Wikimon:Past Featured Archive 1
Past Featured Articles subsequent to December 26, 2008[edit]
Digimon Adventure 02 - Episode 41 | |||
Jou, Iori, Ikkakumon, and Digmon are demolishing Dark Towers in Australia. Jou complains that it is hot during Christmas in Australia. Iori comments that it is summer in the southern hemisphere. What appears to be Santa in a swimsuit appears and helps them pull down the last Dark Tower. Santa then reveals himself to be Eucalyptus, one of Gennai's copies. They then hear someone calling for help from the ocean. They see Dingo, an Australian Chosen Child and his Ganimon surfing towards shore while being chased by a Gesomon, Shellmon, and Ebidramon. Jou then gets the idea calling out several seafood names to threaten the three Digimon causing them to become scared and flee. They chase the three towards the Great Barrier Reef, but spot a Dark Tower on an Island and move in to destroy it but Anomalocarimon ambushes them. Jou super evolves Ikkakumon into Zudomon and fights with him, but Anomalocarimon still overpowers him. The battle damages the Great Barrier Reef. Out of concern for it Jou... read more |
Impmon (Tamers) | |||
Impmon is a major character in Digimon Tamers, and the Partner Digimon of Ai and Makoto.
Initially, Impmon is a troublemaker and a bully who enjoys nothing more than harassing humans, and Digimon with Tamers. He is loudmouthed, arrogant and very opinionated, unafraid of telling others exactly what he thinks of them in a snide manner. Impmon harbors a deep dislike towards humans and thinks that no self-respecting Digimon would ever partner himself with a human. As it turned out later, his attitude towards humans came from his own bad experiences. Impmon is disgusted with his own weakness and resents the Tamers' Digimon for their ability to evolve. This is the thing that brings to his downfall. It is unknown how and why, but Impmon Realized in the Digital World and came into the ownership of four-year-old twins, Ai and Makoto. The two didn't understand the implication of being Tamers, however, and treated Impmon as a toy to be played with, fighting over him and pulling him around. After a while, Impmon had enough of this, and he ran away. Because of this bad first experience, he started disliking humans. Impmon took to harassing humans in Shinjuku Central Park. Eventually, he met the Tamers and their Digimon, and mocked them for their partnership. He also mocked Culumon for liking humans so much. Being only a Child Digimon, he proved to be no more than a mild nuisance to the Tamers and their Digimon, who for the most part ignored his constant attempts to rile them up. When Indramon, the horse Deva, appeared in Shinjuku, he encountered Impmon and told him he had the stench of humans on him. Enraged by the notion, Impmon went on a rampage through the ward, only to be stopped by Renamon. Though he yelled at her that he doesn't need a Tamer, he tearfully admitted to her that he once had partners and that he wanted to be able to evolve on his own more than... read more |
Wizarmon | |||
An evil Demon Man type Digimon who comes from "Witchelny", a separate part of the Digital World. It uses fire and earth magic (High Class Program Language), studying to aim at being a "Great Evil Gentleman". Its personality is of a shy dealer, and you can never see its real face. Adept at trickery, it is capable of reading minds and conjuring energy in numerous forms. Its special move is calling a thunder cloud, sending out an intense lighting attack (Thunder Cloud).
The Wizarmon in Adventure pretended to be one of Vamdemon's soldiers, trying to find the eighth Chosen Child. He found Hikari's Digivice, then told Tailmon about her past, and united the two for the first time. After this, he and Tailmon went to get Hikari's crest from Vamdemon. However, they were caught, and Vamdemon wounded Wizarmon. The Digimon was then thrown into the harbor. Eventually, he... read more |
Digimon Adventure 02 - Episode 39 | |||
News reports reveal that Digimon and Dark Towers have been appearing all over the world. The Chosen Children agree to meet at Koushirou's apartment, but Daisuke elects to go and check on Ken because the reports listed Tamachi as a location where Digimon had appeared. Elsewhere, Qinglongmon gives Gennai one of his DigiCores to Gennai At Koushirou's apartment Koushirou explains that there are Chosen Children all over the world. In Tamachi, Ken encounters a wild Triceramon rampaging. He tries to evolve Wormmon], but the evolution is blocked. Realizing that Archnemon must have activated a Dark Tower, he spots her and Mummymon in top of a building. Daisuke arrives on Lighdramon and demolishes... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to November 21, 2008[edit]
Wallace | |||
Wallace is an American Chosen Child, haling from New York City. He is slightly arrogant and tends to bottle up his feelings, but Wallace is clearly a kindhearted person who cares for his friends and Digimon. He is a bit of a flirt; in fact, he learned Japanese from a Japanese girlfriend he had.
When Wallace was young, he found a Digitama which hatched into twin Digimon that would evolve into Terriermon and Lopmon. While playing out in a field with them, a strange wind picked up and one of the twin Digimon, Chocomon, disappeared. Seven years later, Chocomon evolved into Wendimon and was driven insane. Trying to find the young Wallace he remembered, he kidnapped six of the original Japanese Chosen Children and... read more |
Digimon Adventure 02 - Episode 40 | |||
In space, astronauts on-board a space shuttle hear of the appearance of Digimon and Dark Towers on Earth just in time to catch a glimpse of Imperialdramon at a distance. Imperialdramon continued on their his way as he destroyed all Dark Towers he encountered. He dropped Taichi and Takeru off in Paris first then Hikari and Koushirou in Hong Kong followed by Iori and Jou in Australia and Miyako and Sora in Moscow. Imperialdramon landed in Miami and devolved back to V-mon and Wormmon. V-mon is confused about why he devolved and Daisuke suggests it was because of the light of Qinglongmon. Michael arrives having arranged transportation with the help of his father. Yamato and Ken take a helicopter to Mexico and Daisuke and Micheal take a plane to New York. Daisuke is shocked to see that Micheal's... read more |
Lucemon: Satan Mode | |||
When Lucemon: Falldown Mode is beaten in the Dark Area and scanned by Susanoomon only his holy data his scanned. His dark data appeared as a black Digitama and absorbed the Dark Area to become Lucemon: Satan Mode who now carried the Dark Area (Gehenna) with Lucemon Larva inside it. He continues with his plan to reach Earth. When the Legendary Chosen try and fight him he just heals and continues on. Susanoomon comes again and tries to fight him but Lucemon: Satan Mode just blasts him away with Purgatorial Flame attack. But when all of the Legendary Chosen combine into Susanoomon and fight him again just... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to October 31, 2008[edit]
Phantomon | |||
Phantomon was one of Vamdemon's most trusted minions. He first appears in "Shining Wings! Garudamon" piloting Vamdemon's chariot through the sky pulled by Devidramon. He travels to Earth along with Vamdemon's forces to hunt for the Eighth Chosen Child. He makes his first major appearance in "The Fairy of Odaiba! Lilimon Blossoms" and "Break through the Barrier! Zudomon Spark!" when he appeared in a subway when Jou was present. He and a swarms of Bakemon begin abducting the populous of Odaiba and detaining them in a convention center. Taichi and his Greymon try to free the captives but Phantomon forces them to retreat. He then destroyed the stereo that Sora was using to play the chants that were weakening the Bakemon. He ordered two Bakemon to capture Sora but was surprised when... read more |
Susanoomon | |||
After Kouichi is scanned by Lucemon: Falldown Mode and gives his spirits to Kouji, Kouji fused with Takuya and all 20 spirits to become Susanoomon. Lucemon: Falldown Mode uses his Paradise Lost attack, hitting Susanoomon with several punches but when he attempts the kick maneuver Susanoomon punches him in the face interrupting the attack. Susanoomon attempts to punch him again but Lucemon: Falldown Mode dodges and starts to beat up on Susanoomon more, eventually using his Dead or Alive attack to try and finish Susanoomon off. Susanoomon splits up into Kouji and Takuya again, causing the light and darkness elements of the attack to split apart... read more |
Himi Tomoki | |||
Himi Tomoki is a Chosen Child, chosen by Ofanimon to inherit the Legendary Spirits of Ice. He is the youngest of the group, and starts out as a bit of a crybaby. However, he is kindhearted, brave and modest, and quickly begins to become a stronger individual through his experiences in the Digital World. He will not tolerate bullying, which comes from his experiences of being bullied in the Real World.
