Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (3DS)

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Appmon game logo.png

Box Art
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Box Art
Box Art
Name Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
System Nintendo 3DS
Release Date December 1, 2016
Language Japanese

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (デジモンユニバース アプリモンスターズ, Dejimon Yunibāsu Apuri Monsutāzu) is a video game.



Main Characters[edit]

Other Characters[edit]






Apps Explanation[edit]

Some apps unlock or upgrade as you collect specific Appmon, and others will automatically be given to you as you progress (World Map, Chaos AR, etc.). Some have effects that are on constantly, like Dash and Block Announcements; if you choose to disable them, the icon will go dark.

App Talk A dialogue window. You can scroll back to look at old dialogue.
Fortune Teller Gives you vague hints on what you should do next.
Search While this one is active, you can tap the screen to have Gatchmon give you extra information about nearby things.
Minimap Displays a map of the area you're in. At first it will just display a basic map, but as you get the Appmon needed to upgrade it, it will start to label useful things like AR Dungeon locations.
Dash Allows you to move faster.
Arena Boost Causes limited-time events at the Cyber Arena to occur more often. This will be your best source of Fusion Locks.
Field Bonus Increases the amount of Appmon fragments you can find at random on maps.
News Enables announcements on the lock screen.
Block Announcements Stops announcements from appearing.
Battery Charge Allows you to recover a little bit of battery life after each battle you win.
Result Bonus Increases the number of fragments you get for winning battles.
Rare Boost Ups the rarity of the fragments you can collect on the map.
World Map Allows you to move between areas (Hifumigaoka, Nikotamagawa, etc.).
Stealth Enemies on the map will ignore you. You can still initiate a battle by bumping into one, but they won't chase after you.
Chaos AR Enables you to go to the Chaos AR field instead of normal ones. This one doesn't unlock until very late in the game.
Field Reboot Enables you to pick up a wider variety of fragments on the map.
App explanation DUAM.png
App explanation 2 DUAM.png

Appli Drive Menu[edit]

Appmon * View All Appmon: You can view all the Chips you have.
* Strengthen Appmon: You can consume up to 10 Chips at once to raise an Appmon's affinity for that type.
* App Fusion: Allows you to permanently fuse two Appmon into a higher grade Appmon by consuming Fusion Locks. You can only select fusions that you've previously unlocked by doing temporary fusions in combat.
* Appmon Fragment Exchange: Once you have 100 of the same Appmon's fragments, you can create a new Chip.
* Appmon Encyclopedia: Shows a list of all the Appmon you've encountered or unlocked, with brief profiles.
Deck Allows you to build or edit a deck for use in combat, with a maximum of 60 Chips per deck. At the beginning, you'll be very limited in the number and grade of Chips you can select since there is a deck cost limit, which can be raised by leveling up your character, claiming quest rewards, etc. When creating a new deck, select the Chips you want, and once you're finished, press the green button at the bottom to confirm. You'll be prompted to select one Buddy and up to four favorites, which will increase the chance that those Chips will show up on the first turn in battle. If you select a saved deck, you'll get the following options: Edit Deck, Set as Main Deck, Change Name, Copy Deck, Delete Deck, and Set Buddy and Favorites. "Set as Main Deck" makes the current deck the one you will use in battle.
Quests Shows a list of active and completed quests, split into main quests and subquests. Completed quests are marked "Cleared" (クリア).
QR Code You can scan QR codes from the toys to get Appmon Chips in-game.
Save Note that you can only have one active save file, sadly. Selecting "New Game" on the title screen will automatically erase your current save.
Items Shows a list of items you have. The options, from left to right, are: All, Battle, Growth, and Special Items. You can ignore the last category, since those are story/progress-related and not usable. Growth items allow you to increase an Appmon's type affinity. Battle items, naturally, are the ones you can use in battle
* Battery Chargers (バッテリーチャージャー): These restore a certain amount of battery life to your Appli Drive and come in Small, Medium, and Large.
* Scramble Code (スクランブルコード): Fills the Special Attack gauge.
* Memory Cleaner (メモリークリーナー): Removes status effects.
* Unlocker (アンロッカー): Frees Chips that have been locked.
* Deck Reboot (デッキリブート): Resets your deck.
Tutorials Allows you to review tutorials you've seen previously.
Options Brings up the following options:
* Show the status of Appmon during battle: On/Off
* Battle SFX: On/Off
* Show commentary during battles: On/Off
* Menu SFX: On/Off
* Reset to Defaults

Appmon's Stats Screen[edit]

When you select an Appmon there, the right side of the screen will have a chart of type weaknesses: Social (blue) > Navigation (green) > Tool (purple) > System (yellow) > Game (orange) > Entertainment (red) > Life (pink) > Social (blue). These can double or halve damage, so you'll always want to make sure you're not at a disadvantage.

Appmon's Stats The first page lists the Appmon's stats: HP, Attack, Defense, Crack, Security, and Speed. Attack and Defense are for physical attacks, while Crack and Security are for special attacks.
Killer Move The second page lists their Killer Move with the skill type and power/accuracy, if applicable, on the top, and their AppLink effect on the bottom. Killer Move consists of a limit break/finisher/ultimate type of ability, which you can use in battle when at least one bar of the gauge next to the battery icon is filled. The AppLink effect is the bonus the Appmon provides when you select it as an AppLink partner for your main Appmon. If an AppLink results in a fusion, though, the bonus won't apply.
App Skills The third page shows the App Skill, which is the effect they will have when used in battle. For most Appmon, this is some type of attack, but some are special buff/debuff skills. Just as with Killer Moves, the skill type is listed along with the power and accuracy, if it's an attack.

You can recognize skill types based on the color of the box: blue for physical attack, green for special attack, and red for support. Also regarding deck building: you have to select at least 5 Chips, and your Appli Drive battery life will be based on the HP of the Appmon you selected.

At the start of a battle, you'll be given a selection of up to 15 Chips from your deck, with the number of Chips remaining listed in the lower right hand corner. You can select your main Appmon by putting it in the top left slot, and if you want to, you can also choose another Appmon to AppLink with by putting it in the top right slot. Tap the button at the bottom when you're done.

Appmon stats DUAM.png
Appmon stats 2 DUAM.png

Battle Menu[edit]

Item Shows a list of available items to use.
Change Appmon Change Appmon can be selected at any time if you want to swap out your main, add an AppLink, etc.
App Skill App Skill will allow you to select one of the remaining Chips in your deck for an attack or support skill. Once you have selected a Chip, you can enhance the effect by adding more Chips of the same type for a combo.

Every time your on-field Appmon takes damage, your battery life will drain by the same amount. When they run out of HP, you won't be able to use their Chip for the rest of the battle, but as long as you still have battery life left, you can replace them with another Appmon and keep fighting. However, if the damage your opponent does in a single attack is more than your main's HP, your battery life will drain the full amount. (For example, if your main has 200 HP but the attack does 1000 damage, your battery will go down 1000 points, not just 200.) Once your battery runs out, you lose.

Killer Move Killer Move is only available when you've filled at least one bar on the gauge next to the battery icon on the Appli Drive. It goes up a bit with every attack, and you can speed it up with items and support skills. Each extra bar filled doubles the effect of the Killer Move.
Quit Allows you to quit from the battle.
Battle menu DUAM.png

Stack Attack[edit]

It allows you to combine the power of fellow Appmon to obtain a power up. By adding Chips, an Appmon’s attack can become more powerful.

When selecting App Skills, you should select the same attribute as much as you can as to “Stack” them. The more of one attribute you have, the stronger your attack will be. In the image below, the player has combined the phone, search, and e-mail apps for a “6 Combo Damage +65%,” offering a much stronger than normal attack.

