-body suit of armor for Shoutmon. Shoutmon's agility and Ballistamon's sturdiness complement each other. "Xrosroad!! The Boys' Paths Cross" and "Xros Pride!! A Warrior's Pride!!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon Shoutmon X3 manga.png
Shoutmon X3
Ballistamon (torso and arms) and Dorulumon (legs) form a new body for Shoutmon. Many chapters starting from "Xros Heart! Our "King""
Kudou Taiki Ballistamon × Mushmon Ballistamon MC manga.png
Ballistamon MC
Ballistamon and Mushmon form a cottage with parts of both. It has heating, a courier bar, a kitchen, a loft and a jukebox. The jukebox is shaped like Ballistamon and Ballistamon can speak through it. Many chapters starting from "Xros Girls!! The Mysterious Beauty Nene!!"
Aonuma Kiriha Greymon × Mail Birdramon Metal Greymon 2010 manga.png
Metal Greymon
Mail Birdramon forms a set of armor, weapons, and wings for Greymon. Many chapters starting from "Xros Rival!! The Blue Hound Kiriha!!"
Kudou Taiki Ballistamon × Dorulumon Ballistamon sr.png
Ballistamon SR
Dorulumon adds the Dorulu Cannon to Ballistamon's shoulders, while Ballistamon's arms become cannons themselves, and Dorulumon's head attaches to Ballistamon's chest, creating a total of six cannons alongside Ballistamon's horn. "Xros Pride!! A Warrior's Pride!!"
Kudou Taiki Shoutmon × (Starmon × Pickmons) Shoutmon starwheel.png
Shoutmon SH
Starmon forms a wheel-like weapon, alongside a yellow Pickmon on each of his edges, which Shoutmon wields, greatly increasing his speed. "Xros Pride!! A Warrior's Pride!!"
Kudou Taiki Chibickmon (x7) × Rare Pickmon Chibick Sword manga.png
Chibick Sword
Seven Chibickmon and the Rare Pickmon form a sword for Tsurugi Zenjirou to wield. "Xros Pride!! A Warrior's Pride!!"
Amano Nene Skull Knightmon × Deadly Axemon Dark Knightmon XWmanga.png
Dark Knightmon
Deadly Axemon's limbs are added to Skull Knightmon's own to make him taller and more imposing. Skull Knightmon's two Spear Needles are joined together to become the Twin Spear, and Deadly Axemon's body forms the Shoulder Blade.
Skull Knightmon is nearly always seen in his Dark Knightmon form. This DigiXros is never performed on-screen, with Dark Knightmon spending all his time DigiXrossed, and they're only shown separated in flashbacks and in "Xros Songs!! To All The Teens Who Are Chasing After Their Dreams!!", after their DigiXros as Zeed Millenniumon was undone.
None on-screen, but the form is shown in many chapters starting from "Xros Pride!! A Warrior's Pride!!"
None Skull Knightmon × Deadly Axemon Skull Knightmon Cavalier Mode manga.png
Skull Knightmon: Cavalier Mode
Skull Knightmon rides Deadly Axemon.
This form is only seen in an omake, where it's referred to as "make-believe horseriding" between the baby Skull Knightmon and the family pet Pochi (Deadly Axemon) by the former's father, Tactimon.
Volume 01 Omake - "The Faces of the Cheerful Bagra Family 5: Cheerful Family Planning!!"
Kudou Taiki Sparrowmon × Ballistamon Sparrowmon ab.png
Sparrowmon AB
Ballistamon attaches to Sparrowmon's back, adding afterburners to greatly increase their speed. "Xros Friend!! The Location of Trust"
Aonuma Kiriha Metal Greymon × Cyberdramon Metal Greymon + Cyber Launcher manga.png
Metal Greymon + Cyber Launcher
Cyberdramon transforms into the Cyber Launcher.
This DigiXros is formed off-screen, so it's unclear if it was formed with Greymon and Mail Birdramon, or Metal Greymon, however, when the DigiXros was undone, it separated into Metal Greymon and Cyberdramon rather than Greymon, Mail Birdramon and Cyberdramon.
"Xros Darkness!! Conspiracy's Dark Fortress!!"
Aonuma Kiriha Metal Greymon × Dorulumon × Ballistamon Rampage Greymon manga.jpg
Rampage Greymon
Dorulumon attaches to Metal Greymon's lower body and Ballistamon to Metal Greymon's back, adding more cannons and drills to it. "Xros Darkness!! Conspiracy's Dark Fortress!!"
Aonuma Kiriha (Starmon × Pickmons) Rare Star Sword manga.png
Rare Star Sword
Starmon, the silver Pickmons, and the Rare Pickmon form the Rare Star Sword. Tsurugi Zenjirou wields the sword, making up his own attack technique names that usually relate to his home ward, Kōtō.
This DigiXros is formed off-screen and not named in the manga.
"Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles"
Amano Nene Amano Nene × Shademon Shademon (Nene Ver.) manga.png
Shademon (Nene Ver.)
Shademon forms a cloak of darkness around Amano Nene's body.
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Xros Loader that soon after transformed into the incomplete Darkness Loader. Shademon is in full control of it.
"Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles"
Shademon Dark Knightmon × Duskmon Darkknightmon duskmon.png
Duskmon replaces Dark Knightmon's missing hand. Dark Knightmon is only in control of 90% of it as Duskmon's will still lives on.
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Darkness Loader.
"Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles"
Shademon Monochromon × Garurumon × Skull Greymon × Kuwagamon × Airdramon × other unnamed Digimon Chimairamon XWmanga.png
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Darkness Loader. It was then immediately DigiXrossed again into Millenniumon.
Several more Chimairamon are shown in "Xros Wars!! Prelude to the End!!".
"Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles" and "Xros Wars!! Prelude to the End!!"
Shademon Metal Tyranomon × Megadramon × other unnamed Digimon Mugendramon XWmanga.png
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Darkness Loader. It was then immediately DigiXrossed again into Millenniumon.
Several more Mugendramon are shown in "Xros Wars!! Prelude to the End!!".
"Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles" and "Xros Wars!! Prelude to the End!!"
Shademon Chimairamon × Mugendramon Millenniumon XWmanga.png
Unlike the Millenniumon that existed in the past, which was said to be intelligent and cunning, this one is a mad beast that only knows how to destroy due to the effects of Force DigiXrossing so many Digimon.
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Darkness Loader.
"Xros Revolution!! The Guide to Miracles"
Amano Kotone or Kudou Taiki Shoutmon X4 × Sparrowmon
Shoutmon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × Sparrowmon
Shoutmon X5 XWmanga.png
Shoutmon X5
In addition to Ballistamon, Dorulumon, and the Starmons' contributions from Shoutmon X4, Shoutmon is equipped with Sparrowmon's wings and thrusters as a backpack, and with a shield/laser cannon formed by Sparrowmon's torso.
Unlike in the anime, Shoutmon X5 in the manga is obtained only after Shoutmon gained the ability to evolve, and it's used because Taiki couldn't call upon it at will at the time.
"Xros World!! The Secret of the Two Worlds!?" and "Xros School!! A New Digimon School Term!!?"
Kudou Taiki and Aonuma Kiriha Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon Shoutmon DX XWmanga.png
Shoutmon DX
Omega Shoutmon uses Zeke Greymon's body as his own, including his wings, tail, and Trident JusFang. Omega Shoutmon's body merges with Zeke Greymon's Plasma Railgun to become the Electric Buster Xros.
Shoutmon DX is formed via Double Xros.
"Xros Alliance! The Final Battle in Odaiba!!"
Kudou Taiki and Aonuma Kiriha Shoutmon DX × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) Shoutmon X6.jpg
Shoutmon X6
Zeke Greymon (right shin and foot, right shoulder equipment), Ballistamon (torso and arms), and Dorulumon (legs and left foot) form new body parts and weapons for Shoutmon, and the Starmons form additional armor and a chakram weapon mounted on the microphone. Shoutmon is equipped with a gigantic version of his McField-brand microphone.
Shoutmon X6 is formed via Grand Xros.
"Xros Alliance! The Final Battle in Odaiba!!"
Shademon Dark Knightmon (Duskmon) × Gulfmon Darkknightmon gulfmon.jpg
Dark Knightmon grows significantly bulkier and more monstruous, with long, curved horns. Due to the mental strain of Force DigiXrossing, his speech is slightly slurred.
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Darkness Loader. The actual moment of the DigiXros is not shown on-screen, with Dark Knightmon appearing in this form in "Xros Alliance! The Final Battle in Odaiba!!", before being Force DigiXrossed with Blastmon.
"Xros Alliance! The Final Battle in Odaiba!!"
