Yggdrasill (イグドラシル, Igudorashiru; Dub: King Drasil), is the mysterious host computer that rules over the Digital World on one of the servers on the Network as well as being the name of the system that manages the Digital World.
Originally, "Yggdrasill" was a generic name for the system that was operating on the supercomputer where the Net Ocean was discovered, and later, as a self-defense instinct to eliminate bugs, it began to function without making any judgment between good and evil.[1] According to one hypothesis, it sent N.E.O to be the basis (Adam) for "Next-generation Digimon".[2] It has created an avatar in the form of "Yggdrasill_7D6".[3] Shakamon is rumored to be the being closest to Yggdrasill in the Digital World.[4] Yggdrasill gathered the Royal Knights in order to manage the world,[5] and even modified the code of Craniummon's armor, changing it into Black Digizoid.[6] It seems that its will will eventually lead the Royal Knights to cross servers to Digital World: Iliad and meet the Olympos XII face-to-face.[5]
Yggdrasill is commonly treated as the equivalent of the God of the Digital World in various adaptations throughout the franchise.
Being a digital entity without a physical form, Yggdrasill usually employs many kinds of avatars in order to interact with the physical world.
Ring of information[edit]
Yggdrasill is sometimes shown as a ring of information surrounding the Digital World itself.[7] This depiction was used in Digimon Chronicle, Digital Monster X-evolution and Hiragana Digimon: A Tale of the Royal Knights.
Crystal Orb[edit]
Not much is known about this depiction of Yggdrasill. It appeared in the Digital Monster X-evolution movie and served as the core of the Digital World.
"7D6" is an avatar created by the mysterious host computer "Yggdrasill".[3] It is its most commonly depicted avatar.
Mikihara Norn[edit]
Norn is a mysterious girl born as a physical manifestation of Yggdrasill splitting its consciousness in order to go to Earth to discover what Digimon meant to humans, as it was unsure about the bonds between the two. This depiction of Yggdrasill has only been used in the Digimon Next manga.
![]() Mikihara Norn from Digimon Next |
Yggdrasill's Card Terminals[edit]
In Digimon Crusader, Yggdrasill had disappeared. All that remained were scraps of data, the five coloured "Cards" that served as Yggdrasill's Terminals. Although they were extremely powerful, at the same time, they were completely meaningless, because under the system of this world, no one was able to make use of them. However, Aegiomon was able to master all five "colors" that represented the species of the Digital World, and, when evolved into Jupitermon, was able to use the Terminals in a fight against Plutomon.[8]
Digital Monster X-evolution[edit]
Very similar to the case of Chronicle, it maintained the Digital World and Digimon as part of an artificial life experiment run by an unknown party. Eventually, Digimon multiplied until its memory started to overload, causing the Digital Hazard. It activated Project Ark, using the X-Program to eliminate 99% of Digimon, saving the remaining 1% for follow-up experiments in a New Digital World. However, another 1% of the Digimon population managed to survive by developing the X-Antibody, giving them a resistance to the X-Program and mutating them into newer forms. Yggdrasill dispatched the Royal Knights to hunt down the X-Antibody Digimon, which they did in the belief they were preventing the destruction of the Digital World. However, Yggdrasill was programmed to intervene in and administrate problems in the Digital World, but decided that it had become too complicated and needed to be done away with entirely to keep order, so it unleashed a plan to delete all Digimon. Yggdrasill was eventually destroyed by the Royal Knights Alphamon and Omegamon, when they realized that it intended to end the lives of all Digimon.
Digimon Savers[edit]
In Digimon Savers, Daimon Masaru's father Suguru goes on a quest to find Yggdrasill in order to bring peace between Digimon and Humans. 10 years later, Yggdrasill dispatches the Royal Knights to destroy the Human World after Kurata's use of the space-time oscillation bombs causes the Digital World to fall into the Human World.
Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]
Himekawa Maki works with Yggdrasill to force the reboot to bring Bakumon back to life. The Mysterious Man and Alphamon work for Yggdrasill, and claim the entity is their ally. The Mysterious Man states the actual plan for the reboot was to revive all the Digimon that had been killed in the real world, and then use them to take over and then destroy the Human World. After JESmon cuts Tailmon out of Ordinemon, Yggdrasill replaces Tailmon's place with new files, causing her to return to the fight. Ordinemon however is killed by Omegamon: Merciful Mode, and shortly afterwards, Homeostasis shuts down Yggdrasill.
Digimon Chronicle[edit]
Yggdrasil was established as the Digital World System, responsible for managing the entire Digital World and whose function was to carry out experiments in favor of evolution of Digimon. It is theorized that Digimon where a direct creation of Yggdrasill, and it was responsible of creating the Prototype Digimon of the "DORU Series" and "Ryu Series". Alongside these experiments, Yggdrasill also created the Death-X, an old relic of evolutionary research that artificially increases the survival instinct of Digimon to its limit.
As Digimon multiplied, Yggdrasill became unable to cope with things, causing the Digital Hazard. It activated Project Ark, using the X Program to eliminate unwanted Digimon, saving the remaining for follow-up experiments in a New Digital World. This New Digital World consisted of three layers for the past, present, and future - Ulud, Versandi, and Skuld, respectively.
Yggdrasill was said to be responsible for managing the entire Digital World and carrying out experiments in favor of the evolution of Digimon. It is theorized that Digimon were a direct creation of Yggdrasill, and it was responsible of creating the Prototype Digimon of the "DORU Series" and "Ryu Series".. Alongside these experiments, Yggdrasill also created the Death-X, an old relic of evolutionary research that artificially increases the survival instinct of Digimon to its limit.[7]
Digimon Next[edit]
Yggdrasill is the host computer of the Digital World and resides in the System World.
![]() Barbamon fused with Yggdrasill. |
Digimon Xros Wars[edit]
When Yggdrasill's AI had gone berserk during the events of Digimon Savers, leading to multiple attempts to destroy the human world and threatening the Digital World itself, the Yggdrasill System was deactivated for some time in the quest to better understand humans and their bond to Digimon. Bagramon remade the right side of his body with wood from Yggdrasill's server tree. Learning from Yggdrasill's mistakes, the Security System of the Digital World took it's place as the God of the Digital World in an attempt to be a more calm and protective god.
Digimon Chronicle X[edit]
After the activation of the Project Ark, the old Digital World had become a world of death due to the contamination by the X-Program, and was thus under strict lockdown. However, after a decade or so had passed, the concentration of the X-Program there had thinned enough that it would not affect the bodies of Digimon directly; as such, Yggdrasill ordered the Royal Knights to conduct a survey on the current state of the old Digital World. And so Craniummon and Sleipmon were given the X-Antibody by Yggdrasill. Well-prepared, they began their descent into the old Digital World.
Hiragana Digimon: A Tale of the Royal Knights[edit]
As shown in Episode 1, "Dynasmon the Bad Boy", Dynasmon once posted an anonymous troll message online insulting Yggdrasill.
Yggdrasill properly appeared in Episode 2, "Yggdrasill", where it was introduced as the boss of the Royal Knights and the system that maintained the Digital World, but who had started giving out unusual and absurd orders like destroying the Real World for the sake of peace. Dynasmon just sighed at this. In this manga, Yggdrasill is shown in its "ring of information" form.
Digimon Chronicle X[edit]
Digimon Seekers[edit]
Mentioned only.
Video Games[edit]
Digimon World X[edit]
Yggdrasill is the Host Computer of this Digital World. As hinted in the game, it is possible that Yggdrasill was behind the creation of the Mecha Rogue.
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]
Yggdrasill is mentioned by Grimmon in the "Search the Digiarea" quest. It taunts Yggdrasill by claiming its project Ymir will rewrite the entire Digital World.
Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]
Kernel believes that the existence of Tamers, Digimon and even evolution is nothing but useless data that needs to be wiped out. The plan of the Erasers was to send all the Data back to where they came from, the "Ancient Tree" (エンシェントツリー) which is the origin of the data and the evolution itself.
The final plan of Kernel is to gather all the data of all the Tamers and Digimon of the Digital World so that all returned to Ancient Tree, then Kernel would take this data and to become one with all that already existed, it also affirms that the power which he was using when he turned the Giga Devast is the power that comes directly from Ancient Tree. So indeed the Ancient Tree is Yggdrasill, then all the data that exists comes from Yggdrasill, just as all the power of the Digimon really belongs to Yggdrasill itself.
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]
It is revealed that Uno, Dos & Tres are Digimon-like beings created by Yggdrasill itself as a result of a project of the old Tamer Union.
Digimon Collectors[edit]
Yggdrasill sends a Digitama to the Lower World which is then guarded by Hackmon and the Sistermon and eventually hatches releasing Arkadimon, who will spread the data to form the "Tower of the Seven Deadly Sins", and there would be the fate of the Royal Knights sealed.
The Towers were collecting the essence of all sins, and ultimately give birth to Ogudomon, who is sent by the will of Yggdrasill as a trial to find superior beings. Gankoomon and Bao Hackmon together manage to send Ogudomon into space, and then Ogudomon simply stops acting, whereas even the Royal Knights do not fully understand the will of Yggdrasill.
