Orgemon (Adventure)
Orgemon | |
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Kanji/Kana | オーガモン |
Dub Name | Ogremon |
Master | Devimon (ep. 8-13) |
Voice Actor | ![]() |
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Orgemon is a minor character in Digimon Adventure.
Baby I | ? |
Baby II | ? |
Child | ? |
Adult | Orgemon |
Perfect | ? |
Ultimate | ? |
Digimon Adventure[edit]
Orgemon was an aggressive Digimon and rival of Leomon. He makes his debut in "Devimon, the Agent of Darkness!". He and Leomon begin to battle and prove equally matched. Their fight is interrupted by Devimon who states that they will be working together. Orgemon rejects the idea without hesitation. But after witnessing Leomon being overpowered then being enslaved by Devimon's Black Gear he becomes Devimon's servant. He and the controlled Leomon ambush the Chosen Children on their way up Infinity Mountain but when most of the Chosen Children evolve their Digimon to the Adult level Devimon distracts them with an avalanche and retreats the two.
After Devimon lures the Chosen Children into an illusionary mansion he regroups Orgemon and Leomon intending to ambush them in their sleep. But, Taichi and Agumon wake up unexpectedly to use the restroom. Orgemon hides in the stall next to the one Agumon uses. The smell of Agumon's farts disgusts and enrages Orgemon. He bursts out of the stall and chases the two until they run into Leomon. Devimon reveals himself and dismisses the illusion of the mansion. Taichi's Digivice frees Leomon from the Black Gear and Orgemon briefly fights with Leomon but is knocked away. Devimon infects Leomon with another Black Gear ending the fight. At the same time, Devimon splits File Island apart and separates the chosen onto different parts of the island.
Later, Orgemon, in a wooden crate, is sent to kill Jou who is floating on a bed from the mansion in the ocean in "The Dancing Spirits! Bakemon". He emerges from the crate and swaps at Jou and Gomamon eventually breaking the bed in half. Gomamon uses his Marching Fishes but they prove ineffective against Orgemon. Gomamon evolves into Ikkakumon. Orgemon attacks Ikkakumon with Supreme King Fist but Ikkakumon retaliates with Harpoon Vulcan and knocked Orgemon down. Jou and Ikkakumon use the time to flee. Due to his inability to swim Orgemon cannot follow the two.
In "Adventure! Patamon and Me" and "Angemon's Awakening!" Devimon dispatches Orgemon and Leomon to assassinate Takeru before he learns to evolve Patamon. Takeru and Patamon hide when they approach so Orgemon threatens the life of a baby Poyomon if they don't reveal themselves. Yamato's Garurumon fights Leomon catching Orgemon's attention. While he was distracted Taichi snatches the Poyomon away from Orgemon. Taichi's Greymon attacks Orgemon with Mega Flame but Orgemon avoids it and strikes Greymon on the head with his club. Greymon retaliates by swatting Orgemon with his tail. Orgemon then hits Greymon with his Haouken attack. Devimon sends several Black Gears to power up Leomon who knocks both Garurumon and Greymon away with his Beast King Fist attack as Orgemon watched in awe. The other Chosen Children arrive with their Digimon. Taichi and Yamato use their Digivices to free Leomon from the Black Gears while Koushirou's Kabuterimon held Orgemon off. Seeing himself outnumbered he retreats back to Infinity Mountain. Orgemon asks Devimon for another chance, and Devimon says he'll let Orgemon fight as a part of himself before turns Orgemon into Black Gears and assimilates Orgemon into his own body. When Leomon tries to attack Devimon from behind Orgemon emerges from Devimon's body and counters the attack proclaiming that he was now one with Devimon and couldn't be beat by Leomon before blasting Leomon away with a powered up Haouken attack. When Takeru's Patamon evolved into Angemon Orgemon tried to make an attack on the angel but Angemon repelled him with his Holy Rod knocking him out of Devimon leaving a hole in the devil that Angemon used to defeat him. When Orgemon wakes up Leomon asks him if he still wants to fight. Orgemon runs away in fright.
In "Koromon, the Great Clash in Tokyo!" an Orgemon (not made clear if it was the same one) appears partially phased between the Digital World and the real world. Taichi and his Digimon battle it before it vanishes.
