Chrome Digizoid

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Chrome Digizoid (クロンデジゾイド Kuron Dejizoido), formally known as Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy (クロンデジゾイト ハイブリッド オーガニズム 合金 Kurondejizoito Haiburiddo Ōganizumu Gōkin)[1], is a powerful alloy found in some Digimon that is created through combining Chrondigizoit Metal with organic data.[1] Chrondigizoit Metal is derived from the naturally occurring Huanglong Ore.[2]

Chrome Digizoid is a super-metal that grows stronger the more it is tempered.[3] Low-purity Chrome Digizoid will create less resistant materials.[4] Furthermore, some cases show Chrome Digizoid can give sentience to those who integrate it.[5]

Other Types of Digizoid Metals[edit]

It is possible to refine Chrome Digizoid into several variation types which can also be hybridized to form even stronger compounds.[6]

  • Blue Digizoid, formally known as Blue-Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy[1], is an alloy created from Blue Digizoit, a very rare type of Chrondigizoit Metal.[7] It is the lightest type of metal, and it provides enhanced mobility and speed to Digimon.[8] It is also the variant with the least purity.[9]
  • Red Digizoid, formally known as Red-Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy[1], is an alloy created from Red Digizoit, a metal formed by further refining Chrondigizoit Metal to increase its hardness.[1] It boasts very high defense[10] at the cost of increased weight.[1] It is also the variant with the most purity.[9]
  • Gold Digizoid, formally known as Gold-Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy[1], is an alloy that boasts absolute defensive capabilities that can reflect attacks [11] and resist data-disintegration.[3] Similar to organic muscles, it grows stronger when tempered and weaker when left unused. It shares similar properties with Huanglong Ore, but unlike the extremely heavy ore, Gold Digizoid is surprisingly light-weight due to being enhanced and tempered from Chrome Digizoid.[3][12]
  • Black Digizoid, formally known as Black-Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy[1], allows the Digimon to store the data of its weapons in it.[13] The Black Digizoid provided to the Royal Knights are modified from Chrome Digizoid by Yggdrasil.[1][13]
  • Obsidian Digizoid is a type of Chrome Digizoid that boasts high defense and keen sharpness.[14] It is refined from Black Digizoit, a type of Chrondigizoit Metal that can also be refined into Black Digizoid through a different processing method.[1]
  • Brown Digizoid, formally known as Brown-Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy[1], is an extremely elastic alloy that combines hardness and suppleness. It allows for tremendous flexible movement.[15]
  • Cursed Chrome Digizoid is an unknown variant of Chrome Digizoid.[16]
  • Cyplasium Digizoid is a super-metal with a nanomachine self-repair feature.[17]

Digimon/Others with Digizoid Metals[edit]

