Trailmon Buffalo

From Wikimon
Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese
This type has three horns sticking out in front of it. Buffalo, who participated in the Trailmon race, did not trust humans and chose to team up with Were Garurumon (Black).
Digimon Series Memorial Book: Digimon Animation Chronicle

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Description
Cool Running
クールランニング Kūru Raningu
Kyū Break Spark
Emergency Break Spark 急ブレーキスパーク Kyū Burēki Supāku


Evolves From[edit]


Evolves To[edit]




Trailmon Buffalo from Digimon Frontier.

First appears in Digimon Frontier - Episode 05.

Digimon Frontier[edit]

Trailmon Buffalo has been shown to have a boastful nature. In his first appearance in Episode 5, he refuses to brake and nearly runs over the Chosen Children. He is seen transporting them to the Rose Terminal, but left them prematurely to register as contestant in the Trail Festival. Throughout Episode 18 he is operated by Were Garurumon (Black) and Dogmon in the Trailmon Race, relieved to have a Digimon as a rider rather than "something weak" like a human. Buffalo's pride in his speed put the other Trailmon at risk during the race.

Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

It is one of the commonly seen Trailmon in the Dust Zone, running its course for invaluable treasures in exchange for fuel.[1]


Video Games[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]

Trailmon buffalo artwork.jpg
Digimon Frontier

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes