Wikimon:News Archive 2010

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December 25, 2010 has listed a new Digimon named "Mirror Ballmon" (ミラーボールモン) who is apparently set to appear in the Xros Wars anime.

December 24, 2010
Bagramon and Deckerdramon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

December 20, 2010
The Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue/Red official site has been updated/revamped.

Also, Bokutachi no Digital World has displayed screenshots suggesting that the title of the 22nd episode of Xros Wars is "Wisemon, The Secret of the Digital World!" 「ワイズモン、デジタルワールドの秘密!」. The appearance of Arkadimon (and Wisemon) seems to imply that the remaining Digimon displayed in the zoomed in camera shot from the Toei Studio tour special (excluding Supadamon and Shoutmon X4S) will probably show up in Xros Wars.

Source: [1]

December 19, 2010
The Digimon Jintrix official site has opened.

Also, a photo of an animated rendition of Bagramon from Super Digica Taisen has emerged on 2ch.

Source: 2ch

Apparently, three new Digimon named "Shortmon" (ショートモン), "Weddinmon" (ウェディンモン) and "Rebirth/Reverse Weddinmon" (リバース・ウェディンモン) appear in the latest chapter of the Xros Wars manga.

December 18, 2010
Some photos taken at Jump festa 2011 have emerged on 2ch, one of the second Code Crown SD card - SSS Discovery - and the other of the oficial Bandai artwok of Decker Greymon.

Also, the Digimon Xros Loader Black Color Ver. is part of a Jump Festa '11 prize giveaway at the D-Athalon D-Slinger tournament.

Source: 2ch

December 17, 2010
Cyberdramon and Shoutmon X4B are added to Digimon Dictionary.

Images from the February 2011 special issue of V Jump have emerged on 2ch which includes (clearer) Bandai artwork of Bagramon, alongside text reading "a fallen angel who administers death" and despite the quality of the text, as well as Decker Greymon.

Sources: 2ch, [2]

December 12, 2010
Bandai has added Digimon Xros Fgure Series 10 - Deckerdramon to its catalog.

Also, here's a video of Metal Greymon/Greymon & Mail Birdramon Digi Xrosing with Deckerdramon in Super Digica Taisen. It also reveals one of Decker Greymon's Special Moves as "Plasma Deckerdrauncher".

December 10, 2010
Baalmon and Beelzebumon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

December 08, 2010
The Toei Xros Wars site has updated, revealing that the name of the robotic Scumon-esque Digimon is "Damemon" (ダメモン). Also, the Super Digica Taisen site has recently updated, including info regarding Mega Gran Kuwagamon.

December 07, 2010
Rakuten has added boxart for Super Xros Wars Red & Blue:

December 06, 2010
An image of Shoutmon X4S, taken from Super Strong Jump, has emerged on 2chan. It also reveals the release date for Super Xros Wars as "March 3, 2011".

Also, Bandai TV as added a commercial for Super Digica Taisen Set 3 which appears to include either Mega Gran Kuwagamon or Gran Kuwagamon.

December 05, 2010, as well as some other sites, has mentioned that the original Digi Xros between Shoutmon X4 and Spadamon, where it changes into a gigantic lance, is referred to as "Shoutmon X4S" (シャウトモンX4S).

Also, has listed two Digimon named "Hustle Nanimon" (ハッスルナニモン), who is set to appear in the Xros Wars manga, and "Mega Gran Kuwagamon" (メガグランクワガーモン), who is set to appear in Super Digica Taisen as a boss and was also featured in Super Strong Jump.

December 03, 2010
Keramon and V-dramon are added to Digimon Dictionary.


• The supposed title for episode 21 of Xros Wars has emerged on 2ch:

Source: 2ch

Also, TV Magazine has updated with the caption of Dark Knightmon and Nene along with:

"Dark Knightmon, the Dark Knight, has cooperated with Nene and gathered dark power. His goal is to revive the Darkness Loader and obtain the strongest, most wicked power of darkness. Taiki and Kiriha join forces and attempt to stop them, but... "

Floramon and Sangloupmon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

• The Toei Xros Wars site has updated

Another zoomed in camera shot from the Toei Studio tour special has emerged on 2ch, showing a list of Digimon that could possibly appear in the upcoming Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars games. It includes images of Arkadimon, Wisemon, Gaioumon, Ex-Tyranomon, King Etemon and others. Also on the chart is a Digimon that appears to be Spadamon which is displayed alongside what looks like a fusion between Shoutmon X4 and itself.

Source: 2ch

• The Super Digica Taisen site has updated with cards from the third set and the site for Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars is online. It appears that the sixth chapter of the Xros Wars manga was not in this month's V Jump.

In other news, several online shopping sites have listed a new card booster called "Digimon Jintrix" (デジモンジントリックス) which is scheduled to be released in February 2011. It is set to include 120 cards, of which there are 84 Common, 18 Queen Rare, 14 King Rare and 4 God Rare. Also, Shonitamon's offical profile has emerged on 2ch.

Sources: 2ch, [3]

Funbeemon and Tailmon are added to Digimon Dictionary.


Also, photos from the January 2011 issue of V Jump as well as Dark Knightmon's full official profile have emerged on 2ch which includes info regarding the recently revealed game Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars, a bandai image of Spadamon, mentioning that is a mysterious Digimon who has lost its memories, Deckerdramon and more!:

Source: [12]

11.18.2010 has listed a new game called "Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars" (デジモンストーリー 超クロスウォーズ).

It is currently scheduled for a Spring 2011 release at a price of ¥5040 and is said to be available in two versions, Red and Blue respectively. A new Digimon named "Spadamon" (スパーダモン) is set to appear in the game.

Also, has listed a Digimon named "Sakuteki Monitamon" (サクテキモニタモン) which appears in Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon!.

Digimon Code Crown 01: Underground Warriors has been released today.

Kokuwamon and Tankmon are added to Digimon Dictionary. In addition, the Skull Knightmon & Deadly Axemon Set, Cyberdramon and Sparrowmon have been added to the Digimon Xros Figure Series subsection.


Beelzebumon, Skull Knightmon and Sparrowmon's full official profiles from Digimon Seikatsu, the source of the other Xros Wars Digimon profiles before they were added to Digimon Dictionary, have been revealed, mentioning that Sparrowmon's pistols were made by the same gunsmith who crafted Beelzebumon's shotgun, Berenjena (Esp: Eggplant), a similar case with the original Beelzebumon and Astamon's machine gun, Oro Salmón (Esp: Gold Salmon). Once again, following the Spanish naming pattern, they are called the "Zanahoria" (Esp: Carrot).

Source: [13]

Also, although mainly old, here are some images from the Xros Figure Series:

From this, Cyberdramon's lance is called "Twin Lancer" (ツインランサー) and Skull Knightmon's other mode in addition to Big Axe Mode is referred to as "Skull Knightmon: Busou Mode" (スカルナイトモン:武装モード, lit. "Skull Knightmon: Armed Mode").


Titles for episodes 17-20, along with synopses, have emerged on 2ch, revealing the names of two new zones - Forest Zone (フォレストゾーン) and Dust Zone (ダストゾーン), Deckerdramon's appearance and more.

Source: [14]


Bearmon and Mikemon are added to Digimon Dictionary. In addition, Digimon Web has added a subsection for the Digimon Mini and Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon!

Also, a list of unconfirmed/confirmed, future products has emerged on 2ch that coincide with dates displayed on the schedule:

Source: [15]

November 01, 2010
New scans have emerged, including info regarding Dark Knightmon, as well as its components - Skull Knightmon and Deadly Axemon, appearing in Super Digica Taisen and Xros Wars, in particular Lucemon: Satan Mode absorbing Heaven Zone's dark power, becoming atrocious in the process, Nene being trapped within its Gehenna sphere, Sparrowmon teaming up with Xros Heart in order to rescue her, a premonition to Shoutmon X5's debut in the series (episode 17, coinciding with the schedule).

Sources: [20], 2ch


Finally, the tracklist for the upcoming single has been unveiled, revealing the titles of the theme songs for Shoutmon X5, Shoutmon X4B and Dark Knightmon as "The Hero who Dances in the Sky! X5" 「空舞う勇者!×5」, "X4B THE GUARDIAN", both of which are sung by Wada Kouji, and "DARK KNIGHT ~The Invincible Champion~" 「DARK KNIGHT~不死身の王者~」, sung by Tanimoto Takayoshi who performed the Matrix Evolution theme One Vision in Digimon Tamers, respectively. It also includes DigiMelodies for Pharaohmon, Mad Leomon, Metal Greymon L, Daipenmon and Chibickmon.


• TV Magazine has added a caption from their upcoming issue confirming Lucemon Falldown Mode's presence in Digimon Xros Wars.


Kunemon and Raremon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

In other news, Bandai has added the Digimon Wrister to its catalog. Also, some scans from the Xros Navigator are available here which include a poster with 154 Digimon displayed, the majority of which are on the Digimon Xros Wars Poster and confirmation that the L used in some Digimon names (e.g. Beelzebumon) on the Xros Loader stands for "Legend".

Finally, here's an image of Decker Greymon.

The toei Xros Wars site has updated with more character pages

Here is a close-up of Bagramon's face.

Source: [21]

Falcomon and Raptordramon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

Also, here's a shot of Bagramon's Xros Loader LCD image

Source: [22]


More scans from V Jump have emerged, revealing that Super Digica Taisen Set 3 is to be released in December and as part of its promotion, a Shoutmon X5 card will be included in the January 2011 issue. It also supposedly lists the title for episode 16 of Digimon Xros Wars entitled:

Source: [23]

Also, [24], which has consistently listed newly announced Digimon, has added two new Digimon which appear on the Digimon Xros Loader: "Decker Greymon" (デッカーグレイモン), the Digi Xros between Deckerdramon and Metal Greymon (the characters for which are also displayed in the zoomed-in camera shot from the Toei Studio tour special despite its illegibility), and "Batterymon" (バッテリモン).

