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⇨ Japanese Starmon and the Pickmons' "Sword-union Mode". The saw-shaped blade is strong and boasts peerless firmness, so that it shreds the opponent when it cuts through them, inflicting massive damage. Because the wounds are completely ragged, it takes time for the opponent to recover from the damage of an ordinary attack, and they incur even greater damage.
Also, because the united Pickmon can shift freely, it possesses not only firmness, but also a flexibility that allows it to bend like a willow branch and absorb impacts that are too strong.
It can be said that the Star Sword has an appearance which embodies the strong ties of Starmon and the Pickmons' emotional bond.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English スターモンとピックモンの『剣結合形態』。ノコギリの様な刀身は強固なことこの上ない硬さを誇り、相手を削るように切断して大ダメージをあたえる。切り口をズタズタにしてしまうため、普通の攻撃のダメージより回復に時間がかかり、敵により大きな被害を与える。 また硬いだけではなく、ピックモン同士の結合が自在に動くため、柳の枝のようにしなって強すぎる衝撃を吸収するしなやかさも併せ持つ。 スターソードはスターモンとピックモンの強い絆の結びつきを体現した姿といえよう。
⇨ Japanese The "Sword-union Mode" which Starmon and the Pickmons digixrosed to!
The "Sword-union Mode" which Starmon and the Pickmons digixrosed to. The saw-shaped blade is strong and boasts peerless firmness, so that it shreds the opponent when it cuts through them, inflicting massive damage. Also, because the united Pickmon can shift freely, it possesses not only firmness, but also a flexibility that allows it to bend like a willow branch and absorb impacts that are too strong.
TV Asahi | Digimon Xros Wars
⇨ English スターモンとピックモンがデジクロスした“剣結合形態”!
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
⇨ English
デジモンストーリー 超クロスウォーズ
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Star Blade
Sutā Bureido
Sun Sword
Full Star Blade
Furu Sutā Bureido
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Shoutmon is the partner of Kudou Taiki. He lives in the Village of Smiles, located in the Green Zone. He aspires to become the Digimon King in order to protect everyone in his village from the Bagra Army. When given the power to wield the Star Sword, Shoutmon gets a small power boost.
Shoutmon + Star Sword from Digimon Xros Wars.
Shoutmon + Star Sword from Digimon Xros Wars.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Super Digica Taisen
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A new form in which Shoutmon, who specializes in close combat, is equipped with the Star Sword. Using a sword with outstanding sharpness, it slices the opponent in two.
Quote (⇨ English): 接近戦が得意なシャウトモンがスターソードを装備した新たな姿。切れ味抜群の剣を使い、相手を真っ二つにする。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A form in which Shoutmon is equipped with the sword born from the DigiXros of Starmon and the Pickmons - the Star Sword.
Quote (⇨ English): スターモンとピックモンがデジクロスして誕生する剣・スターソードを、シャウトモンが装備した姿。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): By using the "Star Sword", the sword DigiXrosed from the Starmons, its attack power has significantly increased.
Quote (⇨ English): スターモンズがデジクロスした剣「スターソード」を使うことで、攻撃力が格段にアップした。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Shoutmon, who excels at maneuverability, swings the saw-edged sword, 'Star Sword', displaying its sword techniques freely in battle.
Quote (⇨ English): 小回りの効くシャウトモンが、のこぎり状の刃をした「スターソード」を振るい、自由自在な剣技で戦う姿。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): There have been times when Zenjirou, using his skills in kendo, made use of Shoutmon's Star Sword to fend off enemies.
Quote (⇨ English): シャウトモンのスターソードを手にしたゼンジロウが、剣道の腕を活かして相手に立ち向かうこともある。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The Star Sword is the "Sword-Union Mode", the DigiXrosed form of Starmon and the Pickmons. The saw-shaped blade is both sturdy and powerful.
Quote (⇨ English): スターソードはスターモンとピックモンがデジクロスした剣結合形態。のこぎり形の刀身は頑丈で強力だ。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Taiki's strong-willed partner. The Star Sword it wields in its right hand is the DigiXrosed form of Starmon and the Pickmons.
Quote (⇨ English): タイキの心強いパートナー。右手のスターソードは、スターモンとピックモンズ達がデジクロスした姿。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The Starmons fuse to form the Sword-union Mode, which Shoutmon then equips. The Star Sword possesses great firmness, at the same being capable of shifting freely in accordance to the Starmons' will.
Quote (⇨ English): スターモンズが剣結合形態スターソードとなり、シャウトモンが装備。スターソードは高い硬度を持ちながらも、スターモンズの意志で自在に動くことが可能。
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Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ The Star Sword is an obtainable weapon in the Xros Loader virtual pet.