Ishida Yamato

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(Redirected from Matt Ishida)
For the Ishida Yamato in Digimon Adventure:, see here.
Ishida Yamato
Ishida YamatoIshida Yamato
Kanji/Kana 石田 ヤマト
Dub Name Matt Ishida
Age 11 (Adventure)
14 (02)
17 (tri.)
22 (Last Evolution Kizuna)
School Odaiba Elementary (Adventure)
Odaiba Junior High School (02)
Tsukishima Sogo High School (tri.)
Partner Digimon Gabumon
Digivice Digivice (Blue when activated), blue Smartphone Digivice
Crest Friendship
Family Ishida Hiroaki (father)
Takaishi Natsuko (mother)
Takaishi Takeru (younger brother)
Takaishi Michel (grandfather)
Kinu (grandmother)
Takenouchi Sora (wife)
Takenouchi Haruhiko (father-in-law)
Takenouchi Toshiko (mother-in-law)
Unnamed daughter
Unnamed son
Unnamed nephew
Voice Actor Japanese Kazama Yūto (風間 勇刀), Hosoya Yoshimasa (細谷 佳正) (tri.)
English Michael Reisz, Vic Mignogna (tri.), Nicolas Roye (Kizuna)
Actor Japanese Hashimoto Shōhei (橋本 祥平)

Ishida Yamato is one of the protagonists of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure tri., and one of the supporting characters in Digimon Adventure 02.


Yamato is best described as "cool". He starts out as a secretive loner, although he is confident and has a good sense of humor. He is usually cool-headed and rational, though he does have a hot temper, which often collided with that of Yagami Taichi and caused conflicts between the two. His younger brother Takaishi Takeru is also one of the Chosen Children. He is very protective of Takeru and often times acts harshly when he is in trouble. He is partnered with Gabumon and is the bearer of the Crest of Friendship.

Yamato is a talented musician and singer. He played the harmonica in Adventure and the bass guitar in 02.

Both of Yamato's parents work in the media; his father, Hiroaki, is a worker at Fuji TV Network, and his mother, Natsuko, is a journalist.

Card Game Evolution[edit]



Prelude to Digimon Adventure[edit]

Before Yamato's parents divorced, he lived with them and Takeru in Hikarigaoka, where Yamato attended first grade in Dai-yon Elementary School. In 1995, he and his younger brother witnessed the fight between Greymon and Parrotmon.

Yamato's parents divorced shortly following the fight, which was attributed to a terrorist bombing. On Yamato's request, his father took him while his mother took his brother. He and his father moved to Odaiba, where the Fuji TV Network building is located.

Digimon Adventure[edit]

Yamato's attitude often clashed with that of Yagami Taichi, the Chosen's unofficial leader. Yamato was much more protective and concerned about the group as a whole, causing much conflict compared to Taichi's head-first strategy. His desire to protect Takeru and act like a good older brother also weighed on his mind.

Before having to return to the Digital World to fight the Dark Masters, he met up with his mother, who he was not very close to. Although Takeru was ecstatic to have his whole family together (if only for a minute), Yamato refused to say much more than hello to his mother. This encounter revealed lingering resentments in him that continue even after he returned to the Digital World. Upon returning to the Digital World, he became angry when he thought Takeru no longer needed him and decided to leave the group for a while. He returned briefly to save the group from Pinocchimon before disappearing again.

Towards the end of the series, he fell into a pit of darkness and was forced to realize that his parents' divorce broke his heart and made him resort to solitude. He refused to let anyone see him cry, which made him turn away from his friends. Gabumon got him to understand that everything would be alright and that he is valuable. Yamato then reunited with Jou, with whom he saved Sora from her own pit of darkness, and rejoined the party just in time for the final battle.

Digimon Adventure: Our War Game![edit]

When Diablomon began his rampage over the Internet, Yamato was at his grandmother's place with Takeru. The two rushed to town and enter a barbershop, the only place in town with a computer, and connected to the Internet. With Taichi and Agumon and help from Koushiro, they both battled Diablomon. He and Taichi entered the Internet unintentionally and with the help of all of the kids over the net, War Greymon and Metal Garurumon were able to Jogress into Omegamon. Omegamon was able to defeat Diablomon, and Yamato and Taichi came back home.

Between Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

In May 2000, Yamato arrived in the Digital World and gave up his Crest power to free the Four Holy Beasts. As a result, Gabumon lost the power to evolve to Perfect or Ultimate.

On March 2002, Yamato decided to create a band with three of his classmates, acting as vocalist and bass guitarist. Yamato wanted to name it after Gabumon. As Gabumon has wolf-type evolutions, he decided to name the band "The Teen-age Wolfs".

Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

Yamato's band became very popular by the beginning of the school year. One of his biggest fans was the older sister of Motomiya Daisuke, Jun, which was often used as comic relief. Though he didn't have much time due to band practice, Yamato was still one of the younger Chosen Children's best aides. He has become a closer friend to Taichi, and though he would still punch Taichi on occasion, it was only to knock some sense into him.

Before a Christmas concert the Teen-age Wolves were set to play, Sora decided to approach Yamato and confess that she liked him. He accepted, and they became a couple.

Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back[edit]

Yamato and Taichi went into the Internet to defeat Diablomon once and for all. After they defeated Diablomon, Omegamon blasted his way out of the Internet to fight Armagemon. The gargantuan Digimon managed to destroy Omegamon's arms, but Imperialdramon came and was given the Omega Sabre, which allowed him to change into Imperialdramon Paladin Mode and defeated Armagemon. When the Kuramon started to appear following Armademon's defeat, Yamato and the others used their Digivices, along with the spectators' cellphones, to delete the Kuramon.

25 Years Later[edit]

By the year 2028, Yamato has become an astronaut and is married to Sora. He and Gabumon became the first human and Digimon to land on Mars. He has one daughter who resembles him, with a Pyocomon, and a son with who resembles Sora, with a Tunomon.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

After Magnamon ran out of power and devolved to V-mon in the fight against Quartzmon's Belial Vamdemon and Venom Vamdemon army in "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown", Ichijouji Ken appeared alongside Stingmon, followed by Yamato, Metal Garurumon, and balls of light containing Chackmon, Wolfmon, Fairimon and Blitzmon. Yagami Taichi and Yamato then had their partners fuse to become Omegamon.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Adventure - Character Song - Mini Drama 1[edit]

Digimon Adventure - Character Song - Mini Drama 2[edit]

Digimon Adventure - Character Song - Mini Drama 3[edit]

Digimon Adventure Original Story: 2½ Year Break[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: Armor Evolution to the Unknown[edit]

The first person Daisuke attempted to emulate in order to get more Valentine's Day chocolates from girls was Yamato, although he managed to play the guitar, when it came time to singing and playing Yamato declared him hopeless. During a plan to distract Boltmon via tap-dancing, Yamato declared his feelings for Sora.

Digimon Adventure 02 Drama CD: Yamato Ishida Tegami -Letter-[edit]

Digimon Series 1-4: Original Story Special ~with~[edit]

Digimon Adventure 15th Blu-ray BOX Special Drama CD ~Digimon Mystery File: The Liberation of the Millennial Seal~[edit]


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

During "BONUS TRACK", Wizarmon saw other universes. In one of them, he saw Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato riding Omegamon.

Wizarmon's vision in "BONUS TRACK".

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

Before the events of the game, the Chosen Children and their Partner Digimon were kidnapped by Millenniumon.

After Akiyama Ryo defeated Vamdemon, Yamato, Kido Jo, Yagami Hikari, Gabumon, Gomamon and Tailmon were freed. The Chosen Children then returned to their world, while their Partner Digimon joined Ryo to rescue the others.

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]

Yamato in his 02 design appears alongside his partner, Metal Garurumon, in Igloo City's Battle Café after Tachikawa Mimi in Jungle City is beaten. However, he won't speak to the player until after Metal Garurumon is defeated. Afterwards, he'll introduce himself and point out that Metal Garurumon said the player is a great Card Tamer, to which he'll reply he's only an OK Card Tamer. Yamato tells the player not to be so modest, then asks him for a battle. Yamato plays the Bonds deck, a Blue/Ice and Green/Nature deck which possesses the best of both Specialties and is very fast.

Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution[edit]

Yamato (in his Adventure design) serves as Gabumon's Tamer, as well as sharing the role with Yagami Taichi (in their Bokura no War Game designs) for Omegamon. As such, he appears in the character select menu alongside his Partner Digimon and when Gabumon evolves into Metal Garurumon.

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Digimon Adventure[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Yamato sends Taiga a mail, under his initials rather than his full name, challenging him as he defeated Yagami Taichi and Takenouchi Sora. They face in the Colosseum's 1st floor Free Battle: "Can you beat my Gabumon?". Upon meeting Taiga, he introduces himself and Gabumon, and challenges Taiga to prove whose bond with their Partner Digimon is the stronger one. After being defeated, Yamato refuses to acknowledge Taiga, not until he's fought against Gabumon's true power.

Ishida Yamato in the Colosseum
"Can you beat my Gabumon?"