While on the topic of Digimon names, having been out for a while, the back of DG1-014 reveals that the full name of Shoutmon X2 Plus is called "Shoutmon X2 Plus M" (シャウトモンX2プラスM)

Finally, Digimon Xros Figure Series 09 - Sparrowmon has been added to Bandai's catalog.

• Scans from the December 2010 issue of V-Jump have emerged which include info regarding Super Digica Taisen, the Xros Loader, emphasis on Shoutmon X5 and what appears to be the opportunity to get a chance of naming a new robotic Digimon.

Source: [25]


Clearer shots from the Digimon Xros Wars Poster have emerged:

Also, another zoomed in camera shot from the Toei Studio tour special shows the Digi Xros between Deckerdramon and Metal Greymon which, according to the proposed schedule, is set to appear in episode 25 of Digimon Xros Wars, the same episode in which also marks Shoutmon + Jet Sparrow's debut. In addition, it seems that Skull Knightmon has another Digi Xros with Deadly Axemon besides Big Axe Mode and Dark Knightmon (スカルナイトモン???モード) which, like the Metal Greymon-Deckerdramon Digi Xros, also appears on the montage.

Source: [26]


The Digimon Xros Loader virtual pet has been released today in Japan.

Also, with the releasse of the Digimon Xros Wars poster, several names of new Digimon have been unveiled as well as other things:

Picture of poster (credit to h_pdtu @ Twitter)

Sources: [27], [28]

Bakumon and Fangmon are added to Digimon Dictionary

The toei Xros Wars site has updated with more character pages, adding a significant number of official profiles including that of Baalmon.



A new half-panda half-bee Digimon named Panbachimon (パンバチモン), mentioned on the Toei Studio tour special, is set to appear in Digimon Xros Wars. It comes equipped with a giant bamboo weapon known as the "Bamboo Lance G" (バンブーランスG) and has the following Special Moves:

  • Sasanoha Cutter ("Bamboo-leaf Cutter")
    「ササノハカッター」 (笹の葉カッター)
  • Shokkaku Binta ("Antenna Slap")
    「ショッカクビンタ」 (触角ビンタ)
  • Dokudokubari ("Venomous Stinger")
    「ドクドクバリ」 (毒々針)


Illegible, poor quality images have emerged on 2chan that appear be part of a chart from a scenario meeting for Digimon Xros Wars shown briefly on the Toei Studio tour special that aired last week which also the source of the previous "scans" with Bagramon and the other new Digimon. Overall, they show a schedule for the entire series, giving a rough outlook for the distribution of future episode airdates as well as weeks when the series isn't broadcast. Several things can be noted, assuming that things run on schedule, but should be taken as a grain of salt as things will likely deviate from this:

  • It shows the debut dates for Digimon (with Bandai illustrations pictured alongside them) that have already appeared and those that will appear in future episodes. From this:
  • It also shows upcoming and future product release dates
  • Probably the most significant point:

In other news, the track list for the Never Give Up! Single has been added to the Sonar Pocket official site, of which three DigiMelodies are listed which come in "Pharaohmon", "Mad Leomon" and "Goddramon" versions. The single will come with an exclusive, original Super Digica Taisen card.

Another set of synposes for episodes 13-15 has appeared on 2ch, mentioning that Piccolomon will appear as a member(s) of the angel police lead by Slash Angemon.

Source: [29]


Another scan has emerged on 2ch that shows a illustration of the concept for the Digi Xros between Shoutmon X5 and an unidentified Digimon that itself appears to be a Digi Xros between Digimon from both Blue Flare and Twilight, possibly Shoutmon X6. Despite its quality and illegibility, it also confirms that the name of the Digi Xros between Shoutmon and Sparrowmon is indeed called "Shoutmon + Jet Sparrow".

In other news, the synopses that appeared in a previous scan have been added to Newtype.


Deltamon and Gizamon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

Images of the three Digimon Xros Wars versions Digimon Mini, Digimon Code Crown 01 and Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon! have been displayed on Bandai's online catalog.

Shoutmon Red
Greymon Blue
Dark Knightmon Black
Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon!
Digimon Code Crown 01 ~Underground Warriors~

Also, a scan has emerged on 2ch that shows a first glimpse at the official Bandai image of Bagramon as well as something involving Scumon.


The official Digimon Xros Wars site has updated with new character pages.

Also, titles and synopses for episodes 13-15 have appeared on a scan that emerged from 2ch, one of which hints at Lucemon Falldown Mode's possible future appearance in Xros Wars (due to it being listed in Super Digica Taisen Set 2) and confirms Slash Angemon's presence in the series. They will air on October 19, October 26 and November 9 respectively:

Source: [30]

• Bandai TV has added five Super Digica Taisen related trailers that include both Bandai and alternative Toei artwork for Tactimon, Lilithmon, Dark Knightmon and Shoutmon X4B (here) as well as showing Cyberdramon, Mail Birdramon and Greymon Digi Xros into Metal Greymon + Cyber Launcher.

