Izumi Koshiro (Adventure:)

From Wikimon
For the Izumi Koshiro in Digimon Adventure, see here.
Izumi Koshiro
Izumi Koshiro
Kanji/Kana 泉 光子郎
Dub Name Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi[1]
Izzy Izumi[2]
Partner Digimon Tentomon
Digivice Digivice: (purple when activated)
Crest Knowledge
Voice Actor Japanese Kobayashi Yumiko (小林 由美子)
English Anne Yatco

Izumi Koshiro is one of the eight Chosen Child protagonists of Digimon Adventure:.


Card Game Evolution[edit]



Digimon Adventure:[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]


Izumi koshiro reboot.png DA2020 Izumi Koshiro.jpg Tentomon koshiro.png Yamato sora koshiro mimi joe.png
Digimon Adventure: Digimon Adventure: Digimon Adventure: Digimon Adventure:
DA2020 Koshiro.jpg
Digimon Series: Acrylic de Card


Tentomon izumi koshiro illustration watanabe kenji.jpg Adventure 2020 BD Box Art 1-2.jpg Koshiro and Tentomon Adventure 2020 Shikishi.jpg Chosen Children Adventure 2020 Shikishi.jpg
Illustration by Watanabe Kenji Illustration for the Digimon Adventure: BD-Box Digimon Adventure:
Digimon Adventure:
Izumi Koushiro BN Figure Q.png The Chosen Children BN Figure Q.jpg Izumi koshiro tentomon acrylicbadge.jpg
Digimon Adventure: BN Figure Q Digimon Adventure: BN Figure Q Digimon Adventure:
Acrylic Badge

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Adventure:
Main Characters Yagami TaichiTakenouchi SoraIshida YamatoIzumi KoshiroTachikawa MimiKido JoeTakaishi TakeruYagami Hikari
Partner Digimon AgumonGabumonPiyomonPalmonTentomonGomamonPatamonTailmon
Supporting Characters LeomonLopmonKomondomonGerbemonSearchmonWisemon
Antagonists Algomon (Baby I/Baby II/Child/Adult/Perfect/Ultimate) • DevimonSkull KnightmonMillenniumonOrgemonSoundbirdmon/DeathmonEyesmonNegamon
Dark Digimon Army Coredramon BlueCoredramon GreenGorimonSolarmonDark TyranomonMetal TyranomonScorpiomonWaspmonCannonbeemonKuwagamonOkuwamonMinotarumonTroopmonVelgrmonCalamaramonSplashmonDark MaildramonMephismonMugendramonGriffomonSephirothmon/ChimairamonVademon
Terms Digivice:
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