Digimon Story: Moonlight

From Wikimon
(Redirected from Digimon World Dusk)

Moonlight logo.png

Box Art
Digimon Story: Moonlight Box Art
Digimon World Dusk Box Art
Name Digimon Story: Moonlight
Usa.png Digimon World Dusk
System Nintendo DS
Release Date March 29, 2007
September 18, 2007
Language Japanese English

Digimon Story: Moonlight (デジモンストーリームーンライト, Dejimon Sutōrī Mūnraito) is a video game.


The protagonist is a chosen Normal-rank Tamer who is a member of Night Claw, an organization based in Darkmoon City. While training for a customary match with their rival team, Light Fang from Sunshine City, wild Digimon appeared out of nowhere, though they managed to defeat them. After emerging victorious from the match, and receiving praises from their fellow members, they went to bed, only to have a large earthquake run through the city, accompanied by the appearance of a mysterious energy life-form, that very night! It caused many Digimon to degenerate back into Digieggs, and caused considerable damage to Access Points. By the time the protagonist, who had noticed something was amiss, rushed to the city, the city had already suffered great damage, and the bridge linking the city to Sunshine City had been destroyed. Rumors that Light Fang was involved in this incident began to spread, and the protagonist sets out on a journey to restore the city, and find out the truth behind the mysterious life-form.


The games feature the same story from different viewpoints. In Sunburst, you are a member of the Light Fang organization, while in Moonlight you are a member of the Night Claw organization, which is opposed to Light Fang. Disaster strikes the world, and it's up to you (regardless of what organization you belong to) to solve the mystery and so on. Naturally, you can get different Digimon in each game, and the way to get them all is to have both games. In addition to the WiFi features in the original Digimon Story, you can now battle rival Tamers.



Obtainable Digimon[edit]

See: List of Digimon

Night Claw[edit]





Digimonstory sbml coronamon lunamon dev.jpg


Famitsu gave Sunburst & Moonlight a average score of 7/7/7/7 [28/40]

External Links[edit]

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