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⇨ Japanese
The crystal in Savior Hackmon's chest began to shine as it surpassed Perfect to reach its Ultimate form: a Holy Knight Digimon that acquired the title of a "Royal Knight", the highest rank of Network Security. It is endowed with the ability to sense the unusual phenomena and signs of chaos that occur all over the Digital World, and is the first of any of the Royal Knights to come running. Rather than act independently, it tends to employ teamwork such as making a coordinated response with nearby Digimon and the Sistermons, which is rare for a Royal Knight; it does so due to its trust in others and so that it will not become overconfident in its abilities. By observing and learning from the Hinukamuy of its mentor Gankoomon, Jesmon also acquired the trio "Atho", "René", and "Por" as part of its ascetic training. They are able to move and act independently under Jesmon's instructions, and boast formidable behavioral abilities such as landing direct attacks on the enemy, the protection of Jesmon, and the rescue of other Digimon. Its Special Moves are slicing the enemy to pieces with the blades on its arms while moving at high speed (Tekken Seibai), and an omnidirectional counter technique alongside "Atho", "René", and "Por" that meets every enemy attack with their nine blades (Schwertgeist). Its "OS Generics" enables it to temporarily rewrite its own data and perform actions that transcend the laws of nature, leaving its physical abilities unbound by the laws of the Digital World and thus allowing Jesmon to overpower any enemy without taking a single scratch.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Tekken Seibai [1] Furrow-sword Judgment 轍剣成敗 N/A Judgement of the Blade[7]/Tekken Seibai[8] Slices the enemy to pieces with the blades on its arms while moving at high speed.
Schwertgeist [1] Deu: "Sword Ghost" シュベルトガイスト Shuberutogaisuto Weltgeist[7]/Schwertgeist[8] Uses an omnidirectional counter technique alongside "Atho", "René", and "Por" that meets every enemy attack with their nine blades.
OS Generics [1]
アウスジェネリクス Ausu Generikusu Aus Generics[7]/OS Generics[3]
Temporarily rewrites its own data to perform actions that transcend the laws of nature.[1]
Zigzags in the air, leaving behind afterimages, then slashes the enemy in the shape of an X with the blades on its arms.[3]
Un Pour Tous [9] Fra: "One For All" アン プール ツス An Pūru Tsusu Un Pour Tous[9] Fires a beam of energy from a triangular shield formed by "Atho", "René", and "Por".
Fires energy balls from its hands.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Jesmon is the evolved form of Hackmon, a servant of Homeostasis. Hackmon takes this form in "Confession", in a fight with Alphamon in the post-Reboot Digital World, and in "Coexistence" when Homeostasis tasks him with destroying Meicoomon. Hackmon evolves to Jesmon last in "Our Future" to prevent Ordinemon from running away. He cuts off one of her wings, releasing Tailmon from inside her body.

Jesmon in Digimon Adventure tri.
Jesmon in Digimon Adventure tri.


Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Jesmon is one of the Royal Knights. It was tasked with helping Craniummon (X-Antibody) and Sleipmon (X-Antibody) in Old Digital World. It evolves in Jesmon (X-Antibody).

Jesmon in Digimon Chronicle X.
Jesmon sensing Anubimon's call for help in the Dark Area.

Hiragana Digimon: A Tale of the Royal Knights[edit]

JESmon makes a cameo in the title page of Episode 1 alongside the rest of the Royal Knights.

In Episode 2, "JESmon", Wanyamon and Dynasmon found JESmon talking to Sistermon Blanc and Sistermon Ciel through his computer. The Sistermons reported no abnormalities in the areas they were checking out. Wanyamon asked him what he was doing and JESmon explained he was checking for any abnormalities to prevent a worst case scenario where Yggdrasill malfunctioned. Dynasmon explained JESmon was like cold medicine, which Wanyamon thought was cool but JESmon disliked. Then in "Training", Wanyamon asked if he could become a Royal Knight but JESmon turned him down, which Dynasmon disagreed with. JESmon explained his master, Gankoomon, was very tough on him, such as tossing him down from a mountain over and over after he climbed it back when he was a Hackmon, something only an elite like him could endure. Wanyamon then jumped off the cloud they were on, which terrified JESmon but Dynasmon knew how sturdy Wanyamon was and thought he'd be fine.

