Mother Eater

From Wikimon

It is an entity that oversees Eater in this world hierarchy and accumulates the eaten data.
Digimon Story Visual Art Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
World Restart [1] ワールド・リスタート Wārudo Risutāto World Restart[1] Manipulates the Digital World's system, reducing all enemies to the brink of death.[1]
Vanquish Drive [1] ヴァンキッシュ・ドライブ Vankisshu Doraibu Vanquish Drive[1] Radiates destructive energy.[1]
Build Arm [1] ビルドアーム Birudo Āmu Build Arm[1] Slaps an enemy with its right arm, absorbing their health.[1]
Clap Hand [1] クラップハンド Kurappu Hando Clap Hand[1] A powerful blow with its left arm.[1]
Operation [1] オペレーション Operēshon Operation[1] Mysteriously causes damage to enemies when the lenses on its body glow red.[1]
Version Up [1] バージョンアップ Bājon Appu Upgrade[1] Doubles the power of its next attack.[1]
Reverse Field [1] リバースフィールド Ribāsu Fīrudo Reverse Field[1] Uses its left wing to cause bugs in its enemies' data, reversing the properties of their Attribute.[1]
Repairing [1] リペアリング Ripearingu Repair[1] Uses its right wing to heal itself.[1]
Undo [1] アンドゥ Andu Undo[1] Uses its right wing to negate the effects of Reverse Field.[1]
Restart [1] リスタート Risutāto Restart[1] Fully repairs one of its disabled wings.[1]
Spirit Crash [1] スピリットクラッシュ Supiritto Kurasshu Spirit Crash[1] Absorbs an enemy's energy with its left hand.[1]


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Video Games[edit]

Mother Eater.jpg

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]


Additional information[edit]

References Notes