In addition, Digimon Web has added Beelzebumon to the Digimon Xros Figure Series section of the site, stating that its release date will coincide with that of the Digimon Xros Loader; October 16.

• New scans have emerged, including info regarding Super Digica Taisen and Xros Wars, in particular Baalmon's death at the hands of Lilithmon's poisonous nails and reincarnation into Beelzebumon, as well as other stuff.


Source: [34]

Although available some time ago, here are some images from Digmon Xros Figrue Series 06 - Beelzebumon. They include a very clear image of Shoutmon X4B and confirm that Beelzebumon's weapons are the Berenjena shoutgun and Berenjena SDX (ベレンヘーナSDX) cannon.

Agumon (Black) and Sunflowmon are added to Digimon Dictionary



Some screenshots have emerged from the Blastmon Challenge that show renders of Cyberdramon, Metal Greymon + Cyberdramon (and Shoutmon X 4 B).

Source: [35]

Also, TV Magazine has listed a scan caption indicating the presence of Ebemon in Xros Wars, along with Baalmon and Lilithmon both appearing in Sand Zone.


The Super Digica Taisen site has updated with more cards being added cardlist for Set 2 as well as advertising the Digimon Xros Wars Big Digimon Collection Poster (デジモンクロスウォーズ デジモン大集合ポスター).

It displays several official Bandai images of Digimon that appear in Digimon Xros Wars including Shoutmon X 5 and Shoutmon X 4 B, two unidentified Digimon belonging to Xros Heart & Blue Flare respectively, a sihouette of Bugramon as well as the Digi Xros between Shoutmon and Sparrowmon, which could possibly be named "Shoutmon + Jet Sparrow" (シャウトモン+ジェットスパロウ) on the basis of Jet Sparrow being mentioned at the 2010 International Tokyo Toy Show.

• The Super Digica Taisen site has updated with a cardlist for Set 2, displaying several Normal cards.

Ganimon and XV-mon are added to Digimon Dictionary

• Images from the Digimon Xros Figure Series 06 - Beelzebumon set and the Digimon Xros Sofubi Digital Monster Series 07 - Dark Knightmon set have appeared online.

Sources: [36], [37]


An illustration of Shoutmon X 5 has appeared, part of an advertisement for the Digimon Xros Wars Jiyūchou (デジモンクロスウォーズ自由帳).

Source: [38]

In addition, scans of models for Digimon Xros Figure Series 08 - Skull Knightmon & Deadly Axemon Set have emerged, verifying the names previously mentioned.


Scans have emerged on 2ch that show future models in the Digimon Xros Figure Series, confirming the existence of Shoutmon X 5 (シャウトモンX5) as the Digi Xros between Sparrowmon and Shoutmon X 4, and the Digi Xros between Cyberdramon and Metal Greymon as "Metal Greymon + Cyber Launcher" (メタルグレイモン+サイバーランチャー).

Also, TV Aashi has updated with a synopis for episode 12, mentioning Pharaohmon's presence in Xros Wars.


A scan from the November 2010 issue of V Jump has emerged, showing an image of the redesigned Beelzebumon as well as more obtainable Digimon on the Digimon Xros Loader which include Baalmon, Cyberdramon, Tactimon and more! Another scan from V Jump confirms that the Digi Xros between Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmons/Shoutmon X 4 and Beelzebumon is called "Shoutmon X 4 B" (シャウトモンX4B).

Source: [39]

Also, after a long wait, the two components of Dark Knightmon, tentatively named New Digimon A and New Digimon B, have been revealed as "Skull Knightmon" (スカルナイトモン) and "Deadly Axemon/Deadly Axmon" (デッドリーアックスモン) respectively.

Source: [40]

Incidentally, HobbyLink Japan has begun listing the Digimon Xros Figure Series Skull Knightmon & Deadly Axemon Set, which comes included with a Tailmon DigiMemory and where Skull Knightmon can use Deadly Axemon as a weapon in "Skull Knightmon: Big Axe Mode" (スカルナイトモン:ビュグアックスモード) as well as both of them Digi Xrosing into Dark Knightmon.

Chibickmon and Metal Greymon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Gizmodo Japan has uploaded a Digimon Xros Loader demo video from the 2010 International Tokyo Toy Show.

• A new trailer for the Blastmon Challenge has been released, showing a glimpse of a Blastmon card as well as a Metal Greymon one as part of advertizing the second Super Digica Taisen set which, in full, appears to be entitled "Super Digica Taisen Set 2 ~Beelzebumon Advent Compilation~" (超デジカ大戦第2弾~ベルゼブモン降臨編~).

Cutemon and Shoutmon + Star Sword are added to Digimon Dictionary


More images have emerged from the Digimon Xros Archive Booster Box have emerged, revealing the Bandai artwork for the newly designed Cyberdramon that appears on the mosaic of Xros Wars Digimon as well as identifying it as being affiliated with/a member of Kiriha's Blue Flare army.

Source: [41]

• TV Magazine has listed a scan caption indicating the presence of Icemon during next week's one-hour special, also stating that the next issue will include information regarding a certain "Death God Digimon's secret".

