Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that evolved by taking in data from a variety of musical equipment and violent rock music, the armor covering its whole body is equipped with several features, such as speakers that amplify the sound taken in from the mic on its chest, and an effector that processes its voice. It deploys its main speakers during battle, and starts singing at a very loud volume.
Those who face it are unable to perform at their best due to being exposed to the roaring sound emitted from its entire body, while Loudmon itself becomes even more excited by the sound. To Loudmon, fighting is synonymous with acts known as live performances and gigs, and it is a unique Digimon with an unusual way of thinking where putting on an all-out performance is more important than winning or losing itself. After battle, it has a habit of praising the opponent for showing their full strength, and working together with them for a while.
Its Special Moves are tearing through the enemy with its claws, which have been sharpened by sound-induced vibrations (Metallica Edge), and shouting into the mic on its chest, focusing and then unleashing maximum volume shockwaves from the speakers on both its shoulders (Deep Purple Blaster).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 様々な音楽機材や、激しいロックミュージックのデータを取り込んで進化したデジモンであり、全身を覆う鎧はすべて胸部のマイクから取り込んだ音を増幅するスピーカーや、声を加工するエフェクターなどの様々な機能を備えている。戦闘の際には両肩のメインスピーカーを展開し、大音量で歌い始める。 対峙する者は、全身から放たれる轟音に晒されるため、本来のパフォーマンスを発揮できなくなり、一方でラウドモン自身はその音によってテンションを更に上げていく。ラウドモンにとって戦いとはライブやギグと呼ばれる行為と同義であり、勝敗そのものよりも全力のパフォーマンスをぶつけ合う事が重要、という変わった思考を持つ特異なデジモンである。戦いの後には、全力を発揮してきた相手に対して賞賛の言葉を贈り、しばらく行動を共にする習性がある。 必殺技は、音による振動で切れ味を増す爪で敵を切り裂く『メタリカエッジ』と、胸のマイクに向かって雄叫びを上げ両肩のスピーカーから最大音量のショックウェーブを収束して放つ『ディープパープルブラスター』。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Metallica Edge
Metarika Ejji
Metallica Edge[1]
Tears through the enemy with its claws, which have been sharpened by sound-induced vibrations
Deep Purple Blaster
Dīpu Pāpuru Burasutā
Deep Purple Blaster[1]
Shouts into the mic on its chest, unleashing maximum volume shockwaves from the speakers on its shoulders
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Loudmon is the Partner Digimon of Yuuki. She obtained the EX7-057 Loudmon card from a seemingly-buggy drop in "Yuuki", and first used it during her rematch against a rogue NPC in "HEAVY METAL PLAY", evolving him from EX7-055 Punkmon.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional Information[edit]