Digimon Type Location
Aegisdramon Gold Body
Andromon Chrome Parts of its body
Black Megalo Growmon Chrome Armor and its weapons, the Pendulum Blades and Assault Balancers
Black War Greymon Cursed Chrome Armor and Dramon Killer
Black War Greymon (X-Antibody) Cursed Chrome Armor and Dramon Killer
Blade Kuwagamon Chrome Body
Boarmon Chrome Totsugeki Hitai-ate
Chaosdramon Red Body
Chaosdramon (X-Antibody) Red Body
Chaos Dukemon Chrome Armor
Craniummon Black Armor
Craniummon (X-Antibody) Black Armor
Cres Garurumon Gold Armor
Crossmon Chrome Armor
Dark Maildramon Chrome Armor
Dinohumon Chrome Its sword Akinakes
Duftmon Chrome Armor
Duftmon (X-Antibody) Brown Armor
Dukemon Chrome Armor and its weapons, Gram and Aegis
Dukemon (X-Antibody) Chrome, Red, Blue & Gold Armor and its weapons, Gram and Aegis
Dynasmon Chrome Armor
Dynasmon (X-Antibody) Blue Armor
Examon Chrome Its wings Caledfwlch
Examon (X-Antibody) Chrome Its wings Caledfwlch
Heavy Metaldramon Black Body
Hi Andromon Chrome Body
Invisimon Blue Body
Kaiser Leomon Obsidian Armor
Knightmon Chrome Armor and its weapon, the Berserk Sword
Mach Gaogamon Chrome Gauntlets
Magnamon Chrome Armor
Magnamon (X-Antibody) Chrome (Gold in Gold Digizoid Mode) Armor (and muscles in Gold Digizoid Mode)
Maildramon Chrome Armor
Megalo Growmon Chrome Armor and its weapons, the Pendulum Blades and Assault Balancers
Megalo Growmon (X-Antibody) Chrome Armor and its weapons, the Pendulum Blades and Assault Balancers
Megalo Growmon (Orange) Chrome Armor and its weapons, the Pendulum Blades and Assault Balancers
Megidramon Chrome Body
Megidramon (X-Antibody) Chrome Body
Meicrackmon: Vicious Mode Red Claws
Metal Etemon Chrome Skin
Metalgarurumon Chrome Armor
Metalgarurumon X-Antibody Chrome Armor
Metal Greymon Chrome Armor and its weapon Trident Arm
Metal Greymon (X-Antibody) Chrome Armor and its weapon Trident Arm
Metal Greymon (Virus) Chrome Armor and its weapon Trident Arm
Metal Seadramon Chrome Body
Mirage Gaogamon Chrome Armor
Mugendramon Chrome Parts of its body
Neptunemon Blue Body
Omedamon Cyplasium Armor
Peacockmon Chrome Armor
Pukumon Chrome Spikes
Raptor Sparrowmon Chrome Body
Raptordramon Chrome Armor
Ravmon Chrome Wing
Rhinomon Chrome Armor
Rhinomon (X-Antibody) Chrome Armor
Rize Greymon Chrome Armor and its weapon Trident Revolver
Rize Greymon (X-Antibody) Chrome Armor and its weapon Trident Revolver
Sagittarimon Chrome Bow and Arrows
Slayerdramon Chrome Armor
Sleipmon Red Armor
Sleipmon (X-Antibody) Red Armor
Shoutmon DX Gold Armor
Shoutmon EX6 Gold Armor
Shoutmon X7 Gold Armor
Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode Gold Armor
Tyrant Kabuterimon Chrome Exoskeleton
Ulforce V-dramon Blue Armor
Ulforce V-dramon (X-Antibody) Blue Armor
Victory Greymon Chrome Armor and Dramon Breaker
War Greymon Chrome Armor, Dramon Killers, and Brave Shield
War Greymon (X-Antibody) Chrome Armor
Were Garurumon (X-Antibody) Chrome Equipment
Zeke Greymon Gold Armor
ZERO ARMS: Grani Chrome Body
Zudomon Chrome Thor's Hammer

Digimon/Others also Related to Digizoid Metals[edit]

  • Ancient Beatmon: its shell has a hardness rivaling that of Chrome Digizoid.[18]
  • Andiramon: is able to harden its body tissue to the level of Chrome Digizoid.[19]
  • Bancho Golemon: the gigantic excavator on its left hand is capable of pulverising even Chrome Digizoid.[20]
  • Bryweludramon: appears to be made of Red Digizoid, although the full extent of its hardness cannot be analyzed.[21]
  • Canoweissmon: its Gallia Fissure, in which it tears the enemy to pieces with its tough claws, boasts the power to easily cut through Chrome Digizoid, if it has a low purity.[22]
  • Cerberumon: the claws on its feet are hard enough to easily tear through low purity Chrome Digizoid alloys.[4]
  • Groundramon: its scales are likely to contain elements of Huanglong Ore, the originator of Chrome Digizoid.[23]
  • Guardromon (Gold): it defends Chrondigizoit mines and incorporated Chrondigizoit dust data into its armor.[24]
  • Huanglongmon: its scales are made of Huanglong Ore, which is the originator of Chrome Digizoid.[2]
  • Loader Leomon: it works in the Chrondigizoit mines, for it boasts both power and stamina, as well as top-class performance among Machine Digimon.[25]
  • Piemon: its Trump Swords are sharp enough to cut Chrome Digizoid alloys.[26]
  • Pile Volcamon: its "Diamond Fist" can pierce even Chrome Digizoid.[27]
  • Savior Hackmon: its "Trident Saber" relentlessly cleaves its enemy apart whether or not they're swathed in Chrome Digizoid.[28]
  • Stiffilmon: its fur is said to possess hardness rivaling that of Red Digizoid.[29]
  • Vikemon: its fur is said to be as hard as Chrome Digizoid.[30]



Digimon Adventure[edit]

In "Oh Wind! Oh Light! Saber Leomon", Metal Etemon boasted he was immune to any attacks thanks to his Chrome Digizoid body. However, Zudomon was able to hurt him with his Hammer Boomerang, as his Thor's Hammer was also made of Chrome Digizoid.


Digimon Next[edit]

Tatsuno Tsurugi and Kitajima Ami get new clothes made of Chrome Digizoid in "Reunion!"

Tatsuno Tsurugi and Kitajima Ami's Chrome Digizoid clothes

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure[edit]

In Episode 54, "Metal Etemon's Counterattack", Metal Etemon boasted he was immune to any attacks thanks to his Chrome Digizoid body. However, Zudomon was able to hurt him with his Hammer Boomerang, as his Thor's Hammer was also made of Chrome Digizoid.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Chrome Digizoid is a collectable item that can be sold.

Digimon World -next 0rder- & International Edition[edit]

Chrome Digizoid can be traded with Gottsumon for Mithril.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Chrome Digizoid is a collectable item that can be sold.

Image Gallery[edit]

Stainless chrondigizoid metal collectors.jpg Chrondigizoid collectors.jpg Gold digizoid collectors.jpg Cursed Chrome Digizoid.jpg
Stainless Chrome Digizoid Chrome Digizoid Gold Digizoid Cursed Chrome Digizoid
Dark Cubre.jpg Chrondigizoid metal collectors.jpg
Dark Cube Pure Chrome Digizoid



  1. Jump up to: 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Digimon Profile: Digi-Professional Knowledge: Superalloys of the Digital World
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Digimon Reference Book: Huanglongmon
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Digimon Reference Book: Magnamon (X-Antibody)
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Digimon Reference Book: Cerberumon
  5. Digimon Reference Book: Hi Andromon
  6. Digimon Reference Book: Dukemon (X-Antibody)
  7. Digimon Reference Book: Ulforce V-dramon
  8. Digimon Reference Book: Neptunemon
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Digimon Zukan - Digital World Research White Paper
  10. Digimon Reference Book: Chaosdramon
  11. Digimon Reference Book: Cres Garurumon
  12. Digimon Reference Book: Zeke Greymon
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 Digimon Reference Book: Craniummon
  14. Digimon Reference Book: Kaiser Leomon
  15. Digimon Reference Book: Duftmon (X-Antibody)
  17. Digimon Reference Book: Omedamon
  18. Digimon Reference Book: Ancient Beatmon
  19. Digimon Reference Book: Andiramon
  20. Digimon Reference Book: Bancho Golemon
  21. Digimon Reference Book: Bryweludramon
  22. Digital Monster Vital Bracelet Lab
  23. Digimon Reference Book: Groundramon
  24. Digimon Reference Book: Guardromon (Gold)
  25. Digimon Reference Book: Loader Leomon
  26. TV Anime & Movie Anime Digimon Adventure Official Zukan II
  27. Digimon Reference Book: Pile Volcamon
  28. Digimon Reference Book: Savior Hackmon
  29. Digimon Reference Book: Stiffilmon
  30. Digimon Reference Book: Vikemon