Were Garurumon
English Japanese Key Contents |
Attack Techniques[edit]
Name | Translation | Kanji/Kana | Romanization | Dub | Description | |
Kaiser Nail | [6] | カイザーネイル | Kaizā Neiru | Wolf Claw[6] | ||
Baldy Blow | [7] | ボールディブロー | Bōrudi Burō | Blow Hard | Punches the enemy with its spiked brass knuckles.[14] | |
Garuru Kick | [15] | ガルルキック | Garuru Kikku | Kicks the enemy.[14] | ||
Foxfire | [16][N 1] | フォックスファイアー | Fokkusufaiā | Fox Fire/Howling Blaster | Fires high temperature blue flames from its mouth.[16] | |
Engetsugeri | [14] | Circle Moon Kick | 円月蹴り | N/A | Moonsault Kick/Half Moon Kick | A powerful kick that can fire a blade of energy at the opponent.[14] |
Evolves From[edit]
- Algomon (Adult)[17]
- Any Adult Purple Digimon from the Battle Spirits Card Game
- Any Adult Water Digimon from Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[14]
- Any Adventure Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[18]
- Any Blue Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[19][20][21][22]
- Any Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game whose name contains Garurumon[23]
- Any Purple Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[24]
- Centalmon[25][26]
- Dobermon[27]
- Dokugumon[28] (with or without a Vaccine or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[17])
- Dorulumon[17]
- Drimogemon (with a Vaccine, Virus or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[17])
- Fangmon[29] (with or without Turuiemon)[8]
- Fladramon[29]
- Fugamon[30]
- Gaogamon[9][31][32][33][34][35]
- Garummon (with a Vaccine or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[36])
- Garurumon[9][37][38][39][13][40][25][26][41][31][32][42][33][34][35][43][44][45][17][27][46][47] (with or without the Crest of Friendship[13], Wizarmon[48], certain Digimon from the Pendulum Ver.20th series[49][50][43], Leomon[51], or Gururumon[8], or a Vaccine or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[36], or certain Vaccine Adult, any Data Adult, or certain Vaccine Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum[52])
- Garurumon (Black)[9][30][53][7][29][54] (with or without Gururumon[8], Wizarmon[48], or a Vaccine, Data or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[17])
- Garurumon (X-Antibody)[7] (with or without Wizarmon[48] or Gururumon[8])
- Gorimon (with a Vaccine or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[17])
- Greymon[7][25][26]
- Greymon (2010 Anime Version)[7]
- Greymon (Blue)[7]
- Greymon (X-Antibody)[7]
- Gururumon[30][38] (with or without Garurumon, Garurumon (Black), or Garurumon (X-Antibody)[8])
- Hanumon (with Meramon[48], certain Digimon from the Pendulum Ver.20th series[49][50][43], certain Vaccine Adult, any Data Adult, or certain Vaccine Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum[52], or any Vaccine Adult or any Data Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Hyougamon (with Mojyamon[55])
- Icemon[53]
- Igamon[40] (with or without any Data Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Kabukimon (with Nohemon[8])
- Kaus Gammamon (with any Data Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Kyubimon[34][35]
- Leomon[31][56][57] (with or without Garurumon)[51]
- Leomon (X-Antibody)[56]
- Liamon[56][N 2]
- Lighdramon[56]
- Loogarmon (with any Vaccine Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Lynxmon[58]
- Meramon (with Hanumon[48], certain Digimon from the Pendulum Ver.20th series[49][50][43], any Vaccine Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum[52], or any Vaccine Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Mojyamon[53] (with or without Hyougamon[55])
- Nohemon (with Kabukimon[8])
- Numemon[59]
- Orgemon[33]
- Scumon[60]
- Siesamon[27]
- Strikedramon[61]
- Tailmon[7][54] (with or without any Data Adult or any Virus Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Tailmon (X-Antibody)[7]
- Turuiemon (with Fangmon[8])
- Wizarmon (with Garurumon, Garurumon (Black), Garurumon (X-Antibody)[48], or certain Digimon from the Pendulum Ver.20th series[49][50][43], or any Vaccine Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum[52])
- Wolfmon[61]
Evolves To[edit]
- Ancient Garurumon[62][63][64][65] (Ancient Evolution)[66] (with or without the Spirit of Light[67] or Mammon, Vajramon and Tyilinmon)[51]
- Anubimon[47]
- Any Blue Lv.6 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from Adventure Lv.5 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from Blue Lv.5 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from Purple Lv.5 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Purple Lv.6 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Baihumon[68]
- Bancho Leomon[69][70]
- Beowolfmon (with Wolfmon)[71]
- Boltmon (with any Perfect Digimon[72])
- Callismon[73]
- Cres Garurumon[64][74][65][45][17][44][75]
- Darkdramon[76]
- Demon[77]
- Dinotigermon[78]
- Dominimon (with any Vaccine Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Duftmon[79][80][35]
- Duftmon: Leopard Mode[81]
- Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna-[42]
- Holydramon (with Jyagamon)[43]
- Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode[82]
- Jijimon[34][35]
- Magna Garurumon[34][35] (with or without a Data or Virus Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[36])
- Mercurymon[83] (with or without Any Perfect Digimon[84] or Prairiemon and Orgemon)[51]
- Metal Garurumon[41][85][37][38][25][26][31][32][42][33][34][35][44][86][45][17][27][87][46][47] (with or without any Perfect Digimon[88], certain Digimon from the Pendulum Ver.20th series[40], or Gabumon and Garurumon[51], or a Vaccine or Free Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z[36], certain Data Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum[52], or any Data Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Metal Garurumon (Black)[89][33] (with or without a Data, Virus or Free Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[17])
- Metal Garurumon (X-Antibody)[90]
- Metal Seadramon[91]
- Mirage Gaogamon[31][32][33]
- Mugendramon (with Andromon)[43]
- Nidhoggmon (with a Virus Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[17])
- Noble Pumpmon (with any Virus Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Omegamon[25][26][42] (with or without Metal Greymon)[14]
- Omegamon (X-Antibody) (with Agumon, Gabumon, and Metal Greymon[92])
- Omegamon: Merciful Mode[42]
- Plesiomon (with Whamon Perfect)[43]
- Plutomon[27]
- Quantumon (with any Virus Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Rasenmon (with Stiffilmon)[44]
- Rosemon (X-Antibody)[93]
- Saint Galgomon[94][95]
- Sakuyamon[96]
- Seraphimon[97] (with or without Holy Angemon[98][99] or Holy Angemon: Priest Mode[98])
- Skull Mammon[38][43] (with or without any Vaccine Perfect or any Data Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum COLOR[47])
- Sleipmon[34]
- Vikemon (with Whamon Perfect)[55]
- War Greymon (with Cyberdramon)[43]
- War Greymon (X-Antibody)[100]
- Were Garurumon (X-Antibody)[101] (with or without X-Antibody)
- Were Garurumon: Sagittarius Mode[102][103]
- Z'd Garurumon[31][32][44][17]
Digimon Adventure[edit]
Were Garurumon is the Partner Digimon of Ishida Yamato. Gabumon first evolved into Were Garurumon when it was fighting Digitamamon.
Digimon Adventure 02[edit]
Were Garurumon is the Partner Digimon of Ishida Yamato.
Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]
Were Garurumon is the Partner Digimon of Ishida Yamato.
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]
Were Garurumon is the Partner Digimon of Ishida Yamato.
Digimon Adventure:[edit]
Were Garurumon is the Partner Digimon of Ishida Yamato. Gabumon first take this form to fight Scorpiomon.
Digimon Adventure -Beyond-[edit]
Were Garurumon is the Partner Digimon of Ishida Yamato.
Digimon Xros Wars[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Digimon World[edit]
Were Garurumon is a Digimon that was removed from the game. It has no appearance and has a slightly different name in Japanese, ウェアガルルモン. It is intended to evolve naturally from Garurumon, Leomon, Yukidarumon, or Mojyamon with at least 30 g Weight, 4000 HP, 400 for Defense, Speed, and Brains, and 3 or less care mistakes. Its Finishing Technique appears to be Glacial Blast, the only Technique that was removed from the game. Despite this, there is an unobtainable evolution item to evolve any Adult Digimon into Were Garurumon known as Moonlight Mirror (月光の鏡 Gekkō no Kagami).
Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]
Were Garurumon is a Land-type Variable Digimon that can be learned by the combination of Gabumon and one of other 7 Chosen Children Digimon. Its technique, Kaiser Nail, attacks one opponent and deals more damage if it is a Fire-type Digimon. It costs 14 VP.
Digimon World 2[edit]
Were Garurumon is an obtainable Digimon. It can evolve from Garurumon or Gururumon regardless of its DP, and can evolve to Skull Mammon with 7 or less DP or Metal Garurumon with 8 or more DP.
Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02: Digital Partner[edit]
Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]
Were Garurumon is the fifth and second-to-last opponent in Sage Tower's Battle Arena. Upon meeting him, he tells the player that he evolved from Garurumon, and that he had heard what the player did since they fought in Igloo City and knew he'd arrive to Sage Tower someday. Furthermore, he trusts the player to have the skills to beat him and continue on. Were Garurumon plays the Howl to the Moon deck, a Blue/Water deck with 3 attack, 4 defense and 3 evolution speed that focuses on Counter Attacks and Recovery.
After clearing Sage Tower for the first time, the player can obtain a Hacking card by talking to Were Garurumon in Sage Tower's Battle Café.
Were Garurumon is a Level 完 (Perfect) Blue/Ice Digimon card. It has 30 POW, +20 P, 1820 HP, 670 Circle, 500 Triangle, 0 Cross with Triangle Counter effect. Its Support Effect is recovering user's HP by the number of cards in the POW slot X100. Metal Garurumon's attacks are Kaiser Nail, Baldy Blow and Engetsugeri. The Were Garurumon card can be Special Fusioned with the True Metal Greymon card to create the Omegamon II card.
Digimon World 3[edit]
Were Garurumon is a collectable green card with 32/30 stats.
Digimon RPG[edit]
Digital Monster: D-Project[edit]
Digimon Story[edit]
Were Garurumon can be evolved from Garurumon if above Level 28 and Friendship above 80%. It can evolve into Metal Garurumon if above 45 and Friendship above 90%.
Digital Monster: Battle Junction[edit]
Digimon Savers: Another Mission[edit]
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]
Were Garurumon can be evolved from Garurumon if above Level 35, Speed 170, and Beast EXP 4500. It can evolve to Metal Garurumon if above Level 52, Friendship 90%, and already befriended Gabumon.
Digimon Championship[edit]
Digimon Masters[edit]
Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]
Digimon Life[edit]
Digimon Xros Arena[edit]
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]
Digimon Collectors[edit]
Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]
Were Garurumon is an obtainable Digimon which is evolved from Gaogamon, Garurumon, or Leomon, and can evolve to Metal Garurumon, Mirage Gaogamon, or Z'd Garurumon. It can also be obtained as a collectable card. Its card is part of the Garurumon Evolution (ガルルモン進化 Garurumon Shinka) set.
Digimon Crusader[edit]
Digimon Adventure[edit]
Were Garurumon is Ishida Yamato's Partner Digimon. He first evolves into this form in Episode 27, "Oh Friend! Were Garurumon" to fight Digitamamon. Afterwards, he can evolve in-battle by paying 15 SP from Gabumon or 10 SP from Garurumon, or start the battle as such by equipping the EVO Boost II DigiPiece. Were Garurumon's attacks are:
- Kaiser Nail: deals damage to one enemy. Costs 16 SP.