Kudou Taiki, Aonuma Kiriha, and Amano Kotone Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon × Ballistamon × Dorulumon × (Starmons) × Sparrowmon Shoutmon X7 XWManga.jpg
Shoutmon X7
Zeke Greymon (right shin and foot, right shoulder equipment), Ballistamon (torso and arms), Dorulumon (legs and left foot), and Sparrowmon (wings/jet boosters and Zanahoria shield) form new body parts and weapons for Shoutmon, and the Starmons form additional armor and a chakram weapon mounted on the wings. Shoutmon is equipped with a gigantic version of his McField-brand microphone.
Shoutmon X7 is formed via Great Xros.
Many chapters starting from "Xros Wars!! Prelude to the End!!"
Shademon Dark Knightmon (Gulfmon) × Blastmon Dark Knightmon (Blastmon) XWManga.jpg
Dark Knightmon grows even bulkier and more monstruous, with giant horns and Blastmon's scales and tail coming out of his back, his chest face growing much bigger and having horns pointing downwards. Due to the mental strain of Force DigiXrossing, his speech is slightly slurred and he has become more violent and reckless.
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Darkness Loader. The actual moment of the DigiXros happens in "Xros Alliance! The Final Battle in Odaiba!!", but the result is not shown until "Xros Warrior!! The Released Demon!!".
"Xros Warrior!! The Released Demon!!"
Kudou Taiki, Aonuma Kiriha, Amano Kotone, Hinomoto Akari, and Tsurugi Zenjirou Omega Shoutmon × Zeke Greymon × Atlur Ballistamon × Yaeger Dorulumon × Raptor Sparrowmon Shoutmon EX6 XWmanga.jpg
Shoutmon EX6
The evolved Digimon join together with Omega Shoutmon in a new gold and silver body, giving him more power and speed than Shoutmon X7 and allowing them to take on Tactimon with his unleashed Jatetsufūjin-maru.
Shoutmon EX6 is formed via Evolution Xros.
"Xros Stars! Like a Falling Star!!" and "Xros Songs!! To All The Teens Who Are Chasing After Their Dreams!!"
Shademon Dark Knightmon (Blastmon) × Lilithmon Dark Knightmon (Lilithmon) XWmanga.jpg
Dark Knightmon (Blastmon) becomes a gigantic mass of darkness with Lilithmon's wings and a face with many eyeballs on its eyes appearing on his chest. His normal eyes also possess many eyeballs. Due to the mental strain of Force DigiXrossing with several powerful Digimon quickly, including Demon Lords, his speech is slurred, he's obsessed with becoming powerful so he won't be hated or threatened, and he cannot remember who he or Bagramon are anymore.
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Darkness Loader. The DigiXros happens off-screen between "Xros Stars! Like a Falling Star!!" and "Xros Apocalypse!! The Beast of Revelation!!".
"Xros Apocalypse!! The Beast of Revelation!!"
Shademon Millenniumon × Dark Knightmon (Lilithmon) Zeed Millenniumon XWmanga.jpg
Zeed Millenniumon
Unlike the Zeed Millenniumon seen in other media, this one does not have its suppressing bands. Shademon, who takes the form of Moon=Millenniumon inside of it with Nene is trapped inside of its crystal, is in the center of Zeed Millenniumon, alongside the Darkness Loader. It causes a constant Forced DigiXros with all data around it, and the speed of it increases exponentially as its size does.
A Forced DigiXros using Nene's Darkness Loader. Once its DigiXros was undone, it separated into Ultimate Chaosmon, several Megidramon and several Algomon Ultimate, but it's unclear when they became part of the DigiXros.
"Xros Apocalypse!! The Beast of Revelation!!"
Kudou Taiki, Aonuma Kiriha, Amano Nene, and Amano Kotone Shoutmon EX6 × every Digimon Shoutmon X7SM XWmanga.jpg
Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode
Shoutmon takes a form resembling a colossal, golden version of Shoutmon X7, with the addition of two pairs of wings. The thousands of Digimon who contributed to the DigiXros orbit him as rings around his torso. He can turn his McField-brand microphone into the Final Xros Blade.
Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode is formed via Final Xros.
"Xros Songs!! To All The Teens Who Are Chasing After Their Dreams!!"
Component Digimon listed in bold are the lead Digimon of the respective DigiXros.
Component Digimon listed in (parentheses) are treated as a single DigiXros Unit for the purposes of the respective DigiXros.


