Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese Rumored to be the being closest to Yggdrasill in the Digital World, Shakamon is the one that has protected the eastern Digital World since ancient times. It is a being replete with love, but it will occasionally impose an ordeal upon the Digital World in order to have it leap forward even further. Those ordeals are also Shakamon's love, and it is said that Shakamon is still waiting for the arrival of the Digimon that will overcome the ordeals. It is something meaningless to challenge Shakamon, who understands the underlying principles of heaven and earth. Even if someone challenges it to battle, they would just be endlessly fighting against an illusion on top of Shakamon's palm, so in the end both their mind and body are exhausted. With this "Satori Henro Shou", Shakamon enlightens them that conflict is meaningless. Also, it purifies and remedies evil by illuminating the opponent with a halo that cannot be shut out even if they close their eyes (Reikou Kumo-no-Ito), and its "Taijou Shingon" crushes hostility with a thundering voice, knocking the opponent away beyond the horizon.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English デジタルワールドの世界でもっともイグドラシルに近い存在と噂され、古代よりデジタルワールド東方から守護してきたとされるのがシャカモンである。慈愛に満ちた存在であるが、さらなる飛躍のために時としてデジタルワールドに試練を与える。その試練もまたシャカモンの慈愛であり、試練を乗り越えるデジモンの到来をシャカモンは待ち続けているという。天上天下の理を知るシャカモンに戦いを挑むのは無意味というもの。たとえ戦いを挑んだとしても永遠にシャカモンの掌の上で幻を相手にするだけで、遂には心身ともに尽き果てる。この「悟遍路掌(さとりへんろしょう)」によってシャカモンは争いの無意味さを悟らせるのだ。また、まぶたを閉じても遮ることができない後光で相手を照らして悪しきを浄化し救済する「霊光蜘蛛之糸(れいこうくものいと)」、「怠条真言(たいじょうしんごん)」は一喝で敵意を挫き、敵を彼方まで吹き飛ばす。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)