Tomoki was always spoiled by his parents, who gave in to his every whim and bought him all the toys and candy he desired. His much older brother, Yutaka, disapproved of his parents' way of raising Tomoki. He refused to pamper Tomoki, telling his younger brother that he'll never learn how to do things by himself if he will rely on other people. Because of this, Tomoki resented Yutaka, and thought his brother didn't love him. Tomoki was being bullied by Katsuharu and Teppei, two older boys from his school, when he received Ofanimon's call. The two bullies dragged him to Shibuya Station and pushed Tomoki onto one of the trains in the underground terminal against his will. On the train, he met Kanbara Takuya, Shibayama Junpei and Orimoto Izumi. Though he wanted to go home at first and almost got himself killed trying to walk on the tracks back to the Real World, seeing Takuya evolve into Agnimon and saving him changed his mind. Because of this event, Tomoki became very fond of Takuya, thinking of him as a hero and... read more |
Motomiya Jun | |||
Jun is Daisuke's older sister, a spunky high school student. She is very enthusiastic and determined, and falls in and out of love easily. Though it may seem otherwise, Jun is actually very perceptive and has a keen eye. She is a big fan of the Teen-age Wolfs, particularly of vocalist and bassist Ishida Yamato.
She is first seen in "Digimon Kaiser, King of the Darkness", where she approached Yamato after a Teen-age Wolfs concert and asked him to sign the back of her shirt. When she discovered that Takeru, who is there at the time, is Yamato's brother, she requested of him to do the same. When Yamato, Taichi and Koushirou went to camp at Lake Yamanaka to cover for the younger Chosen's mission to defeat the Digimon Kaiser, Jun set out to follow them to the lake in an attempt to spend some time with Yamato. Despite several setbacks, such as catching a ride to the wrong campsite, she finally arrived at Lake Yamanaka on the last day of the boys' trip. Because there wasn't enough place in his van... read more |
Hida Chikara | |||
Chikara is the father of Hida Hiroki, father-in-law of Hida Fumiko and grandfather of Hida Iori. He is a wise and traditional man, who often provides Iori with important advice. Though he can be stern and serious and has many old-fashioned ideals, he is kind and good-natured and can sometimes be a bit humorous. He is well-known for his love for yogurt packets.
Chikara is a retired police officer and a kendo master, who now teaches kendo in the local police precinct. He trains Iori in kendo. When Chikara's son, Hiroki, was a young boy, he became enamored with a world he discovered through his game console. He spent hours talking to the television, a thing that worried and disturbed Chikara. Eventually, Hiroki shared this world with his best friend, a boy named Oikawa Yukio, and the two would spend even more... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to September 26, 2008[edit]
Agumon Hakase | |||
A genius Agumon with a Digital World University PhD in Digital Monster. The badge on its chest is proof of its doctorate. Though its title is proclaimed by Agumon Hakase itself, it has definite vast knowledge in Digimon types and habitats. It has a peculiar accent where it attaches "Gya" at the end of words, and one wonders if it comes from a distant place. It's special move is with its hat, Hakasebou, it confuses the opponent and with the stick, Hakaseboo, it wants to persuade the enemy.
In Digivice iC 20x, Agumon Hakase was listed as an Ultimate and as a Reptile type. Interestingly enough, it can evolve to all the Adult Digimon in this V-Pet. In Digimon Twin, Agumon Hakase was listed as a Child and as a Dinosaur... read more |
Digimon Savers | |||
Digimon Savers (デジモンセイバーズ Dejimon Seibaazu) is the fifth series of Digimon. (Dub: Digimon Data Squad).
News about this first came at the Jump Festa 2006 where it was called "New Digimon Project in 2006". The silhouette of the new Child Digimon was shown. But the title was released in the March 2006 edition of the V-Jump released on 21 January, 2006. In the same edition there were rough sketches of the characters, immediately indicating that the animation style would be different to that of previous series. This season aired 48 episodes, making it currently the shortest Digimon series, which were broadcasted on Sundays at 9:00 AM UTC+9 on Fuji TV, replacing Konjiki no Gash Bell!! (金色のガッシュベル!!) which previously replaced Digimon Frontier, commencing on April 2, 2006 and ending on March 25, 2007. It was replaced by the 2007 TV remake of Gegege no Kitaro (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎). It is a story set in the near future, when the existence of "Digital Monster" is confirmed because of the discovery of a Net world, the "Digital World". Daimon Masaru is a rowdy 2nd year junior high school student who spends all of his time fighting... read more |
Metal Seadramon | |||
Metal Seadramon was one of the four Dark Masters that conquered the Digital World while the Chosen Children were in the Real World fighting Vamdemon. He ruled the oceans.
He appeared with the other Dark Masters in "The Four Kings of the Mountain of the Devil! The Dark Masters!" and was the first Dark Master to confront the Chosen Children. He defeated all eight of the Adult levels before sending them to meet the other Dark Masters. The Dark Masters would lose track of the Chosen Children with Piccolomon's help. He then had one of his servants, Anomalocarimon, ambush the Chosen Children and render most of them unconscious in "The Hardened King of the Seas! Metal Seadramon". He became enraged after discovering that Anomalocarimon missed two of the chosen and dispatched him to chase after them. After growing impatient he decides to fry the Chosen Children he had already captured, but to his dismay they had been switched with Anomalocarimon. Anomalocarimon extinguished himself in... read more |
Impmon | |||
This Child-level Digimon is shaped like the child of a devil. It loves mischief, and looks forward to seeing the worried appearances of its opponents. Also, it is said that when Impmon appears, electronics temporarily go crazy, so images of electronic goods going out of control or ceasing to function may be because Impmon was causing mischief. It is a Digimon that loves badness and maliciousness, but he never flatters strong people and stands up to them with a tough attitude. However, in truth it has a lonely side. Its specialty technique Summon summons the elementals of flame and ice. Its certain-kill technique Night of Fire attacks enemies with flames of darkness.
Impmon is a major character in Digimon Tamers, and the partner of Ai and Makoto. He gained... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to August 29, 2008[edit]
Bolgmon | |||
This Digimon with the power of Thunder carries the influence of the Ten Legendary Warriors. Due to being created from a defense system that was developed by referencing a scarab treasure storeroom in the deepest part of a pyramid, his personality is warily discreet. In times of battle, he becomes a shield for his allies who perseveres with his steadfast armor, receiving the attacks of his opponents, but when he reaches the critical point, he launches an intense, thorough attack with his whole gun port until the forms of his enemies are lost. Since his weight is heavy and his maneuverability is low, he is basically in charge of logistical support. However, he destroys the enemy even in close-range battles with his variegated armaments. For his certain-kill technique Ultimate Thunder, he charges all his energy and fires from both arms, and for Field Destroyer, he fires a super-high speed positron... read more |
Digital Monster X-Evolution | |||
The Digital World, which was run by the host computer Yggdrasil, became too overcrowded and crashed. 99% of all Digimon were destroyed and the remaining 1% moved to a new Digital World which was broken into three terminals, Skuld, Versandi (a misspelling of Verdani), and Ulud. Ancient-type digimon lived on the Skuld terminal, Futuristic and Machine-type lived on the Ulud Terminal, and all other digimon lived on the Versandi terminal. To prevent unwanted digimon from existing in the new digital world, Yggdrasil created the X-Program to eliminate them.
Digimon from the old Digital World survived by using the X-Antibody to save themselves from the X-Program and are hunted by the Royal Knights, a group of Digimon that serve Yggdrasil and carry out its will. Yggdrasil seeks to set in motion Project Ark to renew the Digital Worlds and create new digimon, by destroying all existing digimon. The surviving X-Digimon try to combat this along with an experimental digimon created by Yggdrasil, DORUmon, who possesses the X-Antibody. DORUmon finds himself unwelcome by other digimon, but when... read more |
Vamdemon (Adventure) | |||
Vamdemon is the third major villain that the Chosen Children face. Before the beginning of the series, he capture Tailmon and hardens her heart through his cruel treatment making her into one of his generals.
