Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
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⇨ Japanese The "Assault-strike Mode", which added Deckerdramon's offensive and assault abilities to Metal Greymon's power, is a form that has attained a balance between offensive, defensive, and locomotive abilities. Decker Greymon's comprehensive combat strength is equivalent to that of a battalion composed of 324 combat-type Digimon, so even if a hypothetical group of enemies tried to lie in wait for it, with its great firepower and tenacious defensive power, and its ability to cover ground without trouble from any kind of rough terrain, it will trample the enemy line in a violent assault. It is worth mentioning that it can "target multiple opponents with multiple Special Moves simultaneously", and thanks to this ability, Decker Greymon can fight against an army corps even on its own. Also, the energy that is enhanced within its body to its utmost limit grants Decker Greymon a final bold move. It is not the end even if one is able to take Decker Greymon down. The immense energy that is released instantaneously from Decker Greymon's body becomes a tremendous shock wave that scorches the earth within a 10km radius.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English メタルグレイモンのパワーにデッカードラモンの攻撃力と突進性能が加わった『強襲突撃形態』は、高い次元で攻撃力・防御力・移動力のバランスが取れた形態である。デッカーグレイモンの総合戦闘力は324体の戦闘型デジモンで構成された一個大隊に匹敵し、例え敵集団が待ち構えていようとも大火力と強靱な防御力、そしてどんな悪路もものとしない走破性によって敵陣を強襲し蹂躙する。特筆すべきは“複数の必殺技を複数の敵に対して同時に使用する”ことができ、この能力のおかげでデッカーグレイモンは1体でも軍団と戦う事が出来る。また、体内で極限まで高められたエネルギーはデッカーグレイモンに最後の大技を与えている。もし、デッカーグレイモンを倒すことができたとしてもそれは終わりではない。デッカーグレイモンの身体から一気に解放された高エネルギーは凄まじい衝撃波となって周囲10キロ四方を焦土としてしまうだろう。
⇨ English メタルグレイモンのパワーにデッカードラモンの攻撃力と突進性能が加わった『強襲突撃形態』は、高い次元で攻撃力・防御力・移動力のバランスが取れた形態である。総合戦闘力は324体の戦闘型デジモンで構成された一個大隊に匹敵し、大火力と強靱な防御力、悪路もものとしない走破性によって敵陣を強襲し蹂躙する。また“複数の必殺技を複数の敵に対して同時に使用する”ことができ、1体でも軍団と戦う事が出来る。また、体内で極限まで高められたエネルギーはデッカーグレイモンの身体から一気に解放され、凄まじい衝撃波となって周囲10キロ四方を焦土としてしまうだろう。
⇨ Japanese The Digi Xros of Metal Greymon and Deckerdramon
The "Assault-strike Mode" which added Deckerdramon's offsensive and assault abilities to Metal Greymon's power. Its comprehensive combat strength is equivalent to that of a battalion composed of 324 combat-model Digimon, and it can use multiple Special Moves against multiple opponents. Even if one is able to take Decker Greymon down, the immense energy that is released instantaneously from its body becomes a shock wave that scorches the earth within a 10km radius.
TV Asahi | Digimon Xros Wars
⇨ English メタルグレイモンとデッカードラモンがデジクロス
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Plasma Deckerdra-Launcher
Purazuma Dekkādoranchā
Plasma Decker-Launcher
Fires an explosive plasma shot from the cannon on its right arm.
Mail Birdra-Launcher
Tera Destroyer
Tera Desutoroiyā
Final Spark
Fainaru Supāku
If defeated, releases all its energy in an explosion that scorches the earth for 10km in every direction.
Cyber Blader
Saibā Burēdā
Rain of Fire
Fires a beam from the large cannon on its back that turns into a floating sphere of plasma, then shoots it with beams from all its cannons, causing an explosion and a rain of flames.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Decker Greymon is the partner Digimon of Aonuma Kiriha, and a member of Blue Flare.
Decker Greymon from Digimon Xros Wars.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Super Digica Taisen
Quote (⇨ Japanese): With the tremendous power it possesses, Decker Greymon will not get defeated even if it is facing multiple opponents.
Quote (⇨ English): 凄まじい戦闘力を持ったデッカーグレイモンは、複数のデジモンを相手にしても引けをとらない。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It is capable of using multiple Special Moves simultaneously against multiple enemies. It is also able to face an entire enemy army by its lonesome.
Quote (⇨ English): 複数の敵へ複数の必殺技を同時に使用できる。たった一体で軍隊を相手にすることも可能。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The "Assault-strike Mode", which added charging capabilities to its overwhelming power. It charges forth no matter how rough the terrain, and attacks the enemy forces.
Quote (⇨ English): 圧倒的なパワーに突進性能が加わった「強襲突撃形態」。どんな悪路もものともせず突き進み敵陣に襲い掛かる。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Its combat ability rivals that of an army consisting of 324 combat-type Digimon. It razes everything to the ground with its overwhelming firepower.
Quote (⇨ English): その戦闘力は324体の戦闘型デジモン軍に匹敵する。圧倒的な火力を持ち、すべてを焼き尽くす。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Digimon possessing overwhelming firepower, it was born from the DigiXros between Metal Greymon and Deckerdramon.
Quote (⇨ English): メタルグレイモンとデッカードラモンがデジクロスすることにより誕生した、圧倒的な重火力を持つデジモン。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The DigiXrosed form of Metal Greymon, who emphasizes on power, and Deckerdramon, who excels in offense and assault abilities.
Quote (⇨ English): パワー重視のメタルグレイモンと、攻撃力・突進性能の優れたデッカードラモンがデジクロスした姿。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The "Assault-strike Mode", which added Deckerdramon's power to Metal Greymon's power. It displays combat abilities capable of taking on a battalion consisting of 324 combat-type Digimon, even alone.
Quote (⇨ English): メタルグレイモンのパワーにデッカードラモンのパワーが加わった強襲突撃形態。1体でも324体の戦闘型デジモンで構成される大隊と戦える能力を持つ。
Digimon Jintrix
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]