After the Dark Masters reshaped the Digital World into Spiral Mountain Orgemon would end up the the forest. He made his reappearance in "Metal Etemon's Revenge" and "Oh Wind! Oh Light! Saber Leomon" fighting off some of Pinocchimon's Woodmon servants. The battle was cut short by Metal Etemon returning to the Digital World in a fireball that obliterated the Woodmon and felt Orgemon injured. Jou and Mimi discovered him. They treat his wounds as best they could. He had a broken arm which they put in a sling made of toilet paper. Orgemon thanks them with teary eyes surprised by the unexpected kindness. They are attacked by Pinocchimon and Metal Etemon, but the two enemies end up fighting each other allowing them to retreat unnoticed.
Later, Mimi asks Orgemon why he needs to fight Leomon. Orgemon insists that he doesn't need a reason because he and Leomon were eternal rivals. Mimi asks what would happen if he won and had no more rival. Orgemon just says he doesn't want to think about it angered about the logical contradiction. Metal Etemon catches up to them so they hide in the bushes to avoid him. Leomon, having evolved to Saber Leomon, appears before them. Hearing Metal Etemon draw near they retreat to the ruins of Digitamamon's restaurant. Saber Leomon devolves to Leomon. Orgemon insists on fighting Leomon and charges him but Leomon effortlessly grabs and shoves him away because of Orgemon's injuries.
They find a Gekomon and Otamamon who had been hiding in the ruins who tell them that their castle had been destroyed. Orgemon informs them that the Dark Masters destroy any Digimon that do not follow their orders. Metal Etemon finds them and Leomon evolves into Saber Leomon to fight him telling the rest to run, but they don't in concern for Leomon. When Metal Etemon begins to win Orgemon runs to to Metal Etemon telling him that only he would defeat Leomon. Mimi leads with Orgemon not to fight with his injuries. Metal Etemon attacks Mimi with his Dark Spirit Deluxe attack but Saber Leomon jumps in the way. They win the fight but Leomon's injuries prove fatal. Leomon apologizes to Orgemon about not being able to fight face him saying that they would have to wait until he was reborn at the Village of Beginnings. After Leomon's death Orgemon informs them that the Village of Beginnings has been destroyed by the Dark Masters. Orgemon suggests the idea of rounding up other Digimon that have opposed to the Dark Masters.
They come across several other Digimon who help them fight Piemon's Evilmon army in "The Holy Swordsman, Holy Angemon". When the Chosen Children are about to return home in "A New World" he says his goodbye to the Chosen Children and moves on.
Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]
Drama CDs[edit]
Digimon Adventure 15th Blu-ray BOX Special Drama CD ~Before the World Ends~[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[edit]
Digimon Adventure[edit]
Orgemon first appears in Episode 10, "The Messenger of Darkness, Devimon!", where he attacks Leomon soon after his own first appearance. Leomon, however, refuses to fight him as the Black Gears are more important, though Orgemon does not care and attacks him with his Haouken, which Leomon answers to with his own Juouken. Their fight is then interrupted by Devimon, who tells them that the Chosen Children have arrived. This prompts Leomon to attack him, though it accomplishes nothing, and Devimon returns the favour with his Death Claw, which brainwashes Leomon.
Leomon then attacked the Chosen Children as they went down the mountain due to his brainwashing, despite Gabumon and Patamon acknowledging him as a Digimon of justice. The Chosen Children tried to run away, but Orgemon blocked their escape route. Unlike Leomon, Patamon and Gomamon knew Orgemon was an evil Digimon.
Orgemon is the ninth obligatory boss of the game, fighting Garurumon, Birdramon and Ikkakumon at the end of Episode 10, "The Messenger of Darkness, Devimon!", immediately after the fight with Leomon. For the battle, all three will start in their Adult forms and remain in them for no SP cost. Orgemon can increase his own attack at random upon being hit with Anger, and deal damage to one party Digimon with Haouken. Upon being defeated, he drops the Fighting Spirit DigiPiece, which allows a party Digimon to raise the ATK and DEF of one of the Digimon in battle by one stage.