Digimon Crusader[edit]
The Digital World is undergoing a great chaos, a vortex of war never seen before. The cause: the main computer had the task of maintaining order; however "Yggdrasill" suddenly vanished. Due to the lack of rules, the Digimon tried to gain power to become the "Next Ruler of the Digital World".
In the forest, far from the wars, Aegiomon was living in peace with his friends. He was born in Digital World: Iliad and originally was Jupitermon, one of the Olympos XII, but at some point he became Aegiomon and lost his memory, suddenly appearing in the Digital World ruled by a missing Yggdrasill while having to fight for his fate in the battlefield.
Digimon Adventure[edit]
Gankoomon is one of the Royal Knights and Hackmon's guardian.
Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]
Yggdrasill is the Host Computer of the Digital World. Some time before the beginning of the story of the game, Yggdrasill spread the Program X to eliminate unnecessary Digimon, thus optimizing the Digital World. Some time after that, it is deactivated.
After being sealed and deactivated within the Infinity Mountain for a long time, Yggdrasill reactivates on its own when it feels the danger that the aritificial lifeform called Vitium represents, and reuses the Program X in order to prevent Vitium from destroying the Digital World.
It should be noted that it's highly implied that this Yggdrasill is the same one from Digital Monster X-Evolution.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]
Several Yggdrasill terminals are fought leading up to the final boss of the game, the main Yggdrasill unit fused with the Mother Eater. Once Yggdrasill is freed from the Eater influence, its normal functionality is restored and it begins repairing the Digital World. Yggdrasill also appears on a Digimon Medal.
![]() The Mother Eater fused with Yggdrasill. |
Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]
The various members of the Royal Knights mention they work for Yggdrasill.
Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]
The various members of the Royal Knights mention they work for Yggdrasill.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]
The various members of the Royal Knights mention they work for Yggdrasill. Craniummon begins to doubt its leadership, which leads Yggdrasill to mind control it and force it to do as it is told. Yggdrasill also appears on a Digimon Medal.
Digimon Masters[edit]
Gankoomon states it works for Yggdrasill.
Digimon New Century[edit]
Yggdrasill manifests itself as a giant cube in the main plaza of the Digital World. During chapter 1 of the main story, it speaks to the Player, the only one who can hear it, and shows them Agumon's past as part of a war that changed the destiny of the Digital World. Afterwards, it asks the Player what they saw during the explosion, which it considers even more important, and after learning of it, explains that it's a future calamity for the Digital World, caused by conflicts involving Digimon, and an outcome that can be changed if the Player finds the eight Chosen Children they saw in their vision.
The captain and the Player, under the guidance of Yggdrasill, were able to defeat Hyuuga Hiroyuki and Fantomon.
Virtual Pets[edit]
D-Spirit 2[edit]
Hyper Colosseum | |||
Card Game Alpha | |||
Digimon Card Game | |||
Image Gallery[edit]
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Digimon Savers (Yggdrasill_7D6) |
Digimon Savers Lineart Book (Yggdrasill_7D6) |
Digimon Savers Lineart Book (Yggdrasill_7D6) |
Digimon Savers Lineart Book (Yggdrasill_7D6) |
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Digimon Savers Lineart Book (Yggdrasill Core) |
Digimon Savers Lineart Book (Yggdrasill Core) |
Virtual Pets[edit]
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Digimon Web (Yggdrasill_7D6) |
D-Spirit 2 |
- Yggdrasill is named after the giant ash tree that connected the nine worlds in Norse mythology, tended by the three Norns, after which the Terminals in the NEW Digital World that Yggdrasill created are named.
- In Digimon Fortune, there's a huge "World Tree" in the Packet Island that has a connection with the Orbital Elevator called "Noah" that connects it to the Dark Area. Although the name is the same as the avatar created by Yggdrasill that supports the Digital World, and has a similar appearance to the Tree used in Digimon Savers and Digimon Xros Wars (Manga), no relation between it and Yggdrasil is made in the game itself.
- In Digimon Adventure:, a "Big Tree of Information" appears, similar to the "Information Tree" in Digimon Xros Wars (Manga) (which Bagramon states is Yggdrasill). Whether they're the same thing in Adventure: and Xros Wars is unconfirmed.
- By forcibly combining the powers of the Seven Great Demon Lords and the X-Antibody, Ogudomon X can no longer be identified as a Digimon, but a part of the system itself, an existence that can almost be said to be God; a ‘God’ with the power to destroy and recreate the Digital World. Ogudomon X is composed of data that’s much like Yggdrasill’s, thus making Yggdrasill and Ogudomon X-Antibody into opposing kinds of gods, like the two sides of the same coin.[9]
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