Stack attack DUAM.jpg

Enemy Encounters[edit]

When you're in an AR Field or Dungeon, enemies will randomly spawn and chase you, though they're generally easy to outrun. Most maps only have three different Appmon to encounter, which is helpful when you're trying to farm fragments. Optional AR Dungeons are permanently available, but some story-related AR Dungeons disappear forever and can't be reentered.

On the map, Standard and Super Appmon appear as little black blobs, while Ultimates are red. You won't see the latter in main story quests until the end of the game, but each area has one AR Dungeon where all encounters will be one particular Ultimate, meaning that they're great places for farming powerful Appmon once you can put together a specialized deck.

Hifumigaoka - Satellamon
Satellamon 3ds DUAM.png
Hifumigaoka (school) - Beautymon
Beautymon 3ds DUAM.png
Beautymon 2 3ds DUAM.png
Nikotamagawa - Fakemon
Fakemon 3ds DUAM.png
Mihama-kou - Charismon
Charismon 3ds DUAM.png
Yongen-doori - Biomon
Biomon 3ds DUAM.png
Biomon 2 3ds DUAM.png

Finally, there are a handful of Appmon that only spawn as rare encounters in one AR Dungeon on a particular day. They show up as light yellow blobs.

Sunday - Gatchmon - AR Dungeon in south Hifumigaoka
Gatchmon 3ds DUAM.png
Monday - Navimon - AR Dungeon in north Hifumigaoka
Navimon 3ds DUAM.png
Tuesday - Hackmon - AR Dungeon on the 2nd floor of this building
Hackmon 3ds DUAM.png
Hackmon 2 3ds DUAM.png
Wednesday - Musimon - AR Dungeon inside this house
Musimon 3ds DUAM.png
Musimon 2 3ds DUAM.png
Thursday - Viramon - in the Hifumigaoka sewers
Viramon 3ds DUAM.png
Friday - Cameramon - AR Dungeon in the NW corner of south Hifumigaoka
Cameramon 3ds DUAM.png
Saturday - Dokamon - AR Dungeon in the main character's room
Dokamon 3ds DUAM.png

Cyber Arena[edit]

The menu options are: Participate in a Tournament, PvP, Battle Tips, and Collect Special Bonus. The only one you're likely to need is the first.

In the Tournament selection screen there are a bunch of different types of tournaments, though all of them follow the same basic format: win against a series of three opponents. Some are permanently available ones that have a special reward for the first clear, then reduced rewards for subsequent clears. Some others are available once a day (デイリー大会), with rewards like Fusion Locks and gacha tickets, and then there are limited-time tournaments that pop up at random for 30 minutes or so, marked by a clock icon. The latter come in three types, for exp (ゲリラ:コーチモン賞), bits (ゲリラ:カイモン賞), or Fusion Locks (ゲリラ:合体ロック杯).

The more difficult tournaments generally require you to be at or above a certain Arena Rank, which you can raise by progressing the main story quests.

Cyber Arena DUAM.png


The gacha in this game isn't a requirement nor your main source of new Appmon, but it is a nice bonus that can give you access to strong units early, if you're lucky, via Gashamon.

Gacha DUAM.png

The easiest way to get tickets is either from the Arena or from Consulmon, who rewards you with tickets for clearing AR Dungeons. You can claim these from the second option on the menu when you talk to her; the first is for Data Lab ticket rewards.

Gacha 2 DUAM.png

Battery Life[edit]

Anytime you run across a Batterymon, you can recharge the battery of your Appli Drive.

Battery life DUAM.png

Daily Items[edit]

Some NPCs will give out upgrade patches for type affinities once a day as long as you have a particular randomly chosen Appmon in your inventory. There should be at least one in each major area.

QR Code Scan[edit]

The game allows you to scan Appmon related QR codes 6 times per day. However each QR Code can be scanned only once.

