Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A Digimon who acceded to the "Royal Knights" because it is a Holy Knight Digimon. Although it is said to have taken up residence in the southwestern edges[N 1] of the Digital World, it rarely stays in the same place, so it journeys across the Digital World while going around and putting a stop to unusual phenomena and signs of chaos, taking along the next-generation Hackmon as its companion. Unlike the other Royal Knights who rarely show their faces, it actually steps down and acts, and there are many Digimon it counts as bosom friends.
In order to pass on its own title as a Royal Knight to Hackmon, it assigns it rigorous trials, and entrusts Hackmon's training to the Sistermon sisters on the way. Due to its stubborn personality, its dealing with Hackmon in a severe manner is a cruel sort of kindness of wanting it to keep up with the other Royal Knights and become independent.
"Hinukamuy", who is emerging from its body, is always there for Gankoomon, and although no words escape its lips, it gets involved without wasting its breath arguing.
Its Special Moves are striking with all its strength at anyone and everyone who talks back to it (Tekken Seisai), and "Hinukamuy" loosing heaven's punishment at Gankoomon's harsh words, "Jishin! Kaminari! Kaji! Oyaji!" Furthermore, its "Chabudai Gaeshi" flips the ground as if it was a chabudai made of Chrome Digizoid, and the ground being treated like a chabudai becomes as hard as if it was made of Chrome Digizoid. "Hinukamuy" is itself in the process of evolving from an Adult, and it is said that when its power awakens, there couldn't exist any kind of Digimon to be recognized as a rival.
The effect on Gankoomon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
By assimilating "Hinukamuy" into itself, it has manifested on Gankoomon's back along with the characters "Gankūmon". Should it fully unleash its surging aura, then that aura will transform into something resembling wings, exhibiting Gankoomon's power at its maximum. The Tetsu Geta it wears has become an offensive and defensive weapon that it holds in its hand, and deals heavy blows in its Signature Move "Tetsu Geta Harite"[N 2]. In addition, its final secret technique "Kyūkyoku Sengi Tengyouken" is a flawless, pulverizing uppercut that condenses all of its energy in its right hand, ignoring all defenses.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 聖騎士型デジモンで「ロイヤルナイツ」を継承されたデジモン。デジタルワールド最南西部に居を構えるとされているものの、同じ場所に留まることは稀で、次代を担わせるハックモンを連れ、デジタルワールドの各地を旅しながら異変や混沌の兆候を潰して回っている。存在を見せることが少ない他のロイヤルナイツとは違って現地に降り立って活動しており、気心知れたデジモンも数多くいる。 自身のロイヤルナイツとしての称号をハックモンに継がせるべく過酷な試練を与え、道中もシスタモン姉妹にハックモンの鍛錬を任せている。頑固な性格故に厳しくハックモンに接するその態度は、他のロイヤルナイツに負けない一人前になってほしいとする優しさの裏返しである。 ガンクゥモンには身体から浮き出す〝ヒヌカムイ〟が常にいて、言葉は出さないが問答無用で手を出す。 必殺技は、誰彼かまわず口答えをする者を思いっきり殴る『鉄拳制裁』、ガンクゥモンの怒声『地神!神鳴!神馳!親父!』で〝ヒヌカムイ〟が天誅を下す。さらに地面をクロンデジゾイド製ちゃぶ台ごとひっくり返す『ちゃぶ台返し』があり、ちゃぶ台に乗った地面もクロンデジゾイド製の硬度となる。〝ヒヌカムイ〟自身も成熟期からの進化過程にあり、そのパワーが覚醒した時、敵と認知されたいかなるデジモンも存在しえないとされている。 ■X抗体によるガンクゥモンのデジコアへの影響 “ヒヌカムイ”と同化し、背中には刓空者(がんくぅもん)の文字とともにヒヌカムイが発現している。迸るオーラを完全解放すればオーラが翼のように変化し、ガンクゥモンの力を最大限に発揮する。履いている鉄ゲタは手に持ち攻防一体の武器となり得意技『鉄ゲタ張り手』で重い一撃を食らわせる。そして最終奥義 『究極戦技天仰拳(きゅうきょくせんぎてんぎょうけん)』は、右拳に全エネルギーを凝縮し、一切の防御を無視して粉砕する必中必殺のアッパーだ。
⇨ Japanese By assimilating Hinukamuy" into itself, it became a form that further specializes in hand-to-hand combat!!
⇨ English ヒヌカムイと同化して、さらに肉弾戦に特化したフォルムに!!
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Tekken Seisai
Striking With Fists
A barrage of punches from both Gankoomon and Hinukamuy.
Jishin! Kaminari! Kaji! Oyaji!
Earthquake! Lightning! Fire! Father!
Hinukamuy looses heaven's punishment in the form of an earthquake, lightning bolts, an eruption of fire, and a hammer-like punch.
Chabudai Gaeshi
Flipping Table In Anger
Grabs the ground and flips it like a chabudai as hard as Chrome Digizoid.
Kyūkyoku Sengi Tengyouken
A flawless, pulverizing uppercut that condenses all of its energy in its right hand, ignoring all defenses.
Tetsu Geta Harite
[2][N 2]
Deals heavy blows with its Tetsu Geta.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Gankoomon (X-Antibody) in Digimon Chronicle X.
Hackmon evolved his master, Gankoomon[N 4], into BT20-059 Gankoomon (X-Antibody) through its When Played effect in his fight against Yuuki in "THROUGH THE FIRE AND METAL". It then used its When Evolving effect to Revert 2 Yuuki's Heavy Metaldramon into Punkmon and give both itself (as Savior Hackmon[N 5]) and Gankoomon (X-Antibody) invulnerability to Digimon effects until the end of Yuuki's next turn. Savior Hackmon then used its End of Your Turn effect to suspend Gankoomon (X-Antibody) and evolve to BT20-017 JESmon. As Yuuki tried to destroy Gankoomon (X-Antibody) with Heavy Metaldramon, JESmon asked its master to leave the rest to it and Blast Evolved into BT20-021 JESmon GX ACE. Gankoomon (X-Antibody) was then destroyed and Yuuki checked the last of Hackmon's security. During the next turn, JESmon GX ACE placed Gankoomon (X-Antibody) from its trash as an evolution source with its When Attacking effect to destroy Yuuki's Heavy Metaldramon.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ The Ryukyu Islands are commonly known in Japanese as the Nansei Islands (南西諸島 Nansei-shotō, lit. "Southwest Islands").
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Tetsu geta (鉄下駄; lit. "iron sandals/clogs") are worn during regular martial arts training akin to ankle weights. Harite (張り手) is an open-palm slapping move used in sumo.
- ↑ Gankoomon (X-Antibody)'s initial artwork was illustrated by Nakano Haito.
- ↑ While not stated, this Gankoomon is likely BT20-057, as it's the only Gankoomon card with the effect it used in DEBUG.8-2.
- ↑ While not stated, this Savior Hackmon is likely BT20-014, as it's the only Savior Hackmon with an End of Your Turn effect that allows it to evolve.