• In addition to Xros Wars' schedule for September, there will be no episode airing on the first week of October as a one-hour special of Stitch! will be broadcast.

Source: [42]


Images of cards from the Digimon Xros Archive Booster Box have emerged, depicting official Bandai images of Tactimon (pictured with the Jatetsufūjin-maru), Baalmon, Blastmon, Shoutmon (+ Star Sword), Cutemon, Sparrowmon among others.

Sources: [43], [44]


Several Japanese online shopping sites have started listing info regarding Super Digica Taisen Wafer Chocolate Set 2, scheduled to be released in November. Like the previous set, this will include 16 cards, of which 5 are from the upcoming Super Digica Taisen Set 2, 8 are from the first set and the remaining 3 are original cards.

Source: Hobby Shop Digitamin

Pickmon and Shoutmon X 3 are added to Digimon Dictionary


• A trailer has emerged regarding Super Digica Taisen which includes the Blastmon Challenge, which lasts between September 15 and October 6, revealing clearer images of him from the anime, as well as what appears to be Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Starmon and Beelzebumon about to undergo a Digi Xros.

Dorulu Cannon and Mad Leomon: Armed Mode are added to Digimon Dictionary.


Regarding the air dates of Digimon Xros Wars episodes, there will be no episodes aired in September except for the one-hour special which is broadcast on the 14.

9/7: Soccer (Japan vs Guatemala)
9/14: Digimon Xros Wars One-hour Special
9/21: London Hearts Special
9/28: Minna no Katei no Igaku Special

Source: [45]


Seemingly genuine official profiles for Cutemon and Shoutmon (+ Star Sword) have emerged on 2ch.

Source: [46]


Chapters 1 & 2 of the Digimon Xros Wars manga are available on V Jump Web until September 20, 2010.

In other news, scans from the October 2010 issue of V Jump have emerged, revealing info regarding the Xros Loader, which includes a Code Crown with the label "Black Warriors" and is set to be released in November, the real-life version of the Digimon snack "DigiNova/DigiNoir/DigiNowa"; the food Taiki and the others eat on Island Zone in the fourth episode, the Digimon Xros Figure Series, the unveiling of the promotional Super Digica Taisen card, DP-08, set to be included in the November 2010 issue of V Jump, and more.

Source: [47]

Scans from the third chapter of the Digimon Xros Wars manga, entitled "Xros Girls!! The Mysterious Beautiful Girl, Nene!!" 「クロスガールズ!!謎の美少女ネネ!!」, have also emerged, including an image which marks the first appearance of the yellow Digimon that appears behind Nene in the opening of Xros Wars (Sparrowmon?).

Source: [48]


Shoutmon X 4 and Troopmon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

Also, seemingly legitimate official profiles for Tactimon, Monimon, Chikurimon, Gaosumon, Pickmon and Troopmon (identical to the one on Digimon Dictionary and posted before appearing on there) have emerged on 2ch.

Source: [49]


A scan has emerged, presumably from the V Jump Special Compilation Starter Book, 100% verifying the names and identities of the Digimon mentioned in the previous news article.


News kasai tomomi bastemon.jpg
Kasai Tomomi with official Toei image of Bastemon
News bommon 2010.jpg

Several news articles have emerged confirming Bastemon's presence in Digimon Xros Wars as the Princess of Lake Zone. She is set to be voiced by Kasai Tomomi, who is making a guest appearance, in a one-hour special that airs on September 14, 2010 at 19:00 (UTC +9) which includes the tenth and eleventh episodes.

Sources: [50], [51]

News digimonnames.jpg
Troopmon (left), Chikurimon (top-right), Monimon (middle-right), Gaosumon (bottom-right)

And finally, after a long wait, the back of the card D1-20 has revealed the identity of the gask masked Digimon as "Troopmon" (トループモン).

Also, the Digimon Xros Wars V Jump Special Compilation Starter Book, which was distributed during the Super Digica Taisen Digi Xros Campaign along with DP-03, unveals the names of some of the previously unnamed Digimon, which also includes the confirmed name "Troopmon":

Source: [52]



The Digimon Story: Lost Evolution site has updated with Aegisdramon's profile as well as its official Bandai image.

In other news, with the titles for episodes 8-10 of Digimon Xros Wars being revealed, synopses for each episode have emerged, mentioning things such as "Dorulumon's past", Tactimon's encounter with Xros Heart, the name of a new Zone known as "Lake Zone" (レイクゾーン), home to Knightmon and several Pawn Chessmon, and more!

Source: [53]


Unconfirmed/unverified titles for the eighth, ninth and tenth episodes of Digimon Xros Wars have emerged and are as follows:

Mad Leomon and Shoutmon X 2 are added to Digimon Dictionary


Dondokomon and Monitamon are added to Digimon Dictionary

• The official Toei site for Digimon Xros Wars has updated with sections for Neptunemon, Mantaraymon and Chibi Kamemon.