After the Chosen Children defeated Leomon and Orgemon, Devimon appeared and caused a landslide, separating both groups.
Devimon, Leomon and Orgemon reappear in Episode 11, "The Mysterious Mansion", where the former is the one responsible for the namesake mansion, a trap for the Chosen Children. Orgemon showed himself to Yagami Taichi and Agumon in the toilet, after being overwhelmed by the smell of Agumon's farts, though the duo only ran away from him. Orgemon reappears at the very end of the episode, alongside Devimon and Leomon, as Devimon decided to kill the Chosen Children slowly, one by one.
Kido Jo and Gomamon found Orgemon once again as they drifted on their bed in Episode 16, "The Dancing Ghosts! Bakemon", where he himself was drifting inside a box. Orgemon then destroyed their bed, leaving them stranded in the ocean which would've led to them drowning to death had they not found Takenouchi Sora's fishing line.
Orgemon attacked the Village of Beginnings after Leomon did in Episode 17, "Adventure! Patamon and I". He threatened to hurt the village if Takaishi Takeru and Patamon, who had hid from Leomon, didn't come out. Before they could, however, Leomon found them, though he was stopped from hurting them by the arrival of Ishida Yamato and Gabumon. At the same time, Taichi evacuated the baby Digimon. Another Black Gear then entered Leomon, turning his skin grey.
Though the Chosen Children were able to defeat Leomon, they could not get the Black Gears out of him. However, Izumi Koshiro and Tachikawa Mimi arrived soon after, and explained how the Digivice could drive out the darkness. Taichi and Yamato followed said instructions, and Leomon went back to normal. Realizing he had no chance alone, Orgemon then escaped.
Orgemon attacks the Chosen Children and Leomon once again in Episode 18, "Angemon's Awakening!" as they climbed up Infinity Mountain. Taichi, however, was unimpressed by Orgemon at this point and just asked him why he didn't just run away if he had no chance of winning. However, Orgemon showed brand-new confidence, born from becoming one with Devimon and being granted power.
The powered-up Orgemon is the seventeenth obligatory boss of the game, fighting the Chosen Children in Episode 18, "Angemon's Awakening!". Orgemon now Counters upon being attacked, as well as still having Anger, and can still use Haouken, as well as deal damage to one party Digimon with Hone Konbou. Upon being defeated, Orgemon drops a DEF Boost II DigiPiece, which increases the equipped Digimon's DEF by 10.
After being defeated, Orgemon disintegrates, though as Leomon points out, he shouldn't be dead since he's now one with Devimon. This would be proven after Devimon was killed by Angemon, as Orgemon ran towards the Chosen Children, before running away as he wanted nothing to do with the Chosen Children anymore.
The Chosen Children returned to the Colosseum in Sub-Episode 12, "Orgemon's Bone", which happens after Episode 30, "Shining Wings! Garudamon". There, they found Orgemon in the entrance to the Colosseum. They were naturally wary of him, however, he pretended he was not that Orgemon. The Chosen Children let it pass, and Takeru asked him why he was there, to which he replied that he wanted to get a new Hone Konbou as his old one was all banged up and he needed to use a Skull Greymon bone for it, to Taichi's shock. Orgemon then asked for help and left for the underground of the Colosseum. However, Mimi was unwilling to trust him, though Yamato convinced her to. Once they arrived at the underground, Orgemon recruited the Chosen Children as "bone hunters", warning them to do exactly as he says as Skull Greymon is a troublesome Digimon; Orgemon joins the party at this point, taking the third slot. As a party member, Orgemon can still use Haouken and Hone Konbou, has no SP, and can't gain EXP, level up, or be manually controlled. Deeper in the underground, they found a huge door, which Takeru and Patamon opened up as they were curious to what was behind it, which turned out to be a Skull Greymon. Wanting to defend his little brother, Yamato decided to fight the Skull Greymon despite Orgemon's objections.
After defeating the Skull Greymon, Orgemon found a bone he could use. He also praised Yamato for standing up to Skull Greymon and gave him a Defend DigiPiece, which allows the equipped Digimon to automatically take hits for other Digimon with low HP, then left, with Yamato wondering if they should've let him go.