- Engestugeri: deals damage to one enemy with a high chance of Shock. Costs 10 SP.
- Baldy Blow: deals multiple hits to one enemy. Costs 5 SP.
Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]
Were Garurumon is the Partner Digimon of Ishida Yamato. He can be fought in the Colosseum 30th floor Free Battle: "I'm not a kid!", alongside Takaishi Takeru and Patamon.
While looking for the parts of the training mat for Nanimon in Fluorescent Cave, Taiga was attacked by a Were Garurumon who had claimed one of them as its own. After beating it, Taiga takes the Ring Corner.
Were Garurumon is the master of the Night Canyon, having evolved from Garurumon in the past, but by the time Taiga got there, it got possessed by the black fog. It defeated Kuga Yuuya and Black, thinking they were there for the Memorial Stella, then attacked Taiga. After being defeated, the black fog left it and it accepted its defeat, then swore revenge and left. The Memorial Stella was then restored and Taiga obtained the Garbage Data.
Leaving the Memorial Stella area, Taiga meets Were Garurumon once again, who lost control of his turf and now people he didn't know were doing as they pleased there. As Taiga beat it, he was the new master of that territory so he had to take care of them so Were Garurumon could return to the Village of Beginnings, which ends up happening. It then sends Taiga a mail with a Gold Crown accessory, proof of ownership of the Night Canyon.
Digimon Fortune[edit]
Digimon All-Star Rumble[edit]
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]
Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]
Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]
Digimon Linkz[edit]
Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]
Digimon ReArise[edit]
Digimon Encounters[edit]
Digimon New Century[edit]
Digimon Super Rumble[edit]
Digimon Survive[edit]
Were Garurumon is the partner of Minase Akiharu.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Digimon Pendulum Ver 3.0 Nightmare Soldiers[edit]
Were Garurumon can be obtained by Jogressing Hanumon, Garurumon, Meramon or Wizarmon with a compatible Digimon.
Digimon Pendulum Ver 3.5 Nightmare Soldiers[edit]
Were Garurumon can be obtained by Jogressing Hanumon, Garurumon, Meramon or Wizarmon with a compatible Digimon.
Digivice Version 1[edit]
Were Garurumon is a partner Digimon. It can evolve from Garurumon.
Digivice Version 2[edit]
Were Garurumon is a partner Digimon. It can evolve from Garurumon.
Pendulum ZERO Virus Busters[edit]
Were Garurumon can evolve from Garurumon or Igamon, and can be Jogressed with a compatible Digimon to get Metal Garurumon.
D-Scanner 1.0[edit]
Digimon Twin L[edit]
Were Garurumon can evolve from Garurumon. It can evolve to Metal Garurumon.
Digimon Neo Ver. 1[edit]
Digimon Xros Loader[edit]
Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]
Digivice Ver.15th[edit]
Digital Monster Ver.20th[edit]
Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th[edit]
Digivice Ver.Complete[edit]
Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]
Digimon Pendulum COLOR[edit]
Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
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Card Game Alpha
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Battle Terminal
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Super Digica Taisen
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Digimon Jintrix
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Battle Spirits
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Digimon Card Game
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Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
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Digimon Pendulum | Digivice | D-Spirit | DigiWindow | Digimon Xros Loader | Vital Bracelet Digital Monster |
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Digimon Pendulum COLOR |
Additional Information[edit]
- Digimon
- Digimon with profiles on Digimon Reference Book
- Digimon added to the Digimon Reference Book in 2007
- Digimon with profiles on Digimon Life
- Perfect Level
- Data Attribute
- Vaccine Attribute
- Beast Man Type
- Metal Empire
- Nature Spirits
- Nightmare Soldiers
- Virus Busters
- Wind Guardians
- Digimon introduced in 1999
- List of Digimon in Digital Monster Card Game
- List of Digimon in Digimon Card Game