He first sends Pico Devimon to discourage the Chosen Children from awakening their Crests. After some of the Chosen Children do awaken their crests he appears before them to fight them himself. He defeats many of their Digimon but Sora's concern for Piyomon awakens her Crest of Love causing Piyomon to super evolve into Garudamon who held off Vamdemon long enough for the Chosen Children to escape. He soon sets his eyes on finding and killing the eighth Chosen Child before she would even known she was a chosen child. After devising a spell to unlock the key cards he opens a gateway from his castle to Earth. Using fake Crests of Light that would glow of the eight chosen was near he had his minions scour Odaiba searching for her, while he held the real Crest of Light himself. His weakness... read more |
Yatagaramon | |||
This grotesque ghostly bird type Digimon has three legs. It presents an evil image to those who see its jet black body, but it is told that it is a Digimon who will guide chosen people to the Golden Land[N 1] that exists in the Eastern Digital World. The Eastern Digital World still has many areas of mystery, and the Golden Land is said to be protected by multiple holy barriers. Oral tradition says that the barriers can be removed with Yatagaramon's guidance, but only those who surmount the Three Trials issued by Yatagaramon can finally arrive at the Golden Land, and it is told that those who cannot endure the trials are sent to the Dark Area. Its special technique is to fire energy from its front legs channeled from the dokkosho on both of its wings (Mikafutsu no Kami). Digimon who experience this technique are completely broken down into digital cells until they are only 1's and 0's. Uses its black feathers to emit a black light (Haguro) changing the area around it to pitch-black darkness for 3 kilometers. ... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to June 25, 2008[edit]
Giromon | |||
While floating in the air, this machine type Digimon patrols the computer network. He is called by the alias, the "net keeper." His mission is to suppress Digimon that invade the network illegally. When he judges someone as an enemy, he attacks.
Giromon was among the Digimon who were randomly transported to Paris by Oikawa's digital gates. He was an ally of the three Mamemon brothers (Mamemon, Big Mamemon, and Metal Mamemon). When Catherine and her Floramon attempted to destroy the Dark Tower in France Giromon protected it and captured them. He delivered them to the Mamemon brothers who were in the Palace of Versailles. He returns and aids the Mamemon brothers when they were fighting Taichi's Greymon and Takeru's Angemon. Giromon attacked Angemon in close combat allowing Metal Mamemon to shoot... read more |
Etemon | |||
Etemon is a puppet-type digimon that sings... very, very badly. He controls the Dark Network.
Etemon was the first enemy that Chosen Children faced after coming to the continent of Server. Etemon controlled the Dark Network, a mass of cables that ran under his territory which used dark energy and could be used as a way to monitor everything in the area. His main base of operations was an upside-down pyramid. The Dark Network was controlled by Nanomon, a machine type Digimon that Etemon had captured. When the Chosen Children freed Nanomon he sought to get his revenge on Etemon. When Etemon found Nanomon's lair underneath his own pyramid he attacked Nanomon but was drug by Nanomon into the core of the Dark Network that Nanomon had infected with a virus. Nanomon was destroyed but Etemon fused with the... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to June 27, 2008[edit]
Royal Knights (Savers) | |||
The portrayal of the Royal Knights in Digimon Savers is once again similar to that in Digital Monster X-Evolution, as being part of the Digital World Network Security and being subordinates of Yggdrasil. In the second opening sequence, nine out of the thirteen were shown as silhouettes or shadowed. All of the ones revealed in the opening eventually made an appearance in the series with the exception of Alphamon. Savers also embarked on the debut of the newly introduced Royal Knight, Duftmon.
Eight out of the nine current, at the time, Royal Knights appear in DS40, starting with Craniummon, who opposes the humans. Dukemon defends Craniummon when Shine Greymon Burst Evolves, and then the rest of the Knights arrive. The DATS team is defeated, but is then saved by Sleipmon, the Ultimate form of Captain Satsuma's partner, Kudamon. Dukemon and Sleipmon later disappear in a fight, Lord Knightmon is defeated by Mirage Gaogamon Burst Mode. Duftmon also made a debut in the series and... read more |
Belial Vamdemon | |||
A Demon Lord type Digimon with organism cannons called "Sodom and Gomorrah" on his left and right shoulders.
After Venom Vamdemon is beaten his spirit transfers to Oikawa where he creates the Dark Seed Children and then uses their power to become Belial Vamdemon. He uses his Mind Illusion attack to trap the Chosen Children in a world of dreams where they dreamed they were exactly as they wished they were. But Daisuke, who was happy with who he was, wasn't effected and he snapped the others out of it. All of the Chosen Children then used the power of dreams to evolve their Digimon into multiple evolutions at once. He was getting beat down until he lead them out of the world of dreams into the Digital World so their Digimon were back to normal. He had the upper hand then but then all of the Chosen Children from around the world showed up and used the light of their Digivices to blind him. He then called on the fear of the Dark Seed children to power himself up but when the group of... read more |
Operation Doodlebug | |||
Operation Doodlebug was a plan devised by the Wild Bunch to revert the D-Reaper to its original harmless state.
The initial stages involved loading a version of the Shaggai program into Terriermon's ears, when in the form of Saint Galgomon would provide the centripetal force needed to produce a reversal spin within the wormhole between the Real World and the Digital World created by the D-Reaper. Yamaki then activated the Shaggai program, causing the direction the transphotic eddy to be reversed. When the angular velocity exceeded the speed of light, a backward flow of time was created, with the “Big Bang” effect produced by Shaggai having diminished the D-Reaper Zone it gradually began to dissipate through the vortex. The reverse flow of time devolved the D-Reaper back into it’s original, harmless state but coming at a cost. The Tamers' digimon began to devolve themselves like the D-Reaper and had.... read more |
Kimura Kouichi | |||
He was the twin brother of Kouji separated from Kouji when they were young when their parents divorced. For unknown reasons, neither twin was told of his brother's existence. Kouichi lived with just his mother and grandmother up until his grandmother's death. It has been indicated that his mother is often working, even though she is sick.
Just before her death, Kouichi's grandmother told him of Kouji. Kouichi tracked down his brother and spent an unknown period of time watching him from a distance, trying to get his courage up to speak with him. Kouichi's mindset grew gradually darker over this time, as he felt unable to tell anyone of his conflict. Finally, he got the chance when he saw Kouji on the train to Shibuya station, following Ofanimon's message to the human world. Kouichi attempted to catch up with and talk to his brother, but missed the elevator. Attempting to catch up with Kouji, he ran down the stairs, tripped and apparently died. Kouichi's next memory was of a dark expanse, possibly the borders of the Digital World, ... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to May 30, 2008[edit]
Digimon Tamers - Episode 01 | |||
In the Digital World, a digimon named Culumon is being chased by another digimon named Maildramon. After a short while of chasing the chase is interrupted by another digimon named Dark Tyranomon. Maildramon and Dark Tyranomon have a short battle. As Maildramon has the upper hand Dark Tyranomon evolves to Metal Tyranomon. As Dark Tyranomon evolves, Culumon gets taken away by the blast of the evolution. As Culumon gets taken away, Metal Tyranomon crushes Maildramon. While Culumon is being taken away he gets sucked into the real world.
In West Shinjuku Park, a boy named Takato Mutsuda is having a card battle with his friend Hirokazu Shiota, The card battle is the same battle that went on in... read more |
Thoma H. Norstein | |||
A coolheaded child genius who has already graduated from university. His intelligence is highly valued, even within DATS. He executes his missions based on data and theories, so his personality frequently clashes with Masaru's, who relies more on emotions. His mother is Japanese and his father is a prominent Austrian aristocrat.
He made his full appearance in Digimon Savers - Episode 03 appearing at his mansion in Japan after a brief shower scene. When Petit Meramon begin emerging in the human world, after Masaru and Agumon attempt to battle them and later run off, Thoma shows up alongside Gaomon and uses a device on a group of men who witnessed the Digimon, erasing their memories of the attack. When he arrives at DATS HQ, Thoma arrives with a Petit Meramon's Digitama, reporting it to Satsuma. After embarking a sudden rivalry with Masaru, they both enter a boxing ring, pitting faith in power Masaru versus faith in strategy. At the end of the match they deliver powerful blows to each other. After defeating several Petit Meramon and Meramon, a fight... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to May 16, 2008[edit]
Holy Angemon | |||
An Archangel type Digimon with eight shining silver wings. Holy Angemon is the judge of law and justice in the Digital World, and it supervises many other angel-type Digimon. Furthermore, it attempts to maintain order in the Digital World, and it is the spokesman for the consciousness of light and the voice of God. But when evil forces attack the Digital World, it changes into a battle form and attacks. In battle, it attacks with a beam shield in its left arm and the holy sword Excalibur in its right arm. When it takes the form of God, it is a character full of kindness and affection, but in battle form it changes to a harsh and strict character. Its special skill is to cause a door to a pocket dimension to appear and trap the foe inside it called Heaven's Gate.
Takeru's Patamon first evolves into Holy Angemon in "The Holy Swordsman, Holy Angemon" to face Piemon after Piemon had changed most of the other Chosen Children and their Digimon into key chains. He retrieves the key chains from Piemon and restores them to normal with his Holy Disinfection ability. With some help from the other Chosen Children's Digimon he seals Piemon away with his... read more |
Imperialdramon Paladin Mode | |||
The final form of Imperialdramon originating from ancient times. It is assumed that it saved the ancient Digital World from the threat of collapse. It is equipped with a large sword, the "Omega Blade", with the word 'Initialize' inscribed in the Digimon Alphabet on it, and is the founder of the Royal Knights.
When Omegamon gives all of his power to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, this transforms him into Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. Using these new powers Imperialdramon defeats Armagemon with the Omega Blade, which in turn causes Armagemon to revert to Kuramon once again. With the help of the Digivices as well as the cell phones of all the people who watched the fight, the Kuramon are deleted. The strongest obtainable evolution possible, requires Imperialdramon Fighter Mode and Omegamon, can also be Jogressed... read more |
Minamoto Kouji | |||
Minamoto Kouji is one of the ones chosen to inherit the Legendary Spirits in Digimon Frontier. A lone-wolf, he is quiet and aloof, often keeping to himself.
Kouji first entered the Digital World after receiving Ofanimon's message while he was buying flowers to apologize to his stepmother. Though he first met Takuya in the elevator, he doesn't say a word until "Wolfmon of Light, the Battle in the Underground Labyrinth" and gets on a different train than the other children. He received his first Spirit, the Human Spirit of Light, when he saved Tomoki and Junpei from a mob of Pagumon who later fused into Raremon. During this fight, he also showed himself to be quite skilled in martial arts even without his Spirits, an ability that he shows throughout the series. Kouji spends several bits of time traveling separately from the group and does not actually join the team until the incident at the Karatsuki Numemon village. While in "Town floating in the sky! Toy Country of ToyAgumon", he tells Takuya that he is an only child, which is not disproved until much later in the series. After recombining the group, Kouji is the first to discover his Beast Spirit evolving him into Garmmon while he was assisting the Gotsumon that eventually became his friend. Though he has a hard time controlling Garmmon at first and spends a while running into things, he does not have the trouble that Takuya eventually has with his own. Eventually, while on the continent of Darkness, Kouji comes face-to-face with Duskmon, the Warrior of Darkness and, logically, Wolfmon's opposite. He clashes swords with the Corrupted Human Spirit of Darkness and develops a personal insight on just how strong he is. He has an argument with Takuya over how they should proceed with the battle, with Kouji favoring caution and Takuya insisting that teamwork can conquer anything. Takuya's plan eventually ends in devastating failure where Agnimon is nearly brought down by Duskmon's attack, but Garmmon takes the blow instead. He is badly wounded and forced to revert to his human form, which proves to be a saving grace - when Duskmon sees Kouji and hears his name, he appears to be in pain and leaves the battle. Many times, Kouji is confronted by his past and his relationship with his family. While inside Sephirothmon's... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to April 25, 2008[edit]
Angewomon | |||
An angel Digimon with a gentle personality, she has four pairs of white wings and helps to protect the Digital World with her sacred powers. She is called the Goddess of the Digital World. However, she never stops attacking until the enemy repents its evilness, or is deleted.Her main enemy is Lady Devimon. Lady Devimon is also said to be a fallen Angewomon. Some say she is the angel of light.
Angewomon is the digimon partner of Yagami Hikari. Tailmon first evolved to Angewomon in "Perfects Attack Together! Sparkling Angewomon" after Hikari's Crest of Light is retrieved. Most of the other's Perfect level Digimon lend her their power allowing her swiftly slay Vamdemon (although he would soon be revived as Venom Vamdemon). In the battle against Venom Vamdemon she helps for fill a prophecy by firing an at Taichi, Hikari's brother, allowing his Agumon to warp evolve into War Greymon. She continued to appear throughout Digimon Adventures to fight the Dark Masters and their... read more |
Digimon Frontier - Episode 01 | |||
Episode #01 of Digimon Frontier
The episode begins with Kanbara Takuya running down the road with his cell phone in hand. He passes a little boy and his father, who are kicking a soccer ball back and forth to each other. The father's cell phone rings, and misses the ball. As the ball rolls down the road, Takuya helps out by running over and stopping it. However, after he kicks it away a truck is seen ready to run him over. The driver is distracted by his cell phone, and doesn't see Takuya until the last second. As the truck struggles to stop, Takuya fearfully asks himself if this was his destiny. The scene flashes back ten minutes earlier, where Takuya is sitting in his kitchen with his little brother Shinya, playing on the floor, and his mother, talking on the phone with their father. Takuya complains that his life is boring, and a message appears on his cell phone: "Are you ready to start?". Takuya selects YES, out of boredom, and a voice begins talking to him. It says that it is time for him to decide his future. A new message appears, telling Takuya to take the 5:45 train to Shibuya. Takuya runs out of... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to April 11, 2008[edit]
Demon | |||
This Demon Lord Digimon unites all the Demon and Fallen Angel Digimon. He was originally an angel type Digimon of the highest rank, a Seraphimon, but he rebelled against the "existence of good" that created the Digital World, and was condemned to the Dark Area as a leader of that impious war.
Shortly after battling digimon around the globe, Demon sends Skull Satamon and Lady Devimon to find Ken. Once they do so, he then orders them and Marine Devimon to attack the city the next day. Demon then reveals himself and demands that Ken give him the dark seed of Millenniumon in his neck. Ken refuses and Archnemon and Mummymon appear and Ken is convinced to go with them after seeing all the kidnapped children. Daisuke and Wormmon follow on Lighdramon while Silphymon engages Lady Devimon and Shakkoumon engages Marine Devimon. After their opponents are destroyed, they then go to where the truck is heading as Demon himself decides to intervene. V-mon and Wormmon evolve to XV-mon and Stingmon but to no avail. After becoming Paildramon they are still no match. The other two digimon arrive and they begin to battle but when Demon begins to attack the civilian bystanders Paildramon evolves to Imperialdramon then to his Fighter Mode. However they still can't win. Miyako suggests sending him through a digital gate but Demon shows that not only can he materialize from one point to another but he can open dimensional gate ways when he proceeds to rip open a rift in the sky to the digital world. They then come up with the idea of banishing him to the Dark Ocean. Ken then taps into the... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to April 4, 2008[edit]
Takaishi Takeru | |||
Takeru is the younger brother of Ishida Yamato, a fellow Chosen Child. He is a cheerful and optimistic person who is polite and friendly to everyone. However, he seems to develop a grudge towards evil. Takeru was too young to remember his parents' divorce clearly so he is not as affected by it as much as Yamato is. He is partnered with Patamon and is the bearer of the trait of Hope.
Both of Takeru's parents work in the media; his father, Hiroaki, is a worker at the Fuji TV Network, and his mother, Natsuko, is a journalist. Before Takeru's parents divorced, he lived with them and Yamato in Hikarigaoka. In 1995, he and his older brother witnessed the fight between Greymon and Parrotmon. Takeru's parents divorced before the events of Digimon Adventure. On Yamato's request, his father took him while his mother took Takeru. Takeru moved with his mother to the Sangenjaya district of Setagaya. Though Takeru wasn't a student in Yamato's school, it was arranged for him to come to summer camp with his older brother. They didn't even get to spend a single day together in camp before being thrust into the Digital World and becoming Chosen Children. As the youngest of the group, Takeru was like a little brother to all the Chosen; though Yamato was the one most protective over him, the other Chosen also protected and helped him in every way they could. Though he was protected, he faced as... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to March 28, 2008[edit]
Trailmon Worm | |||
Trailmon Worm was the Trailmon that brought Takuya, Izumi, Junpei, and Tomoki to the Digital World.
During the Trailmon race Takuya piloted Worm. During the race Were Garurumon and Dogmon cheated by putting Trailmon Buffalo on the same track and ramming Worm repeatedly until Takuya feel off. Tomoki evolved into Chakkumon and caught Takuya allowing him to evolve into Agnimon. Agnimon retaliated by boarding Buffalo and fighting Were Garurumon and Dogmon but they were to much for him on his own... read more |
Dukemon Crimson Mode | |||
The form of Dukemon after merging with Zero-ARMS: Grani -- an artificially-created, sentient digital life-form. In his time of need, Grani relinquishes all of his power to Dukemon and gives him his “wings,“ responding to the great bond between Tamer and Digimon. Shining like the burning crimson lotus, Dukemon dons a suit of newly refurbished crimson armor, taking up the sacred sword “Blutgang” in one hand and the sacred spear “Gungnir” in the other; the “Digital Hazard” now sealed within his DigiCore. He can invoke the “Invincible Sword“ which strikes down adversaries with the full might of his sacred sword Blutgang. On the other hand, with his sacred spear Gungnir, Dukemon‘s “Quo Vadis“ shatters the bonds between this world and next, casting his... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to March 8, 2008[edit]
Agnimon | |||
A Demon Man-type Digimon with the legendary attribute of flame, which he inherited from Ancient Greymon of the Warrior Ten. His fire is called a spiritual fire, since his DigiCore is engulfed in flame, which allows him to manipulate fire easily. He employs a type of Oriental martial arts.
In the first episode Takuya found the Human Spirit of Fire and he used it to spirit evolve into Agnimon. Takuya was the first human to evolve and in his first battle he defeated the Perfect Digimon Cerberumon. Agnimon also appears in many of the following battles in which he was to fight Digimon like Raremon, Candmon or the evil members of the Warrior Ten. When Takuya gains the... read more |
Oikawa Yukio | |||
Oikawa is a tragic character, with many facets to his personality. In his core, he is very curious and intelligent, though extremely shy and lacking in self-esteem. He is easily obsessed with things he likes, such as the Digital World and his only friend, Hida Hiroki.
After getting possessed by Vamdemon, his personality became heavily influenced by the demonic entity possessing him. He became haughty, arrogant and cold, and more than a bit impatient and short-tempered. Born in the late 60's in Tokyo, Japan, the young Oikawa Yukio was a shy and lonely boy. His only friend in the world was Hida Hiroki, who was obsessed with the Digital World. The two would spend hours and hours playing video games and made contact with the Digital World. Hida Chikara, Hiroki's father, became worried about his son's obsession and decided to take the video games away from them. Since Hiroki spent too much time with Yukio, Chikara tried to separate them and forbade Yukio from entering his house again. Although the two were heartbroken, they remained friends. The two made a promise that one day they will visit the Digital World together. When they entered collage, Hiroki and Yukio started working on a project that would... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to February 29, 2008[edit]
Rise Greymon | |||
Rize Greymon is a variant of a cybernetically-enhanced Greymon, evolved through state-of-the-art cybernetic technology. It is similar to the Metal Greymon in respect that more than half its body has mechanized with cybernetic prosthetics; but the technology are far more advanced than that used with a Metal Greymon. Its Chrome-Digizoid hide is extremely resilient and it hosts a number of potent weapons, including a giant revolver fitted to its left arm, which is also constructed with Chrome-Digizoid. The mainstay of his armament, this weapon alone boasts enough power to rival a nuclear warhead, but its heavy recoil puts rapid-fire action is out of the question.... read more |
Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! | |||
Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! (デジモンセイバーズ THE MOVIE 究極パワー! バーストモード発動! Dejimon Saibāzu THE MOVIE - Kyuukyoku Pawā! Bāsuto Mōdo Hatsudou!!) is the 9th Digimon movie and is the only movie of Digimon Savers.
All humans, including Masaru and the others are currently in eternal sleep; Agumon, Gaomon and Lalamon are the only ones that still remain awake. While they get into a dispute, they see several Goblimon and an Ogremon chasing after a mysterious girl, whom they attempt to save. After fighting against some of the Goblimon, in order to create a diversion, Lalamon and the mysterious girl lure some other Goblimon into a house. Meanwhile, Agumon confronts Ogremon concurrently, back at the house Lalamon manages to hold off the Goblimon. Later on, the girl identifies herself as Rhythm and mentions that a Digimon called Argomon is responsible for the... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to February 15, 2008[edit]
Yagami Hikari | |||
Hikari is the younger sister of Yagami Taichi, a fellow Chosen Child. She is a sweet, gentle and generous person. She always finds the best in people and avoids fighting whenever possible. She also tends to put others' wellbeing and happiness before hers. She is partnered with Tailmon and bearer of the trait of Light.
When they were young, Taichi and Hikari lived with their parents in Hikarigaoka. On March 1995, they discovered a Digitama that came out of their father's PC. Before long, it hatched into Botamon and evolved into Koromon, and the two children befriended it. However, it became feral when it evolved into Agumon, and then Greymon. A Parrotmon that also crossed over from the Digital World challenged the aggressive Greymon and defeated it. However, Hikari revived it with her whistle, allowing it to overpower Parrotmon and causing both Digimon to vanish from the human world. Following this incident, which was appropriated to a "terrorist bombing", the Yagami family moved to Odaiba. A year after the Hikarigaoka incident, Taichi insisted on taking an ill Hikari out to play... read more |
Takenouchi Sora | |||
Sora is a very reliable person and tries to take care of the other kids, like a mother would. Her father works as a professor at the Kyoto University and in Digimon Adventure 02 it is seen that Shuu, one of Kido Jou's older brothers, does research at the university with Sora's father. Because of her father's work at Kyoto, she usually lives only with her mother, who owns a flower shop. Sora is partnered with Piyomon and is the bearer of the Crest of Love.
When Sora was young, she lived in Hikarigaoka with her family. On March 1995, she witnessed the fight between Greymon and Parrotmon. After this, her family moved to Odaiba Sora was very tomboyish, being the only girl in the school's soccer team, where she was the teammate of Yagami Taichi (Adventure) and Izumi Koushiro. Her father was mostly absent, spending most of his time teaching in Kyoto, and she often argued with her mother, Toshiko, who wanted Sora to quit soccer and study the art of flower arranging (ikebana - 生花). But it was thanks to Piyomon that Sora and her mother made peace. Sora had a tendency to be almost... read more |
Digimon Tamers - Episode 02 | |||
Takato Matsuda the boy who created the digimon Guilmon, finds himself in fear from his digimon. Guilmon does not attack Takato, and Takato realizes that Guilmon know he created him. Takato then takes Guilmon home in a box to hide him from his parents. When they get to his room Takato explains to Guilmon that if anyone were to see a large digimon they might freak out. Takato then explains how they are partners and that hes his tamer. Meanwhile the organization... read more |
Takaishi Takeru | |||
Takeru is the younger brother of Ishida Yamato, a fellow Chosen Child. He is a cheerful and optimistic person who is polite and friendly to everyone. However, he seems to develop a grudge towards evil. Takeru was too young to remember his parents' divorce clearly so he is not as affected by it as much as Yamato is. He is partnered with Patamon and is the bearer of the trait of Hope.
Both of Takeru's parents work in the media; his father, Hiroaki, is a worker at the Fuji TV Network, and his mother, Natsuko, is a journalist. Before Takeru's parents divorced, he lived with them and Yamato in Hikarigaoka. In 1995, he and his older brother witnessed the fight between Greymon and Parrotmon. Takeru's parents divorced before the events of Digimon Adventure. On Yamato's request, his father took him while his mother took Takeru. Takeru moved with his mother to the... read more |
Yggdrasil | |||
In X-Evolution It maintained the Digital World and Digimon as part of an artificial life experiment run by an unknown party. Eventually, Digimon multiplied until its memory started to overload, causing the Digital Hazard. It activated Project Ark, using the X Program to eliminate 99% of Digimon, saving the remaining 1% for follow-up experiments in a New Digital World. However, another 1% of the Digimon population managed to survive by developing the X-Antibody, giving them a resistance to the X Program and mutating them into newer forms.
Yggdrasil dispatched the Royal Knights to hunt down the X-Antibody Digimon, which they did in the belief they were preventing the destruction of the Digital World. However, Yggdrasil was... read more |
Andromon | |||
An experimental Cyborg-type Digimon, that was developed at the same time as Boltmon. While Boltmon was created as a flesh-based Digimon, Andromon was created as more of a machine-based Digimon. It is a humanoid Digimon that can defeat a Digimon in a single blow, unless they are a strong Perfect or an Ultimate. It lacks emotions and free will, and can act only in accordance with its program. The technology used to develop Andromon was also used to develop other machine Digimon like Megadramon. Certain Andromon have an artificial intelligence chip installed in their mind processing unit, allowing them to have free will. However only about 5 or 6 have been revealed in the whole of the Digital World, so it is unknown whether this was intentional or by accident.
Andromon was the first Perfect-Level Digimon which the Chosen Children met while they were on the File Island. During this time it was controlled by one of Devimon's Black Gears and thus attacked the kids when they entered the factory in which he lived. However Tentomon then evolved to... read more |
Devimon | |||
This is the fallen angel Digimon who covers himself with a true dark cloth. He was originally a shiny angel Digimon, but was lured to the dark side and went down. He is wicked and ferocious, but he is very loyal to its master with whom it has concluded a pact. In battle, he stretches his arm and defeats his... read more |
Santa Agumon | |||
Santa Agumon is a secret Digimon in the DigiWindow virtual pet. It can be downloaded to the virtual pet via a Japan-only cell phone game. So far, little is known about this Digimon.
Inoue Miyako | |||
Miyako is a passionate, dynamic person. Stubborn, cheeky and impulsive, she is extremely energetic and will rarely back down on an opinion. She is very sincere and true to her feelings, to the point where she is often unaware of others or how her feelings are affecting them. However, she is by nature a compassionate and generous person. She has a knack for technology, and is Izumi Koushiro's successor as the president of Odaiba Elementary's Computers Club.
Miyako is the youngest in a large family, consisting of herself, her parents, her eldest brother Mantarou and her elder sisters, Momoe and Chizuru. The family owns a small convenience store, Ai-Mart, from which Miyako often obtains food for the Chosen. Miyako first encountered Digimon on March 2000. She was one of the many viewers around the world who watched the final battle between Omegamon and Diablomon on the Internet. She did not know it then, but it was then when Miyako was chosen to fight for the Digital World in the future. In 2002, on the first day of school, Miyako and Iori met Takaishi Takeru, their new... read more |
Past Featured Articles subsequent to December 15, 2007[edit]
Silphymon | |||
It is the Fusion Evolution of Aquilamon and Tailmon. This Digimon combines the features and attributes of Bird and Beast type Digimon. He can jump distances with his strong legs. In addition, upon jumping, he expands both arms to glides, making him capable of flight. His ears and visor/scanner allow him to track down an enemy's location, even in the dark.
She was first formed when Miyako, Hikari and Ken were trapped within the World of Darkness and attacked by a Blossomon, that was created by Archnemon. Hikari was too frightened to move but Miyako managed to snap her out of it and told her that as long they were... read more |
Andiramon | |||
There are two versions of this digimon. The first is a virus normal digimon. The other is one of the legendary 12 devas, which is a Data type digimon. A bewitching beast of a group of 12 introduced in Eastern legends, it is a bewitching beast-type Digimon in the form of a rabbit. Manipulating "ki", a mysterious energy that flows within its body, it has nimble moves to avoid an enemy's attack and masters a heavy blow that smashes rocks. The connector on his waist can degenerate his foe. Its special attack is releasing a hard wave of metal (Chrome Digizoid) from it's body. (Mantra Chant)
Andiramon from Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!! Supreme Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals Wallace's partner Lopmon becomes infected with a virus and begins rapidly evolving. During his battle against the second season Chosen Children he evolves from Wendimon to.... read more |
Ichijouji Ken | |||
Ken is a sweet boy, very kind and polite towards others. He became a Chosen Child to fight a threat to the Digital World several years before the other Adventure 02 Chosen. He is haunted by the death of his elder brother and everything he did as the Digimon Kaiser.
Ken's Digimon Kaiser persona is cruel, cold and sadistic, enjoying nothing than causing pain to others and seeing them suffer. This persona was fueled by a corrupting Dark Seed planted in the back of his neck. As a child, Ken grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Ichijouji Osamu, a boy genius. One day, when the two were on the computer in their room, a Digivice emerged from the screen. Osamu took it and hid it away in his desk drawer, telling Ken not to touch it. However, the curious youngster touched it anyway, and Osamu punished him for it, taking the Digivice. Ken wanted nothing more .... read more |
Dukemon | |||
This Holy Knight Digimon was born from the remnants of the Evil Dragon Digimon, Megidramon -- One of the Four Great Dragons of the Digital World. Though a viral Digimon, his vow to protect the inhabits of the Digital World led to his induction in the great order of the Royal Knights. By virtue, he takes immediate action when order is threatened and innocents are put in danger. Setting off into battle in purified Chrome-Digizoid armor, wielding sacred lance “Gram” in his right hand and the sacred shield “Aegis” in the left. However, if he succumbs to wickedness, he’ll become a danger to all.... read more |
Apocalymon | |||
Formed from the assimilated data of digimon that failed to evolve, he knows the attacks and evolutions of possibly all digimon. The hatred and bitterness of the digimon that formed him comes from the fact that they could not evolve. That hatred multiplied by the hundreds if not thousands of digimon that formed him, mutated into a thirst for death and destruction. His goal is to make all beings suffer as he has. He also refers to him self as more than one person.
Apocalymon was a Digimon created by the Digimon that failed by evolve. His existence distorted the fabric of the Digital World causing time to pass faster in it then in the real world. He created the four Dark Masters to wreck vengeance against the Digital World. After the Chosen Children... read more |
War Greymon | |||
The strongest Dragon Warrior who bears a body covered in armor made of the super metal Chrome Digizoid, he is the ultimate form of the Greymon species of Digimon. He is different from regular gigantic forms seen within the Greymon species of Digimon in that he takes on a more humanoid form; however, what he lacks in size, he makes up for in his improved speed and drastic powers; enemy Digimon will find it impossible to defeat him in any degree of attacks. "Dramon Killers" equipped on his arms demonstrates great powers against Dramon species of Digimon, but at the cost of jeopardizing himself at the same time. In addition, he wields the "Brave Shield" on his back that is formed from the same scales that cover his back; the shield is said to be the strongest and hardest of any shield. Some say that when a true brave warrior realises his own mission amongst his veterans, that's when he evolves into a War Greymon. His special attack is "Gaia Force", which centralises all the energies that exist in the atmosphere, then fires it at the enemy as a super-high-densified, super-hot energy bullet. ... read more |
Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution | |||
Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution is a fighting game. There are seven different fields which can be played on. By taking and dealing damage, characters can fill their evolution gauge and evolve to their Ultimate level for a short period of time. After going through each stage and beating the final boss, Gokumon, the player can unlock that character's evolution for play anytime. Some hidden characters can also be unlocked this way.
During battle, each player has a bar that measures their current HP left. Occasionally, Digimon Cards will fall onto the field and can be picked up by the players to be used at a convenient time. Some cards contain elemental attacks, while others power-ups which can increase the digimon's evolution gauge. Between some stages, Culumon hosts small mini games.... read more |
Ranamon | |||
Undertaking the power of the Warrior Ten, she is an evil human-type Digimon who holds the power of water. Her mood changes are violent, her emotions when she strongly attacks are powerful. Particularly if she is crying, her attacks can't be defeated. She is a warrior who manipulates rain and attacks with it. Her special technique is to concentrate on one big rainy body and squash with it. (Rain Stream)
Later Mercuremon mentions that Ranamon hasn't found her beast spirit yet and mentions how useless Grottomon became once he didn't have ... read more |
Lucemon | |||
It appeared from the skies of the ancient Digital World, a Digimon with the appearance of a child. Awoken after a rebellion to bring about world peace, it has been taught that he welcomed a long era of darkness. He was an Angel Digimon who believed others could not think for themselves and that the world would be a better place if he made all the decisions. Currently his abilities have been succeeded by the Three Great Angels. His special technique is to fire a cross with ten extremely hot light balls that resemble a solar system (Grand Cross). Lucemon is one of the highest ranking angelic Digimon in the Digital World, so it could be possible that he is of the seraphim type.