  • Scanning a QR code of a Appmon Chip gives you the respective Appmon. The version number & appearance may change based on which Chip you scanned.
  • Scanning a QR Code of a Data Carddass Appli Monsters card gives you an item.
QR code promo DUAM3ds.jpg
QR code tutorial DUAM3ds.png

Appmon Chip QR Codes[edit]

List of Appmon Chip QR Codes
ID Name QR Code
001 Gatchmon Gatchmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
002 Callmon Callmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
003 Mailmon Mailmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
004 Mailmon (7code) Mailmon 7code qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
005 Tubumon Tubumon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
006 Gengomon Gengomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
007 Addmon Addmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
008 Reviewmon Reviewmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
009 Reviewmon (Virus) Reviewmon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
010 Setmon Setmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
011 Messemon Messemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
012 Messemon (Virus) Messemon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
013 Kosomon Kosomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
014 Rocketmon Rocketmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
015 Navimon Navimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
016 Jetmon Jetmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
017 Resshamon Resshamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
018 Weathermon Weathermon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
019 Weathermon (Virus) Weathermon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
020 Compassmon Compassmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
021 Yadomon Yadomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
022 Newsmon Newsmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
023 Tutomon Tutomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
024 MCmon MCmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
025 Cameramon Cameramon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
ID Name QR Code
026 Recomon Recomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
027 Calcumon Calcumon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
028 Gomimon Gomimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
029 Gomimon (7code) Gomimon 7code qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
030 Mirrormon Mirrormon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
031 Lightmon Lightmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
032 Watchmon Watchmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
033 Diarimon Diarimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
034 Calendamon Calendamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
035 Onpamon Onpamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
036 Jammingmon Jammingmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
037 Protecmon Protecmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
038 Hackmon Hackmon appmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
039 Batterimon Batterimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
040 Batterimon (Virus) Batterimon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
041 Pekomon Pekomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
042 Pokomon Pokomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
043 Copipemon Copipemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
044 Copipemon (7code) Copipemon 7code qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
045 Copipemon (Virus) Copipemon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
046 Savemon Savemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
047 Kabemon Kabemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
048 Ecomon Ecomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
049 Ecomon (Virus) Ecomon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
050 Pipomon Pipomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
ID Name QR Code
051 Denpamon Denpamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
052 Onmon Onmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
053 Offmon Offmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
054 Dokamon Dokamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
055 Shotmon Shotmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
056 Cardmon Cardmon appmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
057 Ropuremon Ropuremon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
058 Ropuremon (7code) Ropuremon 7code qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
059 Puzzlemon Puzzlemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
060 Puzzlemon (Virus) Puzzlemon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
061 Dancemon Dancemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
062 Racemon Racemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
063 Drawmon Drawmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
064 Drawmon (Virus) Drawmon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
065 Tellermon Tellermon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
066 Tellermon (7code) Tellermon 7code qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
067 Musimon Musimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
068 Perorimon Perorimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
069 Dogamon Dogamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
070 Dogamon (Virus) Dogamon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
071 Dressmon Dressmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
072 Bookmon Bookmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
073 Gashamon Gashamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
074 Luckmon Luckmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
075 Trickmon Trickmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
ID Name QR Code
076 Dicemon Dicemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
077 Cookmon Cookmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
078 Virusmon Virusmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
079 Sleepmon Sleepmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
080 Musclemon Musclemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
081 Aidmon Aidmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
082 Moneymon Moneymon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
083 Spamon Spamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
084 Supplemon Supplemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
085 Auctiomon Auctiomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
086 Auctiomon (Virus) Auctiomon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
087 Kakeimon Kakeimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
088 Kaimon Kaimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
089 Jishomon Jishomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
090 Logimon Logimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
091 Logamon Logamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
092 DoGatchmon DoGatchmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
093 Sociamon Sociamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
094 Sociamon (Virus) Sociamon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
095 Gossipmon Gossipmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
096 Sukashimon Sukashimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
097 Tripmon Tripmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
098 Weatherdramon Weatherdramon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
099 Weatherdramon (7code) Weatherdramon 7code qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
100 Timemon Timemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
ID Name QR Code
101 Roamon Roamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
102 Roamon (Virus) Roamon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
103 Scopemon Scopemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
104 Craftmon Craftmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
105 Raidramon Raidramon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
106 Dezipmon Dezipmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
107 Mienumon Mienumon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
108 Warpmon Warpmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
109 Sakushimon Sakushimon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
110 Dosukomon Dosukomon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
111 Bramon Bramon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
112 Coachmon Coachmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
113 Uratekumon Uratekumon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
114 Uratekumon (Virus) Uratekumon virus qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
115 Effecmon Effecmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
116 Tarotmon Tarotmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
117 Coordemon Coordemon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
118 Mediamon Mediamon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
119 Vegasmon Vegasmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
120 Dreammon Dreammon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
121 Medicmon Medicmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
122 Medicmon (7code) Medicmon 7code qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
123 Docmon Docmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
124 Consulmon Consulmon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png
125 Libramon Libramon qr code chip reverse 3DS.png