Greymon and Mail Birdramon are added to Digimon Dictionary


Scans of the September 2010 issue of V Jump have emerged, including info regarding Super Digica Taisen, Digimon Xros Loader, a scan from the second chapter of the manga and more! Also, one of the scans reveals the titles of the sixth and seventh episodes of Digimon Xros Wars, in addition to the other two previous titles, airing on August 10 and August 17 respectively:

#6 "X 4, Overcome the Crisis!"
#7 "Volcanic Digimon, Explode!"

Source: [54]


Lots of updates from the 2010 International Tokyo Toy Show which include close-ups from the Digimon Xros Figure Series, the Digimon Xros Wars versions of the Digimon Mini (Greymon Blue, Shoutmon Red, Dark Knightmon Black), a new game called "Digimon Catch" and more!

Also, a close-up of Dark Knightmon's Digimon Xros Wars Digital Monster Series figure, which includes its DigiMemory (Memory Stick), has unexpectedly revealed the name of one of its Special Moves as "Undead Soldier" (アンデッドソルジャー).

Source: [55]

• The Super Digica Taisen site has updated with a new trailer and the card list section has opened, unveiling things such as rarity (Normal-> Rare -> Mega Rare -> Giga Rare) and that the first set will be released on August 5. Also, from the trailer, the name of the Digixros between Shoutmon and Starmon and Pickmons has been confirmed as "Shoutmon + Star Sword" (シャウトモン+スターソード)

Megadramon and Prince Mamemon are added to Digimon Dictionary

• The Super Digica Taisen blog has updated with a sample of the "Super Digica Taisen Official Binder" as well as an image of a Greymon card - DP-04.


News has emerged regarding the titles of the fourth and fifth episodes of Digimon Xros Wars

#4 - "Island Zone, Upheaval!"
"Having acquired a strange object, Amano Nene, a mysterious girl, appears before Taiki. According to Nene, that object is called a "Code Crown", the proof of a Zone ruler, and it is said that if one were to gather all of them, they can rebuild the world as they desire."
#5 - "DigiMemory, Shine!"
"Island Zone's Code Crown was inside the stomach of an enormous Digimon, Whamon. Taiki and the others, as well as the Bagra Army, wage battle within Whamon's body."


Black Megalo Growmon and Goddramon are added to Digimon Dictionary

• The official site for Digimon Xros Wars has updated with sections for Mad Leomon, Monitamon and Taiki's Mom. The Super Digica Taisen site has also updated, with a commercial that was shown when the first episode of Xros Wars aired.

Digimon Xros Wars premieres in Japan!



Images of Aegisdramon have emerged, revealing that it evolves from Plesiomon.


In other news, the boxart for the Digimon Xros Archive Booster has also been unveiled.

Source: [56]

Boltmon and Tyilinmon are added to Digimon Dictionary


The Digimon Xros Wars Asahi TV site has updated, revealing the name of a new Digimon, "Blastmon", a member of the Bagra Army, and more!

Source: [57]

In addition, a spreadsheet has emerged, showing a complete list of Digimon in Digimon Story: Lost Evolution, revealing yet another new Digimon, "Aegisdramon" (イージスドラモン), with the Quest Password AEGD2010. It follows a similar pattern to Ulforce Vdramon, Craniummon and Examon's Quest Passwords, which are UFVD2002, CRNM2005 and EXAM2007 respectively. Could this be the penultimate Royal Knight?

Sources: [58] (credit to Digimons World), [59]



Digimon Story: Lost Evolution has been released in Japan!

In addition, some scans have emerged relating to the first episode of Digimon Xros Wars, which includes Mad Leomon, confirmation that Mail Birdramon is indeed Kiriha Aonuma's Partner Digimon and other stuff.


And finally, Toysnjoys has put up an image for the "Digimon Xros Wars Figure Collection Box" which implies that the pink rabbit Digimon is named "Cutemon".

Source: [62]

• The Data Carddass site has officially opened.

Digimon Web has updated with a section on Digimon Xros Wars vinyl figures.


Clearer scans of the August 2010 issue of V Jump have emerged, revealing the existence of Shoutmon x3 (identical to Shoutmon x4 except without the Star Sword).

Source: [63]


Digimon Web as well as both the Asahi and Toei sites for Digimon Xros Wars have undergone major design changes. Also, the Sonar Pocket Official Homepage has updated.


In addition, Dorulumon and Starmons have been added to Digimon Dictionary

• A third commercial for Digimon Xros Wars has been broadcast on TV Asahi


News vjumpaug2010partial scan madleomon.jpg
Mad Leomon

More scans of the August 2010 issue of V Jump have emerged, revealing the names of two new Digimon; Mad Leomon (マッドレオモン), a member(s) of the Bagura Army, and Baguramon (バグラモン), the main enemy Digimon. In addition, name of the drum-shaped Digimon has been confirmed as “Dondokomon” (ドンドコモン).

It also reveals info regarding Super Digica Taisen, the Digimon Xros Figure series, Shoutmon x2's presence in the Manga, the titles of the second and third episodes which air on July 13, 2010 and July 20, 2010 respectively and more!:

Episode 2: "Shoutmon, Roar!"
「シャウトモン、吠える! "Shautomon, Hoeru!"
Episode 3: "A Rival Appears, Kiriha!"
「強敵(ライバル)キリハ、現る! "Raibaru Kiriha, Arawaru!"


Source: [67]


News vjumpaug2010partial scan .jpg

Bastemon and Crossmon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

A (very) small scan from the August 2010 issue of V Jump has emerged revealing the name of a theme song for Digimon Xros Wars as "Never Give Up!" (ネバギバ!) by Sonar Pocket.

The Digimon Data Carddass site has also updated mentioning that the official site for Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen opens on June 25.

In other news, Rakuten, as well as other Japanese shopping sites have began listing a card Booster, known as the "Digimon Xros Archive Booster Pack", set to contain 56 cards, of which 14 are "DigiRare" and 12 are "Super DigiRare".

Source: [68]


A new article has emerged that mentions the enemy in Digimon Xros Wars, the "Bagura/Bagra Empire" (バグラ帝国) who aim for world domination.

Source: [69]


It appears that Kousuke Yamashita (山下 康介) will be composing music for Digimon Xros Wars.



Xroswarsepisode01 scan .jpg

Deathmon and Majiramon are added to Digimon Dictionary.

A new scan has emerged confirming that the title of the first episode of Digimon Xros Wars is indeed:

"Taiki Goes to Another World!"
(タイキ、異世界へ行く! Taiki, Isekai he Iku!)

  • Script: Riku Sanjo
  • Assistant Director & Storyboard: Tetsuya Endo
  • Animation Director: Yoshihiro Takeda
  • Art: Shinzo Yuki


"Possessing outstanding reflexes, Taiki, a soft-hearted person who can't say no when it comes to being asked a favor, has participated in various sports clubs. Having finished practice in basketball club, Taiki challenges Zenjirou from the kendo club to a match, but is stopped by his childhood friend, Akari.

Then, Taiki suddenly hears a melody from out of nowhere and notices a light in the shape of a musical note. When he listens to it carefully, the voice of a boy breathing feebly is mixed within that melody. Shocked by the boy's words saying "I’m going to die soon", Taiki starts searching for the source of the voice in order to save him.

Akari and Zenjirou, who follow Taiki afterwards, witness a car crashing into the top floor of a building in the middle of town. But, somehow neither the car nor the building were damaged at all. Immediately afterwards, the car falls down towards Taiki and the others along with a digital light. However, thanks to listening to the boy's voice, they escape danger.

Furthermore, Taiki hears someone's voice saying "If you want to save the boy, then follow the guidance of the light that appears in front of you". When Taiki touches that light, called a X Loader, he is hurled into digital space resembling a cyber tunnel. There, in the Digital World, the mysterious other world, in front of Taiki and the others is an enormous Digimon, Mammon.”


Xroswarsstrailer02 01 .png

A second, longer Digimon Xros Wars trailer has been broadcast during the final episode of Kaidan Restaurant, which includes dialogue from Taiki Kudou saying something along the lines of:

"I'm Taiki Kudou, and the ultimate adventure in the Digital World is about to begin! The new series, Digimon Xros Wars, starts July 6 (Tues) at 7:27PM!! Let's go, Shoutmon! Digixros!!".

Also, rumors have been beginning to emerge, claiming that the title of the first episode of Digimon Xros Wars is:

"Taiki Goes to Another World!"
(タイキ、異世界へ行く! Taiki, Isekai he Iku!)

Ballistamon and Shoutmon are added to Digimon Dictionary

06.02.2010 as well as some other Japanese online shopping sites have begun listing the "Digimon Xros Wars Figure Collection Box", which reveals a new name of another Digimon as "Cutemon" (キュートモン). The lineup for the collection is:

  • Shoutmon
  • Shoutmon X4
  • Cutemon
  • Ballistamon
  • Dorulumon
  • Mail Birdramon
  • Greymon

Source: [70]

In addition, a new scan has emerged showing the AR code card design for the Digimon Xros Arena as well as the following action figures:

  • Shoutmon
  • Shoutmon X4
  • Greymon
  • Metal Greymon
  • Dark Knightmon

It also reveals the names of the Digimon Armies/"Teams" in Digimon Xros Wars as well as their emblems:

  • Taiki: Xros Heart (クロスハート)
  • Kiriha: Blue Flare (ブルーフレア)
  • Nene: Twilight (トワイライト)

Source: [71]



Some images have emerged on confirming the existence and identities of Shoutmon X2, Pickmon and Mail Birdramon, also revealing a new Digimon name: "Dark Knightmon" (ダークナイトモン). Also a Digimon Xros Wars version of the Digimon Mini series is schelduled to be released, with "Shoutmon Red", "Dark Knightmon Black" (tentative) and "Greymon Blue" versions.