Lucemon was a digimon who caused the beast and human type digimon to stop warring with one another and brought peace to the Digital World. He then tried to use some of his angelic powers. Unfortunately he became corrupted. In this dark stage, Lucemon tried to order all Digimon to obey him. The Warrior Ten fought him and sealed him into the Dark Area. After Cherubimon's defeat by the second Legendary Warriors, Lucemon had some space erased from the Digital World just enough to send... read more |
Mugendramon | |||
An evil program was applied to his DigiCore causing him to continue his destruction forever. He is a Machine Digimon with seemingly unlimited power. Built from the parts of various cyborg Digimon, his body is 95% composed of metal. Being a chimeric Digimon, he possesses the head armor and Booster Claw of Megadramon, the helmet of Andromon on his kneecaps, the enlarged Psycho Blaster (times two) of Metal Mamemon on his back, the Trident Arm of Metal Greymon, and the jaw of Metal Tyranomon. He is fueled only by the urge to destroy. His intelligence and strength overwhelm his opponents. He is an emperor of the Metal Empire.
Mugendramon was one of the four Dark Masters that took over the Digital World in the Chosen Children's absence. He was in charge of controlling the cities and reigned over mechanical digimon. His base of operations was Multitask City. Mugendramon is destroyed by War Greymon. A Mugendramon made a cameo as one of the Digimon that evolved to ultimate to fight with the Four Holy Beasts against the D-Reaper. When Ofanimon told the Legendary Warriors about Cherubimon invading Seraphimon's castle, a Mugendramon was seen as part of his beast army. ... read more |
Greymon | |||
The skin of Greymon's head has hardened, meaning this Dinosaur type Digimon is covered in a shell like a beetle. Its body has become very dangerous. It has sharp claws and giant antlers making its whole body a weapon. It is a fierce and very aggressive monster. Surprisingly, Greymon's intelligence is high as well. If you can control it, it is among the most powerful Digimon of all. Greymon that inhabit Folder Continent are not cruel, and are more likely to cooperate with companions. Its special skill is to spit out high temperature flame from its mouth (Mega Flame)
In Digimon Adventure, an Agumon, that Taichi and Hikari had encountered, battles a Parrotmon. During the fight it evolves into a Greymon. At first Parrotmon knocks it out but Taichi blows Hikari's whistle (after Hikari ran out of breath) waking it up. Greymon and Parrotmon then kill one another... read more |
Hida Iori | |||
In 1999, Iori's father, a police officer named Hiroki, took a bullet for an important figure and died. This had a great effect on the young boy, who was just six years old at the time.
On August 3rd of the same year, Iori and his mother and grandfather were passengers on a plane that took flight shortly after the Digital World appeared in the sky and froze. The plane were saved from crashing by Kabuterimon and Garudamon. He did not know it then, but it was then when Iori was chosen to fight for the Digital World in the future. Around 2001, the Hida family moved to a new building in Odaiba, where Iori met and befriended Inoue Miyako, a spunky girl three years his senior. In 2002, on the first day of school, Iori and Miyako met Takaishi Takeru, their new neighbor. On the same day, they received D-3s, along with a boy named Motomiya Daisuke, and found out that they were Chosen Children, much like Takeru and his old friend Yagami Hikari. On the next day, Iori traveled with the others to the Digital World, where he received his partner, Armadimon, as well as the Digimental of Knowledge. With his fellow Chosen Children, he started fighting to free the Digital World from the clutches of the Digimon Kaiser. On one occasion, when the team followed a signal indicated a nearby Digimental, Iori ran ahead of everyone as he assumed it was his, for Daisuke and Miyako already had their second Digimentals. They became trapped in an offshore oil platform by an Evil Ringed Mega Seadramon without much oxygen left, and Iori blamed himself. The other children sent him off in a one-man escape pod to call Jou for help. Jou was taking an exam at cram school, so Iori had to lie about the health of Jou's father to get him out. When they got to the oil platform, they found out that the Digimental of Sincerity was there, but Iori refused to take it because he lied, and was thus insincere, and was also untrustworthy because he put his friends in danger. However, Jou convinced him that he was worthy of receiving the Digimental of Sincerity, and Iori thus managed to activate the Digimental and evolve Armadimon to Submarimon, to help defeat Mega Seadramon. After the Digimon Kaiser was defeated and became Ken again, Iori still couldn't forgive him for what he had done and had a hard time accepting him into the team... read more |
Featured Article September 1 - Incumbent, 2007 | ||||||
Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!! | ||||||
Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!! (デジモンフロンティア 古代デジモン復活!! Dejimon Furontia Kodai Dejimon Fukkatsu!!) is the 7th Digimon movie and is the only movie of Digimon Frontier. The Children travel on a Trailmon when they suddenly land on The Wandering Island. Takuya, Tomoki, Junpei, Bokomon and Neemon awake on the stairs and meet Kotemon. Suddenly Beast type Digimon, led by Hippogriffomon, attacked Human type Digimon, led by Darcmon, by tanks. Takuya and others got over the battle and went to the place where there were Kotemon's friends. At the same time, Bearmon helps Kouji and Izumi. The children unite again. The Digimon explained that Human Digimon and Beast Digimon of the island opposed to each other. They showed the children to the cave where there was huge wall painting of Ornismon, an ancient Digimon, on the wall. Ancient Greymon and Ancient Garurumon were painted on both sides of Ornismon. Suddenly Beast Digimon and Human Digimon started to fight.... read more |
Featured Article August 11 - September 1, 2007 | ||||||
Guilmon | ||||||
A predatory Reptile type Digimon that has strange atrocious characteristics. The mark on its abdomen is called "Digital Hazard," and it is stamp on dangerous Digimon which have the potential to damage computers. However, if this ability is used to keep peace, it is possible for it to protect the Digital World. As Guilmon was only recently created, it still has a very young mentality, and the innocence that goes along with it, not really knowing what’s good and bad, and having to learn. The two biggest loves of Guilmon’s life are playing and eating – it is especially fond of bread. It is more powerful than Agumon. Guilmon can shoot balls of fire from its mouth. When it catches the scent of an enemy Digimon, its eyes shrink to slits and it becomes more ferocious. In Digimon Tamers Guilmon is a Digimon brought to life to be the partner of Takato. Takato designs Guilmon on a notebook and tries running it through his D-Ark. The pages get stuck at first, but they run through properly on their own after Takato leaves. In Digimon Story Guilmon Can be evolved from Kuramon if above level 8 and Attack above 65, or can be found at Cliff Valley. He can evolve to Growmon if above level 25 and Dragon EXP above 500. He also gives you a request mission to obtain a Guilmon Bread from a... read more |
Featured Article July 20 - August 11, 2007 | ||||||
File Island | ||||||
File Island (ファイル島 Fairu Tou) is a massive island in the Digital World that is broken up into smaller areas with vastly differing landscapes. An island broken into vastly differing landscapes, it varies from Digital World to Digital World. In Digimon Adventure File Island is the first place that the Chosen Children come to when they are transported from the Real World. At that time, the island is under the control of Devimon, who at one point, splits the island apart to separate the Chosen Children, but it is eventually brought back together. Afterwards, the Chosen Children use Whamon to travel to the Server Continent. In Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01, while not actually visited, Gabou mentions that all of the Digimon in Taichi's Pendulum notebook are File Island monsters, and that they are on the Folder Continent. In Digimon World File Island is where the entire game takes place, centered around File City. You can journey to different areas of File Island, recruiting... read more |
Featured Article June 14 - July 20, 2007 | ||||||
Monzaemon | ||||||
Everything about this Digimon is secret. He looks like an ordinary stuffed bear. People say that there is someone inside since he has a zipper on his back. He makes his opponent happy with love flowing from his cute body (although his eyes are scary), but he uses his special attack technique to defeat his opponents. After traveling through the sewers, the Chosen Children are ambushed by an army of Numemon. The Chosen Children all run off in different directions. Mimi and Palmon are hiding behind a grassy ridge, when Monzaemon emerges from the top. Palmon tells Mimi that he is a friendly Digimon. But, to their surprise, they find themselves runing away from him as he tries to attacks them. They are chased into Toy Town, where they find that all of the remaining Chosen Children are being played with by toys! The two then hear cries of help, and find that the 6 other Digimon have been imprisoned in a toy chest by Monzaemon, who is under the control of a Black Gear. Mimi and Palmon face up to Monzaemon. Mimi's digivice begins to glow as Palmon begins evolves into Togemon. With a few 'Prickly Bang Bangs' and a couple of 'Coconuts Punchs', Togemon destroys the Black Gear located in Monzaemon's back. Togemon devolves back to Palmon and is pleased to hear that Monzaemon will release all of the digimon and Chosen Children. To show his gratitude for freeing him, he uses his Lovely attack to surround them in red hearts that give off a warm feeling. After traveling through the sewers, the Chosen Children are ambushed by an army of Numemon. The Chosen Children all run off in different... read more |
Featured Article June 6 - July 13, 2007 | ||||||
Yukidarumon | ||||||
An Icy Snow Type Digimon whose body is covered in ice and snow crystals. Contrary to his cold appearance, he is warm-hearted and is gentle in nature. Yukidarumon hates to fight against those he likes, and Digimon who make friends with him will find their hearts warm, too. Amongst Digimon he fights, he is sure to lose against meramon. His special attack is "Zettai Redio Punch", which is fired from his big body. Yukidarumon is one of the digimon on File Island. He fell under the control of one of Devimon's Black Gears that embedded itself in his back. He unwillingly battled Taichi and Agumon until Taichi kicked Agumon under Yukidarumon so he could destroy the Black Gear on his back, a move Taichi called "Ace Striker Miracle Kick", freeing Yukidarumon from the Black Gear's control. Yukidarumon thanked Taichi and told him that he had seen another kid (Yamato) and a Gabumon on another island. Created an ice bridge to aid Taichi and Agumon in reaching the island. When they arrive Yukidarumon suggests they start their search in the forest... read more |
Featured Article June 23 - July 6, 2007 | ||||||
Yggdrasil | ||||||
Yggdrasil (イグドラシル Igudorashiru) is the Host Computer for the Digital World in the Digimon Chronicle / Digital Monster X-Evolution storyline. It maintained the Digital World and Digimon as part of an artificial life experiment run by an unknown party. Eventually, Digimon multiplied until its memory started to overload, causing the Digital Hazard. It activated Project Ark, using the X Program to eliminate 99% of Digimon, saving the remaining 1% for follow-up experiments in a New Digital World. However, another 1% of the Digimon population managed to survive by developing the X-Antibody, giving them a resistance to the X-Program and mutating them into newer forms. Yggdrasil dispatched the Royal Knights to hunt down the X-Antibody Digimon, which they did in the belief they were preventing the destruction of the Digital World. However, Yggdrasil was programed to intervene in and administrate problems in the Digital World, but decided that it had become too complicated and needed to be done away with entirely to keep order, so it unleashed a plan to delete all Digimon. Yggdrasil was eventually destroyed by the Royal Knights, led by Alphamon, when they realized that it intended to end the lives of all Digimon... read more |
Featured Article June 16 - June 23, 2007 | ||||||
Kurata Akihiro | ||||||
Kurata Akihiro is a professor and one of the main antagonists in Digimon Savers. He was one of the people who went on the exploration to the Digital World, along with Satsuma Rentarou and Daimon Suguru. Although a genius, he's extremely bitter and cowardly, seeing Digimon as a menace and seeks to destroy them mercilessly. Through the series, he uses several English phrases such as "It's Showtime!", "Game is over!" amongst others. He first appeared in person near the end of DS21, activating a large Digital Gate overhead the city in order to stop the Digimon Army sent by Saber Leomon. In DS24, it's revealed that Kurata, who was a member of the Digital World Exploration Party, while in the Digital World searching for Ikuto, Kurata tried shooting at Lynxmon due to his overreaction and Ikkakumon, a fact that he was chastised for by Suguru Daimon. The group was attacked at Infinite Ice Palace by Saber Leomon, who chased them to an area there. Frightened, Kurata used a space-time oscillation bomb to create a Digital Gate for which he escaped; as did the rest of the team use it to return to the Human World while Suguru held Saber Leomon and Mercurimon off. His experiences in the Digital World left had a crucial effect on Kurata on his future actions - his envisioned Digimon being a menace and threat to humanity. So, while Suguru Daimon was on quest in search for Yggdrasil, Kurata worked to invade the Digital World, resulting in the creation his own artificial Digimon, Gizmon... read more |
Featured Article June 9 - June 16, 2007 | ||||||
V-mon (Adventure) | ||||||
V-mon was released from the Digimental of Courage by the hands of Motomiya Daisuke to be Daisuke's partner. Daisuke's courage allowed V-mon to become Fladramon. V-mon felt a strong need to prove his loyalty to Daisuke and once even let himself be pummeled by a Red Vegimon just to prove it. During the battle against Taichi's Metal Greymon under the control of the Digimon Kaiser's Evil Spiral he was surprised when Daisuke said he was not sure if he'd be able to fight him to save him if he was controlled by an Evil Spiral but Ishida Yamato showed Daisuke that sometimes you have to do what is in a friends best interests even if it hurts him. Daisuke received the Digimental of Friendship, allowing V-mon to armor evolve into Lighdramon who with Garurumon destroyed the Evil Spiral on Metal Greymon. During the attack on the Digimon Kaiser's base Wormmon, a servant of the Digimon Kaiser, aided them in locating the bases power source. It turned out to be the Digimental of Miracles. After obtaining it he was able to armor evolve into Magnamon and battle against the Digimon Kaisers most powerful creation, Chimeramon. He inflicted significant damage on the beast put it began to gain the upper hand in the fight. At the last moment Wormmon attempted to attack Chimeramon with one of the Digimon Kaiser's Devidramon but Chimeramon dismissed it and Wormmon with a single swipe of his hand. Wounded Wormmon have all of his remaining strength to Magnamon unlocking his Extreme Jihad attack vaporizing Chimeramon. The Digimental of Miracles then exhausted itself to create the Crest of Kindness, thus V-mon was no longer able to become Magnamon. With the disappearance of Ken the Digimon Kaiser the Chosen Children and their Digimon set to work rebuilding the Digital World. While this was going on Daisuke decided to try and get V-mon to evolve to his Adult form. At first the fake attempts of creating danger to himself failed but eventually V-mon evolved to XV-mon. They discovered a new enemy in Archnemon and Mummymon who began to transform the Dark Towers into mindless Digimon to do battle... read more |
Past Featured Articles prior to May 20, 2007[edit]
Featured Article May 4 - May ?? 2007 | ||||||
Omegamon | ||||||
A member of the Royal Knights. This Digimon was was born long ago in the ancient Digital World when two Ultimate level Digimon, War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, fused during an extreme Digital Crisis. Afterwards, he became one of the Royal Knights. He uses the Garuru Cannon in his right hand and the Grey Sword in his left hand to attack. Written on the Grey Sword in the alphabet of Digimon Digi-Code is "All Delete." As a fusion of two Ultimate Digimon, his power exceeds that of a normal Ultimate Digimon. Furthermore, an Omegamon born from the fusion of the hopes and wishes of all people for peace is stronger than a normal Omegamon. After War Greymon and Metal Garurumon are defeated by the multitude of Diablomon clones, Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato mysteriously enter their computers to try to revive their digimon. In response to their partners, the battered digimon begin to wake up. Using the power from the good emotions of people watching the fight on the internet, War Greymon and Metal Garurumon jogress into Omegamon. The Diablomon clones fire at Omegamon, but he deflects their attacks with the Grey Sword. He proceeds to slaughter clones with Garuru Cannon until only the original remains. Izumi Koushiro forewards thousands of emails from children around the world to Diablomon to slow him down, during which Omegamon impales on the Grey Sword... read more |
Featured Article April 27 - May 4 2007 | ||||||
Mummymon | ||||||
An undead-type Digimon with a mummy-like form. Because of the fact that he can call and manipulate Digimon spirits, he is called under the alias of "Necromancer". He is reluctant and his thoughts can't be read, but he is a dangerous fellow who tracks down and randomly fires with his favorite gun, "Obelisk". His special technique is to call forth ghosts and have them attack his enemy. (Necrophobia) Mummymon and Archnemon were created by Oikawa Yukio from a combination of data and Oikawa's own DNA, turning them into half-Digimon, half-human creatures. Mummymon aided Archnemon in her battles with the Chosen, and the two aided Oikawa in his hunt for Millenniumon's Dark Seeds. Mummymon was smitten with Archnemon and often tried to convince her that they should be together, to no avail. In the end of the series, when Belial Vamdemon killed Archnemon, Mummymon attacked him in his grief, only to be killed by Belial Vamdemon as well. Mummymon was one of the Digimon who supported the X-Antibody Digimon, along with his friends Wizarmon and Silphymon. Though he was extremely reluctant to help DORUgamon and fight, Wizarmon's words convinced him and he joined the others in the battle against Yggdrasil's hoards of... read more |
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