Data Carddass Appli Monsters QR Codes[edit]

List of Data Carddass Appli Monsters QR Codes
Dcda-4-038 back.jpg Dcda-4-039 back.jpg Dcda-4-040 back.jpg Dcda-4-041 back.jpg
4-038 (Back)
4-039 (Back)
4-040 (Back)
4-041 (Back)
Dcda-4-042 back.jpg Dcda-4-021 back.jpg Dcda-4-023 back.jpg Dcda-4-024 back.jpg
4-042 (Back)
4-021 (Back)
4-023 (Back)
4-024 (Back)
Dcda-4-022 back.jpg Dcda-4-027 back.jpg Dcda-3-035 back.jpg Dcda-3-034 back.jpg
4-022 (Back)
4-027 (Back)
3-035 (Back)
3-034 (Back)
Dcda-4-026 back.jpg Dcda-4G-001 back.jpg Dcda-4G-004 back.jpg Dcda-4G-003 back.jpg
4-026 (Back)
4G-001 (Back)
4G-004 (Back)
4G-003 (Back)
Dcda-4G-002 back.jpg Dcda-4G-006 back.jpg Dcda-4G-005 back.jpg Dcda-4-043 back.jpg
4G-002 (Back)
4G-006 (Back)
4G-005 (Back)
4-043 (Back)


Appmon cyberarena logo.png

Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters: Cyber Arena[edit]

Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters: Cyber Arena (デジモンユニバース アプリモンスターズ サイバーアリーナ Dejimon Yunibāsu Apuri Monsutāzu Saibā Arīna) is a free-to-play demo version of the game that was released on September 21, 2016 on the Nintendo E-Shop. The game allowed you to experience the beginning of the full game, multiplayer battles as well as collect many, but not all, App chips to start building your deck early on. All saved progress can be later transferred to the full retail release.


Image Gallery[edit]

See Gallery:Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (3DS).


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters poster
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters poster
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters poster
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters banner
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters character introduction
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters character introduction
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters banner
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters pre-order bonus


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Famitsu
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Famitsu
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Famitsu
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Famitsu
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Famitsu
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Famitsu
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters flyer
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters V-jump
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters V-jump
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters V-jump


Famitsu gave Appli Monsters a good score of 8/8/8/7 [31/40].

According to Media Crate Sales the game sold 7,255 copies and landed on 11th place during it's first week in Japan. The game left the Media Crate Sales charts on the second week.[1]

According to Famitsu the game sold 8,754 copies and landed on 9th place during it's first week in Japan. The game sold through 0%-20% of its stock. The game left the Famitsu charts on the second week.[2]


Position Name Kanji/Kana
Developer Inti Creates インティ・クリエイツ
Character Design Oonuki Ken`ichi 大貫 健一


  • Pre-ordering from Japanese game stores between October 8th and October 24th 2016 gave you a special Appmon Chip for Onmon (CPG-003)
  • First-print copies of the game came with a special Appmon Chip for Gatchmon (CPG-004), a super rare Data Carddass Appli Monsters card P-005 and two rare (PB-01 & PB-02) and one super rare (PB-03) Appli Monsters Card Game cards
  • The Cyber Arena Demo is distributed under the Free to Play label, rather than Demo label, to circumvent Nintendo's limited demo usage policy. As the result of that you can play the demo unlimited amount of times.