Digimon Liberator[edit]

As Digimon Liberator is based on the Digimon Card Game, DigiXros follows the same rules as it does in it. Horaiji Chitose is the only player so far who uses the mechanic to bring forth his Composite Digimon.

List of DigiXrosses[edit]

DigiXrosses in Digimon Liberator (Web Novel)
Xros Loader User(s) Component Digimon DigiXrossed Digimon Description Chapter
Horaiji Chitose Deltamon (×3)[N 2] Dcg-BT19-070.jpg
BT19-070 Chimairamon
"Shinjuku Giant"
Horaiji Chitose BT18-015 or BT19-070 Chimairamon x BT18-073 Mugendramon Dcg-BT18-019.jpg
BT18-019 Millenniumon
While Horaiji intended to perform this DigiXros, he ultimately didn't go through with it as Altea explained how he would lose the match regardless. "Shinjuku Giant"

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Red & Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue[edit]

DigiXrosses are a category of powerful attack techniques, performed during battles, which requires multiple allies. When a DigiXros technique is initiated, the constituent Digimon briefly DigiXros into the target Digimon, who attacks with the corresponding technique before separating into the constituent Digimon again. In order to initiate a DigiXros, the Digimon who initiates the DigiXros must be in the player's Vanguard in the current battle, the other constituent Digimon must all be in the Vanguard or Rearguard, and all of the constituent Digimon must be free of status ailments.

Many Digimon species come with a pre-learned list of up to four DigiXros techniques which they may initiate; not all of the required Digimon for a given DigiXros will know its technique (e.g. only Ballistamon has the Buddy Blaster DigiXros technique, so only it can initiate the Shoutmon X2 DigiXros and not the other constituent, Shoutmon). DigiXrosses generally have much higher MP costs than regular techniques, but the cost is paid only by the one Digimon who initiates the DigiXros.

The Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars games also introduce DigiFusion (デジフュージョン Dejifyūjon), a permanent alternative to DigiXrossing which is performed at the DigiLab. In order to DigiFuse into a particular Digimon, the player must have already obtained the Digimon's corresponding Digiscore item, and all of the constituent Digimon must also meet the minimum DigiFusion requirements. After performing a DigiFusion, the player may select up to four techniques from the constituent Digimon to give to the new Digimon, and the Digimon is added to the player's party or DigiBank.

Both DigiXrossing and DigiFusing can be performed with the same combinations of required Digimon. These combinations are also subject to both version exclusivity and version differences between Red and Blue; in the case of DigiFusion, some Digimon have different Digiscores in each, where the Red-exclusive version of a given Digimon's Digiscore is labeled with a ♥, while the Blue-exclusive version is labeled with a ♠.

DigiXros "×" motif splash screen.
Shoutmon X2 performing the Buddy Blaster DigiXros technique.

Digimon All-Star Rumble[edit]

DigiFusing (DigiXrossing) is not a mechanic by itself in Digimon All-Star Rumble, but two playable Digimon - Dorulumon and Impmon - have evolved forms in this game (respectively, Shoutmon X4 and Shoutmon X5B; and Shoutmon X5B) that they ostensibly reach by this process, as they shout "DigiFuse!" when they do so. This is purely for aesthetic purposes, however, as from a gameplay perspective their transformations into these forms function entirely like a regular evolution and involve no other actual Digimon, no Tamers, and no Digivices.

In the story mode, Impmon is given the ability to become Shoutmon X5B when he defeats Shoutmon X5B. Additionally, an evil sentient virus clones Dorulumon, Shoutmon, and Beelzemon (Beelzebumon), and Force DigiFuses the clones into Shoutmon X5B without use of a Digivice.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth & Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

DigiXrossing itself does not exist in the Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth games, but it is alluded to with the game's Xros Combo mechanic (クロスコンボ Kurosukonbo; Dub: Xros Combo/Cross Combo[N 3]). This mechanic gives Digimon who have allies with turns immediately after their own a chance to trigger a combo where the allies strengthen their own attack or techniques. The chance of triggering a Xros Combo improves based on the Digimon's Camaraderie stat.

Notably, the games' two Digimon from Digimon Xros Wars (Shoutmon and Omega Shoutmon) have a special ability called "Xros Heart" that increases Xros Combo activation rates for all allied Digimon.

Digimon RPG[edit]

DigiXrossing is mentioned in the explanation of Xros Up Mervamon (Beelzebumon).

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Main article: Digimon Xros Loader Toy § Evolution

Digimon Mini (Xros Wars)[edit]

Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]


Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen[edit]

Each act of Super Digica Taisen added new DigiXrosses that can be used in both the card and arcade game. The Data Carddass site listed all of the new DigiXros Unit combinations for each new DigiXros in each act.

DigiXrosses and required DigiXros Unit combinations in Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen
DigiXrossed Digimon Component DigiXros Units Debut Act
Shoutmon (+ Star Sword) Act 1[31]
Shoutmon X2 Act 1[31]
Shoutmon X3 Act 1[31]
Shoutmon X4 Act 1[31]
Metal Greymon Act 1[31]
Shoutmon X4B Act 2[32]
Metal Greymon (+ Cyber Launcher) Act 2[32]
Shoutmon X5 Act 3[33]
Dark Knightmon Act 3[33]
Decker Greymon Act 3[33]
Omegamon Act 3[33]
Shoutmon X4S Act 4[34]
Shoutmon X3GM Act 4[34]
Shoutmon X3SD Act 4[34]
Grey Knightsmon Act 4[34]
Chaosmon Act 4[34]
Shoutmon DX Act 5[35]
Shoutmon X5B Act 5[35]
Shoutmon X5S Act 5[35]
Muso Knightmon Act 5[35]
Hi-Vision Monitamon Act 5[35]
Paildramon Act 5[35]
Shoutmon X7 Act 6[36]
Darkness Bagramon Act 6[36]

Digimon Jintrix[edit]

Digimon Card Game[edit]

For a list of possible DigiXrosses in the Digimon Card Game, see: Digimon Card Game DigiXros

DigiXros is a game rule introduced in BT-10 Xros Encounter, and serves as a special way to play a Digimon card that possesses it from the player's hand. When a DigiXros is initiated, the player can place Digimon mentioned in the card text for the DigiXros-using Digimon below it as evolution sources from their hand or battle area. Each Digimon added this way reduces the play cost of the Digimon with the DigiXros ability by a number denoted in the DigiXros text itself. When DigiXrossing from the field, the target Digimon is considered to be removed from the battle area, and this may trigger certain types of effects, such as Partition, which activate when a Digimon would leave the battle area.

Furthermore, Digimon with DigiXros may have the Material Save keyword as well, which allows the player to put the DigiXros Units specified on the card[N 4] below a Tamer card if the Digimon is destroyed; the amount they can place is denoted as a parameter of the Material Save keyword.

The DigiXros rule is not exclusive to Digimon born from DigiXros in other media, and the Digimon they require may also not be consistent with the DigiXros Units attested in other media.