Mail Birdramon figure
Shoutmon & Starmons Set
Ballistamon figure
Dark Knightmon + two new Digimon
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Mini series

Belial Vamdemon and Dark Superstarmon are added to Digimon Dictionary

05.26.2010 as well as some other Japanese online shopping sites have begun listing more info reegarding products relating to Digimon Xros Wars, in addition to the previous stuff, revealing names such as "Shoutmon X2" (シャウトモンX2) and "Pickmon" (ピックモン) and other items which include Shoutmon's microphone.

Source: [72]

In other news, TV Asahi has announced that they will be (re)broadcasting Digimon Adventure on July 9.

Source: [73]

And finally, a few days ago, the official blog for Digimon Story: Lost Evolution revealed a clearer image of the Super Digica Taisen Omegamon card:


  • HP: 800
  • Lv. 4
  • DB (DigiBlast? 「デジブラスト」): Blast Grey Sword
  • DS (DigiStorm? 「デジストーム」): Double Sword Cross Slash (700)
  • P: 280
  • D: 160
  • S: 160
  • "Effect":
  • Royal Knights


Digimonxroswars poster.jpg

Medieval Dukemon and Mihiramon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Bandai has issued a pdf, containing information regarding the Digimon Xros Loader, Digimon X Arena and Digimon Xros Wars, which also reveals a new poster (right), and the first set of a new series of action figures- the Xros Figure series is due to be released in August at about ¥1890.

The Digimon Xros Wars Toei official site has been updated, revealing more names of new Digimon, more cast and staff.


  • Producer(s): Tomoharu Matsuhisa (TV Asahi) & Hiroyuki Sakurada (Toei Animation)
  • Series Director: Tetsuya Endo
  • Series Composition: Riku Sanjo
  • Character Design/Chief Animation Director: Akihiro Asanuma
  • Art Design: Shinzo Yuki

New Digimon voice actors:


In other news, as well as some other Japanese online shopping sites have begun listing various products relating to Digimon Xros Wars, in particular to the Digimon Xros Loader, and one of them reveals the name of one of the new Digimon as "Mail Birdramon" (メイルバードラモン).

Source: [74]

The Digimon Story: Lost Evolution official site has also been updated, under the heading "Digibase". In addition, the obscured Omegamon Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen card has been unveiled.


And finally, the web address stored within the AR code on the second page of the pdf is [75], displaying a Bandai illustration of Shoutmon (left) and text saying something along the lines of "A game appliance that you can play for free! Enjoy!"

Source: [76]


Xroswarssuperdigicataisen samplecard.jpg
Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen Shoutmon card

The Digimon Data Carddas site has reopened, revealing the name of the new card game as "Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen" and this has an associated arcade game similar to Digimon Battle Terminal. The format of the cards seems to display three "attacks"/two "attacks" and a "Special Ability" alongside a picture of the Digimon on the front of the card, while on the back it displays the Digimon's profile and effects of some of its attacks. There also appears to be a system resembling "Battle Type", reminiscent of the two previous card games, represented by "rock, paper, scissors" (green=rock, blue=paper, red=scissors).

For example,



  • 600 HP
  • Blast Crusher
  • Storm Hammer Knuckle (700)
  • Soul Shout


  • Soul Shout
    Lowers the opponent's attack.
  • Profile:

Source: [77]

Minami Takayama promoting Xros Wars at a presentation

In addition, more ino revealed regarding the Digimon Xros Loader. In Xros Wars, the Digimon Xros Loader is an item Taiki uses to give power to Digimon by means of "DigiCross/DigiXros" (デジクロス Dejikurosu), the term used for the new form of Digimon fusion, creating a powerful Digimon. As a toy, Bandai intends to launch this in October at a price of ¥7140.

Source: [78]

New V Jump scans reveal more human characters in Digimon Xros Wars, a cast, the name of the new "digivice" - the Digimon Xros Loader, a new manga based on Xros Wars starting in the August 2010 issue of V Jump and a new card game. It also reveals that it is scheduled to air in Japan on July 6, 2010 on TV Asahi from 19:27 - 19:57 (UTC +9).

Source: [79]

DORUgoramon and Metal Tyranomon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Duftmon: Leopard Mode and Tankdramon are added to Digimon Dictionary


Darkdramon and Metallife Kuwagamon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Black War Greymon and Dinobeemon are added to Digimon Dictionary

• Both Toei and TV Asahi launch Digimon Xros Wars teaser sites, also available on Digimon Web:

Toei teaser site
TV Asahi teaser site

Doumon and Pinochimon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Dinorexmon and Skull Baluchimon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Dynasmon and Metal Mamemon are added to Digimon Dictionary


Fantomon and Murmukusmon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Griffomon and Panjyamon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Blossomon and Death-X-mon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Tiger Vespamon and DORUguremon are added to Digimon Dictionary


Delumon and Beelzebumon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Grand Locomon and Mummymon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Jyagamon and Piemon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Gerbemon and Seraphimon are added to Digimon Dictionary


Cannonbeemon and Spinomon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Susanoomon and Vamdemon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Slash Angemon and Vajramon are added to Digimon Dictionary

Infermon and Sleipmon are added to Digimon Dictionary