External Links[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Video Games
Digitalmonstervers logo.png

Digital Monster S

Digimonworld logo.png

Digimon World

Digitalmonsterverws logo.png

Digital Monster WS

Digitalcardbattle logo.png

Digital Card Battle

Anodetamer logo.pngCathodetamer logo.png

Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer

Digitalpartner logo.png

Digital Partner

Pocketdigimonworld logo.png

Pocket Digimon World

Digimonworld2 logo.png

Digimon World 2

Tagtamers logo.png

Tag Tamers

Pocketdigimonworldwbd logo.png

Pocket: Wind

D1tamers logo.png

D1 Tamers

Digitalcardarena logo.png

Digital Card Arena

Pocketdigimonworldcnbd logo.png

Pocket: Cool & Nature

D1tamers logo.png

D1 Tamers (Wondergate)

Pocketculumon logo.png

Pocket Culumon

Digimonmedley logo.png

Digimon Medley

Digimonpark logo.png

Digimon Park

Logo anodecathodetamer.png

Anode/Cathode (WSC)

Battlespirittamer logo.png

Tamers: Battle Spirit

Digimontyping logo.png

Digimon Typing

Battleevolution logo.png

Battle Evolution

Bravetamer logo.png

Brave Tamer

Digimonrpg logo.png

Digimon RPG

Cardgame verwsc.png

Card Game Ver. WSC


Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5

Digimonworld3 logo.png

Digimon World 3

Game battleserver logo.png

Battle Server

Dproject logo.png


Battlespiritfrontier logo.png

Frontier: Battle Spirit

Digimonracing logo.png

Digimon Racing

Battlechronicle logo.png

Battle Chronicle

Digimonworldx logo.png

Digimon World X

Digimoncircle logo.png

Digimon Circle

Digimonstory logo.png

Digimon Story

Digital monster battle junction logo.png

Battle Junction

Digimon pocket wars game logo.png

Pocket Wars

Anothermission logo.png

Another Mission

Sunburst logo.pngMoonlight logo.png

Sunburst & Moonlight

Digimonchampionship logo.png

Digimon Championship  

Digimon pendulum revive logo1.png

Revive & Survive  

Digimonmasters logo.png

Digimon Masters  

Digimonstorylostevolution logo.png

Lost Evolution  

Digimon battle walker logo.png

Battle Walker  

Digimonlife logo.png

Digimon Life

X arena console logo.png

Digimon Xros Arena

Superxroswars blue logo.pngSuperxroswars red logo.png

Super Xros Wars Blue & Super Xros Wars Red

Digimoncollectors logo.png

Digimon Collectors

Worldredigitize logo.png


Crusader logo.png

Digimon Crusader

Digimonadventure logo.png

Digimon Adventure

Worldredigitizedecode logo.png

Re:Digitize Decode

Digimonfortune logo.png

Digimon Fortune

Digimonfusion logo.png

Fusion Fighters

Allstarrumble logo.png

All-Star Rumble

Digimonstorycybersleuth logo white2.png

Cyber Sleuth

Soulhunter logo.png

Soul Chaser

Digimonworldnextorder logo.png

-next 0rder-

Digimonlinkz logo.png

Digimon Linkz

Appmon portal site logo.png

Appmon Data Lab

Appmon game logo.png

Appli Monsters

Digimonworldnextorderinternationaledition logo.png

-next 0rder- IE

Dscs hackersmemory logo.png

Hacker's Memory

Encounter logo.png

Digimon Encounters

Rearise logo.png

Digimon ReArise

Appmonsters protect the world logo.png

Appli Monsters: Protect the World

Logo digimonnewcentury2.png

New Century

Logo digimonsurvive.png

Digimon Survive

Superrumble logo.png

Super Rumble

Logo source code.png

Source Code

Timestranger logo.png

Time Stranger