Yamato soon joins the 30th floor Free Battle: "I'm not a kid!", confused as to why Takaishi Takeru was there. Takeru explains to him that he'll fight alongside Patamon but Yamato thinks he isn't ready for that yet, plus Taiga was strong so he should be the one fighting instead. Takeru gets angry as he doesn't want to be protected all the time, so Yamato offers to join him instead, fighting alongside Were Garurumon. After being defeated, Takeru cried that they lost, but Yamato acknowledged how much his little brother had grown and how strong he got.

"I'm not a kid!"
"I'm not a kid!"

After being beaten for the first time, Yamato sends Taiga another mail with nothing but a challenge for the Colosseum 1st Floor Free Battle: "Yamato and Gabumon's Friendship!". There, Yamato tells Taiga how he used to think friendship was a lie but he doesn't anymore, since he knows he's connected to Gabumon, who evolved through his friendship into Metal Garurumon. He called Taiga to share that with him and for Taiga to show him the feelings he takes into his battles. After being defeated, he acknowledges he always knew that Taiga understood friendship then gives him the evolution data from his Digivice, unlocking Metal Garurumon as an evolution.

"Yamato and Gabumon's Friendship!"

After Takeru is defeated in the 40th floor Free Battle: "A Boy's Hope", he wondered if he got any stronger despite his defeat. Yamato told him he could stand on his own now and Yamato didn't need to protect him anymore. Takeru asked him if he had watched the match, which he did, and he acknowledged his little brother's strength. Takeru thanked both Yamato and Taiga.

After the credits roll, Taichi sends Taiga another mail, challenging him to one last match in the Heavenly Hall where Yamato and he would combine their powers. This is the Free Battle: "The Final Test". There, Taichi and Yamato agree they can't defeat Taiga with War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, so they fuse them into Omegamon, which they are confident will win. After losing, they acknowledge they're no match for Taiga and Digimaru and give them the power of their Crest of Courage and Crest of Friendship as three Chips of Courage and three Chips of Friendship.

"The Final Test"

Yamato fights alongside Z'd Garurumon in the Heavenly Hall Tournament "Legendary Digimon Battle".

"Legendary Digimon Battle"

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]

Yamato and Taichi and appear in the game's menu, representing the game's friend list.

Digimon New Century[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-[edit]


Super Evolution Stage "Digimon Adventure tri. ~Adventure of August 1~"[edit]


Hyper Colosseum


Battle Spirits
Digimon Card Game

Super Digica Taisen[edit]

Ishida Yamato is one of the Generals in the Super Digica Taisen card game.

Image Gallery[edit]


Ishida yamato.jpg Ishida yamato acrylickeychain.jpg Ishida yamato toei acrylic.jpg Yamato Adventure.jpg
Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure
Limited Base Acrylic Keychain
Digimon Series: Acrylic de Card Digimon Adventure
Anaguma and Anahita Stones collaboration
Yamato Gabumon LB Pop-Up Theater.png Ishida yamato re.jpg Ishida Yamato reference art 1.jpg Ishida Yamato reference art 2.jpg
Digimon Adventure
LB Pop-Up Theater: Digimon Shop
(with Gabumon)
Re:Digitize Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure
Yamato.gif DA02 Ishida Yamato reference art 1.jpg DA02 Ishida Yamato reference art 2.jpg Ishida yamato movie4.jpg
Digimon Adventure 02 Digimon Adventure 02 Digimon Adventure 02 Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back (Lineart)
Yamato Tri.JPG Ishida yamato tri.jpg Ishida yamato tri side.jpg Ishida yamato tri.png
Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure tri.
Ishida yamato tri band.jpg Ishida yamato tri expression.jpg Ishida yamato tri yukata2.jpg Ishida yamato tri yukata.jpg
Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure tri.
Ishida yamato tri beams.jpg Ishida yamato tri suit.jpg Yamato Theatrical.jpg Ishida Yamato Theatrical.jpg
Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Ishida Yamato Theatrical2.png Ishida Yamato Theatrical3.png Ishida Yamato Kizuna.jpg Ishida yamato beyond lineart.png
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (Lineart) Digimon Adventure -Beyond- (Lineart)

Video Games[edit]

Yamato battle dwdca jp.png Yamato talk dwdca jp.png YamatoDMO.png Yamato & MetalGaurumon Collectors Digimon Adventure Special Card.jpg
Digimon World: Digital Card Arena Digimon World: Digital Card Arena Digimon Masters Digimon Collectors
(Special Card with his partner Metal Garurumon)
Ishida yamato digimon adventure psp.png Yamato new century.png
Digimon Adventure Digimon New Century


Digimon 25th anniversary exhibition poster.png Yamato and Gabumon Sun-Star Stationery Collaboration.jpg Digimon card premium edition last evolution carddass set promo art.jpg Yamato and Gabumon Kizuna Shikishi.jpg
Anime 25th Anniversary “Digimon Adventure Exhibition” Digimon Adventure
Sun-Star Stationery Collaboration
Digimon Card Premium Edition - Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna
(Digital Monster Card Game)
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (Shikishi)
Gem ishida yamato and gabumon.jpg Gem ishida yamato and garurumon.jpg Gem metalgarurumon.jpg Ishida yamato tri kiddyland.jpg
G.E.M. Series G.E.M. Series G.E.M. Series Digimon Adventure tri.
Kiddy Land Collaboration
Ishida yamato gabumon kizuna karatetsu.jpg Ishida yamato funko pop figure.jpg Digimon Adventure AnimeJapan Collab.jpeg DAandGALLERY.jpeg
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Karaoke no Tetsujin Collab
Funko Pop! Animation Vinyl Figure: Ishida Yamato Digimon Adventure
AnimeJapan Collaboration
Digimon Adventure
and GALLERY Collaboration
AkaminenaokiYamato.jpg Digimonadventure special advertisement color.jpg Digimonadventure special advertisement.jpg Ichibankuji2023.jpg
Illustration by Akamine Naoki Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary and Digimon Adventure -Beyond- Special Advertisement Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary and Digimon Adventure -Beyond- Special Advertisement (Lineart) Ichiban Kuji Prize (2023)

Virtual Pets[edit]

Yamato vpet dv color.png
Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Adventure 02
Main Characters Motomiya DaisukeInoue MiyakoHida IoriYagami HikariTakaishi TakeruIchijouji KenOhwada Lui
Partner Digimon V-monHawkmonArmadimonTailmonPatamonWormmonUkkomon
Original Chosen Children Yagami TaichiAgumonIshida YamatoGabumonTakenouchi SoraPiyomonIzumi KōshirōTentomonTachikawa MimiPalmonKido JoGomamon
International Chosen Children Michael Barton Jr.WallaceTerriermonLopmonTatumSamMariaLouSteveHoi BrothersYuehonDienMinaDingoCatherine DeneuveChichosAnnaLaraYuri
Supporting Characters Motomiya JunInoue MantarouInoue ChizuruInoue MomoeHida HirokiHida FumikoHida ChikaraIchijouji OsamuGennaiYagami YuukoYagami SusumuIshida HiroakiTakaishi NatsukoTakaishi MichelTakenouchi HaruhikoTakenouchi ToshikoIzumi KaeIzumi MasamiTachikawa KeisukeTachikawa SatoeKido ShinKido ShuuQinglongmonYoshizawa TakashiKawada NorikoShibata HiroshiKurata Keiko
Antagonists Digimon KaiserDagomonChimairamonOikawa YukioArchnemonMummymonBlack War GreymonDemon • Demon Corps (Skull SatamonLady DevimonMarin Devimon) • Belial VamdemonArmagemon
Terms Chosen ChildD-3D-TerminalDigimentalDark SeedDark TowerDigital GateEvil RingJogress EvolutionSmartphone Digivice
Other List of EpisodesDigimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden DigimentalsDigimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes BackDigimon Adventure 02: The BeginningList of CharactersJapanese Cast
Digimon World Re:Digitize and Decode
Main characters TaigaDigimaruShinomiya RinaV.V.
Main allies Nicolai PetrovSashenkaRindou AkihoDigitorinKuga YuuyaBlackMikagura MireiAngewomonLady Devimon
Other characters JijimonProfessor PetrovRize GreymonLiliCatherineSebastianAngemonBeelzebumon/Beelzebumon (X-Antibody)TyranomonOrgemon • Belphemon (Sleep Mode/Rage Mode) • LeviamonDORUmonPlotmonInfinity Mountain Exploration Team (Omegamon (X-Antibody)Dukemon (X-Antibody)Agumon (X-Antibody)Greymon (X-Antibody)Seadramon/Seadramon (X-Antibody))
Antagonists Vitium (Baby/Adult/Ultimate) • Seven Great Demon Lords (BarbamonDemonLilithmonLucemon (Falldown Mode/Satan Mode)) • Yggdrasill_7D6
Crossover characters Yagami TaichiAgumonIshida YamatoGabumonTakenouchi SoraPiyomonIzumi KōshirōTentomonTachikawa MimiPalmonKido JoGomamonTakaishi TakeruPatamonYagami HikariTailmonMotomiya DaisukeV-monMatsuda TakatoGuilmonDaimon MasaruAgumon
Terms DigiviceMemorial StellaGIGO Company
Other List of CharactersList of LocationsManga (List of Chapters) • Encode manga (List of Chapters)