Angewomon (Re:Digitize)

From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana エンジェウーモン
Human Partner Mikagura Mirei

Angewomon is the Partner Digimon of Mikagura Mirei in Digimon World Re:Digitize.


Baby I
Baby II
Perfect Angewomon
Ultimate Ofanimon[1]
Mastemon (with Lady Devimon)[2]


Angewomon's holy powers and Lady Devimon's demonic powers keep Mikagura Mirei stable in the Digital World in spite of having lost her real body. Angewomon is somewhat bossy and demanding, getting angry that Taiga didn't immediately jump to fight Mega Seadramon alongside them in the Submerged Ruins, but greatly cares for Mirei. She seems to lack the usual angel hatred for demon Digimon as she's able to coexist with Lady Devimon peacefully, even Jogress Evolving together into Mastemon.



Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

In the Digital Space inside GIGO Server in "Digital Monster"., Mikagura Mirei's Partner Digimon, Angewomon and Lady Devimon, looked at various screens. Mirei observed that the number of strange fluctuations shaking up the net kept growing by the day, suspected that something was going on within the abyss of the network, and felt she was getting closer to finding out what it was. She then explained that a few years ago, servers had suddenly gone down without explanation and the only one to succeed in maintaining their systems and make rapid progress afterwards was GIGO. She did an independent investigation on the matter, which led her to a certain mystery: Project Vitium, which GIGO had triggered the incident with, according to the fragmented records that remained on GIGO's server, and the man leading it was Professor Yakov Petrov, who had mysteriously disappeared according to records of the project. Mirei thought only the doctor's whereabouts could give her the truth. She was then distracted by the appearance of a Digimon's signal and warned her Digimon to be careful. A Black War Greymon (X-Antibody) called Black then appeared in front of Angewomon and Lady Devimon, as his Tamer, Yuuya, pointed out how he had finally found the hacker. He commended Mirei's hacking abilities, as he had noticed there was someone lurking in the server but she had made it difficult for him to find her. However, as the one who'd lead GIGO Company someday, he couldn't allow her to do as she pleased and would dispose of her.

Their battle would later interrupt Taiga and Nyanko Tamer's battle, as it caused a Colosseum wall to suddenly explode, startling Nyanko Tamer, and Angewomon and Lady Devimon fell from said explosion. Black then appeared from the explosion, as Yuuya pointed out he had Mirei cornered.

Continuing in "Complication!", Black let loose a blast from its mouth at Angewomon and Lady Devimon, though they both managed to avoid it. Taiga, Nyanko Tamer, Agumon and Digitorin got sent flying by the shock wave it caused. Black then charged at Angewomon, to Mirei's fear. Yuuya was confident that meant one of Mirei's Partner Digimon was down, but Black was stopped by a barrage of fireballs from Digitorin. Nyanko Tamer then screamed at Yuuya and Mirei for barging into their match, shocking Taiga and Nico, who observed everything alongside Taiga from his computer and found her scary, as did Taiga. Yuuya realized the damage was giving him temporary restrictions. Mirei made an exit and commanded her Digimon to escape through it, as Yuuya would lose all track of her once the exit closed, and thanks to the restrictions, they succeeded in doing so. Taiga, Nyanko Tamer, Agumon and Digitorin looked at the exit, as the former pointed out Angewomon and Lady Devimon had disappeared.

Digimon World Re:Digitize Encode[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

After Taiga was defeated by Kuga Yuuya and Black in Signpost Woods, Mikagura Mirei appeared and gave Digimaru a power-up program. She then sent Angewomon and Lady Devimon to face Black alongside Digimaru. Yuuya was shocked Mirei had two Partner Digimon. The group defeated Black, and Yuuya then left in anger.

Later on, Yuuya, Mirei and their Partner Digimon faced Vitium Adult in Signpost Woods. Taiga then joined them, followed by Nicolai Petrov and Rindou Akiho. However, Vitium Adult then left, leaving behind an Agumon (Black) and a Gabumon (Black) cloaked in a dark aura to stall Yuuya and Mirei.

Mirei and Angewomon joined Taiga when he entered the Submerged Ruins to give him his next task, then left. Later, they faced Mega Seadramon, the guardian of the Memorial Stella, who accused them of having meddled with it. Mirei said that they both had the same objective, to protect the Memorial Stella, as Angewomon took Mega Seadramon out with a Heaven's Arrow. She then explained to the fallen guardian that they weren't to blame for the Memorial Stella shutting down but she had no choice but to fight if it got in their way. Mega Seadramon then got back up, to Mirei's surprise. Angewomon asked Taiga to help them and they both teamed up to defeat Mega Seadramon once again. It then left, angered at being beaten by humans. Whamon then took the four to the Memorial Stella itself. After Taiga activated the Memorial Stella, Mirei and Angewomon returned to the Village of Beginnings to rest.

Mega Seadramon facing Digimaru and Angewomon

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]



Image Gallery[edit]

Angewomon re.jpg Ofanimon.jpg Mastemon.jpg
Cyber Sleuth

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon World Re:Digitize and Decode
Main characters TaigaDigimaruShinomiya RinaV.V.
Main allies Nicolai PetrovSashenkaRindou AkihoDigitorinKuga YuuyaBlackMikagura MireiAngewomonLady Devimon
Other characters JijimonProfessor PetrovRize GreymonLiliCatherineSebastianAngemonBeelzebumon/Beelzebumon (X-Antibody)TyranomonOrgemon • Belphemon (Sleep Mode/Rage Mode) • LeviamonDORUmonPlotmonInfinity Mountain Exploration Team (Omegamon (X-Antibody)Dukemon (X-Antibody)Agumon (X-Antibody)Greymon (X-Antibody)Seadramon/Seadramon (X-Antibody))
Antagonists Vitium (Baby/Adult/Ultimate) • Seven Great Demon Lords (BarbamonDemonLilithmonLucemon (Falldown Mode/Satan Mode)) • Yggdrasill_7D6
Crossover characters Yagami TaichiAgumonIshida YamatoGabumonTakenouchi SoraPiyomonIzumi KōshirōTentomonTachikawa MimiPalmonKido JoGomamonTakaishi TakeruPatamonYagami HikariTailmonMotomiya DaisukeV-monMatsuda TakatoGuilmonDaimon MasaruAgumon
Terms DigiviceMemorial StellaGIGO Company
Other List of CharactersList of LocationsManga (List of Chapters) • Encode manga (List of Chapters)