4-042 (DCDAPM)

From Wikimon
Dcda-4-042 front.jpg
Dcda-4-042 back.jpg
4-042 CP Grade Type
Offmon icon.png Offmon Standard Game icon.png Game
HP 2500 Profile
Power 1800 It has the ability to completely deplete the target's motivation in an instant, and is usually listless itself. When the power of its bond with its Buddy Yujin reaches its maximum, a miracle will occur...!?
Defense 3500
Speed 1200
Normal Attack Dcdapm attack icon.png Strike
Deals damage. Opponent Single-target
App Technique Dcdapm appdebuff icon.png Switch Lazy
Energy Cost: 8
Lowers Defense. Opponent All Targets
Ability Bond Awakening
Deals damage to a single opponent, and raises Power of all allies. Effect increases with each Round that has passed. [One-time Usage]
Logamon dcdapm gattai icon.png
Energy Cost: 15
Hackmon (Appmon) dcdapm partner icon.png
Partner: Hackmon (Appmon)
Normal Attack Dcdapm attack icon.png Scratch
App Technique Dcdapm appattack icon.png Scratch Ban
Energy Cost: 10

4-042 CP グレード 属性
Offmon icon.png オフモン Game icon.png ゲーム
HP 2500 プロフィール
つよさ 1800 奴のやる気を一瞬でゼロに出来る能力を持ち、自らもいつも気だるげ。バディの勇仁との絆の力が最大になったとき、奇跡を起こす...!?
まもり 3500
はやさ 1200
通常攻撃 Dcdapm attack icon.png はたく
あいて ひとり にダメージ。
アプリ技 Dcdapm appdebuff icon.png スイッチレイジー
消費エネルギー: 8
あいて ぜんたい のまもりダウン。
アビリティ 絆覚醒
Logamon dcdapm gattai icon.png
消費エネルギー: 15
Hackmon (Appmon) dcdapm partner icon.png
パートナー:[[Hackmon (Appmon)|Template:Hackmon (Appmon)]]
通常攻撃 Dcdapm attack icon.png ひっかく
アプリ技 Dcdapm appattack icon.png スクラッチバン
消費エネルギー: 10