Orgemon suddenly barged into Vegimon's Restaurant and attacked the Chosen Children in Sub-Episode 14, "Food for Thought", which happens after Episode 31, "Vamdemon, the Castle of Darkness", while in a berserk state, incapable of talking.
Orgemon is the final boss of Sub-Episode 14, "Food for Thought". He's identical to the previous fight, although significantly stronger.
After being defeated, he asked the Chosen Children what was up with them, a question they returned as he was the one that attacked them, though he had no memories after eating some mushrooms, which Tentomon identified as hallucinogenic mushrooms. Koshiro asked him for any ingredients he had left, which Orgemon gave him as he was hungry. Unlike the previous time, Orgemon found the food delicious. Koshiro explained that it was a soup that helped with digestion, made for Orgemon as he had lost his strength after eating the mushrooms. Tentomon pointed out it looked better than his Food for Thought, and Koshiro realized that it was better to make food for those that would eat it instead of making something elaborate. With no money on him, Orgemon gave Koshiro a Protect DigiPiece instead to pay for the meal. Orgemon then recognized Yamato from the time he helped him with his Hone Konbou, still pretending to not be the same Orgemon that worked under Devimon, and gave him a Taunt DigiPiece, then left.
Orgemon reappeared in Episode 54, "Metal Etemon's Counterattack", fighting off a group of Woodmon. Realizing he couldn't win against their numbers, he ran away while shooting consecutive Haoukens. However, it wasn't enough, and he thought he'd die before fighting Leomon again, though he was saved by the sudden crash of the Dark Network meteorite. He was then found by Jo and Mimi. While he was on guard, Mimi merely wanted to help him after seeing how wounded he was, and sent the rest of the team to find what would be needed to heal him. Orgemon couldn't understand why they were helping him when he tried to kill them on File Island. Mimi confronted him on only ever speaking about killing and Orgemon bashfully thanked her, which Mimi gracefully accepted, this made Orgemon cry, though he denied it. Pinochimon then appeared and offered the group a riddle: what was he missing? He ordered them to answer him fast or he'd kill them, and took their lack of answer as them not wanting to answer him, so he was going to kill them. Before he could, however, another Digimon joined the fray: Metal Etemon. He explained while singing that, after being sucked into the dark hole, he survived in a hellish world with the purpouse of being reborn and taking revenge on the Chosen Children. Pinochimon was glad he was done, but he wasn't and called Pinochimon a kid, which angered him, so he attacked him. Taking their conflict as a chance, Jo's group ran away, with the two Ultimates realizing far too late and immediately deciding to pursue them once they did.
After they were safe, Orgemon said he couldn't rely on the humans so he'd help them out instead, even if it felt bad to do so. Jo asked Orgemon about his injuries but he told him not to worry. Mimi then asked him why he always fought Leomon. However, Orgemon had no motive to do so, he just saw Leomon as his eternal rival. Mimi asked him what would happen after either of them won, but Orgemon couldn't answer as defeating Leomon was his only reason to live, so the only conclusion he could arrive to was that he'd think about it after he won. A lion-like Digimon then appeared in front of them, Gomamon was ready to fight him, but he asked them to calm down, and his voice made the group realize this was Leomon who had evolved. Orgemon was ready to fight him, but Saber Leomon decided to guide them to a safe place first. Saber Leomon and Orgemon then join the party as guest party members. Apart from his previous moveset, Orgemon can also use Barrage to attack random enemies four times in a row, and counterattacks damage taken with the Ultra Counter passive ability.