In "Gankoomon", JESmon brought Wanyamon to Gankoomon, who was pumping weights, to be his apprentice, but Gankoomon didn't hear him. Wanyamon greeted Gankoomon and JESmon shouted at him to speak louder and insulted him, which caused Gankoomon to send him flying with one uppercut. Gankoomon then praised Wanyamon's greeting while petting him, confusing the hurt JESmon. Then in "Master", JESmon reminsced about how strict Gankoomon was as a teacher, remembering how he screamed several orders at him while he was hurt as the teacher's anger took the form of Hinukamuy. In the present, however, he was far kinder to Wanyamon, telling the Baby II to take a nap and giving him snacks and a bitcoin as pocket money. JESmon screamed Gankoomon had gone completely soft while Dynasmon thought Gankoomon and Wanyamon were like grandfather and grandson. Following in "Speak Up", JESmon asked an exhausted Wanyamon what was wrong and the latter answered Gankoomon kept telling him to speak loudly. JESmon thought his master had finally gone back to how he was in the past, but in reality he was just getting hard of hearing and asked JESmon for a hearing aid. Then in "Hide and Seek", Wanyamon and Gankoomon played hide and seek. Wanyamon easily found Gankoomon who was hiding behind a rock due to his Hinukamuy aura. JESmon thought Gankoomon was spoiling Wanyamon.

This all led to "Master and Disciple Showdown", where JESmon screamed at Gankoomon when he had gone soft. Gankoomon merely asked him to lower his voice in response, then explained there was no need for Wanyamon to train while he was so young and he should just enjoy being a child and play as his personality would suffer if he was pushed too hard. This only angered JESmon even further as he asked his teacher about said effects on the trainee's personality. They then fought each other, with Gankoomon releasing Hinukamuy and JESmon summoning Atho, René, and Por; as Gankoomon stated JESmon was too strict on others and too mean and JESmon answered that was Gankoomon's fault. Dynasmon decided to leave alongside Wanyamon, who thought the fight between master and student was cool.

JESmon in Hiragana Digimon
JESmon and the Sistermons in Hiragana Digimon.
JESmon remembering Gankoomon's training
JESmon vs Gankoomon

Digimon ReCollection[edit]

Digimon Knuckles[edit]


Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Digimon Liberator[edit]

Hackmon, as Savior Hackmon[N 1], evolved into BT20-017 JESmon through its End of Your Turn effect by suspending his master, BT20-059 Gankoomon (X-Antibody), during his fight against Yuuki in "THROUGH THE FIRE AND METAL". It then used its effect[N 2] to play an [Atho & René & Por] Token. This, in turn, triggered its other effect, allowing it to destroy Yuuki's Loudmon. It then attacked Yuuki's Punkmon, destroying it and checking two security with Piercing. In her next turn, Yuuki attempted to destroy JESmon with her BT20-096 Black Sabbath, but it destroyed [Atho & René & Por] instead due to their Decoy (Red)/(Black) effect. As Yuuki tried to destroy Gankoomon (X-Antibody) with Heavy Metaldramon, JESmon asked its master to leave the rest to it and Blast Evolved into BT20-021 JESmon GX ACE.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Digimon Linkz[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Digimon Encounters[edit]

Digimon ReArise[edit]

JESmon is Mon's Partner Digimon and is also a member of the Royal Knights.

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

JESmon is Player's Partner Digimon and is also a member of the Royal Knights.

Digimon Super Rumble[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digivice Ver.15th[edit]

Digital Monster Ver.20th[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th[edit]

Digivice Ver.Complete[edit]

Vital Bracelet BE[edit]


Hyper Colosseum


Battle Spirits
Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Jesmon vpet dv.gif Jesmon vpet dm.gif Jesmon vpet clr.png Jesmon vpet vb.png
Digivice Ver.15th Digital Monster Ver.20th D-1 Grand Prix
(Digital Monster Ver.20th)
Vital Bracelet BE

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. While not stated, this Savior Hackmon is likely BT20-014, as it's the only Savior Hackmon with an End of Your Turn effect that allows it to evolve.
  2. The novel itself states this was a When Played effect. However, as Savior Hackmon evolved into JESmon, it should've triggered as a When Evolving effect.