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. "デジクロス1" ["DigiXros 1"]. Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red. Date unknown.
  2. Digimon Fusion (American English dub)
  3. Digimon Reference Book: Shoutmon X7
  4. Digimon Card Game
  5. Digimon Xros Wars: "Legendary Deckerdramon, Stir!"
  6. Digimon Fusion (American English dub): "Rumble in the Jungle Zone!"
  7. Digimon Fusion (American English dub): "Back to the Digital World! Hot Time in Dragonland!"
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 Digimon Xros Wars: "Bagra Brothers, The Bond of Darkness!"
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Digimon Xros Wars: "Approach! The Human World's Last Day, D5!!"
  10. Digimon Xros Wars: "Taiki's Determination! Surpass the Strongest Apollomon!"
  11. Digimon Xros Wars: "Whisper to Kiriha! The Earth-god General of the Canyon, An Invitation from the Devil"
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 12.2 Digimon Xros Wars: "Shoutmon, Proof of a King!"
  13. Digimon Xros Wars: "Ultimate Weapon Activate! Hang in There Cutemon!"
  14. Digimon Xros Wars: "Volcano Digimon, Eruption!"
  15. Digimon Xros Wars: "X7 of Bonds! The Great Battle with Gravimon!!"
  16. Digimon Xros Wars: "Olegmon, the Gold-thief Laughs! Farewell, Xros Heart!"
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 Digimon Xros Wars: "Zone Collapse! The Sparking Taiki and Kiriha!"
  18. Digimon Xros Wars: "Strong Love! The Last Cry of Deckerdramon!!"
  19. Jump up to: 19.0 19.1 Digimon Xros Wars: "Taiki VS Yuu, The Confrontation of the Boy Generals!!"
  20. Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 Digimon Xros Wars: "Life or Death, The Showdown with Hell's General!"
  21. Digimon Xros Wars: "X4, Crisis Breakthrough!"
  22. Digimon Xros Wars: "Cheerful Pirate, Appear! The Voyage to Gold Land!"
  23. Digimon Xros Wars: "Heaven Zone, The Snare of Paradise!"
  24. Digimon Xros Wars: "Stingmon, The Hero of the Digimon Jungle"
  25. Digimon Xros Wars: "Miraculous DigiXros! Shoutmon X5, Fly!"
  26. Digimon Xros Wars: "Beelzebumon, Vanish into the Light!"
  27. Jump up to: 27.0 27.1 Digimon Xros Wars: "Brother, Why!? The Nightmare of Enemy General Yuu"
  28. Digimon Xros Wars: "Dunce Monitamons, Keep at it!"
  29. Digimon Xros Wars: "The Students Disappeared! The Flickering Shadow of Sagomon"
  30. Jump up to: 30.0 30.1 Digimon Xros Wars: "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
  31. Jump up to: 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 Data Carddass Digimon Xros Wars: Super Digica Taisen - Act 1 DigiXros Units
  32. Jump up to: 32.0 32.1 Data Carddass Digimon Xros Wars: Super Digica Taisen - Act 2 DigiXros Units
  33. Jump up to: 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Data Carddass Digimon Xros Wars: Super Digica Taisen - Act 3 DigiXros Units
  34. Jump up to: 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 Data Carddass Digimon Xros Wars: Super Digica Taisen - Act 4 DigiXros Units
  35. Jump up to: 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 Data Carddass Digimon Xros Wars: Super Digica Taisen - Act 5 DigiXros Units
  36. Jump up to: 36.0 36.1 Data Carddass Digimon Xros Wars: Super Digica Taisen - Act 6 DigiXros Units
  1. Some Japanese sources, such as the official website for the Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars games, instead spell the term in English as DigiCross.[1]
  2. The card numbers of these Deltamon are not stated. Due to BT19-070 Chimairamon's DigiXros conditions, they must all have different card numbers.
  3. In the English versions of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory, all references to the Xros Combo mechanic in the game's text script are renamed "Cross Combo". However, any graphical effects related to the mechanic are unedited from the Japanese version and still say "Xros".
  4. If a card used for DigiXros is treated as meeting the name requirements during the DigiXros itself, but no longer possesses the required name when under a card, such as BT19-038 Yaeger Dorulumon, then it cannot be targeted with Material Save.