The group then arrived at Vegimon's Restaurant, though it wasn't close to a lake anymore. Saber Leomon explained that all the locations around there had changed and told them to hide inside the restaurant before devolving into Leomon. Palmon asked him how he was able to evolve, and Leomon explained that he could after being bathed in the light of the Digivices, but he couldn't control the evolution well and soon returned to his usual form. Orgemon was uninterested however and merely wanted to fight him, but Leomon refused to until his wounds healed. Leomon then reacted to a sound, which turned out to be a terrified Otamamon and Gekomon. They calmed down after seeing Mimi and explained that the Dark Masters collapsed Tonosama Gekomon's Castle, but they were able to escape with their lives. This strengthened Leomon's resolve to defeat the Dark Masters and extinguish the dark forces from the world, and for that, the Chosen Children's powers were needed. Mimi thought they should've just fought them from the very beginning, but Orgemon pointed out they would've just died if they tried. Mimi just thought that then the Digimon who died for them would've survived. Leomon explained that them starting at File Island was a trial, but now that they passed it, they were ready to fight the Dark Masters, but Jo explained that the Chosen Children had separated. The conversation was stopped by the arrival of Metal Etemon, and Leomon warp evolved once again to fight him while the rest ran away. Mimi didn't want to but Jo knew he was right. Orgemon jumped into the fray as he was the only one allowed to defeat Leomon. Saber Leomon tried to stop him as he was no match for Metal Etemon but Orgemon refused. Mimi wanted to stop the fight completely. Metal Etemon decided to send them all to the afterlife together and shot a Dark Spirits Deluxe at Mimi, but Saber Leomon pushed her out of the way and took the attack instead. He told them once again to leave, but Jo had Gomamon evolve into Zudomon instead. Zudomon used Hammer Spark against Metal Etemon, but it was useless against Metal Etemon's Chrome Digizoid body. Instead, Zudomon used Hammer Boomerang, which damaged his body as Zudomon's Thor's Hammer was also made of Chrome Digizoid. Zudomon, the wounded Saber Leomon, and Orgemon then fought Metal Etemon.
After defeating Metal Etemon, Saber Leomon devolved and fell to the ground, greatly wounded. Leomon told the others to not be sad, as he would be reborn in the Village of Beginnings, and apologised to Orgemon as their match would have to wait until that time. He then passed away. This gave Jo and Mimi the resolve to go to the Village of Beginnings to meet again not only with Leomon, but also with all the other Digimon that died for their sake. However, Orgemon told them the Village of Beginnings had stopped working due to the Dark Masters, and could not be fixed until the Dark Masters were defeated. This finally convinced Mimi to fight. Orgemon outwardly refused to help the Chosen Children, but then justified doing so because he still had to fight Leomon. Orgemon proposed to go look for allies, and Gekomon and Otamamon were the first to join, although Mimi refused them unless they stopped calling her "princess".
Orgemon realized how useful his new allies, Yukidarumon and Meramon, were in Episode 60, "Fight with Darkness", as Yukidarumon cooled down cola and Meramon started a fire to cook food. He then stayed awake as a lookout until Jo woke up to switch places with him. He also confirmed to the rest that they arrived at the Village of Beginnings. He then got mad at Elecmon's comments after he joined the group. When Jo explained why he wanted to leave the group, Orgemon backed him up and praised his strength.
After Piemon summoned a group of Evilmon to surround the Chosen Children in Episode 61, "The Clown from Hell, Piemon", they were all blown away by a Haouken from Orgemon, who had arrived alongside Gekomon, Otamamon, Yukidarumon, Meramon and Elecmon. Orgemon was excited to take the Evilmon on, to Piemon's anger. The group decided to take on the small fries themselves while the Chosen Children dealt with Piemon.
With Apocalymon defeated and the world finally saved in Episode 62, "The Final Dark Digimon", Orgemon, Andromon and Elecmon congratulated and thanked the Chosen Children in Subspace.
In Episode 63, "A New World", after defeating Apocalymon, the Chosen Children were sent from Subspace into the Village of Beginnings, which was now fully restored, to Elecmon's delight. Orgemon was glad that the dead Digimon could be reborn, Centalmon remarked that they reached the end of the prophecy from the ancient ruins and the Digital World was being recreated. Andromon then asked if they should take a commemorative photo, which the Chosen Children were in for. Orgemon wanted to search for Leomon's Digitama, but he knew he couldn't recognize it. Agumon pointed out Orgemon got lonely without Leomon around, which got him flustered. As Andromon prepared to take the photo, a Digitama hatched into Botamon.
With the photo taken, Orgemon left, as his pride as a Virus-type meant he couldn't stand being around Vaccine- and Data-types, though Gomamon thought he was just trying to look cool.