Ozora Yujin

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Ozora Yujin
Ozora Yujin
Kanji/Kana 大空 勇仁 (Ozora Yujin)
大空 勇仁 (Oozora Yujin)
Age 13 (ep 1-26)
14 (ep 27-52)
Height 168 cm
School Fujimizaka Middle School (ふじみ坂中学校)
Buddy Appmon Offmon
Appli Drive DUO, Purple/Silver Pairing Cover
Family Unnamed mother
Voice Actor Japanese Furukawa Makoto (古川 慎)

Ozora Yujin (大空 勇仁) is one of the protagonists in the anime and manga of Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.


Ozora Yujin is shown as a cheerful and friendly boy, who is protective to his loyal friends and is good at sports. He has a special caring for Shinkai Haru, who he has been friends with since primary school.

In the anime, his real identity is Humanoid Active Terminal for Interpersonal Information Gathering YJ-14 (対人情報収集用ヒト型起動端末YJ-14), who is an artificially intelligent android created by Leviathan. Contrary to his Yujin persona, YJ-14 is task-oriented and lacks of emotions and empathy. He lives with an L-Corp researcher who assumes the role of Yujin's mother.

In the manga, Yujin is a normal human being and has no connection with Leviathan.[1]


The name Yujin means "brave man". Possibly from Eugene Goostman (ユージーン・グーツマン Yūjīn Gūtsuman), a chatterbot that convinced a panel of Turing test judges that it was a human being. Also possibly a pun on "yūjin" (友人 lit. "friend") as his purpose was to pretend to be Haru's friend. The surname Ozora means "big sky". Possibly a reference to Tsubasa Ozora, the protagonist of Captain Tsubasa, due to him being a soccer player.



Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Ozora Yujin and Shinkai Haru in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
Ozora Yujin in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
YJ-14 in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.
YJ-14 with Shinkai Haru in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Appmon Gatchinko Bingo[edit]

Appli Monsters: Protect the World[edit]

Appmon Data Lab[edit]


Data Carddass Appli Monsters[edit]

Appmon Chips[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]


Oosora yuujin.jpg Oosora yuujin.png Oozora yuujin smile.jpg Oozora yuujin smile2.jpg
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Oosora yuujin character sheet.png Oosora yuujin3.png Oozora yuujin toei acrylic.jpg Oosora yuujin2.jpg
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
(Character sheet)
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Digimon Series: Acrylic de Card Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Oosora yuujin face1.jpg Oosora yuujin face2.jpg
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters


Digimon universe appli monsters manga yuujin offmon.jpg Digimon universe appli monsters manga promo art2.jpg Digimon universe appli monsters manga promo art4.jpg Digimon universe appli monsters manga promo art5.jpg
Illustration by Akamine Naoki Illustration by Akamine Naoki Illustration by Akamine Naoki Illustration by Akamine Naoki
Digimon universe appli monsters manga promo art6.jpg Digimon universe appli monsters manga promo art7.jpg
Illustration by Akamine Naoki Illustration by Akamine Naoki


Oozora yuujin sketches.png Oozora yujin sketches 2.jpg Oozora yujin sketches 3.jpg Oozora yujin sketches 4.png
Model Sheet Model Sheet Sketches
Appmon project poster7.jpg Haru gatchmon yujin offmon digimon partners digigift.jpg Oozora yujin acrylic de card.jpg BT1-52.jpg
Digital Monster 25th Anniversary Exhibition ~Digimon Museum~ Digimon Partners DigiGift Wallpaper Digimon Series: Acrylic de Card Vol.3 Digimon Universe Appli Monsters TCG
Dcda-4-042 front.jpg Best buddy mini tote yujin offmon.jpg Appmon animedia0.jpg Appmon animedia6.jpg
Data Carddass Appli Monsters
Original Artwork for the Appli Monsters Buddy Mini Tote Bag Series Promotional Animedia scan for Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Promotional Animedia scan for Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Appmon animedia8.jpg Appmon animedia10.jpg
Promotional Animedia scan for Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Promotional Animedia scan for Digimon Universe Appli Monsters

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Main Characters Shinkai HaruKaran EriAsuka TorajirouKatsura ReiOozora Yujin
Buddy Appmon GatchmonDokamonMusimonHackmonOffmon
Supporting Characters Kashiki AiWatsonNavimonShinkai DenemonMinervaTimemonCoachmonDantemonKatsura HajimeBootmonAgumonAsuka RyūtarouAsuka JennyMCmonTutomonCaught-Up Old Man
AppGattai Partners DreammonDezipmonPerorimonRecomon
Appliyama 470 Kagurazaka IzumiKibayashi ErenaMashiro Arisu
L-Corp Umematsu TakeoShiraishiYujin's Mother
Antagonists LeviathanCameramonSakusimonMienumonSateramonCometmonUnryuji KnightUltimate 4Deusmon
Terms AppliariseAppli DriveAppli Drive DUOAppli DriverAppLinkAppliyama 470Appmon BandSeven Code BandAppmon ChipAR-FieldBuddy AppmonCyber ArenaDigimon UniverseHumanity Applification PlanL-CorpL-VirusNet OceanL-CodeOverdriveRoulette SystemSeven Code AppmonSeven Code PAD
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast