Talk:Appmon (species)

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List of App/Ability Icons/Checklist[edit]

Appmon Icon App Grade Type Power
Addmon Addmon icon.png Address Book (アドレス帳) Standard Social 320
Aidmon Aidmon icon.png Rescue (救命) Standard Life 490
Auctiomon Auctiomon icon.png Auction (オークション) Standard Life 130
Batterimon Batterimon icon.png Battery (バッテリー) Standard System 190
Beautymon Beautymon icon.png Beauty (美容) Ultimate Life 45000
Biomon Biomon icon.png Life (ライフ) Ultimate Life 70000
Bookmon Bookmon icon.png eBook (電子書籍) Standard Entertainment 620
Bootmon Bootmon icon.png Super Boot (超起動) Ultimate Tool 57000
Bramon Bramon icon.png Brain Training (脳トレ) Super Game 5000
Calcumon Calcumon icon.png Calculator (電卓) Standard Tool 220
Calendamon Calendamon icon.png Calendar (カレンダー) Standard Tool 170
Callmon Callmon icon.png Phone (電話) Standard Social 520
Cameramon Cameramon icon.png Camera (カメラ) Standard Tool 1200
Cardmon Cardmon icon.png Card (カード) Standard Game 650
Charismon Charismon icon.png Mind Control (マインドコントロール) Ultimate Social 55000
Coachmon Coachmon icon.png Training (育成) Super Game 6000
Cometmon Cometmon icon.png Astrology (天体) Ultimate Navi 65000
Compassmon Compassmon icon.png Compass (コンパス) Standard Navi 230
Consulmon Consulmon icon.png Saving (節約) Super Life 6400
Cookmon Cookmon icon.png Cook (お料理) Standard Entertainment 200
Coordemon Coordemon icon.png Coordinate (コーディネート) Super Entertainment 9600
Copipemon Copipemon icon.png Copy & Paste (コピペ) Standard System 710
Craftmon Craftmon icon.png Design (設計) Super Tool 7200
Damedamon Damedamon icon.png Dame Dame (ダメダメ) Ultimate Social 38000
Dancemon Dancemon icon.png Rhythm (リズム) Standard Game 440
Dantemon 50px Open (開放) 77777
Denpamon Denpamon icon.png Communication (通信) Standard System 680
Deusumon Deusmon icon.png Omnipotence (全能) God God 340000
Dezipmon Dezipmon icon.png Zip/Unzip (圧縮解凍) Super System 10500
Diarimon Diarimon icon.png Diary (日記帳) Standard Tool 180
Dicemon Dicemon icon.png Dice (サイコロ) Standard Entertainment 120
Docmon Docmon icon.png Doctor (ドクター) Super Life 8800
Dogamon Dogamon icon.png Video (動画) Standard Entertainment 740
Dogatchmon Dogatchmon icon.png Super Search (超検索) Super Social 7500
Dokamon Dokamon icon.png Action (アクション) Standard Game 900
Dopemon Dopemon icon.png Enhancement (増強) Standard Life 360
Dosukomon Dosukomon icon.png Fighting (格闘) Super Game 11000
Drawmon Drawmon icon.png Paint (ペイント) Standard Entertainment 800
Dreammon Dreammon icon.png Dream (夢) Super Entertainment 7800
Dressmon Dressmon icon.png Fashion (ファッション) Standard Entertainment 240
Ecomon Ecomon icon.png Energy Saving (省エネ) Standard System 100
Effecmon Effecmon icon.png Effect (エフェクト) Super Entertainment 7000
Entermon Entermon icon.png Entertainment (エンターテイメント) Ultimate Entertainment 42000
Fakemon Fakemon icon.png Camouflage (偽装) Ultimate Tool 50000
Flickmon Flickmon (social) icon.png
Flickmon (navi) icon.png
Flickmon (tool) icon.png
Flickmon (system) icon.png
Flickmon (game) icon.png
Flickmon (entertainment) icon.png
Flickmon (life) icon.png
Flick (フリック) Standard 8
Gaiamon Gaiamon icon.png Creation (創造) God God 300000
Gashamon Gashamon icon.png Gasha (ガシャ) Standard Entertainment 300
Gatchmon Gatchmon icon.png Search (検索) Standard Social 1000
Gengomon Gengomon icon.png Translation (翻訳) Standard Social 460
Globemon Globemon icon.png Global (グローバル) Ultimate Social 60000
Gomimon Gomimon icon.png Trashbin (ゴミ箱) Standard Tool 10
Gossipmon Gossipmon icon.png Gossip (ゴシップ) Super Social 4800
Gugumon 50px Search (検索) Standard Social 1100
Hackmon Hackmon icon.png Hacking (ハッキング) Standard System 1400
Hadesmon Hadesmon icon.png Variation (変化) God God 315000
Jammingmon Jammingmon icon.png Jamming (ジャミング) Standard Tool 930
Jetmon Jetmon icon.png Flight (フライト) Standard Navi 1100
Jishomon Jishomon icon.png Dictionary (辞書) Standard Life 680
Jumpplusmon 50px Jumpplus (ジャンプ+) Standard Entertainment 550
Kabemon Kabemon icon.png Wallpaper (壁紙) Standard System 140
Kaimon Kaimon icon.png Shopping (ショッピング) Standard Life 330
Kakeimon Kakeimon icon.png Account Book (家計簿) Standard Life 210
Kosomon Kosomon icon.png Gossip Review (裏口コミ) Standard Social 230
Libramon Libramon icon.png Library (図書館) Super Life 5400
Lightmon Lightmon icon.png Light (ライト) Standard Tool 150
Logamon Logamon icon.png Logoff (ログオフ) Super Social 7200
Logimon Logimon icon.png Login (ログイン) Super Social 7200
Luckmon Luckmon icon.png Slot (スロット) Standard Entertainment 777
Mailmon Mailmon icon.png Mail (メール) Standard Social 510
Mcmon Mcmon icon.png Broadcasting (実況) Standard Navi 780
Mediamon Mediamon icon.png Media Player (メディアプレーヤー) Super Entertainment 5800
Medicmon Medicmon icon.png Medical (メディカル) Super Life 8000
Messemon Messemon icon.png Message (メッセージ) Standard Social 500
Mienumon Mienumon icon.png Stealth (ステルス) Super System 8400
Mirrormon Mirrormon icon.png Mirror (ミラー) Standard Tool 700
Moneymon Moneymon icon.png eMoney (電子マネー) Standard Life 110
Musclemon Musclemon icon.png Muscle Training (筋トレ) Standard Life 920
Musimon Musimon icon.png Music (音楽) Standard Entertainment 880
Navimon Navimon icon.png Navi (ナビ) Standard Navi 560
Newsmon Newsmon icon.png News (ニュース) Standard Navi 390
Offmon Offmon icon.png Offline (オフライン) Standard Game 950
Onmon Onmon icon.png Online (オンライン) Standard Game 950
Onpamon Onpamon icon.png Ultrasound (超音波) Standard Tool 580
Oujamon Oujamon icon.png Battle (戦闘) Ultimate Game 95000
Ouranosmon Ouranosmon icon.png Arousal (覚醒) God God 290000
Pekomon Pekomon icon.png Compression (圧縮) Standard System 80
Perorimon Perorimon icon.png Gourmet (グルメ) Standard Entertainment 690
Pipomon Pipomon icon.png Warning (注意報) Standard System 950
Pokomon Pokomon icon.png Decompression (解凍) Standard System 80
Poseidomon Poseidomon icon.png Invincible (無敵) God God 270000
Protecmon Protecmon icon.png Security (セキュリティ) Standard System 750
Puzzlemon Puzzlemon icon.png Puzzle (パズル) Standard Game 350
Racemon Racemon icon.png Race (レース) Standard Game 550
Raidramon Raidramon icon.png Super Hacking (超ハッキング) Super System 12500
Rebootmon Rebootmon icon.png Reboot (再起動) God God 280000
Recomon Recomon icon.png Recording (録音) Standard Tool 290
Resshamon Resshamon icon.png Transfer (乗換) Standard Navi 720
Reviewmon Reviewmon icon.png Review (口コミ) Standard Social 250
Revivemon Revivemon icon.png Restoration (復元) Ultimate System 78000
Roamon Roamon icon.png Voice Change (ボイスチェンジ) Super Tool 4400
Rocketmon Rocketmon icon.png Rocket (ロケット) Standard Navi 1600
Ropuremon Ropuremon icon.png Ropure (ロープレ) Standard Game 1500
Sakusimon Sakusimon icon.png Simulation (シミュレーション) Super Game 14000
Santamon 50px Christmas (クリスマス) Super Entertainment 12250
Sateramon Sateramon icon.png GPS (GPS) Ultimate Navi 100000
Savemon Savemon icon.png Backup (バックアップ) Standard System 1100
Scorpmon Scorpmon icon.png Monitoring (監視) Super Tool 13000
Setmon Setmon icon.png Setup (設定) Standard Social 50
Shotmon Shotmon icon.png Shooting (シューティング) Standard Game 1300
Shutmon Shutmon icon.png Forced Termination (強制終了) Ultimate Tool 57000
Sleepmon Sleepmon icon.png Sleep (睡眠) Standard Life 270
Sociamon Sociamon icon.png SNS (SNS) Super Social 6800
Spamon Spamon icon.png Spa (温泉) Standard Life 260
Speciamon 50px Secret (機密) Ultimate Navi 100000
Sukasimon Sukasimon icon.png Failed (スカ) Super Social 4000
Supermon 50px Super (スーパー) Super System 10000
Supplemon Supplemon icon.png Supple (サプリ) Standard Life 310
Swipemon Swipemon (social) icon.png
Swipemon (navi) icon.png
Swipemon (tool) icon.png
Swipemon (system) icon.png
Swipemon (game) icon.png
Swipemon (entertainment) icon.png
Swipemon (life) icon.png
Swipe (スワイプ) Standard 8
Tapmon Tapmon (social) icon.png
Tapmon (navi) icon.png
Tapmon (tool) icon.png
Tapmon (system) icon.png
Tapmon (game) icon.png
Tapmon (entertainment) icon.png
Tapmon (life) icon.png
Tap (タップ) Standard 8
Tarotmon Tarotmon icon.png Super Fortune Telling (超占い) Super Entertainment 11500
Tellermon Tellermon icon.png Fortune Telling (占い) Standard Entertainment 400
Timemon Timemon icon.png Time Slip (タイムスリップ) Super Tool 10000
Trickmon Trickmon icon.png Trick (手品) Standard Entertainment 530
Tripmon Tripmon icon.png Trip (旅行) Super Navi 6200
Tubumon Tubumon icon.png Tweet (つぶやき) Standard Social 480
Tutomon Tutomon icon.png Commentary (解説) Standard Navi 200
Uratekumon Uratekumon icon.png Hints and Tips (攻略) Super Game 9000
Vegasmon Vegasmon icon.png Roulette (ルーレット) Super Entertainment 9800
Virusmon Virusmon icon.png Virus (ウィルス) Standard Life 640
Vjumpmon 50px V Jump (Vジャンプ) Super Game 5500
Warpmon Warpmon icon.png Transmission (転送) Super System 12000
Warudamon Warudamon icon.png Strategy (策略) Ultimate System 88000
Watchmon Watchmon icon.png Watch (時計) Standard Tool 160
Weatherdramon Weatherdramon icon.png Climate (天候) Super Navi 15000
Weathermon Weathermon icon.png Weather (天気) Standard Navi 1050
Yadomon Yadomon icon.png Hotel (ホテル) Standard Navi 470

List of Types[edit]

Type Japanese Icon Strong Against Weak Against
Social ソシャール Social icon.png Navi Life
Navi ナビ Navi icon.png Tool Social
Tool ツール Tool icon.png System Navi
System システム System icon.png Game Tool
Game ゲーム Game icon.png Entertainment System
Entertainment エンタメ Entertainment icon.png Life Game
Life ライフ Life icon.png Social Entertainment
God ゴッド God icon.png

Power Chart[edit]

Social > Navi > Tool > System > Game > Entertainment > Life > Social

Attribute or Type?[edit]

Although this parameter has currently been referred to as "Type", the kanji used for it is the same as what is used for the Digimon parameter. Should we use "Attribute" or continue using "Type"? --Ainz ( talk | contribs ) 09:22, 21 July 2016 (CDT)

AppLink Uniqueness?[edit]

Should the different AppLink have their own page, or instead they should be merged with their respective base Appmon page (e.g. DoGatchmon Plus Dokamon just considered as DoGatchmon, or even a different kind of DoGatchmon within the same page)? In my case, I definetely opt for the latter. As far as I've seen of Cyber Arena, any Appmon can be combined with any other one by AppLink, so doesn't this take away their required uniqueness in order to be considered as a separate Digimon species? Just a thought. In any case I think it is an unprecedented case within the franchise. What do you think on this matter guys? --Shadow Shinji (talk) 11:35, 20 September 2016 (CDT)

idk about the others, but I agree with treating Applinked Appmon as just as extension of the original; so far they don't even have any differences from the original except another Appmon tagging along and being able to use its attacks? --Garmmon (talk) 09:17, 21 September 2016 (CDT)
Since AppLink is possible between all Appmon I think we should treat it as a general Appmon ability. Having the process being described on the Appmon page should suffice. ShikaSS (talk) 10:58, 21 September 2016 (CDT)
I also agree, the only form of Applinkng we should be really concerned with, espeically now, is App-fusion. As for stuff like card pages e.g. Dogatchmon Plus Dokamon, we could still have a category for cards with that name, but make it a subcategory of the original's. --Ainz ( talk | contribs ) 11:15, 21 September 2016 (CDT)
There seems to be a special kind of AppLink, based on this video. "Chou Gattai (超合体)" is what it's called but I think we'd rather wait for more info about it. Just wanted to throw it out there.ShikaSS (talk) 05:31, 1 December 2016 (CST)
Strictly speaking, we've already seen this in the anime with Gatchmon getting both Dokamon's fists when Eri was introduced and later Roleplaymon's sword, shield, and cape when the Appmon had their contest.
That being said I would not consider forms that result from this unique species since this seems more like an advanced form of AppLink that only superficially resembles actual AppFusion. Chimera-gui (talk) 16:54, 9 December 2016 (CST)

Chou Gattai AppLink[edit]

I feel like these "Chou Gattai (超合体)" AppLinks mentioned above are noteworthy enough to at least be mentioned on their respective Appmon's pages. As it stands, the only way to find them is to pour through all the cards and Appmon Chips on their respective pages. (Except for Gatchmon Plus Ropuremon, which isn't mentioned on any page on the entire wiki...) I would like to add a Chou Gattai AppLink section to each Appmon's page, listing their available Chou Gattai AppLinks, if that is acceptable? I feel it would make that information more readily available to people using this Wiki. There are also some of these Chou Gattai AppLinks that can evolve/AppFuse directly from the Appmon who make up the base Appmon in the card game. I wonder if they should be listed separately in the evolutions section? I went ahead and editted Gatchmon's page as a sort of proof of concept, to show what I mean. If this is acceptable, I can go ahead and do this for all the Appmon. If there is anything I need to change, feel free to let me know. I had also considered just adding the Chou Gattai AppLinks to the Evolutions section directly, with (Chou Gattai AppLink) or (Applink). If something like that may be better? KiraraKidohara (talk) 17:22, 23 April 2022 (CDT)

The Appmon Chip Encyclopedia makes it very clear that Chou Gattai AppLink is only a visual modification of regular Applink since clicking the Chou Gattai AppLink chips just goes to the original base Appmon's species page (e.g. clicking the Dosukomon Plus Navimon chip goes to base Dosukomon's species page) and Applink itself was accepted as a general Appmon ability and thus AppLinks were deemed not unique enough to be listed.
Please revert everything you just did until someone in charge allows this. Chimera-gui (talk) 00:30, 24 April 2022 (CDT)
Oh. I thought the above was saying that they were considered not unique enough to have their own pages. I didn't see anything saying they weren't unique enough to even be listed anywhere... I thought them not being listed made the Appmon sections seem incomplete, since they are relevant information. Seems weird to not have them so much as mentioned anywhere, since they do have unique designs. It's just lacking information for the sake of lacking information. But, I'll undo it tomorrow, then. It's getting late here. Before I go to bed, is there someone in charge in particular that I'm supposed to ask about this? KiraraKidohara (talk) 01:07, 24 April 2022 (CDT)
I decided to go ahead and start tonight, and finished undoing the edits before bed. So, the pages are back to normal, as per your request. I still want to make clear that I think by removing this information, I have made the pages less useful, and have removed accurate and relevant information. I think listing these unique AppLinks would be beneficial to these pages, which is why I added the info in the first place. I wasn't trying to undermine anyone, I just thought I was adding useful info to the page, like any other edit. I am sorry if I wasn't supposed to. I guess this section is now my formal request to be permitted to add this information to the relevant pages, as I see it as worthwhile information that users would appreciate having easier access to. If there is a more appropriate place to ask for said permission, I would appreciate being pointed in that direction, please. KiraraKidohara (talk) 01:37, 24 April 2022 (CDT)
Hmmm, it looks like we don’t have an Applink page here. That seems like it’d be a better place to list Chou Gattai so they’d all be together just as the DigiXros page lists Digixroses together. Would that be acceptable to you? Chimera-gui (talk) 03:56, 24 April 2022 (CDT)
Personally, I still think them being listed on their related Appmon's pages somehow would be the best option, since it is relevant information about those Appmon, but I would be very happy as long as the information was readily and easily available somewhere on this wiki. I have been using this wiki for many years, long before I became an editor here, and I have always found these unique AppLinks being unlisted to be extremely disappointing. Which is why I tried to add them yesterday. I imagined other Appmon fans, like myself, would appreciate that information being easier to find.
But, as for making the AppLink page, I am a pretty new editor here. I wouldn't even begin to know how to do that. The only pages I've ever made is simple stuff like Digital Monster Vital Bracelet Attributes and Levels and similar pages used for v-pet Jogress reference. I imagine a page on AppLinking would require more than just a list like that. KiraraKidohara (talk) 04:11, 24 April 2022 (CDT)
How is this: AppLink? KiraraKidohara (talk) 04:42, 24 April 2022 (CDT)

I don't mean to seem argumentative or anything, but I am very slow at forming my thoughts properly, so it just occurred to me that what you're saying basically boils down to: Gatchmon Plus Ropuremon is just a Gatchmon, not a separate Appmon, and therefore it shouldn't be referenced on Gatchmon's page at all. (I understand that is an exaggeration of your point.) But, shouldn't the opposite be true? If Gatchmon Plus Ropuremon is just Gatchmon, isn't Gatchmon's page the 1 place it should have its info, just like Shadow Shinji mentioned above? When you first told me to undo my edits, you said "AppLinks were deemed not unique enough to be listed", but that is not what the above discussion seemed to deem from what I'm reading. The above discussion was about whether they should have their own pages, and the idea of including them on the relevant pages was even brought up as an alternative. I'm not trying to argue, just trying to thoroughly explain what I mean, since I sometimes have trouble explaining things. My edits last night were faulty. In retrospect, including them in the evolution section was just me overthinking things. I should have just kept it a simple list of Chou Gattai AppLinks. Again, the point of this wall of text was just to better explain my point, after having time to think it through more. You said I should wait for someone in charge. Ainz was a part of the above discussion, and they are a bolded user, so I guess they qualify? So, I am also going to bring this up to them, to try and get their opinion as well, since they were a part of the original conversation. I hope that is okay? I am not trying to "go over your head" or anything like that. This just seems like the most logical course of action considering your own suggestion. I am still open to dialogue with you as well. I'm not storming off. Just bringing more voices into the conversation. KiraraKidohara (talk) 07:16, 24 April 2022 (CDT)

You know what, nevermind. I don't handle stressful situations well, and this has had me sick all night... I give up. I don't have any hard feelings, I even understand your points, and think maybe my idea could've used some more refinement, now. But, I just can't handle confrontation/debate well... It's too hard on me. I'm not upset with you, or anything, I just can't handle situations like this... They make me sick. Sorry. Thanks for your help. I'm just glad these variants are acknowledged somewhere on the wiki now. I just have to stop trying, or I'm just going to stay sick like this. It's nothing you did, it's just me. You were very cordial. But, even just trying to explain myself is too much for me. Sorry for being a nuisance. KiraraKidohara (talk) 09:54, 24 April 2022 (CDT)

Regarding Appmon Romanization[edit]

I've been noticing lately that some of the rōmajis that the anime of Appli Monsters has been providing to us so far have some incosistencies, being the most notable ones Ropuremon, Scorpmon, and more recently, Weatherdoramon. Let's analyze each one:

  • Ropuremon: basically comes from rōrupureingu, which is the literal transliteration in Japanese of Roleplaying. This doesn't make sense to me. It is as fucked up as Lilismon, which instead of a romanization, seems more like a pronunciation tip.
  • Scorpmon: A misspeling of scope, which is clearly the concept in which its design is based on. So I don't understand the need of this awkard misspeling...
  • Weatherdoramon: probably the most alarming one. There a lots of -dramon (ドラモン) alongside the entire franchise, but still they have romanized the name as -doramon for some reason.

As far as we know, like a half of the existing Appmon's names (without taking God Appmon into account) are based on Japanese concepts (Yadomon, Resshamon), while almost the other half is based on English words (Dressmon, Hackmon), and there are just a few of them that are based in words from any other languages (like Dezipmon or Vegasmon). My point is that the Japanese ones that have made an appearance in the show so far, are at least properly spelled, while there are others from English origin like the ones I've mentioned, that not exactly. And considering that Bandai is very fond of Engrish sometimes, do we want to follow this way of naming strictly? In my opinion, we should wait till more potential products come out and later decide something, but anyways I'd love to hear your thoughts. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 10:38, 8 March 2017 (CST)

Is it really that much of an issue? It's a name for a fictional creature, I don't think it matters whether or not it is written correctly. Oh, and "ropure" is an actual slang abbreviation for "rōrupureingu" so it's probably not a mistake. ShikaSS (talk) 15:54, 8 March 2017 (CST)
I feel like it should be noted that Scorpmon could be a reference to the Scorpio(n), a sniper weapon from the Roman Empire. Chimera-gui (talk) 16:46, 8 March 2017 (CST)